GetFEM  5.4.1
getfem_contact_and_friction_integral.h File Reference

Unilateral contact and Coulomb friction condition brick. More...

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 GEneric Tool for Finite Element Methods.


size_type getfem::add_integral_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname_u, const std::string &multname_n, const std::string &dataname_obs, const std::string &dataname_r, size_type region, int option=1)
 Add a frictionless contact condition with a rigid obstacle to the model, which is defined in an integral way. More...
size_type getfem::add_integral_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname_u, const std::string &multname, const std::string &dataname_obs, const std::string &dataname_r, const std::string &dataname_friction_coeffs, size_type region, int option=1, const std::string &dataname_alpha="", const std::string &dataname_wt="", const std::string &dataname_gamma="", const std::string &dataname_vt="")
 Add a contact with friction condition with a rigid obstacle to the model, which is defined in an integral way. More...
size_type getfem::add_penalized_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname_u, const std::string &dataname_obs, const std::string &dataname_r, size_type region, int option=1, const std::string &dataname_lambda_n="")
 Add a penalized contact frictionless condition with a rigid obstacle to the model. More...
size_type getfem::add_penalized_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname_u, const std::string &dataname_obs, const std::string &dataname_r, const std::string &dataname_friction_coeffs, size_type region, int option=1, const std::string &dataname_lambda="", const std::string &dataname_alpha="", const std::string &dataname_wt="")
 Add a penalized contact condition with Coulomb friction with a rigid obstacle to the model. More...
size_type getfem::add_integral_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname_u1, const std::string &varname_u2, const std::string &multname_n, const std::string &dataname_r, size_type region1, size_type region2, int option=1)
 Add a frictionless contact condition between nonmatching meshes to the model. More...
size_type getfem::add_integral_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname_u1, const std::string &varname_u2, const std::string &multname, const std::string &dataname_r, const std::string &dataname_friction_coeffs, size_type region1, size_type region2, int option=1, const std::string &dataname_alpha="", const std::string &dataname_wt1="", const std::string &dataname_wt2="")
 Add a contact with friction condition between nonmatching meshes to the model. More...
size_type getfem::add_penalized_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname_u1, const std::string &varname_u2, const std::string &dataname_r, size_type region1, size_type region2, int option=1, const std::string &dataname_lambda_n="")
 Add a penalized contact frictionless condition between nonmatching meshes to the model. More...
size_type getfem::add_penalized_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname_u1, const std::string &varname_u2, const std::string &dataname_r, const std::string &dataname_friction_coeffs, size_type region1, size_type region2, int option=1, const std::string &dataname_lambda="", const std::string &dataname_alpha="", const std::string &dataname_wt1="", const std::string &dataname_wt2="")
 Add a penalized contact condition with Coulomb friction between nonmatching meshes to the model. More...
template<typename VECT1 >
void getfem::asm_integral_contact_Uzawa_proj (VECT1 &R, const mesh_im &mim, const getfem::mesh_fem &mf_u, const VECT1 &U, const getfem::mesh_fem &mf_obs, const VECT1 &obs, const getfem::mesh_fem &mf_lambda, const VECT1 &lambda, const getfem::mesh_fem *pmf_coeff, const VECT1 &f_coeff, const VECT1 *WT, scalar_type r, scalar_type alpha, const mesh_region &rg, int option=1)
 Specific assembly procedure for the use of an Uzawa algorithm to solve contact with rigid obstacle problems with friction.
template<typename VECT1 >
void getfem::asm_integral_contact_Uzawa_proj (VECT1 &R, const mesh_im &mim, const getfem::mesh_fem &mf_u, const VECT1 &U, const getfem::mesh_fem &mf_obs, const VECT1 &obs, const getfem::mesh_fem &mf_lambda, const VECT1 &lambda, scalar_type r, const mesh_region &rg)
 Specific assembly procedure for the use of an Uzawa algorithm to solve contact problems.
template<typename VEC >
void getfem::asm_level_set_normal_source_term (VEC &R, const mesh_im &mim, const getfem::mesh_fem &mf_u, const getfem::mesh_fem &mf_obs, const VEC &obs, const getfem::mesh_fem &mf_lambda, const VEC &lambda, const mesh_region &rg)
 Specific assembly procedure for the use of an Uzawa algorithm to solve contact problems.
size_type getfem::add_Nitsche_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname_u, const std::string &Neumannterm, const std::string &expr_obs, const std::string &dataname_gamma0, scalar_type theta_, std::string dataexpr_friction_coeff, const std::string &dataname_alpha, const std::string &dataname_wt, size_type region)
 Adds a contact condition with or without Coulomb friction on the variable varname_u and the mesh boundary region. More...
size_type getfem::add_Nitsche_fictitious_domain_contact_brick (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname_u1, const std::string &varname_u2, const std::string &dataname_d1, const std::string &dataname_d2, const std::string &dataname_gamma0, scalar_type theta, const std::string &dataname_friction_coeff, const std::string &dataname_alpha, const std::string &dataname_wt1, const std::string &dataname_wt2)
 Adds a contact condition with or without Coulomb friction between two bodies in a fictitious domain. More...

Detailed Description

Unilateral contact and Coulomb friction condition brick.

Large sliding unilateral contact and friction condition brick.

Yves Renard
Konstantinos Poulios
November, 2011.
Yves Renard
Konstantinos Poulios
May, 2013.

Definition in file getfem_contact_and_friction_integral.h.