This is the complete list of members for getfem::mesh_fem, including all inherited members.
basic_dof_on_region(const mesh_region &b) const | getfem::mesh_fem | virtual |
basic_dof_qdim(size_type d) const | getfem::mesh_fem | virtual |
context_check() const | getfem::context_dependencies | inline |
convex_index() const | getfem::mesh_fem | inline |
convex_to_basic_dof(size_type d) const | getfem::mesh_fem | virtual |
dof_on_region(const mesh_region &b) const | getfem::mesh_fem | |
enumerate_dof() const | getfem::mesh_fem | virtual |
extension_matrix() const | getfem::mesh_fem | inline |
fem_of_element(size_type cv) const | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
first_convex_of_basic_dof(size_type d) const | getfem::mesh_fem | virtual |
get_global_dof_index(std::vector< size_type > &ind) const | getfem::mesh_fem | virtual |
get_qdim() const | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
get_qdim_m() const IS_DEPRECATED | getfem::mesh_fem | inline |
get_qdim_n() const IS_DEPRECATED | getfem::mesh_fem | inline |
ind_basic_dof_of_element(size_type cv) const | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
ind_basic_dof_of_face_of_element(size_type cv, short_type f) const | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
is_reduced() const | getfem::mesh_fem | inline |
linked_mesh() const | getfem::mesh_fem | inline |
mesh_fem(const mesh &me, dim_type Q=1) | getfem::mesh_fem | explicit |
nb_basic_dof() const | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
nb_basic_dof_of_element(size_type cv) const | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
nb_basic_dof_of_face_of_element(size_type cv, short_type f) const | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
nb_dof() const | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
point_of_basic_dof(size_type cv, size_type i) const | getfem::mesh_fem | virtual |
point_of_basic_dof(size_type d) const | getfem::mesh_fem | virtual |
read_from_file(std::istream &ist) | getfem::mesh_fem | virtual |
read_from_file(const std::string &name) | getfem::mesh_fem | |
reduce_to_basic_dof(const dal::bit_vector &kept_basic_dof) | getfem::mesh_fem | |
reduction_matrix() const | getfem::mesh_fem | inline |
set_auto_add(dim_type K, bool disc=false, scalar_type alpha=scalar_type(0), bool complete=false) | getfem::mesh_fem | inline |
set_auto_add(pfem pf) | getfem::mesh_fem | inline |
set_classical_discontinuous_finite_element(size_type cv, dim_type fem_degree, scalar_type alpha=0, bool complete=false) | getfem::mesh_fem | |
set_classical_discontinuous_finite_element(const dal::bit_vector &cvs, dim_type fem_degree, scalar_type alpha=0, bool complete=false) | getfem::mesh_fem | |
set_classical_discontinuous_finite_element(dim_type fem_degree, scalar_type alpha=0, bool complete=false) | getfem::mesh_fem | |
set_classical_finite_element(size_type cv, dim_type fem_degree, bool complete=false) | getfem::mesh_fem | |
set_classical_finite_element(const dal::bit_vector &cvs, dim_type fem_degree, bool complete=false) | getfem::mesh_fem | |
set_classical_finite_element(dim_type fem_degree, bool complete=false) | getfem::mesh_fem | |
set_finite_element(size_type cv, pfem pf) | getfem::mesh_fem | |
set_finite_element(const dal::bit_vector &cvs, pfem pf) | getfem::mesh_fem | |
set_finite_element(pfem pf) | getfem::mesh_fem | |
set_qdim(dim_type q) | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
set_qdim(dim_type M, dim_type N) | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
set_qdim(dim_type M, dim_type N, dim_type O, dim_type P) | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
set_qdim(const bgeot::multi_index &mii) | getfem::mesh_fem | inlinevirtual |
set_reduction(bool r) | getfem::mesh_fem | inline |
set_reduction_matrices(const MATR &RR, const MATE &EE) | getfem::mesh_fem | inline |
update_from_context() const | getfem::mesh_fem | virtual |
write_to_file(std::ostream &ost) const | getfem::mesh_fem | virtual |
write_to_file(const std::string &name, bool with_mesh=false) const | getfem::mesh_fem |