GetFEM  5.4.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*- c++ -*- (enables emacs c++ mode) */
2 /*===========================================================================
4  Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Yves Renard
6  This file is a part of GetFEM
8  GetFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
10  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
11  (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
12  Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
13  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
15  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
16  License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
17  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21  As a special exception, you may use this file as it is a part of a free
22  software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files
23  instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file,
24  or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce an
25  executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable
26  to be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License. This exception
27  does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file
28  might be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
30 ===========================================================================*/
32 /**@file getfem_fourth_order.h
33  @author Yves Renard <>,
34  Julien Pommier <>
35  @date January 6, 2006.
36  @brief assembly procedures and bricks for fourth order pdes.
37 */
41 #include "getfem_models.h"
42 #include "getfem_assembling.h"
44 namespace getfem {
46  /* ******************************************************************** */
47  /* Bilaplacian assembly routines. */
48  /* ******************************************************************** */
50  /**
51  assembly of @f$\int_\Omega \Delta u \Delta v@f$.
52  @ingroup asm
53  */
54  template<typename MAT, typename VECT>
56  (const MAT &M, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf,
57  const mesh_fem &mf_data, const VECT &A,
58  const mesh_region &rg = mesh_region::all_convexes()) {
59  generic_assembly assem
60  ("a=data$1(#2);"
61  "M(#1,#1)+=sym(comp(Hess(#1).Hess(#1).Base(#2))(:,i,i,:,j,j,k).a(k))");
62  assem.push_mi(mim);
63  assem.push_mf(mf);
64  assem.push_mf(mf_data);
65  assem.push_data(A);
66  assem.push_mat(const_cast<MAT &>(M));
67  assem.assembly(rg);
68  }
70  template<typename MAT, typename VECT>
71  void asm_stiffness_matrix_for_homogeneous_bilaplacian
72  (const MAT &M, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf,
73  const VECT &A, const mesh_region &rg = mesh_region::all_convexes()) {
74  generic_assembly assem
75  ("a=data$1(1);"
76  "M(#1,#1)+=sym(comp(Hess(#1).Hess(#1))(:,i,i,:,j,j).a(1))");
77  assem.push_mi(mim);
78  assem.push_mf(mf);
79  assem.push_data(A);
80  assem.push_mat(const_cast<MAT &>(M));
81  assem.assembly(rg);
82  }
85  template<typename MAT, typename VECT>
86  void asm_stiffness_matrix_for_bilaplacian_KL
87  (const MAT &M, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf,
88  const mesh_fem &mf_data, const VECT &D_, const VECT &nu_,
89  const mesh_region &rg = mesh_region::all_convexes()) {
90  generic_assembly assem
91  ("d=data$1(#2); n=data$2(#2);"
92  "t=comp(Hess(#1).Hess(#1).Base(#2).Base(#2));"
93  "M(#1,#1)+=sym(t(:,i,j,:,i,j,k,l).d(k)-t(:,i,j,:,i,j,k,l).d(k).n(l)"
94  "+t(:,i,i,:,j,j,k,l).d(k).n(l))");
95  assem.push_mi(mim);
96  assem.push_mf(mf);
97  assem.push_mf(mf_data);
98  assem.push_data(D_);
99  assem.push_data(nu_);
100  assem.push_mat(const_cast<MAT &>(M));
101  assem.assembly(rg);
102  }
104  template<typename MAT, typename VECT>
105  void asm_stiffness_matrix_for_homogeneous_bilaplacian_KL
106  (const MAT &M, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf,
107  const VECT &D_, const VECT &nu_,
108  const mesh_region &rg = mesh_region::all_convexes()) {
109  generic_assembly assem
110  ("d=data$1(1); n=data$2(1);"
111  "t=comp(Hess(#1).Hess(#1));"
112  "M(#1,#1)+=sym(t(:,i,j,:,i,j).d(1)-t(:,i,j,:,i,j).d(1).n(1)"
113  "+t(:,i,i,:,j,j).d(1).n(1))");
114  assem.push_mi(mim);
115  assem.push_mf(mf);
116  assem.push_data(D_);
117  assem.push_data(nu_);
118  assem.push_mat(const_cast<MAT &>(M));
119  assem.assembly(rg);
120  }
122  /* ******************************************************************** */
123  /* Bilaplacian bricks. */
124  /* ******************************************************************** */
127  /** Adds a bilaplacian brick on the variable
128  `varname` and on the mesh region `region`.
129  This represent a term :math:`\Delta(D \Delta u)`.
130  where :math:`D(x)` is a coefficient determined by `dataname` which
131  could be constant or described on a f.e.m. The corresponding weak form
132  is :math:`\int D(x)\Delta u(x) \Delta v(x) dx`.
133  */
135  (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname,
136  const std::string &dataname, size_type region = size_type(-1));
138  /** Adds a bilaplacian brick on the variable
139  `varname` and on the mesh region `region`.
140  This represent a term :math:`\Delta(D \Delta u)` where :math:`D(x)`
141  is a the flexion modulus determined by `dataname1`. The term is
142  integrated by part following a Kirchhoff-Love plate model
143  with `dataname2` the poisson ratio.
144  */
146  (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname,
147  const std::string &dataname1, const std::string &dataname2,
148  size_type region = size_type(-1));
151  /* ******************************************************************** */
152  /* Normale derivative source term assembly routines. */
153  /* ******************************************************************** */
155  /**
156  assembly of @f$\int_\Gamma{\partial_n u f}@f$.
157  @ingroup asm
158  */
159  template<typename VECT1, typename VECT2>
161  (VECT1 &B, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf, const mesh_fem &mf_data,
162  const VECT2 &F, const mesh_region &rg) {
163  GMM_ASSERT1(mf_data.get_qdim() == 1,
164  "invalid data mesh fem (Qdim=1 required)");
166  size_type Q = gmm::vect_size(F) / mf_data.nb_dof();
168  // const char *s;
169  // if (mf.get_qdim() == 1 && Q == 1)
170  // s = "F=data(#2);"
171  // "V(#1)+=comp(Grad(#1).Normal().Base(#2))(:,i,i,j).F(j);";
172  // else if (mf.get_qdim() == 1 && Q == gmm::sqr(mf.linked_mesh().dim()))
173  // s = "F=data(mdim(#1),mdim(#1),#2);"
174  // "V(#1)+=comp(Grad(#1).Normal().Normal().Normal().Base(#2))"
175  // "(:,i,i,k,l,j).F(k,l,j);";
176  // else if (mf.get_qdim() > size_type(1) && Q == mf.get_qdim())
177  // s = "F=data(qdim(#1),#2);"
178  // "V(#1)+=comp(vGrad(#1).Normal().Base(#2))(:,i,k,k,j).F(i,j);";
179  // else if (mf.get_qdim() > size_type(1) &&
180  // Q == size_type(mf.get_qdim()*gmm::sqr(mf.linked_mesh().dim())))
181  // s = "F=data(qdim(#1),mdim(#1),mdim(#1),#2);"
182  // "V(#1)+=comp(vGrad(#1).Normal().Normal().Normal().Base(#2))"
183  // "(:,i,k,k,l,m,j).F(i,l,m,j);";
184  // else
185  // GMM_ASSERT1(false, "invalid rhs vector");
186  // asm_real_or_complex_1_param(B, mim, mf, mf_data, F, rg, s);
188  const char *s;
189  if (mf.get_qdim() == 1 && Q == 1)
190  s = "Grad_Test_u.(A*Normal)";
191  else if (mf.get_qdim() == 1 && Q == gmm::sqr(mf.linked_mesh().dim()))
192  s = "Grad_Test_u.(((Reshape(A,meshdim,meshdim)*Normal).Normal)*Normal)";
193  else if (mf.get_qdim() > size_type(1) && Q == mf.get_qdim())
194  s = "((Grad_Test_u')*A).Normal";
195  else if (mf.get_qdim() > size_type(1) &&
196  Q == size_type(mf.get_qdim()*gmm::sqr(mf.linked_mesh().dim())))
197  s = "((((Grad_Test_u').Reshape(A,qdim(u),meshdim,meshdim)).Normal).Normal).Normal";
198  else
199  GMM_ASSERT1(false, "invalid rhs vector");
200  asm_real_or_complex_1_param_vec(B, mim, mf, &mf_data, F, rg, s);
201  }
203  template<typename VECT1, typename VECT2>
204  void asm_homogeneous_normal_derivative_source_term
205  (VECT1 &B, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf,
206  const VECT2 &F, const mesh_region &rg) {
208  size_type Q = gmm::vect_size(F);
210  // const char *s;
211  // if (mf.get_qdim() == 1 && Q == 1)
212  // s = "F=data(1);"
213  // "V(#1)+=comp(Grad(#1).Normal())(:,i,i).F(1);";
214  // else if (mf.get_qdim() == 1 && Q == gmm::sqr(mf.linked_mesh().dim()))
215  // s = "F=data(mdim(#1),mdim(#1));"
216  // "V(#1)+=comp(Grad(#1).Normal().Normal().Normal())"
217  // "(:,i,i,l,j).F(l,j);";
218  // else if (mf.get_qdim() > size_type(1) && Q == mf.get_qdim())
219  // s = "F=data(qdim(#1));"
220  // "V(#1)+=comp(vGrad(#1).Normal())(:,i,k,k).F(i);";
221  // else if (mf.get_qdim() > size_type(1) &&
222  // Q == size_type(mf.get_qdim()*gmm::sqr(mf.linked_mesh().dim())))
223  // s = "F=data(qdim(#1),mdim(#1),mdim(#1));"
224  // "V(#1)+=comp(vGrad(#1).Normal().Normal().Normal())"
225  // "(:,i,k,k,l,m).F(i,l,m);";
226  // else
227  // GMM_ASSERT1(false, "invalid rhs vector");
228  // asm_real_or_complex_1_param(B, mim, mf, mf, F, rg, s);
230  const char *s;
231  if (mf.get_qdim() == 1 && Q == 1)
232  s = "Test_Grad_u.(A*Normal)";
233  else if (mf.get_qdim() == 1 && Q == gmm::sqr(mf.linked_mesh().dim()))
234  s = "Test_Grad_u.(((Reshape(A,meshdim,meshdim)*Normal).Normal)*Normal)";
235  else if (mf.get_qdim() > size_type(1) && Q == mf.get_qdim())
236  s = "((Test_Grad_u')*A).Normal";
237  else if (mf.get_qdim() > size_type(1) &&
238  Q == size_type(mf.get_qdim()*gmm::sqr(mf.linked_mesh().dim())))
239  s = "((((Test_Grad_u').Reshape(A,qdim(u),meshdim,meshdim)).Normal).Normal).Normal";
240  else
241  GMM_ASSERT1(false, "invalid rhs vector");
242  asm_real_or_complex_1_param_vec(B, mim, mf, 0, F, rg, s);
243  }
246  /* ******************************************************************** */
247  /* Normale derivative source term brick. */
248  /* ******************************************************************** */
251  /** Adds a normal derivative source term brick
252  :math:`F = \int b.\partial_n v` on the variable `varname` and the
253  mesh region `region`.
255  Update the right hand side of the linear system.
256  `dataname` represents `b` and `varname` represents `v`.
257  */
259  (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname,
260  const std::string &dataname, size_type region);
263  /* ******************************************************************** */
264  /* Special boundary condition for Kirchhoff-Love model. */
265  /* ******************************************************************** */
267  /*
268  assembly of the special boundary condition for Kirchhoff-Love model.
269  @ingroup asm
270  */
271  template<typename VECT1, typename VECT2>
272  void asm_neumann_KL_term
273  (VECT1 &B, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf, const mesh_fem &mf_data,
274  const VECT2 &M, const VECT2 &divM, const mesh_region &rg) {
275  GMM_ASSERT1(mf_data.get_qdim() == 1,
276  "invalid data mesh fem (Qdim=1 required)");
278  generic_assembly assem
279  ("MM=data$1(mdim(#1),mdim(#1),#2);"
280  "divM=data$2(mdim(#1),#2);"
281  "V(#1)+=comp(Base(#1).Normal().Base(#2))(:,i,j).divM(i,j);"
282  "V(#1)+=comp(Grad(#1).Normal().Base(#2))(:,i,j,k).MM(i,j,k)*(-1);"
283  "V(#1)+=comp(Grad(#1).Normal().Normal().Normal().Base(#2))(:,i,i,j,k,l).MM(j,k,l);");
285  assem.push_mi(mim);
286  assem.push_mf(mf);
287  assem.push_mf(mf_data);
288  assem.push_data(M);
289  assem.push_data(divM);
290  assem.push_vec(B);
291  assem.assembly(rg);
292  }
294  template<typename VECT1, typename VECT2>
295  void asm_neumann_KL_homogeneous_term
296  (VECT1 &B, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf,
297  const VECT2 &M, const VECT2 &divM, const mesh_region &rg) {
299  generic_assembly assem
300  ("MM=data$1(mdim(#1),mdim(#1));"
301  "divM=data$2(mdim(#1));"
302  "V(#1)+=comp(Base(#1).Normal())(:,i).divM(i);"
303  "V(#1)+=comp(Grad(#1).Normal())(:,i,j).MM(i,j)*(-1);"
304  "V(#1)+=comp(Grad(#1).Normal().Normal().Normal())(:,i,i,j,k).MM(j,k);");
306  assem.push_mi(mim);
307  assem.push_mf(mf);
308  assem.push_data(M);
309  assem.push_data(divM);
310  assem.push_vec(B);
311  assem.assembly(rg);
312  }
314  /* ******************************************************************** */
315  /* Kirchhoff Love Neumann term brick. */
316  /* ******************************************************************** */
319  /** Adds a Neumann term brick for Kirchhoff-Love model
320  on the variable `varname` and the mesh region `region`.
321  `dataname1` represents the bending moment tensor and `dataname2`
322  its divergence.
323  */
325  (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname,
326  const std::string &dataname1, const std::string &dataname2,
327  size_type region);
330  /* ******************************************************************** */
331  /* Normal derivative Dirichlet assembly routines. */
332  /* ******************************************************************** */
334  /**
335  Assembly of normal derivative Dirichlet constraints
336  @f$ \partial_n u(x) = r(x) @f$ in a weak form
337  @f[ \int_{\Gamma} \partial_n u(x)v(x)=\int_{\Gamma} r(x)v(x) \forall v@f],
338  where @f$ v @f$ is in
339  the space of multipliers corresponding to mf_mult.
341  size(r_data) = Q * nb_dof(mf_rh);
343  version = |ASMDIR_BUILDH : build H
344  |ASMDIR_BUILDR : build R
345  |ASMDIR_BUILDALL : do everything.
347  @ingroup asm
348  */
350  template<typename MAT, typename VECT1, typename VECT2>
352  (MAT &H, VECT1 &R, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf_u,
353  const mesh_fem &mf_mult, const mesh_fem &mf_r,
354  const VECT2 &r_data, const mesh_region &rg, bool R_must_be_derivated,
355  int version) {
356  typedef typename gmm::linalg_traits<VECT1>::value_type value_type;
357  typedef typename gmm::number_traits<value_type>::magnitude_type magn_type;
359  rg.from_mesh(mim.linked_mesh()).error_if_not_faces();
361  if (version & ASMDIR_BUILDH) {
362  const char *s;
363  if (mf_u.get_qdim() == 1 && mf_mult.get_qdim() == 1)
364  s = "M(#1,#2)+=comp(Base(#1).Grad(#2).Normal())(:,:,i,i)";
365  else
366  s = "M(#1,#2)+=comp(vBase(#1).vGrad(#2).Normal())(:,i,:,i,j,j);";
368  generic_assembly assem(s);
369  assem.push_mi(mim);
370  assem.push_mf(mf_mult);
371  assem.push_mf(mf_u);
372  assem.push_mat(H);
373  assem.assembly(rg);
374  gmm::clean(H, gmm::default_tol(magn_type())
375  * gmm::mat_maxnorm(H) * magn_type(1000));
376  }
377  if (version & ASMDIR_BUILDR) {
378  GMM_ASSERT1(mf_r.get_qdim() == 1,
379  "invalid data mesh fem (Qdim=1 required)");
380  if (!R_must_be_derivated) {
381  asm_normal_source_term(R, mim, mf_mult, mf_r, r_data, rg);
382  } else {
383  asm_real_or_complex_1_param_vec(R, mim, mf_mult, &mf_r, r_data, rg,
384  "(Grad_A.Normal)*Test_u");
385  // asm_real_or_complex_1_param
386  // (R, mim, mf_mult, mf_r, r_data, rg,
387  // "R=data(#2); V(#1)+=comp(Base(#1).Grad(#2).Normal())(:,i,j,j).R(i)");
388  }
389  }
390  }
392  /* ******************************************************************** */
393  /* Normal derivative Dirichlet condition bricks. */
394  /* ******************************************************************** */
396  /** Adds a Dirichlet condition on the normal derivative of the variable
397  `varname` and on the mesh region `region` (which should be a boundary).
398  The general form is
399  :math:`\int \partial_n u(x)v(x) = \int r(x)v(x) \forall v`
400  where :math:`r(x)` is
401  the right hand side for the Dirichlet condition (0 for
402  homogeneous conditions) and :math:`v` is in a space of multipliers
403  defined by the variable `multname` on the part of boundary determined
404  by `region`. `dataname` is an optional parameter which represents
405  the right hand side of the Dirichlet condition.
406  If `R_must_be_derivated` is set to `true` then the normal
407  derivative of `dataname` is considered.
408  */
410  (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname,
411  const std::string &multname, size_type region,
412  const std::string &dataname = std::string(),
413  bool R_must_be_derivated = false);
416  /** Adds a Dirichlet condition on the normal derivative of the variable
417  `varname` and on the mesh region `region` (which should be a boundary).
418  The general form is
419  :math:`\int \partial_n u(x)v(x) = \int r(x)v(x) \forall v`
420  where :math:`r(x)` is
421  the right hand side for the Dirichlet condition (0 for
422  homogeneous conditions) and :math:`v` is in a space of multipliers
423  defined by the trace of mf_mult on the part of boundary determined
424  by `region`. `dataname` is an optional parameter which represents
425  the right hand side of the Dirichlet condition.
426  If `R_must_be_derivated` is set to `true` then the normal
427  derivative of `dataname` is considered.
428  */
430  (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname,
431  const mesh_fem &mf_mult, size_type region,
432  const std::string &dataname = std::string(),
433  bool R_must_be_derivated = false);
435  /** Adds a Dirichlet condition on the normal derivative of the variable
436  `varname` and on the mesh region `region` (which should be a boundary).
437  The general form is
438  :math:`\int \partial_n u(x)v(x) = \int r(x)v(x) \forall v`
439  where :math:`r(x)` is
440  the right hand side for the Dirichlet condition (0 for
441  homogeneous conditions) and :math:`v` is in a space of multipliers
442  defined by the trace of a Lagranfe finite element method of degree
443  `degree` and on the boundary determined
444  by `region`. `dataname` is an optional parameter which represents
445  the right hand side of the Dirichlet condition.
446  If `R_must_be_derivated` is set to `true` then the normal
447  derivative of `dataname` is considered.
448  */
450  (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname,
451  dim_type degree, size_type region,
452  const std::string &dataname = std::string(),
453  bool R_must_be_derivated = false);
455  /** Adds a Dirichlet condition on the normal derivative of the variable
456  `varname` and on the mesh region `region` (which should be a boundary).
457  The general form is
458  :math:`\int \partial_n u(x)v(x) = \int r(x)v(x) \forall v`
459  where :math:`r(x)` is
460  the right hand side for the Dirichlet condition (0 for
461  homogeneous conditions). For this brick the condition is enforced with
462  a penalisation with a penanalization parameter `penalization_coeff` on
463  the boundary determined by `region`.
464  `dataname` is an optional parameter which represents
465  the right hand side of the Dirichlet condition.
466  If `R_must_be_derivated` is set to `true` then the normal
467  derivative of `dataname` is considered.
468  Note that is is possible to change the penalization coefficient
469  using the function `getfem::change_penalization_coeff` of the standard
470  Dirichlet condition.
471  */
473  (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname,
474  scalar_type penalisation_coeff, size_type region,
475  const std::string &dataname = std::string(),
476  bool R_must_be_derivated = false);
483 } /* end of namespace getfem. */
486 #endif /* GETFEM_FOURTH_ORDER_H__ */
void asm_normal_derivative_source_term(VECT1 &B, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf, const mesh_fem &mf_data, const VECT2 &F, const mesh_region &rg)
assembly of .
Definition: getfem_fourth_order.h:161
size_type add_bilaplacian_brick_KL(model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname, const std::string &dataname1, const std::string &dataname2, size_type region=size_type(-1))
Adds a bilaplacian brick on the variable varname and on the mesh region region.
virtual dim_type get_qdim() const
Return the Q dimension.
Definition: getfem_mesh_fem.h:312
void asm_stiffness_matrix_for_bilaplacian(const MAT &M, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf, const mesh_fem &mf_data, const VECT &A, const mesh_region &rg=mesh_region::all_convexes())
assembly of .
Definition: getfem_fourth_order.h:56
size_t size_type
used as the common size type in the library
Definition: bgeot_poly.h:49
Describe an integration method linked to a mesh.
Definition: getfem_mesh_im.h:47
size_type add_normal_derivative_source_term_brick(model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname, const std::string &dataname, size_type region)
Adds a normal derivative source term brick :math:F = \int b.
void push_mf(const mesh_fem &mf_)
Add a new mesh_fem.
Definition: getfem_assembling_tensors.h:650
void push_mat(const MAT &m)
Add a new output matrix (fake const version..)
Definition: getfem_assembling_tensors.h:671
Describe a finite element method linked to a mesh.
Definition: getfem_mesh_fem.h:148
static mesh_region all_convexes()
provide a default value for the mesh_region parameters of assembly procedures etc.
Definition: getfem_mesh_region.h:142
void push_data(const VEC &d)
Add a new data (dense array)
Definition: getfem_assembling_tensors.h:659
size_type add_normal_derivative_Dirichlet_condition_with_penalization(model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname, scalar_type penalisation_coeff, size_type region, const std::string &dataname=std::string(), bool R_must_be_derivated=false)
Adds a Dirichlet condition on the normal derivative of the variable varname and on the mesh region re...
GEneric Tool for Finite Element Methods.
Definition: getfem_accumulated_distro.h:46
void assembly(const mesh_region &region=mesh_region::all_convexes())
do the assembly on the specified region (boundary or set of convexes)
Model representation in Getfem.
size_type add_Kirchhoff_Love_Neumann_term_brick(model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname, const std::string &dataname1, const std::string &dataname2, size_type region)
Adds a Neumann term brick for Kirchhoff-Love model on the variable varname and the mesh region region...
void asm_normal_source_term(VECT1 &B, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf, const mesh_fem &mf_data, const VECT2 &F, const mesh_region &rg)
Normal source term (for boundary (Neumann) condition).
Definition: getfem_assembling.h:905
Generic assembly of vectors, matrices.
Definition: getfem_assembling_tensors.h:607
size_type add_normal_derivative_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname, const std::string &multname, size_type region, const std::string &dataname=std::string(), bool R_must_be_derivated=false)
Adds a Dirichlet condition on the normal derivative of the variable varname and on the mesh region re...
size_type add_bilaplacian_brick(model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname, const std::string &dataname, size_type region=size_type(-1))
Adds a bilaplacian brick on the variable varname and on the mesh region region.
const mesh_region & from_mesh(const mesh &m) const
For regions which have been built with just a number 'id', from_mesh(m) sets the current region to 'm...
const mesh & linked_mesh() const
Return a reference to the underlying mesh.
Definition: getfem_mesh_fem.h:279
void push_mi(const mesh_im &im_)
Add a new mesh_im.
Definition: getfem_assembling_tensors.h:652
const mesh & linked_mesh() const
Give a reference to the linked mesh of type mesh.
Definition: getfem_mesh_im.h:79
structure used to hold a set of convexes and/or convex faces.
Definition: getfem_mesh_region.h:55
virtual size_type nb_dof() const
Return the total number of degrees of freedom.
Definition: getfem_mesh_fem.h:562
Miscelleanous assembly routines for common terms. Use the low-level generic assembly....
void asm_normal_derivative_dirichlet_constraints(MAT &H, VECT1 &R, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_fem &mf_u, const mesh_fem &mf_mult, const mesh_fem &mf_r, const VECT2 &r_data, const mesh_region &rg, bool R_must_be_derivated, int version)
Assembly of normal derivative Dirichlet constraints in a weak form.
Definition: getfem_fourth_order.h:352