rfc9691v2.txt   rfc9691.txt 
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R. Austein R. Austein
Dragon Research Labs Dragon Research Labs
December 2024 December 2024
A Profile for Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Trust Anchor A Profile for Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Trust Anchor
Keys (TAKs) Keys (TAKs)
Abstract Abstract
A Trust Anchor Locator (TAL) is used by Relying Parties (RPs) in the A Trust Anchor Locator (TAL) is used by Relying Parties (RPs) in the
Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) to locate and validate Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) to locate and validate a
Trust Anchor (TA) Certification Authority (CA) certificate used in Trust Anchor (TA) Certification Authority (CA) certificate used in
RPKI validation. This document defines an RPKI signed object for a RPKI validation. This document defines an RPKI signed object for a
Trust Anchor Key (TAK). A TAK object can be used by a TA to signal Trust Anchor Key (TAK). A TAK object can be used by a TA to signal
to RPs the location(s) of the accompanying CA certificate for the to RPs the location(s) of the accompanying CA certificate for the
current public key, as well as the successor public key and the current public key, as well as the successor public key and the
location(s) of its CA certificate. This object helps to support location(s) of its CA certificate. This object helps to support
planned key rollovers without impacting RPKI validation. planned key rollovers without impacting RPKI validation.
Status of This Memo Status of This Memo
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if it is present. If the TAK object lists only the current public if it is present. If the TAK object lists only the current public
key, then the RP continues processing as it would in the absence of a key, then the RP continues processing as it would in the absence of a
TAK object. If the TAK object includes a successor public key, the TAK object. If the TAK object includes a successor public key, the
RP starts a 30-day acceptance timer for that key and then continues RP starts a 30-day acceptance timer for that key and then continues
standard top-down validation with the current public key. During the standard top-down validation with the current public key. During the
following validation runs up until the expiry of the acceptance following validation runs up until the expiry of the acceptance
timer, the RP verifies that the public keys and the certificate URLs timer, the RP verifies that the public keys and the certificate URLs
listed in the TAK object remain unchanged. If they remain unchanged listed in the TAK object remain unchanged. If they remain unchanged
as at that time, then the RP will fetch the successor public key, as at that time, then the RP will fetch the successor public key,
update its local state with that public key and its associated update its local state with that public key and its associated
certification location(s), and continue processing using that public certificate location(s), and continue processing using that public
key. key.
The primary motivation for this work is being able to migrate from a The primary motivation for this work is being able to migrate from a
Hardware Security Module (HSM) produced by one vendor to one produced Hardware Security Module (HSM) produced by one vendor to one produced
by another, where the first vendor does not support exporting private by another, where the first vendor does not support exporting private
keys for use by the second. There may be other scenarios in which keys for use by the second. There may be other scenarios in which
key rollover is useful, though. key rollover is useful, though.
1.1. Requirements Notation 1.1. Requirements Notation
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the RP to alert the user when a new successor public key is seen and the RP to alert the user when a new successor public key is seen and
when the relevant acceptance timer has expired. The user can then when the relevant acceptance timer has expired. The user can then
manually transition to the new TA public key data. This process manually transition to the new TA public key data. This process
ensures that the benefits of the acceptance timer period are still ensures that the benefits of the acceptance timer period are still
realised, as compared with TA public key update based on a TAL realised, as compared with TA public key update based on a TAL
distributed out of band by a TA. distributed out of band by a TA.
5. Maintaining Multiple TA Key Pairs 5. Maintaining Multiple TA Key Pairs
An RP that can process TAK objects will only ever use one public key An RP that can process TAK objects will only ever use one public key
for validation: either the current public key or the successor public for validation: either the current public key, or the successor
key once the relevant acceptance timer has expired. By contrast, an public key once the relevant acceptance timer has expired. By
RP that cannot process TAK objects will continue to use the public contrast, an RP that cannot process TAK objects will continue to use
key details per its TAL (or equivalent manual configuration) the public key details per its TAL (or equivalent manual
indefinitely. As a result, even when a TA is using a TAK object in configuration) indefinitely. As a result, even when a TA is using a
order to migrate clients to a new public key, the TA may have to TAK object in order to migrate clients to a new public key, the TA
maintain the previous key pair for a period of time alongside the new may have to maintain the previous key pair for a period of time
key pair in order to ensure continuity of service for older clients. alongside the new key pair in order to ensure continuity of service
for older clients.
For each TA key pair that a TA maintains, the signed material for For each TA key pair that a TA maintains, the signed material for
these key pairs MUST be published under different directories in the these key pairs MUST be published under different directories in the
context of the 'id-ad-caRepository' and 'id-ad-rpkiManifest' SIA context of the 'id-ad-caRepository' and 'id-ad-rpkiManifest' SIA
descriptions contained on the CA certificates [RFC6487]. Publishing descriptions contained on the CA certificates [RFC6487]. Publishing
objects under the same directory is potentially confusing for RPs and objects under the same directory is potentially confusing for RPs and
could lead to object invalidity in the event of filename collisions. could lead to object invalidity in the event of filename collisions.
Also, the CA certificates for each maintained key pair and the Also, the CA certificates for each maintained key pair and the
content published for each key pair MUST be equivalent (except for content published for each key pair MUST be equivalent (except for
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This means that the IP and Autonomous System (AS) resources contained This means that the IP and Autonomous System (AS) resources contained
on all current CA certificates for the maintained TA key pairs MUST on all current CA certificates for the maintained TA key pairs MUST
be the same. Furthermore, for any delegation of IP and AS resources be the same. Furthermore, for any delegation of IP and AS resources
to a child CA, the TA MUST have an equivalent CA certificate to a child CA, the TA MUST have an equivalent CA certificate
published under each of its key pairs. Any updates in delegations published under each of its key pairs. Any updates in delegations
MUST be reflected under each of its key pairs. A TA SHOULD NOT MUST be reflected under each of its key pairs. A TA SHOULD NOT
publish any other objects besides a CRL, a manifest, a single TAK publish any other objects besides a CRL, a manifest, a single TAK
object, and any number of CA certificates for delegation to child object, and any number of CA certificates for delegation to child
CAs. CAs.
If a TA uses a single remote publication server (per per [RFC8181]) If a TA uses a single remote publication server (per [RFC8181]) for
for its key pairs per, then it MUST include all <publish/> and its key pairs, then it MUST include all <publish/> and <withdraw/>
<withdraw/> Protocol Data Units (PDUs) for the products of each of Protocol Data Units (PDUs) for the products of each of its key pairs
its key pairs in a single query in order to reduce the risk of RPs in a single query in order to reduce the risk of RPs seeing
seeing inconsistent data in the TA's RPKI repositories. inconsistent data in the TA's RPKI repositories.
If a TA uses multiple publication servers, then the content for If a TA uses multiple publication servers, then the content for
different key pairs will be out of sync at times. The TA SHOULD different key pairs will be out of sync at times. The TA SHOULD
ensure that the duration of these moments is limited to the shortest ensure that the duration of these moments is limited to the shortest
possible time. Furthermore, the following should be observed: possible time. Furthermore, the following should be observed:
* In cases where a CA certificate is revoked or replaced by a * In cases where a CA certificate is revoked or replaced by a
certificate with a reduced set of resources, these changes will certificate with a reduced set of resources, these changes will
not take effect fully until all the relevant repository not take effect fully until all the relevant repository
publication points have been updated. Given that TA private key publication points have been updated. Given that TA private key
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