<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!DOCTYPE rfc [ <!ENTITY nbsp " "> <!ENTITY zwsp "​"> <!ENTITY nbhy "‑"> <!ENTITY wj "⁠"> ]><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rfc2629.xslt" ?> <!-- generated by https://github.com/cabo/kramdown-rfc version 1.7.18 (Ruby 3.3.3) --> <?rfc compact="yes"?> <?rfc subcompact="no"?><rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" ipr="trust200902" docName="draft-ietf-ntp-update-registries-16" number="9748" category="std" consensus="true" submissionType="IETF" obsoletes="" updates="5905, 5906,8573,7821, 7822,7821"8573" tocInclude="true" sortRefs="true" symRefs="true"version="3"> <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 3.22.0 -->version="3" xml:lang="en"> <front> <title>Updating the NTP Registries</title> <seriesInfoname="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-ntp-update-registries-16"/>name="RFC" value="9748"/> <author initials="R." surname="Salz" fullname="Rich Salz"> <organization>Akamai Technologies</organization> <address> <email>rsalz@akamai.com</email> </address> </author> <dateyear="2024" month="August" day="20"/>year="2025" month="February"/> <area>INT</area> <workgroup>ntp</workgroup> <keyword>NTP</keyword> <keyword>extensions</keyword> <keyword>registries</keyword> <keyword>IANA</keyword> <abstract><?line 34?><t>The Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Network Time Security (NTS) documents define a number ofassigned numberregistries, collectively called the NTP registries.</t> <!-- [rfced] May we update this text for clarity? Note that it appears in the Abstract and the Introduction. Original: Some registries have wrong values, some registries do not follow current common practice, and some are just right. For the sake of completeness, this document reviews all NTP and NTS registries, and makes updates where necessary. Perhaps: Some registries are correct, but some include incorrect assignments and some don’t follow common practice. For the sake of completeness, this document reviews all NTP and NTS registries, and corrects the registries where necessary. --> <t>Some registries have wrong values, some registries do not follow current common practice, and some are just right. For the sake of completeness, this document reviews all NTP and NTS registries, and makes updates where necessary.</t> <t>This document updatesRFCRFCs 5905,RFC5906,RFC 8573, RFC7821, 7822, andRFC 7821.</t> </abstract> <note removeInRFC="true"> <name>Notes</name> <t>This document is a product of the <eref target="https://dt.ietf.org/wg/ntp">NTP Working Group</eref>. Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at <eref target="https://github.com/richsalz/draft-rsalz-update-registries"/>.8573. </t><t>RFC Editor: Please update 'this RFC' to refer to this document, once its RFC number is known, through the document.</t> </note></abstract> </front> <middle><?line 48?><section anchor="introduction"> <name>Introduction</name> <t>The Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Network Time Security (NTS) documents define a number ofassigned numberregistries, collectively called the NTP registries. The NTP registries can all be found at <ereftarget="https://www.iana.org/assignments/ntp-parameters/ntp-parameters.xhtml">https://www.iana.org/assignments/ntp-parameters/ntp-parameters.xhtml</eref>target="https://www.iana.org/assignments/ntp-parameters" brackets="angle"/> and the NTS registries can all be found at <ereftarget="https://www.iana.org/assignments/nts/nts.xhtml">https://www.iana.org/assignments/nts/nts.xhtml</eref>.</t>target="https://www.iana.org/assignments/nts" brackets="angle"/>.</t> <t>Some registries have wrong values, some registries do not follow current common practice, and some are just right. For the sake of completeness, this document reviews all NTP and NTS registries, and makes updates where necessary.</t> <!-- [rfced] To better align with the text in section 2 and for clarity, may we update the text as follows? Original: The bulk of this document can be divided into two parts: * First, each registry, its defining document, and a summary of its syntax is defined. * Second, the revised format and entries for each registry that is being modified is specified. Perhaps: The bulk of this document can be divided into two parts: * a summary of the relevant registries, including syntax requirements, registration procedures, and the defining documents. * a revised format and entries for each registry being modified. --> <t>The bulk of this document can be divided into two parts:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>First, each registry, its defining document, and a summary of its syntax is defined.</t> </li> <li> <t>Second, the revised format and entries for each registry that is being modified is specified.</t> </li> </ul> </section> <section anchor="existing-registries"> <name>Existing Registries</name> <t>This section describes the registries and the rules for them. It is intended to be a short summary of the syntax and registration requirements for each registry. The semantics and protocol processing rules for each registry -- that is, how an implementation acts when sending or receiving any of the fields -- are not described here.</t> <section anchor="reference-id-kiss-o-death"> <name>ReferenceID, Kiss-o'-Death</name>ID and Kiss-o'-Death Registries</name> <!-- [rfced] As we believe "these" refers to the code points (not the registries), may we update the text as described below? Also, are the codes 4 ASCII characters or are they allowed to be up to 4 ASCII characters? Original: Both of these are allowed to be four ASCII characters; padded on the right with all-bits-zero if necessary. Perhaps: Reference identifiers and kiss codes can be up to four ASCII characters, padded on the right with all-bits-zero if necessary. --> <!-- [rfced] Because the registries were created (i.e., it's no longer a request), we updated the text as follows. Please let us know if corrections are needed. Original: The formal request to define the registries is in [RFC5905], Section 16. Perhaps: The registries were created per Section 16 of [RFC5905]. --> <t><xref target="RFC5905"/>defineddefines tworegistries; theregistries: "NTP ReferenceIDIdentifier Codes" in Section7.3,<xref target="RFC5905" section="7.3" sectionFormat="bare"/> and the "NTP Kiss-o'-Death Codes" in Section7.4.<xref target="RFC5905" section="7.4" sectionFormat="bare"/>. Both of these are allowed to be four ASCII characters; padded on the right with all-bits-zero if necessary. Entries that start with 0x58, the ASCII letter uppercase X, are reserved for Private or Experimental Use. Both registries arefirst-come first-served.First Come First Served. Theformal request to define theregistriesis inwere created per <xref section="16"sectionFormat="comma"sectionFormat="of" target="RFC5905"/>.</t> </section> <section anchor="extension-field-types"> <name>Extension Field Types</name> <t><xref section="7.5"sectionFormat="comma"sectionFormat="of" target="RFC5905"/>defineddefines the on-the-wire format of extension fields butdiddoes not create a registry for them.</t> <t><xrefsection="13" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC5906"/> mentionedtarget="RFC5906" sectionFormat="of" section="13"/> mentions the "NTP Extension FieldTypesTypes" registry, anddefineddefines it indirectly by defining 30 extensions (10 each for request, response, and error response). Itdiddoes not provide a formal definition of the columns in the registry. <xref section="10"sectionFormat="comma"sectionFormat="of" target="RFC5906"/> splits the Field Type into four subfields, only for use within the Autokey extensions.</t> <t><xref target="RFC7821"/>addedadds a new entry, Checksum Complement, to the "NTP Extension FieldTypesTypes" registry.</t> <t><xref target="RFC7822"/>clarifiedclarifies the processing rules for Extension Field Types, particularly around the interaction with the Message Authentication Code (MAC) field. NTPv4 packets may contain a MAC that appears where one would expect the next extension field header.</t> <t><xref target="RFC8573"/>changedchanges the cryptography used in the MAC field.</t> <t><xref target="RFC8915"/>addedadds four new entries to the "NTP Extension FieldTypesTypes" registry.</t> <t>The following problems exist with the current registry:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li><t>Many<!-- [rfced] Is this a real example of something that was registered incorrectly? We don't see either of these values in <https://www.iana.org/assignments/ntp-parameters/ntp-parameters.xhtml#ntp-parameters-3> or <http://web.archive.org/web/20230927142951/https://www.iana.org/assignments/ntp-parameters/ntp-parameters.xhtml#ntp-parameters-3>. Would it be helpful to use a real example (e.g., 0x0203 vs 0x0302 (Cookie Message Request))? Original: * Many of the entries in the Extension Field Types registry have swapped some of the nibbles; 0x1234 is listed as 0x1432 for example. --> <t>Many of the entries in the "NTP Extension Field Types" registry have swapped some of the nibbles; 0x1234 is listed as 0x1432, for example. This was due to documentation errors with the original implementation of Autokey. This document marks the erroneous values as reserved, in case there is an implementationthat usedusing the registered values instead of what the original implementation used. Applications thatmight haveused those values would have realized that they did not interoperate with the dominant (if not only) implementation at the time. Marking the values as reserved ensures that any such applicationswould still be ablecontinue to workas-is.</t>as is.</t> </li> <li> <t>Some values were mistakenlyre-used.</t>reused.</t> </li> </ul> </section> <section anchor="network-time-security-registries"> <name>Network Time Security Registries</name> <t><xref target="RFC8915"/> defines the NTS protocol.ItsThe related registries are listed here for completeness, but there are no changesto them arespecified in this document.</t> <t>In <xref target="RFC8915"/>:</t> <t>Sections7.1<xref target="RFC8915" section="7.1" sectionFormat="bare"/> through7.5<xref target="RFC8915" section="7.5" sectionFormat="bare"/> (inclusive) added entries to existing registries.</t> <t>Section7.6<xref target="RFC8915" section="7.6" sectionFormat="bare"/> createda new registry, NTSthe "Network Time Security Key Establishment RecordTypes,Types" registry that partitions theassigned numbersrange into three different registration policies: IETF Review, Specification Required, and Private or Experimental Use.</t> <t>Section7.7<xref target="RFC8915" section="7.7" sectionFormat="bare"/> createda new registry, NTSthe "Network Time Security NextProtocols,Protocols" registry that similarly partitions theassigned numbers.</t>range.</t> <t>Section7.8<xref target="RFC8915" section="7.8" sectionFormat="bare"/> createdtwo new registries, NTSthe "Network Time Security ErrorCodesCodes" andNTS"Network Time Security WarningCodes.Codes" registries. Both registries arealsopartitioned the same way.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="updated-registries"><name>Updated Registries</name><name>Registry Updates</name> <!-- [rfced] Section 3: Because this document seems to only update the NTP registries, may we update the text as follows? Original: The following general guidelines apply to all registries updated here: Perhaps: The following general guidelines apply to the NTP registries: --> <t>The following general guidelines apply to all registries updated here:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li><t>Every<t>Each registry reserves a partition for Private or Experimental Use.</t> </li> <li> <t>Entries with ASCII fields are now limited to uppercase letters or digits; fields starting with 0x58, the uppercase letter "X", are reserved for Private or Experimental Use.</t> </li> <li> <t>The policy for every registry is now Specification Required, as defined in <xref section="4.6" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8126"/>.</t> </li> </ul> <t>The IESG is requested to choose three designated experts, with approvals from two being required toapproveimplement aregistrychange. Guidance forsuchthe experts is given below.</t> <!-- [rfced] Section 3: This text seems misplaced. Perhaps this is intended to appear in Section 4? Original: Each entry described in the sub-sections below is intended to completely replace the existing entry with the same name. --> <t>Each entry described in the sub-sections below is intended to completely replace the existing entry with the same name.</t> <section anchor="guidance-to-designated-experts"> <name>Guidance to Designated Experts</name> <t>The designated experts (DE) should be familiar with <xref target="RFC8126"/>, particularly Section5.<xref target="RFC8126" section="5" sectionFormat="bare"/>. As that reference suggests, the DE should ascertain the existence of a suitablespecification,specification and verify that it is publicly available. The DE is also expected to check the clarity of purpose and use of the requested code points.</t> <t>In addition, the DE is expected to be familiar with this document, specifically the history documented here.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="iana-considerations"> <name>IANA Considerations</name> <section anchor="ntp-reference-identifier-codes"> <name>NTP Reference Identifier Codes</name><t>The<!-- [rfced] Note that we have added "and this document has been added as a reference" to the text in the IANA Considerations section. Please let us know if any corrections are needed. For example: Original: The registration procedure is changed to SpecificationRequired.</t>Required. Current: The registration procedure has been changed to Specification Required and this document has been added as a reference. --> <t>The registration procedure has been changed to Specification Required and this document has been added as a reference.</t> <t>The Noteishas been changed to read as follows:</t><ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>Codes<blockquote>Codes beginning with the character "X" are reserved for experimentation and development. IANA cannot assignthem.</t> </li> </ul>them.</blockquote> <t>The columns are defined as follows:</t><ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>ID (required):<dl spacing="compact" newline="false"> <dt>ID (required):</dt><dd> a four-byte value padded on the right with all-bits-zero. Each byte other than padding must beanASCII uppercaseletterletters ordigits.</t> </li> <li> <t>Clockdigits.</dd> <dt>Clock source(required): A(required):</dt><dd>a brief text description of theID.</t> </li> <li> <t>Reference (required): theID.</dd> <dt>Reference (required):</dt><dd>the publication defining theID.</t> </li> </ul>ID.</dd> </dl> <t>The existing entries are left unchanged.</t> </section> <section anchor="ntp-kiss-o-death-codes"> <name>NTP Kiss-o'-Death Codes</name> <t>The registration procedure is changed to SpecificationRequired.</t>Required and this document has been added as a reference.</t> <t>The Noteishas been changed to read as follows:</t><ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>Codes<blockquote>Codes beginning with the character "X" are reserved for experimentation and development. IANA cannot assignthem.</t> </li> </ul>them.</blockquote> <t>The columns are defined as follows:</t><ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>ID (required): a<dl spacing="compact" newline="false"> <dt>ID (required):</dt><dd>a four-byte value padded on the right with all-bits-zero. Each byte other than padding must beanASCII uppercaseletterletters ordigits.</t> </li> <li> <t>Meaningdigits.</dd> <dt>Meaning source(required): A(required):</dt><dd>a brief text description of theID.</t> </li> <li> <t>Reference (required): theID.</dd> <dt>Reference (required):</dt><dd>the publication defining theID.</t> </li> </ul>ID.</dd> </dl> <t>The existing entries are left unchanged.</t> </section> <section anchor="ntp-extension-field-types"> <name>NTP Extension Field Types</name><t>The<!-- [rfced] We have updated the text as follows to note that this document has been added as a reference to the NTP Extension Field Types registry. Please let us know if any updates are needed. Original: The registration procedure is changed to SpecificationRequired.</t> <t>TheRequired. The reference<xref target="RFC5906"/>[RFC5906] should be added, ifpossible.</t>possible. Current: The registration procedure has been changed to Specification Required and [RFC5906] and this document have been added as references. --> <t>The registration procedure has been changed to Specification Required and <xref target="RFC5906"/> and this document have been added as references.</t> <t>The following two Notesarehave been added:</t><ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>Field<blockquote>Field Types in the range 0xF000 through 0xFFFF, inclusive, are reserved for experimentation and development. IANA cannot assign them. Both NTS Cookie and Autokey Message Request have the same Field Type; in practice this is not a problem as the field semantics will be determined by other parts of themessage.</t> </li> <li> <t>Themessage.</blockquote> <blockquote>The "Reserved for historic reasons" is for differences between the original documentation and implementation of Autokey and marks the erroneous values as reserved, in case there is an implementation that used the registered values instead of what the original implementationused.</t> </li> </ul>used.</blockquote> <t>The columns are defined as follows:</t><ul spacing="normal"> <li> <t>Field<dl spacing="compact" newline="false"> <dt>Field Type(required): A(required):</dt><dd>a two-byte value inhexadecimal.</t> </li> <li> <t>Meaning (required): Ahexadecimal.</dd> <dt>Meaning (required):</dt><dd>a brief text description of the fieldtype.</t> </li> <li> <t>Reference (required): thetype.</dd> <dt>Reference (required):</dt><dd>the publication defining the fieldtype.</t> </li> </ul> <t>The table is replaced with the following entries. IANA is requested to replace "This RFC" withtype.</dd> </dl> <t>IANA has updated theactual RFC number once assigned.</t> <table>registry as shown in <xref target="tab1"/>.</t> <table anchor="tab1"> <thead> <tr> <th align="left">Field Type</th> <th align="left">Meaning</th> <th align="left">Reference</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left">0x0000</td> <td align="left">Crypto-NAK; authentication failure</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5905</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5905"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0002</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0102</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0104</td> <td align="left">Unique Identifier</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 8915, Section 5.3</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC8915" sectionFormat="comma" section="5.3"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0200</td> <td align="left">No-Operation Request</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0201</td> <td align="left">Association Message Request</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0202</td> <td align="left">Certificate Message Request</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0203</td> <td align="left">Cookie Message Request</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0204</td> <td align="left">Autokey Message Request</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0204</td> <td align="left">NTS Cookie</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 8915, Section 5.4</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC8915" sectionFormat="comma" section="5.4"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0205</td> <td align="left">Leapseconds Message Request</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0206</td> <td align="left">Sign Message Request</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0207</td> <td align="left">IFF Identity Message Request</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0208</td> <td align="left">GQ Identity Message Request</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0209</td> <td align="left">MV Identity Message Request</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0302</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0304</td> <td align="left">NTS Cookie Placeholder</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 8915, Section 5.5</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC8915" sectionFormat="comma" section="5.5"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0402</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0404</td> <td align="left">NTS Authenticator and Encrypted Extension Fields</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 8915, Section 5.6</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC8915" sectionFormat="comma" section="5.6"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0502</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0602</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0702</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0802</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <td align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x0902</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x2005</td> <td align="left">UDP Checksum Complement</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 7821</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC7821"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8002</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8102</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8200</td> <td align="left">No-Operation Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8201</td> <td align="left">Association Message Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8202</td> <td align="left">Certificate Message Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8203</td> <td align="left">Cookie Message Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8204</td> <td align="left">Autokey Message Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8205</td> <td align="left">Leapseconds Message Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8206</td> <td align="left">Sign Message Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8207</td> <td align="left">IFF Identity Message Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8208</td> <td align="left">GQ Identity Message Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8209</td> <td align="left">MV Identity Message Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8302</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8402</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8502</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8602</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8702</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8802</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0x8902</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC002</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC102</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC200</td> <td align="left">No-Operation Error Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC201</td> <td align="left">Association Message Error Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC202</td> <td align="left">Certificate Message Error Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC203</td> <td align="left">Cookie Message Error Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC204</td> <td align="left">Autokey Message Error Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC205</td> <td align="left">Leapseconds Message Error Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC206</td> <td align="left">Sign Message Error Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC207</td> <td align="left">IFF Identity Message Error Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC208</td> <td align="left">GQ Identity Message Error Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC209</td> <td align="left">MV Identity Message Error Response</td> <tdalign="left">RFC 5906</td>align="left"><xref target="RFC5906"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC302</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC402</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC502</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC602</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC702</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC802</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">0xC902</td> <td align="left">Reserved for historic reasons</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> <tr> <tdalign="left">0xF000-<br/>0xFFFF</td>align="left">0xF000-0xFFFF</td> <td align="left">Reserved for Experimental Use</td> <tdalign="left">This RFC</td>align="left">RFC 9748</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section> <section anchor="security-considerations"> <name>Security Considerations</name> <!-- [rfced] To what does "the appropriate table" refer? Is it the Reference column in table 1, or the tables as they appear in the IANA registry? Original: This document adds no new security considerations, as they are defined in the document that defines the extension. See the References column of the appropriate table. --> <t>This document adds no new security considerations, as they are defined in the document that defines the extension. See the References column of the appropriate table.</t> </section> </middle> <back> <references anchor="sec-normative-references"> <name>Normative References</name> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5905.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5906.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7821.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7822.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8126.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8573.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8915.xml"/> </references> <sectionanchor="acknowledgements">anchor="acknowledgements" numbered="false"> <name>Acknowledgements</name> <t>The members of the NTP Working Group helped a great deal. Notable contributors include:</t> <ul spacing="normal"> <li><t>Miroslav Lichvar,<t><contact fullname="Miroslav Lichvar"/>, Red Hat</t> </li> <li><t>Daniel Franke,<t><contact fullname="Daniel Franke"/>, formerly at Akamai Technologies</t> </li> <li><t>Danny Mayer,<t><contact fullname="Danny Mayer"/>, Network Time Foundation</t> </li> <li><t>Michelle Cotton,<t><contact fullname="Michelle Cotton"/>, formerly at IANA</t> </li> <li><t>Tamme Dittrich,<t><contact fullname="Tamme Dittrich"/>, Tweede Golf</t> </li> </ul> </section></middle> <back> <references anchor="sec-normative-references"> <name>Normative References</name> <reference anchor="RFC5905"> <front> <title>Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification</title> <author fullname="D. Mills" initials="D." surname="Mills"/> <author fullname="J. Martin" initials="J." role="editor" surname="Martin"/> <author fullname="J. Burbank" initials="J." surname="Burbank"/> <author fullname="W. Kasch" initials="W." surname="Kasch"/> <date month="June" year="2010"/> <abstract> <t>The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is widely used to synchronize computer clocks in the Internet. This document describes NTP version 4 (NTPv4), which is backwards compatible with NTP version 3 (NTPv3), described in RFC 1305, as well as previous versions of the protocol. NTPv4 includes a modified protocol header to accommodate the Internet Protocol version 6 address family. NTPv4 includes fundamental improvements in the mitigation and discipline algorithms that extend the potential accuracy to the tens of microseconds with modern workstations and fast LANs. It includes a dynamic server discovery scheme, so that in many cases, specific server configuration is not required. It corrects certain errors in the NTPv3 design and implementation and includes an optional extension mechanism. [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5905"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5905"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC5906"> <front> <title>Network Time Protocol Version 4: Autokey Specification</title> <author fullname="B. Haberman" initials="B." role="editor" surname="Haberman"/> <author fullname="D. Mills" initials="D." surname="Mills"/> <date month="June" year="2010"/> <abstract> <t>This memo describes the Autokey security model for authenticating servers to clients using the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and public key cryptography. Its design is based on the premise that IPsec schemes cannot be adopted intact, since that would preclude stateless servers and severely compromise timekeeping accuracy. In addition, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) schemes presume authenticated time values are always available to enforce certificate lifetimes; however, cryptographically verified timestamps require interaction between the timekeeping and authentication functions.</t> <t>This memo includes the Autokey requirements analysis, design principles, and protocol specification. A detailed description of<!-- [rfced] Please review theprotocol states, events, and transition functions is included. A prototype"Inclusive Language" portion of theAutokey design based on this memo has been implemented, tested,online Style Guide <https://www.rfc-editor.org/styleguide/part2/#inclusive_language> anddocumented in the NTP version 4 (NTPv4) software distribution for the Unix, Windows, and Virtual Memory System (VMS) operating systems at http://www.ntp.org. This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is published for informational purposes.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="5906"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC5906"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC7821"> <front> <title>UDP Checksum Complement in the Network Time Protocol (NTP)</title> <author fullname="T. Mizrahi" initials="T." surname="Mizrahi"/> <date month="March" year="2016"/> <abstract> <t>The Network Time Protocol (NTP) allows clients to synchronize to a time server using timestamped protocol messages. To facilitate accurate timestamping, some implementations use hardware-based timestamping engines that integrate the accurate transmission time into every outgoing NTP packet during transmission. Since these packetslet us know if any changes aretransported over UDP, the UDP Checksum field is then updated to reflect this modification. This document proposes an extension field that includes a 2-octet Checksum Complement, allowing timestamping engines to reflect the checksum modification in the last 2 octetsneeded. Updates ofthe packet rather than in the UDP Checksum field. The behavior defined inthisdocument is interoperable with existing NTP implementations.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7821"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7821"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC7822"> <front> <title>Network Time Protocol Version 4 (NTPv4) Extension Fields</title> <author fullname="T. Mizrahi" initials="T." surname="Mizrahi"/> <author fullname="D. Mayer" initials="D." surname="Mayer"/> <date month="March" year="2016"/> <abstract> <t>The Network Time Protocol version 4 (NTPv4) defines the optional usage of extension fields. An extension field, as defined in RFC 5905, is an optional field that resides at the end of the NTP header and that can be used to add optional capabilities or additional information that is not conveyed in the standard NTP header. This document updates RFC 5905 by clarifying some points regarding NTP extension fields and their usage with Message Authentication Codes (MACs).</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7822"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7822"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8126"> <front> <title>Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs</title> <author fullname="M. Cotton" initials="M." surname="Cotton"/> <author fullname="B. Leiba" initials="B." surname="Leiba"/> <author fullname="T. Narten" initials="T." surname="Narten"/> <date month="June" year="2017"/> <abstract> <t>Many protocols make use of points of extensibility that use constants to identify various protocol parameters. To ensure that the values in these fields do not have conflicting uses and to promote interoperability, their allocations are often coordinated by a central record keeper. For IETF protocols, that role is filled by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).</t> <t>To make assignmentsnature typically result ina given registry prudently, guidance describing the conditions undermore precise language, whichnew values should be assigned, as well as when and how modifications to existing values can be made,isneeded. This document defines a frameworkhelpful forthe documentation of these guidelines by specification authors, in order to assure that the provided guidance for the IANA Considerations is clear and addresses the various issuesreaders. Note thatare likelyour script did not flag any words inthe operation of a registry.</t> <t>This is the third edition ofparticular, but thisdocument; it obsoletes RFC 5226.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="BCP" value="26"/> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8126"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8126"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8573"> <front> <title>Message Authentication Code for the Network Time Protocol</title> <author fullname="A. Malhotra" initials="A." surname="Malhotra"/> <author fullname="S. Goldberg" initials="S." surname="Goldberg"/> <date month="June" year="2019"/> <abstract> <t>The Network Time Protocol (NTP), as described in RFC 5905, states that NTP packetsshould still beauthenticated by appending NTP data to a 128-bit key and hashing the result with MD5 to obtain a 128-bit tag. This document deprecates MD5-based authentication, which is considered too weak, and recommends the use of AES-CMAC as described in RFC 4493reviewed as areplacement.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8573"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8573"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8915"> <front> <title>Network Time Security for the Network Time Protocol</title> <author fullname="D. Franke" initials="D." surname="Franke"/> <author fullname="D. Sibold" initials="D." surname="Sibold"/> <author fullname="K. Teichel" initials="K." surname="Teichel"/> <author fullname="M. Dansarie" initials="M." surname="Dansarie"/> <author fullname="R. Sundblad" initials="R." surname="Sundblad"/> <date month="September" year="2020"/> <abstract> <t>This memo specifies Network Time Security (NTS), a mechanism for using Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) to provide cryptographic security for the client-server mode of the Network Time Protocol (NTP).</t> <t>NTS is structured as a suite of two loosely coupled sub-protocols. The first (NTS Key Establishment (NTS-KE)) handles initial authentication and key establishment over TLS. The second (NTS Extension Fields for NTPv4) handles encryption and authentication during NTP time synchronization via extension fields in the NTP packets, and holds all required state only on the client via opaque cookies.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8915"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8915"/> </reference> </references> </back> <!-- ##markdown-source: H4sIAAAAAAAAA+1bW3PbxhV+31+x4zzU7pCM7paZTKcqJbma1G5qKW1nOp3O EliSW4FYFguIYmr/937n7C4IUCAth3loptVMEhLAnvv5zgVMv98XqU1yNddD mRZqUvaNLif9vFz0q0WqSt0v9NS4sjDa9Q/PhL/ohvL0zcFpj/591pPnp6+P e/L1+dER//tQlKbMQPAHetjkU1nOtHx/9738UNMSCchMbbEaSlemAhe1mg/l zdXdtVja4n5a2GoxlJBDmEUxlGVRufLo4ODNwZHA0ypP/6Eym4PJCsQWZiik LG3iv0rpbAGKE1d/X82bXxM7X6ikrO9W4/pKboW41yvIkA7l3yB0T+rHUufO 2Nz15NoaPXlz8f7i70KoqpzZggTo4x8pvTE/mGQmb1X2I1+zxXQoL+7VXBl5 p5NZbjM7NcxcSo2r2VAWDk//VvFDA8gjclvMYb8HTbQ/XI/I5MP4ob50Fi+d +UvkgGH8UF86ipeO/KXzwyN/kD6ES/DiMH4Il94ceo70QYh+vy/VGOrDUkLc 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