GetFEM  5.4.1
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1 /* -*- c++ -*- (enables emacs c++ mode) */
2 /*===========================================================================
4  Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Yves Renard
6  This file is a part of GetFEM
8  GetFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
10  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
11  (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
12  Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
13  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
15  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
16  License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
17  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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28  might be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
30 ===========================================================================*/
32 /**@file gmm_range_basis.h
33  @author Yves Renard <>
34  @date March 10, 2009.
35  @brief Extract a basis of the range of a (large sparse) matrix from the
36  columns of this matrix.
37 */
38 #ifndef GMM_RANGE_BASIS_H
39 #define GMM_RANGE_BASIS_H
40 #include "gmm_dense_qr.h"
41 #include "gmm_dense_lu.h"
43 #include "gmm_kernel.h"
44 #include "gmm_iter.h"
45 #include <set>
46 #include <list>
49 namespace gmm {
52  template <typename T, typename VECT, typename MAT1>
53  void tridiag_qr_algorithm
54  (std::vector<typename number_traits<T>::magnitude_type> diag,
55  std::vector<T> sdiag, const VECT &eigval_, const MAT1 &eigvect_,
56  bool compvect, tol_type_for_qr tol = default_tol_for_qr) {
57  VECT &eigval = const_cast<VECT &>(eigval_);
58  MAT1 &eigvect = const_cast<MAT1 &>(eigvect_);
59  typedef typename number_traits<T>::magnitude_type R;
61  if (compvect) gmm::copy(identity_matrix(), eigvect);
63  size_type n = diag.size(), q = 0, p, ite = 0;
64  if (n == 0) return;
65  if (n == 1) { eigval[0] = gmm::real(diag[0]); return; }
67  symmetric_qr_stop_criterion(diag, sdiag, p, q, tol);
69  while (q < n) {
70  sub_interval SUBI(p, n-p-q), SUBJ(0, mat_ncols(eigvect)), SUBK(p, n-p-q);
71  if (!compvect) SUBK = sub_interval(0,0);
73  symmetric_Wilkinson_qr_step(sub_vector(diag, SUBI),
74  sub_vector(sdiag, SUBI),
75  sub_matrix(eigvect, SUBJ, SUBK), compvect);
77  symmetric_qr_stop_criterion(diag, sdiag, p, q, tol*R(3));
78  ++ite;
79  GMM_ASSERT1(ite < n*100, "QR algorithm failed.");
80  }
82  gmm::copy(diag, eigval);
83  }
85  // Range basis with a restarted Lanczos method
86  template <typename Mat>
87  void range_basis_eff_Lanczos(const Mat &BB, std::set<size_type> &columns,
88  double EPS=1E-12) {
89  typedef std::set<size_type> TAB;
90  typedef typename linalg_traits<Mat>::value_type T;
91  typedef typename number_traits<T>::magnitude_type R;
93  size_type nc_r = columns.size(), k;
94  col_matrix< rsvector<T> > B(mat_nrows(BB), mat_ncols(BB));
96  k = 0;
97  for (TAB::iterator it = columns.begin(); it!=columns.end(); ++it, ++k){
98  gmm::copy(scaled(mat_col(BB, *it), T(1)/vect_norm2(mat_col(BB, *it))),
99  mat_col(B, *it));
100  }
101  std::vector<T> w(mat_nrows(B));
102  size_type restart = 120;
103  std::vector<T> sdiag(restart);
104  std::vector<R> eigval(restart), diag(restart);
105  dense_matrix<T> eigvect(restart, restart);
107  R rho = R(-1), rho2;
108  while (nc_r) {
110  std::vector<T> v(nc_r), v0(nc_r), wl(nc_r);
111  dense_matrix<T> lv(nc_r, restart);
113  if (rho < R(0)) { // Estimate of the spectral radius of B^* B
114  gmm::fill_random(v);
115  for (size_type i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
116  gmm::scale(v, T(1)/vect_norm2(v));
117  gmm::copy(v, v0);
118  k = 0; gmm::clear(w);
119  for (TAB::iterator it=columns.begin(); it!=columns.end(); ++it, ++k)
120  add(scaled(mat_col(B, *it), v[k]), w);
121  k = 0;
122  for (TAB::iterator it=columns.begin(); it!=columns.end(); ++it, ++k)
123  v[k] = vect_hp(w, mat_col(B, *it));
124  rho = gmm::abs(vect_hp(v, v0) / vect_hp(v0, v0));
125  }
126  rho *= R(2);
127  }
129  // Computing vectors of the null space of de B^* B with restarted Lanczos
130  rho2 = 0;
131  gmm::fill_random(v);
132  size_type iter = 0;
133  for(;;++iter) {
134  R rho_old = rho2;
135  R beta = R(0), alpha;
136  gmm::scale(v, T(1)/vect_norm2(v));
137  size_type eff_restart = restart;
138  if (sdiag.size() != restart) {
139  sdiag.resize(restart); eigval.resize(restart); diag.resize(restart); gmm::resize(eigvect, restart, restart);
140  gmm::resize(lv, nc_r, restart);
141  }
143  for (size_type i = 0; i < restart; ++i) { // Lanczos iterations
144  gmm::copy(v, mat_col(lv, i));
145  gmm::clear(w);
146  k = 0;
147  for (TAB::iterator it=columns.begin(); it!=columns.end(); ++it, ++k)
148  add(scaled(mat_col(B, *it), v[k]), w);
150  k = 0;
151  for (TAB::iterator it=columns.begin(); it!=columns.end(); ++it, ++k)
152  wl[k] = v[k]*rho - vect_hp(w, mat_col(B, *it)) - beta*v0[k];
153  alpha = gmm::real(vect_hp(wl, v));
154  diag[i] = alpha;
155  gmm::add(gmm::scaled(v, -alpha), wl);
156  sdiag[i] = beta = vect_norm2(wl);
157  gmm::copy(v, v0);
158  if (beta < EPS) { eff_restart = i+1; break; }
159  gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(wl, T(1) / beta), v);
160  }
161  if (eff_restart != restart) {
162  sdiag.resize(eff_restart); eigval.resize(eff_restart); diag.resize(eff_restart);
163  gmm::resize(eigvect, eff_restart, eff_restart); gmm::resize(lv, nc_r, eff_restart);
164  }
165  tridiag_qr_algorithm(diag, sdiag, eigval, eigvect, true);
167  size_type num = size_type(-1);
168  rho2 = R(0);
169  for (size_type j = 0; j < eff_restart; ++j)
170  { R nvp=gmm::abs(eigval[j]); if (nvp > rho2) { rho2=nvp; num=j; }}
172  GMM_ASSERT1(num != size_type(-1), "Internal error");
174  gmm::mult(lv, mat_col(eigvect, num), v);
176  if (gmm::abs(rho2-rho_old) < rho_old*R(EPS)) break;
177  // if (gmm::abs(rho-rho2) < rho*R(gmm::sqrt(EPS))) break;
178  if (gmm::abs(rho-rho2) < rho*R(EPS)*R(100)) break;
179  }
181  if (gmm::abs(rho-rho2) < rho*R(EPS*10.)) {
182  size_type j_max = size_type(-1), j = 0;
183  R val_max = R(0);
184  for (TAB::iterator it=columns.begin(); it!=columns.end(); ++it, ++j)
185  if (gmm::abs(v[j]) > val_max)
186  { val_max = gmm::abs(v[j]); j_max = *it; }
187  columns.erase(j_max); nc_r = columns.size();
188  }
189  else break;
190  }
191  }
193  // Range basis with LU decomposition. Not stable from a numerical viewpoint.
194  // Complex version not verified
195  template <typename Mat>
196  void range_basis_eff_lu(const Mat &B, std::set<size_type> &columns,
197  std::vector<bool> &c_ortho, double EPS) {
199  typedef std::set<size_type> TAB;
200  typedef typename linalg_traits<Mat>::value_type T;
201  typedef typename number_traits<T>::magnitude_type R;
203  size_type nc_r = 0, nc_o = 0, nc = mat_ncols(B), nr = mat_nrows(B), i, j;
205  for (TAB::iterator it=columns.begin(); it!=columns.end(); ++it)
206  if (!(c_ortho[*it])) ++nc_r; else nc_o++;
208  if (nc_r > 0) {
210  gmm::row_matrix< gmm::rsvector<T> > Hr(nc, nc_r), Ho(nc, nc_o);
211  gmm::row_matrix< gmm::rsvector<T> > BBr(nr, nc_r), BBo(nr, nc_o);
213  i = j = 0;
214  for (TAB::iterator it=columns.begin(); it!=columns.end(); ++it)
215  if (!(c_ortho[*it]))
216  { Hr(*it, i) = T(1)/ vect_norminf(mat_col(B, *it)); ++i; }
217  else
218  { Ho(*it, j) = T(1)/ vect_norm2(mat_col(B, *it)); ++j; }
220  gmm::mult(B, Hr, BBr);
221  gmm::mult(B, Ho, BBo);
222  gmm::dense_matrix<T> M(nc_r, nc_r), BBB(nc_r, nc_o), MM(nc_r, nc_r);
223  gmm::mult(gmm::conjugated(BBr), BBr, M);
224  gmm::mult(gmm::conjugated(BBr), BBo, BBB);
225  gmm::mult(BBB, gmm::conjugated(BBB), MM);
226  gmm::add(gmm::scaled(MM, T(-1)), M);
228  std::vector<int> ipvt(nc_r);
229  gmm::lu_factor(M, ipvt);
231  R emax = R(0);
232  for (i = 0; i < nc_r; ++i) emax = std::max(emax, gmm::abs(M(i,i)));
234  i = 0;
235  std::set<size_type> c = columns;
236  for (TAB::iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); ++it)
237  if (!(c_ortho[*it])) {
238  if (gmm::abs(M(i,i)) <= R(EPS)*emax) columns.erase(*it);
239  ++i;
240  }
241  }
242  }
245  // Range basis with Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization (sparse version)
246  // The sparse version is better when the sparsity is high and less efficient
247  // than the dense version for high degree elements (P3, P4 ...)
248  // Complex version not verified
249  template <typename Mat>
250  void range_basis_eff_Gram_Schmidt_sparse(const Mat &BB,
251  std::set<size_type> &columns,
252  std::vector<bool> &c_ortho,
253  double EPS) {
255  typedef std::set<size_type> TAB;
256  typedef typename linalg_traits<Mat>::value_type T;
257  typedef typename number_traits<T>::magnitude_type R;
259  size_type nc = mat_ncols(BB), nr = mat_nrows(BB);
260  std::set<size_type> c = columns, rc = columns;
262  gmm::col_matrix< rsvector<T> > B(nr, nc);
263  for (std::set<size_type>::iterator it = columns.begin();
264  it != columns.end(); ++it) {
265  gmm::copy(mat_col(BB, *it), mat_col(B, *it));
266  gmm::scale(mat_col(B, *it), T(1)/vect_norm2(mat_col(B, *it)));
267  }
269  for (std::set<size_type>::iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); ++it)
270  if (c_ortho[*it]) {
271  for (std::set<size_type>::iterator it2 = rc.begin();
272  it2 != rc.end(); ++it2)
273  if (!(c_ortho[*it2])) {
274  T r = -vect_hp(mat_col(B, *it2), mat_col(B, *it));
275  if (r != T(0)) add(scaled(mat_col(B, *it), r), mat_col(B, *it2));
276  }
277  rc.erase(*it);
278  }
280  while (rc.size()) {
281  R nmax = R(0); size_type cmax = size_type(-1);
282  for (std::set<size_type>::iterator it=rc.begin(); it != rc.end();) {
283  TAB::iterator itnext = it; ++itnext;
284  R n = vect_norm2(mat_col(B, *it));
285  if (nmax < n) { nmax = n; cmax = *it; }
286  if (n < R(EPS)) { columns.erase(*it); rc.erase(*it); }
287  it = itnext;
288  }
290  if (nmax < R(EPS)) break;
292  gmm::scale(mat_col(B, cmax), T(1)/vect_norm2(mat_col(B, cmax)));
293  rc.erase(cmax);
294  for (std::set<size_type>::iterator it=rc.begin(); it!=rc.end(); ++it) {
295  T r = -vect_hp(mat_col(B, *it), mat_col(B, cmax));
296  if (r != T(0)) add(scaled(mat_col(B, cmax), r), mat_col(B, *it));
297  }
298  }
299  for (std::set<size_type>::iterator it=rc.begin(); it!=rc.end(); ++it)
300  columns.erase(*it);
301  }
304  // Range basis with Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization (dense version)
305  template <typename Mat>
306  void range_basis_eff_Gram_Schmidt_dense(const Mat &B,
307  std::set<size_type> &columns,
308  std::vector<bool> &c_ortho,
309  double EPS) {
311  typedef std::set<size_type> TAB;
312  typedef typename linalg_traits<Mat>::value_type T;
313  typedef typename number_traits<T>::magnitude_type R;
315  size_type nc_r = columns.size(), nc = mat_ncols(B), nr = mat_nrows(B), i;
316  std::set<size_type> rc;
318  row_matrix< gmm::rsvector<T> > H(nc, nc_r), BB(nr, nc_r);
319  std::vector<T> v(nc_r);
320  std::vector<size_type> ind(nc_r);
322  i = 0;
323  for (TAB::iterator it = columns.begin(); it != columns.end(); ++it, ++i)
324  H(*it, i) = T(1) / vect_norm2(mat_col(B, *it));
326  mult(B, H, BB);
327  dense_matrix<T> M(nc_r, nc_r);
328  mult(gmm::conjugated(BB), BB, M);
330  i = 0;
331  for (TAB::iterator it = columns.begin(); it != columns.end(); ++it, ++i)
332  if (c_ortho[*it]) {
333  gmm::copy(mat_row(M, i), v);
334  rank_one_update(M, scaled(v, T(-1)), v);
335  M(i, i) = T(1);
336  }
337  else { rc.insert(i); ind[i] = *it; }
339  while (rc.size() > 0) {
341  // Next pivot
342  R nmax = R(0); size_type imax = size_type(-1);
343  for (TAB::iterator it = rc.begin(); it != rc.end();) {
344  TAB::iterator itnext = it; ++itnext;
345  R a = gmm::abs(M(*it, *it));
346  if (a > nmax) { nmax = a; imax = *it; }
347  if (a < R(EPS)) { columns.erase(ind[*it]); rc.erase(*it); }
348  it = itnext;
349  }
351  if (nmax < R(EPS)) break;
353  // Normalization
354  gmm::scale(mat_row(M, imax), T(1) / sqrt(nmax));
355  gmm::scale(mat_col(M, imax), T(1) / sqrt(nmax));
357  // orthogonalization
358  copy(mat_row(M, imax), v);
359  rank_one_update(M, scaled(v, T(-1)), v);
360  M(imax, imax) = T(1);
362  rc.erase(imax);
363  }
364  for (std::set<size_type>::iterator it=rc.begin(); it!=rc.end(); ++it)
365  columns.erase(ind[*it]);
366  }
368  template <typename L> size_type nnz_eps(const L& l, double eps) {
369  typename linalg_traits<L>::const_iterator it = vect_const_begin(l),
370  ite = vect_const_end(l);
371  size_type res(0);
372  for (; it != ite; ++it) if (gmm::abs(*it) >= eps) ++res;
373  return res;
374  }
376  template <typename L>
377  bool reserve__rb(const L& l, std::vector<bool> &b, double eps) {
378  typename linalg_traits<L>::const_iterator it = vect_const_begin(l),
379  ite = vect_const_end(l);
380  bool ok = true;
381  for (; it != ite; ++it)
382  if (gmm::abs(*it) >= eps && b[it.index()]) ok = false;
383  if (ok) {
384  for (it = vect_const_begin(l); it != ite; ++it)
385  if (gmm::abs(*it) >= eps) b[it.index()] = true;
386  }
387  return ok;
388  }
390  template <typename Mat>
391  void range_basis(const Mat &B, std::set<size_type> &columns,
392  double EPS, col_major, bool skip_init=false) {
394  typedef typename linalg_traits<Mat>::value_type T;
395  typedef typename number_traits<T>::magnitude_type R;
397  size_type nc = mat_ncols(B), nr = mat_nrows(B);
399  std::vector<R> norms(nc);
400  std::vector<bool> c_ortho(nc), booked(nr);
401  std::vector< std::set<size_type> > nnzs(mat_nrows(B));
403  if (!skip_init) {
405  R norm_max = R(0);
406  for (size_type i = 0; i < nc; ++i) {
407  norms[i] = vect_norminf(mat_col(B, i));
408  norm_max = std::max(norm_max, norms[i]);
409  }
411  columns.clear();
412  for (size_type i = 0; i < nc; ++i)
413  if (norms[i] > norm_max*R(EPS)) {
414  columns.insert(i);
415  nnzs[nnz_eps(mat_col(B, i), R(EPS) * norms[i])].insert(i);
416  }
418  for (size_type i = 1; i < nr; ++i)
419  for (std::set<size_type>::iterator it = nnzs[i].begin();
420  it != nnzs[i].end(); ++it)
421  if (reserve__rb(mat_col(B, *it), booked, R(EPS) * norms[*it]))
422  c_ortho[*it] = true;
423  }
425  size_type sizesm[7] = {125, 200, 350, 550, 800, 1100, 1500}, actsize;
426  for (int k = 0; k < 7; ++k) {
427  size_type nc_r = columns.size();
428  std::set<size_type> c1, cres;
429  actsize = sizesm[k];
430  for (std::set<size_type>::iterator it = columns.begin();
431  it != columns.end(); ++it) {
432  c1.insert(*it);
433  if (c1.size() >= actsize) {
434  range_basis_eff_Gram_Schmidt_dense(B, c1, c_ortho, EPS);
435  for (std::set<size_type>::iterator it2=c1.begin(); it2 != c1.end();
436  ++it2) cres.insert(*it2);
437  c1.clear();
438  }
439  }
440  if (c1.size() > 1)
441  range_basis_eff_Gram_Schmidt_dense(B, c1, c_ortho, EPS);
442  for (std::set<size_type>::iterator it = c1.begin(); it != c1.end(); ++it)
443  cres.insert(*it);
444  columns = cres;
445  if (nc_r <= actsize) return;
446  if (columns.size() == nc_r) break;
447  if (sizesm[k] >= 350 && columns.size() > (nc_r*19)/20) break;
448  }
449  if (columns.size() > std::max(size_type(10), actsize))
450  range_basis_eff_Lanczos(B, columns, EPS);
451  else
452  range_basis_eff_Gram_Schmidt_dense(B, columns, c_ortho, EPS);
453  }
456  template <typename Mat>
457  void range_basis(const Mat &B, std::set<size_type> &columns,
458  double EPS, row_major) {
459  typedef typename linalg_traits<Mat>::value_type T;
460  gmm::col_matrix< rsvector<T> > BB(mat_nrows(B), mat_ncols(B));
461  GMM_WARNING3("A copy of a row matrix is done into a column matrix "
462  "for range basis algorithm.");
463  gmm::copy(B, BB);
464  range_basis(BB, columns, EPS);
465  }
467  /** Range Basis :
468  Extract a basis of the range of a (large sparse) matrix selecting some
469  column vectors of this matrix. This is in particular useful to select
470  an independent set of linear constraints.
472  The algorithm is optimized for two cases :
473  - when the (non trivial) kernel is small. An iterativ algorithm
474  based on Lanczos method is applied
475  - when the (non trivial) kernel is large and most of the dependencies
476  can be detected locally. A block Gram-Schmidt is applied first then
477  a restarted Lanczos method when the remaining kernel is greatly
478  smaller.
479  The restarted Lanczos method could be improved or replaced by a block
480  Lanczos method, a block Wiedelann method (in order to be parallelized for
481  instance) or simply could compute more than one vector of the null
482  space at each iteration.
483  The LU decomposition has been tested for local elimination but gives bad
484  results : the algorithm is unstable and do not permit to give the right
485  number of vector at the end of the process. Moreover, the number of final
486  vectors depends greatly on the number of vectors in a block of the local
487  analysis.
488  */
489  template <typename Mat>
490  void range_basis(const Mat &B, std::set<size_type> &columns,
491  double EPS=1E-12) {
492  range_basis(B, columns, EPS,
493  typename principal_orientation_type
494  <typename linalg_traits<Mat>::sub_orientation>::potype());
495 }
497 }
499 #endif
size_type lu_factor(DenseMatrix &A, lapack_ipvt &ipvt)
LU Factorization of a general (dense) matrix (real or complex).
Definition: gmm_dense_lu.h:129
void resize(M &v, size_type m, size_type n)
Definition: gmm_blas.h:231
size_t size_type
used as the common size type in the library
Definition: bgeot_poly.h:49
void clear(L &l)
clear (fill with zeros) a vector or matrix.
Definition: gmm_blas.h:59
strongest_value_type< V1, V2 >::value_type vect_hp(const V1 &v1, const V2 &v2)
Definition: gmm_blas.h:511
LU factorizations and determinant computation for dense matrices.
number_traits< typename linalg_traits< V >::value_type >::magnitude_type vect_norm2(const V &v)
Euclidean norm of a vector.
Definition: gmm_blas.h:557
void fill_random(L &l, double cfill)
Definition: gmm_blas.h:154
size_type alpha(short_type n, short_type d)
Return the value of which is the number of monomials of a polynomial of variables and degree .
Include the base gmm files.
void copy(const L1 &l1, L2 &l2)
Definition: gmm_blas.h:977
Dense QR factorization.
number_traits< typename linalg_traits< V >::value_type >::magnitude_type vect_norminf(const V &v)
Infinity norm of a vector.
Definition: gmm_blas.h:693
Iteration object.
void add(const L1 &l1, L2 &l2)
Definition: gmm_blas.h:1268