GetFEM  5.4.1
gmm_condition_number.h File Reference

computation of the condition number of dense matrices. More...

#include "gmm_dense_qr.h"

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template<typename MAT >
number_traits< typename linalg_traits< MAT >::value_type >::magnitude_type gmm::condition_number (const MAT &M, typename number_traits< typename linalg_traits< MAT >::value_type >::magnitude_type &emin, typename number_traits< typename linalg_traits< MAT >::value_type >::magnitude_type &emax)
 computation of the condition number of dense matrices using SVD. More...
template<typename MAT >
number_traits< typename linalg_traits< MAT >::value_type >::magnitude_type gmm::condest (const MAT &M, typename number_traits< typename linalg_traits< MAT >::value_type >::magnitude_type &emin, typename number_traits< typename linalg_traits< MAT >::value_type >::magnitude_type &emax)
 estimation of the condition number (TO BE DONE...)

Detailed Description

computation of the condition number of dense matrices.

Yves Renard, Julien Pommier
August 27, 2003.

Definition in file gmm_condition_number.h.

Function Documentation

◆ condition_number()

template<typename MAT >
number_traits<typename linalg_traits<MAT>::value_type>::magnitude_type gmm::condition_number ( const MAT &  M,
typename number_traits< typename linalg_traits< MAT >::value_type >::magnitude_type &  emin,
typename number_traits< typename linalg_traits< MAT >::value_type >::magnitude_type &  emax 

computation of the condition number of dense matrices using SVD.

Uses symmetric_qr_algorithm => dense matrices only.

Ma matrix.
eminsmallest (in magnitude) eigenvalue
emaxlargest eigenvalue.

Definition at line 55 of file gmm_condition_number.h.