rfc9720v1.txt   rfc9720.txt 
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The details described in this document are expected to continue to The details described in this document are expected to continue to
change over time as the community and the RFC Production Center (RPC) change over time as the community and the RFC Production Center (RPC)
gain further experience implementing the policies described here. gain further experience implementing the policies described here.
Implementors of these components are advised to avoid assuming that Implementors of these components are advised to avoid assuming that
all such changes will be backwards compatible. all such changes will be backwards compatible.
1.1. Changes to RFC 7990 1.1. Changes to RFC 7990
[RFC7990] defined a framework for how RFCs would be published after [RFC7990] defined a framework for how RFCs would be published,
that document was published, including new formats and a new including new "publication formats" and a new "canonical format". It
"canonical format" for archiving RFCs. It talked about "the XML talked about "the XML file" as if there would only be one XML file
file" as if there would only be one XML file for an RFC because that for an RFC because that was the expectation at the time [RFC7990] was
was the expectation at the time [RFC7990] was published. It also published. It also talked about "publication formats" as the
talked about "publication formats" as the versions of HTML, text, and versions of HTML, plain text, and PDF derived from the "canonical
PDF derived from the "canonical format". format".
After extensive experience with publishing RFCs in the RFCXML format After extensive experience with publishing RFCs in the RFCXML format
[RFC7991], it has been decided that an RFC's XML file can be updated [RFC7991], it has been decided that an RFC's XML file can be updated
for narrowly limited purposes. This document changes [RFC7990] in for narrowly limited purposes. This document changes [RFC7990] in
significant ways: significant ways:
* It defines four terms that replace the use of the term "canonical" * It defines four terms that replace the use of the term "canonical"
and clarifies "format": and clarifies "format":
- The "definitive format", which is RFCXML - The "definitive format", which is RFCXML
- The "definitive version", which is a published RFC in the - The "definitive version", which is a published RFC in the
definitive format definitive format
- A "publication format", which is currently one of PDF, plain - A "publication format", which is currently one of HTML, plain
text, or HTML text, and PDF
- A "publication version", which is a published RFC in one of the - A "publication version", which is a published RFC in one of the
publication formats publication formats
* It defines a policy governing how the RFCXML format changes. * It defines a policy governing how the RFCXML format changes.
* It defines a policy for when the definitive version of an RFC can * It defines a policy for when the definitive version of an RFC can
be updated and older definitive versions archived. be updated and older definitive versions archived.
* It defines a policy for when the publication versions of an RFC * It defines a policy for when the publication versions of an RFC
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This document uses two terms, "definitive version" and "definitive This document uses two terms, "definitive version" and "definitive
format", for the earlier term "canonical format". format", for the earlier term "canonical format".
This document also makes the following terminology changes: This document also makes the following terminology changes:
* It changes the phrase "xml2rfc version 3" to "RFCXML". * It changes the phrase "xml2rfc version 3" to "RFCXML".
* It changes the name of the body that publishes RFCs from "RFC * It changes the name of the body that publishes RFCs from "RFC
Editor" to "RFC Production Center" (RPC). Editor" to "RFC Production Center" (RPC).
Historical text from [RFC7990], such as Sections 2 ("Problem Historical text from [RFC7990], such as Section 2 ("Problem
Statement"), 4 ("Overview of the Decision-Making Process"), and 10 Statement"), Section 4 ("Overview of the Decision-Making Process"),
("Transition Plan"), was purposely omitted from this document. Text and Section 10 ("Transition Plan"), was purposely omitted from this
from [RFC7990] that repeated what was in other RFCs, particularly document. Text from [RFC7990] that repeated what was in other RFCs,
Sections 8 ("Figures and Artwork") and 9 ("Content and Page Layout"), particularly Section 8 ("Figures and Artwork") and Section 9
was also removed. ("Content and Page Layout"), was also removed.
1.2. Changes to RFC 9280 1.2. Changes to RFC 9280
Section 7.6 of [RFC9280] says: Section 7.6 of [RFC9280] says:
| Once published, RFC Series documents are not changed. | Once published, RFC Series documents are not changed.
This document replaces that sentence with: This document replaces that sentence with:
| Once published, RFCs may be reissued, but the semantic content of | Once published, RFCs may be reissued, but the semantic content of
| publication versions shall be preserved to the greatest extent | publication versions shall be preserved to the greatest extent
| possible. | possible.
This document also adds a new policy to Section 7 of [RFC9280]: This document also adds a new policy to Section 7 of [RFC9280]:
| 7.8. Consistency | 7.8. Consistency
| |
| RFCs are copyedited, formatted, published, and may be reissued | RFCs are copyedited, formatted, and then published. They may
| to maintain a consistent presentation. | be reissued to maintain a consistent presentation.
Sections 2.1 and 3 in this document are based on this updated policy Sections 2.1 and 3 in this document are based on this policy in
in [RFC9280]. [RFC9280].
1.3. Key Changes from the Earlier RFC Process 1.3. Key Changes from the Earlier RFC Process
The first RFC to be published following the guidance of the group of The first RFC to be published following the guidance of the group of
RFCs described in [RFC7990] was [RFC8651], published in October 2019. RFCs described in [RFC7990] was [RFC8651], published in October 2019.
In the time since then, all published RFCs have followed the general In the time since then, all published RFCs have followed the general
plan from [RFC7990]. plan from [RFC7990].
At the highest level, the changes that [RFC7990] made to the RFC At the highest level, the changes that [RFC7990] made to the RFC
format involved breaking away from solely ASCII [RFC20] plain text format involved breaking away from solely ASCII [RFC20] plain text
and moving to a definitive format that includes all the information and moving to a definitive format that includes all the information
required for rendering a document into a wide variety of publication required for rendering a document into a wide variety of publication
formats. The RPC became responsible for more than just the plain- formats. The RPC became responsible for more than just the plain-
text file and a PDF rendering that was created from the plain text at text file and a PDF rendering that was created from the plain text at
the time of publication; the RPC now creates the definitive version the time of publication; the RPC now creates the definitive version
and three publication versions of the RFC in order to meet the and three publication versions of the RFC in order to meet the
diverse requirements of the community. diverse requirements of the community.
The final RFCXML file produced by the RPC is the definitive version The final RFCXML file produced by the RPC is the definitive version
for RFCs; it holds all the information intended for an RFC. for RFCs; it holds all the information intended for an RFC.
Additional publication versions (HTML, PDF, and plain text) are also Additional publication versions (HTML, plain text, and PDF) are also
published by the RPC. The publication formats are described in published by the RPC. The publication formats are fully specified in
Section 3 and fully specified in other RFCs. other RFCs.
2. Definitive Version of an RFC 2. Definitive Version of an RFC
The definitive version produced by the RPC is the publication version The definitive version produced by the RPC holds all the information
that holds all the information intended for an RFC. The RPC may intended for an RFC. The RPC may change the definitive version of an
change the definitive version of an RFC over time (that is, change RFC over time (that is, change the XML file), as described in
the XML file), as described in Section 2.1. See [RFC7991] for the Section 2.1. See [RFC7991] for the original complete description of
original complete description of RFCXML. RFCXML.
The XML may contain SVG line art, as originally described in The XML may contain SVG line art, as originally described in
[RFC7996]. That SVG will also appear in the HTML publication [RFC7996]. That SVG will also appear in the HTML publication
versions. The XML may contain non-ASCII characters, as originally version. The XML may contain non-ASCII characters, as originally
described in [RFC7997]. These characters will appear in all the described in [RFC7997]. These characters will appear in all the
publication versions. publication versions.
The definitive version must contain all information necessary to The definitive version must contain all information necessary to
render the specified publication versions; any question about what render the specified publication versions; any question about what
was intended in the publication will be answered from this file. It was intended in the publication will be answered from this file. It
is self-contained with all the semantic content known at publication is self-contained with all the semantic content known at publication
time. For instance, all features that reference externally defined time. For instance, all features that reference externally defined
input are expanded. It does not contain src attributes for <artwork> input are expanded. It does not contain src attributes for <artwork>
or <sourcecode> elements. It does not contain comments or processing or <sourcecode> elements. It does not contain comments or processing
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2.2. Expected Updates to RFCXML 2.2. Expected Updates to RFCXML
It is anticipated that [RFC7991] will be updated. Updates to the It is anticipated that [RFC7991] will be updated. Updates to the
RFCXML specification that are applied to existing RFCs should RFCXML specification that are applied to existing RFCs should
preserve the semantics expressed in the original RFC to the greatest preserve the semantics expressed in the original RFC to the greatest
extent possible. The goal of limiting changes only to syntax is to extent possible. The goal of limiting changes only to syntax is to
preserve the semantic meaning encoded in the published document. preserve the semantic meaning encoded in the published document.
This policy does not require that updates to RFCXML avoid all risk of This policy does not require that updates to RFCXML avoid all risk of
introducing semantic changes to existing RFCs. Instead, it only introducing semantic changes to existing RFCs. Instead, considering
requires that such updates consider the potential for semantic the potential for semantic changes, taking steps to understand the
changes, take steps to understand the risk of a semantic change risk of a semantic change (either deliberate or inadvertent), and
(either deliberate or inadvertent), and limit those risks. limiting associated risks are the only requirements.
3. Publication Versions 3. Publication Versions
The RPC is permitted but not required to reissue publication versions The RPC is permitted but not required to reissue publication versions
of an RFC, as described in Section 1.2. In deciding whether to of an RFC, as described in Section 1.2. In deciding whether to
update the publication versions of an RFC, the RPC will take into update the publication versions of an RFC, the RPC will take into
account both the risk of semantic changes and consistency of the account both the risk of semantic changes and consistency of the
Series. Series.
XML format errors and better design choices have been discovered by XML format errors and better design choices have been discovered by
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archived documents might be located or identified. The methods for archived documents might be located or identified. The methods for
storage and access will be determined by the RPC in consultation with storage and access will be determined by the RPC in consultation with
the technical community. the technical community.
5. IANA Considerations 5. IANA Considerations
This document has no IANA actions. This document has no IANA actions.
6. Security Considerations 6. Security Considerations
Allowing changes to the definitive versions and publication versions Allowing changes to the definitive version and publication versions
of RFCs introduces risks. A significant risk is that unintended of RFCs introduces risks. A significant risk is that unintended
changes could occur in either the definitive version or publication changes could occur in either the definitive version or publication
versions of an RFC as a result of an editing error, or may be versions of an RFC as a result of an editing error. In addition,
introduced into a publication version when it is regenerated from the unintended changes may be introduced into a publication version when
definitive version. This may result in the corruption of a standard, it is regenerated from the definitive version. This may result in
practice, or critical piece of information about a protocol, and harm the corruption of a standard, practice, or critical piece of
to the reputation of the RFC Series. information about a protocol, which may harm the reputation of the
RFC Series.
The RPC is expected to identify, track, and actively mitigate risks The RPC is expected to identify, track, and actively mitigate risks
introduced by this new policy. introduced by this new policy.
7. References 7. References
7.1. Normative References 7.1. Normative References
[RFC7991] Hoffman, P., "The "xml2rfc" Version 3 Vocabulary", [RFC7991] Hoffman, P., "The "xml2rfc" Version 3 Vocabulary",
RFC 7991, DOI 10.17487/RFC7991, December 2016, RFC 7991, DOI 10.17487/RFC7991, December 2016,
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