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<rfc ipr="trust200902" docName="draft-ietf-acme-subdomains-07" category="std" co
nsensus="yes" tocDepth="2" tocInclude="true" sortRefs="true" symRefs="true">
<front> <front>
<title abbrev="ACME-SUBDOMAINS">Automated Certificate Management Environment <title abbrev="ACME for Subdomains">Automated Certificate Management Environ
(ACME) for Subdomains</title> ment (ACME) for Subdomains</title>
<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9444"/>
<author initials="O." surname="Friel" fullname="Owen Friel"> <author initials="O." surname="Friel" fullname="Owen Friel">
<organization>Cisco</organization> <organization>Cisco</organization>
<address> <address>
<email>ofriel@cisco.com</email> <email>ofriel@cisco.com</email>
</address> </address>
</author> </author>
<author initials="R." surname="Barnes" fullname="Richard Barnes"> <author initials="R." surname="Barnes" fullname="Richard Barnes">
<organization>Cisco</organization> <organization>Cisco</organization>
<address> <address>
<email>rlb@ipv.sx</email> <email>rlb@ipv.sx</email>
skipping to change at line 48 skipping to change at line 37
<address> <address>
<email>tim.hollebeek@digicert.com</email> <email>tim.hollebeek@digicert.com</email>
</address> </address>
</author> </author>
<author initials="M." surname="Richardson" fullname="Michael Richardson"> <author initials="M." surname="Richardson" fullname="Michael Richardson">
<organization>Sandelman Software Works</organization> <organization>Sandelman Software Works</organization>
<address> <address>
<email>mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca</email> <email>mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca</email>
</address> </address>
</author> </author>
<date year="2023" month="August"/>
<date year="2023" month="March" day="01"/>
<area>Security</area> <area>Security</area>
<workgroup>ACME Working Group</workgroup> <workgroup>ACME Working Group</workgroup>
<abstract> <abstract>
<t>This document specifies how Automated Certificate Management Environmen
<t>This document specifies how Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACM t (ACME) can be used by a client to obtain a certificate for a subdomain identif
E) can be used by a client to obtain a certificate for a subdomain identifier fr ier from a certification authority. Additionally, this document specifies how a
om a certification authority. This document specifies how a client can fulfill a client can fulfill a challenge against an ancestor domain but may not need to fu
challenge against an ancestor domain but may not need to fulfill a challenge ag lfill a challenge against the explicit subdomain if certification authority poli
ainst the explicit subdomain if certification authority policy allows issuance o cy allows issuance of the subdomain certificate without explicit subdomain owner
f the subdomain certificate without explicit subdomain ownership proof.</t> ship proof.</t>
</abstract> </abstract>
</front> </front>
<middle> <middle>
<section anchor="introduction">
<section anchor="introduction"><name>Introduction</name> <name>Introduction</name>
<t>ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/> defines a protocol that a certification a
<t>ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/> defines a protocol that a certification authori uthority (CA) and an applicant can use to automate the process of domain name ow
ty (CA) and an applicant can use to automate the process of domain name ownershi nership validation and X.509v3 (PKIX) <xref target="RFC5280"/> certificate issua
p validation and X.509v3 (PKIX) <xref target="RFC5280"/> certificate issuance. T nce. The CA is the ACME server and the applicant is the ACME client, and the cli
he CA is the ACME server and the applicant is the ACME client, and the client us ent uses the ACME protocol to request certificate issuance from the server. This
es the ACME protocol to request certificate issuance from the server. This docum document outlines how ACME can be used to issue subdomain certificates without
ent outlines how ACME can be used to issue subdomain certificates, without requi requiring the ACME client to explicitly fulfill an ownership challenge against t
ring the ACME client to explicitly fulfill an ownership challenge against the su he subdomain identifiers -- the ACME client need only fulfill an ownership chall
bdomain identifiers - the ACME client need only fulfill an ownership challenge a enge against an ancestor domain identifier.</t>
gainst an ancestor domain identifier.</t> </section>
<section anchor="terminology">
</section> <name>Terminology</name>
<section anchor="terminology"><name>Terminology</name> <t>
The key words "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>REQU
<t>The key words "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>REQUI IRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL
RED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>
NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>RECO RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>",
MMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to
"<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be i be interpreted as
nterpreted as described in BCP&nbsp;14 <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/>
described in BCP 14 <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/> when, and when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
only when, they </t>
appear in all capitals, as shown here.</t> <t>The following terms are defined in "DNS Terminology" <xref target="RFC8
499"/> and are reproduced here:</t>
<t>The following terms are defined in DNS Terminology <xref target="RFC8499"/> a <dl newline="true">
nd are reproduced here:</t> <dt>Label:</dt>
<dd>An ordered list of zero or more octets that makes up a
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>Label: An ordered list of zero or more octets that makes up a
portion of a domain name. Using graph theory, a label identifies portion of a domain name. Using graph theory, a label identifies
one node in a portion of the graph of all possible domain names.</t> one node in a portion of the graph of all possible domain names.</dd>
<t>Domain Name: An ordered list of one or more labels.</t> <dt>Domain Name:</dt>
<t>Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN): This is often just a clear way <dd>An ordered list of one or more labels.</dd>
<dt>Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN):</dt>
<dd>This is often just a clear way
of saying the same thing as "domain name of a node", as outlined of saying the same thing as "domain name of a node", as outlined
above. However, the term is ambiguous. Strictly speaking, a above. However, the term is ambiguous. Strictly speaking, a
fully-qualified domain name would include every label, including fully-qualified domain name would include every label, including
the zero-length label of the root: such a name would be written the zero-length label of the root: such a name would be written
"www.example.net." (note the terminating dot). But, because every <tt>www.example.net.</tt> (note the terminating dot). But, because every
name eventually shares the common root, names are often written name eventually shares the common root, names are often written
relative to the root (such as "www.example.net") and are still relative to the root (such as <tt>www.example.net</tt>) and are still
called "fully qualified". This term first appeared in <xref target="RFC0819 "/>. called "fully qualified". This term first appeared in <xref target="RFC0819 "/>.
In this document, names are often written relative to the root.</t> In this document, names are often written relative to the root.</dd>
</list></t> </dl>
<t>The following definition for "subdomain" is taken from "DNS Terminology
<t>The following definition for "subdomain" is taken from DNS Terminology <xref " <xref target="RFC8499"/> and reproduced here; however, the definition is ambig
target="RFC8499"/> and reproduced here, however the definition is ambiguous and uous and is further clarified below:</t>
is further clarified below:</t> <dl newline="true">
<t><list style="symbols"> <dd>"A domain is a subdomain of another domain if it is
<t>Subdomain: "A domain is a subdomain of another domain if it is
contained within that domain. This relationship can be tested by contained within that domain. This relationship can be tested by
seeing if the subdomain's name ends with the containing domain's seeing if the subdomain's name ends with the containing domain's
name." (Quoted from <xref section="3.1" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC1034" />.) For example, in the name." (Quoted from <xref section="3.1" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC1034" />.) For example, in the
host name "nnn.mmm.example.com", both "mmm.example.com" and host name <tt>nnn.mmm.example.com</tt>, both <tt>mmm.example.com</tt> and
"nnn.mmm.example.com" are subdomains of "example.com". Note that <tt>nnn.mmm.example.com</tt> are subdomains of <tt>example.com</tt>. Note t
the comparisons here are done on whole labels; that is, the comparisons here are done on whole labels; that is,
"ooo.example.com" is not a subdomain of "oo.example.com".</t> <tt>ooo.example.com</tt> is not a subdomain of <tt>oo.example.com</tt>.</dd>
</list></t> </dl>
<t>The definition is ambiguous as it appears to allow a subdomain to inclu
<t>The definition is ambiguous as it appears to allow a subdomain to include the de the given domain. That is, <tt>mmm.example.com</tt> ends with <tt>mmm.example
given domain. That is, "mmm.example.com" ends with "mmm.example.com" and thus i .com</tt> and thus is a subdomain of itself. This document interprets the first
s a subdomain of itself. This document interprets the first sentence of the abov sentence of the above definition as meaning "a domain is a subdomain of a differ
e definition as meaning "A domain is a subdomain of a different domain if it is ent domain if it is contained within that different domain". A domain cannot be
contained within that different domain.". A domain cannot be a subdomain of itse a subdomain of itself. For example, <tt>mmm.example.com</tt> is not a subdomain
lf. For example, "mmm.example.com" is not a subdomain of "mmm.example.com".</t> of <tt>mmm.example.com</tt>.</t>
<t>The following additional terms are used in this document:</t>
<t>The following additional terms are used in this document:</t> <dl newline="true">
<dt>Certification Authority (CA):</dt>
<t><list style="symbols"> <dd>An organization that is responsible for the creation, issuance, revo
<t>Certification Authority (CA): An organization that is responsible for the c cation, and management of Certificates. The term applies equally to both root CA
reation, issuance, revocation, and management of Certificates. The term applies s and subordinate CAs. Refer to <xref target="RFC5280"/> for detailed informatio
equally to both Root CAs and Subordinate CAs. Refer to <xref target="RFC5280"/> n on Certification Authorities.</dd>
for detailed information on Certification Authorities.</t> <dt>CSR:</dt>
<t>CSR: Certificate Signing Request as defined in <xref target="RFC2986"/></t> <dd>Certificate Signing Request, as defined in <xref target="RFC2986"/>.
<t>Ancestor Domain: a domain is an ancestor domain of a subdomain if it contai </dd>
ns that subdomain and has less labels than that subdomain. A domain cannot be an <dt>Ancestor Domain:</dt>
ancestor domain of itself. For example, for the host name "nnn.mmm.example.com" <dd>A domain is an ancestor domain of a subdomain if it contains that su
, both "mmm.example.com" and "example.com" are ancestor domains of "nnn.mmm.exam bdomain and has fewer labels than that subdomain. A domain cannot be an ancestor
ple.com". However, "nnn.mmm.example.com" is not an ancestor domain of "nnn.mmm. domain of itself. For example, for the host name <tt>nnn.mmm.example.com</tt>,
example.com". Note that the comparisons here are done on whole labels; that is, both <tt>mmm.example.com</tt> and <tt>example.com</tt> are ancestor domains of <
"oo.example.com" is not an ancestor domain of "ooo.example.com".</t> tt>nnn.mmm.example.com</tt>. However, <tt>nnn.mmm.example.com</tt> is not an anc
</list></t> estor domain of <tt>nnn.mmm.example.com</tt>. Note that the comparisons here ar
e done on whole labels; that is, <tt>oo.example.com</tt> is not an ancestor doma
<t>ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/> defines the following object types which are us in of <tt>ooo.example.com</tt>.</dd>
ed in this document:</t> </dl>
<t><xref target="RFC8555"/> defines the following object types that are us
<t><list style="symbols"> ed in this document:</t>
<t>Order Object: An ACME order object represents a client's request for a cert <dl newline="false">
ificate and is used to track the progress of that order through to issuance.</t> <dt>Order Object:</dt>
<t>Authorization Object: An ACME authorization object represents a server's au <dd>An ACME order object represents a client's request for a certificate
thorization for an account to represent an identifier.</t> and is used to track the progress of that order through to issuance.</dd>
<t>Challenge Object: An ACME challenge object represents a server's offer to v <dt>Authorization Object:</dt>
alidate a client's possession of an identifier in a specific way.</t> <dd>An ACME authorization object represents a server's authorization for
</list></t> an account to represent an identifier.</dd>
<dt>Challenge Object:</dt>
<t>ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/> Section 6.3 introduces the following term which <dd>An ACME challenge object represents a server's offer to validate a c
is used in this document:</t> lient's possession of an identifier in a specific way.</dd>
<t><list style="symbols"> <t>ACME <xref target="RFC8555" sectionFormat="comma" section="6.3"/> intro
<t>POST-as-GET Request: When a client wishes to fetch a resource from the serv duces the following term which is used in this document:</t>
er, then it <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> send a POST request with a signed JWS body, wher <dl newline="true">
e the JWS body is specified in ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/> Section 6.2. ACME r <dt>POST-as-GET Request:</dt>
efers to these as "POST-as-GET" requests.</t> <dd>When a client wishes to fetch a resource from the server, then it <b
</list></t> cp14>MUST</bcp14> send a POST request with a signed JSON Web Signature (JWS) bod
y, where the JWS body is specified in ACME <xref target="RFC8555" sectionFormat=
</section> "comma" section="6.2"/>. ACME refers to these as "POST-as-GET" requests.</dd>
<section anchor="acme-workflow-and-identifier-requirements"><name>ACME Workflow </dl>
and Identifier Requirements</name> </section>
<section anchor="acme-workflow-and-identifier-requirements">
<t>A typical ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/> workflow for issuance of certificates <name>ACME Workflow and Identifier Requirements</name>
is as follows:</t> <t>A typical ACME workflow for issuance of certificates is as follows:</t>
<ol spacing="normal" type="1">
<t><list style="numbers"> <li>Client POSTs a newOrder request that contains a set of identifier obj
<t>client POSTs a newOrder request that contains a set of "identifiers"</t> ects in the <tt>identifiers</tt> field of the ACME order object.</li>
<t>server replies with an order object that contains a set of links to authori <li>Server replies with an order object that contains a set of links to
zation object(s) and a "finalize" URI</t> authorization object(s) and a <tt>finalize</tt> URI.</li>
<t>client sends POST-as-GET requests to retrieve the authorization object(s), <li>Client sends POST-as-GET request(s) to retrieve the authorization ob
with the downloaded authorization object(s) containing the "identifier" that the ject(s), with the downloaded authorization object(s) containing the <tt>identifi
client must prove that they control, and a set of links to associated challenge er</tt> that the client must prove that they control, and a set of links to asso
s objects, one of which the client must fulfill</t> ciated challenge objects, one of which the client must fulfill.</li>
<t>client proves control over the "identifier" in the authorization object by <li>Client proves control over the <tt>identifier</tt> in the authorizat
completing one of the specified challenges, for example, by publishing a DNS TXT ion object by completing one of the specified challenges, for example, by publis
record</t> hing a DNS TXT record.</li>
<t>client POSTs a CSR to the "finalize" API</t> <li>Client POSTs a CSR to the <tt>finalize</tt> API.</li>
<t>server replies with an updated order object that includes a "certificate" U <li>Server replies with an updated order object that includes a <tt>cert
RI</t> ificate</tt> URI.</li>
<t>client sends POST-as-GET request to the "certificate" URI to download the c <li>Client sends a POST-as-GET request to the <tt>certificate</tt> URI t
ertificate</t> o download the certificate.</li>
</list></t> </ol>
<t>ACME places the following restrictions on <tt>identifiers</tt>:</t>
<t>ACME places the following restrictions on "identifiers":</t> <ul spacing="normal">
<t><list style="symbols"> <xref section="7.1.3" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>: "The a
<t><xref section="7.1.3" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>: The authori uthorizations required are dictated by server policy; there may not be a 1:1 rel
zations required are dictated by server policy; there may not be a 1:1 relations ationship between the order identifiers and the authorizations required."</li>
hip between the order identifiers and the authorizations required.</t> <li>
<t><xref section="7.1.4" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>: the only ty <xref section="7.1.4" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>: The on
pe of "identifier" defined by the ACME specification is an FQDN: "The only type ly type of <tt>identifier</tt> defined by the ACME specification is an FQDN: "Th
of identifier defined by this specification is a fully qualified domain name (ty e only type of identifier defined by this specification is a fully qualified dom
pe: "dns"). The domain name <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be encoded in the form in which ain name (type: "dns"). The domain name <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be encoded in the fo
it would appear in a certificate."</t> rm in which it would appear in a certificate."</li>
<t><xref section="7.4" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>: the "identifi <li>
er" in the CSR request must match the "identifier" in the newOrder request: "The <xref section="7.4" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>: The <tt>
CSR <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> indicate the exact same set of requested identifiers as identifier</tt> in the CSR request must match the <tt>identifier</tt> in the new
the initial newOrder request."</t> Order request: "The CSR <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> indicate the exact same set of reque
<t><xref section="8.3" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>: the "identifi sted identifiers as the initial newOrder request."</li>
er", or FQDN, in the authorization object must be used when fulfilling challenge <li>
s via HTTP: "Construct a URL by populating the URL template ... where the domain <xref section="8.3" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>: The <tt>
field is set to the domain name being verified"</t> identifier</tt>, or FQDN, in the authorization object must be used when fulfilli
<t><xref section="8.4" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>: the "identifi ng challenges via HTTP: "Construct a URL by populating the URL template ... wher
er", or FQDN, in the authorization object must be used when fulfilling challenge e the <tt>domain</tt> field is set to the domain name being verified."</li>
s via DNS: "The client constructs the validation domain name by prepending the l <li>
abel "_acme-challenge" to the domain name being validated."</t> <xref section="8.4" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>: The <tt>
</list></t> identifier</tt>, or FQDN, in the authorization object must be used when fulfilli
ng challenges via DNS: "The client constructs the validation domain name by prep
<t>ACME does not mandate that the "identifier" in a newOrder request matches the ending the label "_acme-challenge" to the domain name being validated."</li>
"identifier" in authorization objects.</t> </ul>
<t>ACME does not mandate that the <tt>identifier</tt> in a newOrder reques
<t>The base ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/> document only specifies the "dns" iden t matches the <tt>identifier</tt> in authorization objects.</t>
tifier type. Additional identifiers may be defined and registered in the IANA <x <t>The ACME base document <xref target="RFC8555"/> only specifies the "dns
ref target="ACME-Identifier-Types"/> registry. For example, <xref target="RFC873 " identifier type. Additional identifiers may be defined and registered in the I
8"/> specifies the "ip" identifier type. This document is only relevant for the ANA <xref target="ACME-Identifier-Types"/> registry. For example, <xref target="
"dns" identifier type.</t> RFC8738"/> specifies the "ip" identifier type. This document is only relevant fo
r the "dns" identifier type.</t>
<t>Note also that ACME supports multiple different validation methods that can b <t>Note that ACME supports multiple different validation methods that can
e used to fulfill challenges and prove ownership of identifiers. Validation meth be used to fulfill challenges and prove ownership of identifiers. Validation met
ods are registered in the IANA <xref target="ACME-Validation-Methods"/> registry hods are registered in the IANA <xref target="ACME-Validation-Methods"/> registr
. This document does not mandate use of any particular validation method or meth y. This document does not mandate use of any particular validation method or met
ods. ACME server policy dictates which validation methods are supported. See <xr hods. ACME server policy dictates which validation methods are supported. See <x
ef target="acme-server-policy-considerations"/> for more information on ACME ser ref target="acme-server-policy-considerations"/> for more information on ACME se
ver policy.</t> rver policy.</t>
</section> <section anchor="acme-issuance-of-subdomain-certificates">
<section anchor="acme-issuance-of-subdomain-certificates"><name>ACME Issuance of <name>ACME Issuance of Subdomain Certificates</name>
Subdomain Certificates</name> <t>As noted in the previous section, ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/> does no
t mandate that the <tt>identifier</tt> in a newOrder request matches the <tt>ide
<t>As noted in the previous section, ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/> does not mand ntifier</tt> in authorization objects. This means that the ACME specification do
ate that the "identifier" in a newOrder request matches the "identifier" in auth es not preclude an ACME server processing newOrder requests and issuing certific
orization objects. This means that the ACME specification does not preclude an A ates for a subdomain without requiring a challenge to be fulfilled against that
CME server processing newOrder requests and issuing certificates for a subdomain explicit subdomain.</t>
without requiring a challenge to be fulfilled against that explicit subdomain.< <t>ACME server policy could allow issuance of certificates for a subdomain
/t> to a client where the client only has to fulfill an authorization challenge for
an ancestor domain of that subdomain. For example, this allows for a flow where
<t>ACME server policy could allow issuance of certificates for a subdomain to a a client proves ownership of <tt>example.org</tt> and then successfully obtains
client where the client only has to fulfill an authorization challenge for an an a certificate for <tt>sub.example.org</tt>.</t>
cestor domain of that subdomain. This allows a flow where a client proves owners <t>ACME server policy is out of scope of this document; however, some comm
hip of, for example, "example.org" and then successfully obtains a certificate f entary is provided in <xref target="acme-server-policy-considerations"/>.</t>
or "sub.example.org".</t> <t>Clients need a mechanism to instruct the ACME server that they are requ
esting authorization for all subdomains subordinate to the specified domain, as
<t>ACME server policy is out of scope of this document, however, some commentary opposed to just requesting authorization for an explicit domain identifier. Clie
is provided in <xref target="acme-server-policy-considerations"/>.</t> nts need a mechanism to do this in both newAuthz and newOrder requests. ACME ser
vers need a mechanism to indicate to clients that authorization objects are vali
<t>Clients need a mechanism to instruct the ACME server that they are requesting d for all subdomains under the specified domain. These are described in this sec
authorization for all subdomains subordinate to the specified domain, as oppose tion.</t>
d to just requesting authorization for an explicit domain identifier. Clients ne <section anchor="authorization-object">
ed a mechanism to do this in both newAuthz and newOrder requests. ACME servers n <name>Authorization Object</name>
eed a mechanism to indicate to clients that authorization objects are valid for <t>ACME (<xref section="7.1.4" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>)
all subdomains under the specified domain. These are described in this section.< defines the authorization object. This document defines a new <tt>subdomainAuth
/t> Allowed</tt> field for the authorization object.
When ACME server policy allows authorization for subdomains subordinate to a dom
<section anchor="authorization-object"><name>Authorization Object</name> ain, the server indicates this by including the new <tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt
> field in the authorization object for that domain identifier:</t>
<t>ACME (<xref section="7.1.4" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>) defines <dl>
the authorization object. This document defines a new "subdomainAuthAllowed" fi <dt><tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> (optional, boolean):</dt>
eld for the authorization object. When ACME server policy allows authorization f <dd>If present, this field
or subdomains subordinate to a domain, the server indicates this by including th <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be true for authorizations where ACME server policy
e new "subdomainAuthAllowed" field in the authorization object for that domain i
subdomainAuthAllowed (optional, boolean): If present, this field
MUST be true for authorizations where ACME server policy
allows certificates to be issued for any subdomain subordinate allows certificates to be issued for any subdomain subordinate
to the domain specified in the 'identifier' field of the to the domain specified in the <tt>identifier</tt> field of the
authorization object. authorization object.</dd>
]]></artwork></figure> </dl>
<!--[rfced] Regarding the use of fixed-width font:
<t>The following example shows an authorization object for the domain <spanx sty where the spanx element was used in the provided XML file, now
le="verb">example.org</spanx> where the authorization covers the subdomains subo the <tt> element is present. Please review whether you would like to
rdinate to <spanx style="verb">example.org</spanx>.</t> use that element elsewhere for consistent usage. It yields
fixed-width font in the PDF and HTML files.
<figure><artwork><![CDATA[ Example of usage: ... for the domain <tt>example.org</tt>
{ -->
"status": "valid", <t>The following example shows an authorization object for the domain <t
"expires": "2023-09-01T14:09:07.99Z", t>example.org</tt>, where the authorization covers the subdomains subordinate to
"identifier": {
"type": "dns",
"value": "example.org"
"challenges": [
"url": "https://example.com/acme/chall/prV_B7yEyA4",
"type": "http-01",
"status": "valid",
"token": "DGyRejmCefe7v4NfDGDKfA",
"validated": "2014-12-01T12:05:58.16Z"
"subdomainAuthAllowed": true
<t>If the "subdomainAuthAllowed" field is not included, then the assumed default
value is false.</t>
<t>If ACME server policy allows issuance of certificates containing wildcard ide
ntifiers under that authorization object, then the server <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>
include the "wildcard" field with a value of true, as per <xref section="7.1.4"
sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>.</t>
</section> <sourcecode type="json"><![CDATA[
<section anchor="pre-authorization"><name>Pre-Authorization</name> {
"status": "valid",
"expires": "2023-09-01T14:09:07.99Z",
<t>The basic ACME workflow has authorization objects created reactively in respo "identifier": {
nse to a certificate order. ACME also allows for pre-authorization, where client "type": "dns",
s obtain authorization for an identifier proactively, outside of the context of "value": "example.org"
a specific issuance. With the ACME pre-authorization flow, a client can pre-auth },
orize for a domain once, and then issue multiple newOrder requests for certifica
tes with identifiers in the subdomains subordinate to that domain.</t>
<t>ACME <xref section="7.4.1" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/> defines t "challenges": [
he "identifier" object for newAuthz requests. This document defines a new "subdo {
mainAuthAllowed" field for the "identifier" object:</t> "url": "https://example.com/acme/chall/prV_B7yEyA4",
"type": "http-01",
"status": "valid",
"token": "DGyRejmCefe7v4NfDGDKfA",
"validated": "2014-12-01T12:05:58.16Z"
<figure><artwork><![CDATA[ "subdomainAuthAllowed": true
subdomainAuthAllowed (optional, boolean): An ACME client sets }
<t>If the <tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> field is not included, then the
assumed default value is false.</t>
<t>If ACME server policy allows issuance of certificates containing wild
card identifiers under that authorization object, then the server <bcp14>SHOULD<
/bcp14> include the <tt>wildcard</tt> field with a value of true, as per <xref s
ection="7.1.4" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>.</t>
<section anchor="pre-authorization">
<t>The basic ACME workflow has authorization objects created reactively
in response to a certificate order. ACME also allows for pre-authorization, wher
e clients obtain authorization for an identifier proactively, outside of the con
text of a specific issuance. With the ACME pre-authorization flow, a client can
pre-authorize for a domain once and then issue multiple newOrder requests for ce
rtificates with identifiers in the subdomains subordinate to that domain.</t>
<t>ACME (<xref section="7.4.1" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>)
defines the <tt>identifier</tt> object for newAuthz requests. This document def
ines a new <tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> field for the <tt>identifier</tt> objec
<dt><tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> (optional, boolean):</dt>
<dd>An ACME client sets
this flag to indicate to the server that it is requesting an this flag to indicate to the server that it is requesting an
authorization for the subdomains subordinate to the specified authorization for the subdomains subordinate to the specified
domain identifier value domain identifier value.</dd>
]]></artwork></figure> </dl>
<t>Clients include the new <tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> field in the <t
<t>Clients include the new "subdomainAuthAllowed" field in the "identifier" obje t>identifier</tt> object of newAuthz requests to indicate that they are requesti
ct of newAuthz requests to indicate that they are requesting a subdomain authori ng a subdomain authorization. In the following example of a newAuthz payload, th
zation. In the following example newAuthz payload, the client is requesting pre- e client is requesting pre-authorization for the subdomains subordinate to <tt>e
authorization for the subdomains subordinate to <spanx style="verb">example.org< xample.org</tt>.</t>
/spanx>.</t> <sourcecode type="json"><![CDATA[
"payload": base64url({
<figure><artwork><![CDATA[ "identifier": {
"payload": base64url({ "type": "dns",
"identifier": { "value": "example.org",
"type": "dns", "subdomainAuthAllowed": true
"value": "example.org", }
"subdomainAuthAllowed": true })
} ]]></sourcecode>
}) <t>If the server is willing to allow a single authorization for the subd
]]></artwork></figure> omains and there is not an existing authorization object for the identifier, the
n it will create an authorization object and include the <tt>subdomainAuthAllowe
<t>If the server is willing to allow a single authorization for the subdomains, d</tt> flag with a value of true.</t>
and there is not an existing authorization object for the identifier, then it wi <t>If the server policy does not allow creation of subdomain authorizati
ll create an authorization object and include the "subdomainAuthAllowed" flag wi ons subordinate to that domain, the server can create an authorization object fo
th value of true.</t> r the indicated identifier and <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> include the <tt>subdomainAuthA
llowed</tt> flag with a value of false. If the server creates an authorization o
<t>If the server policy does not allow creation of subdomain authorizations subo bject and does not include the <tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> flag, then the assu
rdinate to that domain, the server can create an authorization object for the in med value is false.</t>
dicated identifier, and <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> include the "subdomainAuthAllowed" fl <t>In both scenarios, handling of the pre-authorization follows the proc
ag with value of false. If the server creates an authorization object and does n ess documented in ACME <xref section="7.4.1" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC85
ot include the "subdomainAuthAllowed" flag, then the assumed value is false.</t> 55"/>.</t>
<t>In both scenarios, handling of the pre-authorization follows the process docu <section anchor="new-orders">
mented in ACME <xref section="7.4.1" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>.</ <name>New Orders</name>
t> <t>Clients need a mechanism to optionally indicate to servers whether or
not they are authorized to fulfill challenges against an ancestor domain for a
</section> given identifier. For example, if a client places an order for an identifier <tt
<section anchor="new-orders"><name>New Orders</name> >foo.bar.example.org</tt> and is authorized to fulfill a challenge against the a
ncestor domains <tt>bar.example.org</tt> or <tt>example.org</tt>, then the clien
<t>Clients need a mechanism to optionally indicate to servers whether or not the t needs a mechanism to indicate control over the ancestor domains to the ACME se
y are authorized to fulfill challenges against an ancestor domain for a given id rver.</t>
entifier. For example, if a client places an order for an identifier <spanx styl <t>In order to accomplish this, this document defines a new <tt>ancestor
e="verb">foo.bar.example.org</spanx>, and is authorized to fulfill a challenge a Domain</tt> field for the identifier that is included in order objects.</t>
gainst the ancestor domains <spanx style="verb">bar.example.org</spanx> or <span <dl>
x style="verb">example.org</spanx>, then the client needs a mechanism to indicat <dt><tt>ancestorDomain</tt> (optional, string):</dt>
e control over the ancestor domains to the ACME server.</t> <dd>This is an ancestor domain of
the requested identifier. The client <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be able to fulfill
<t>In order to accomplish this, this document defines a new "ancestorDomain" fie a challenge against the ancestor domain.</dd>
ld for the identifier that is included in order objects.</t> </dl>
<t>This field specifies an ancestor domain of the identifier that the cl
<figure><artwork><![CDATA[ ient has DNS control over and is capable of fulfilling challenges against. Based
ancestorDomain (optional, string): This is an ancestor domain of on server policy, the server can choose to issue a challenge against any ancest
the requested identifier. The client MUST be able to fulfill or domain of the identifier up to and including the specified <tt>ancestorDomain
a challenge against the ancestor domain. </tt> and create a corresponding authorization object against the chosen identif
]]></artwork></figure> ier.</t>
<t>In the following example of a newOrder payload, the client requests a
<t>This field specifies an ancestor domain of the identifier that the client has certificate for identifier <tt>foo.bar.example.org</tt> and indicates that it c
DNS control over, and is capable of fulfilling challenges against. Based on ser an fulfill a challenge against the ancestor domain <tt>bar.example.org</tt>. The
ver policy, the server can choose to issue a challenge against any ancestor doma server can then choose to issue a challenge against either <tt>foo.bar.example.
in of the identifier up to and including the specified "ancestorDomain", and cre org</tt> or <tt>bar.example.org</tt> identifiers.</t>
ate a corresponding authorization object against the chosen identifier.</t> <sourcecode type="json"><![CDATA[
<t>In the following example newOrder payload, the client requests a certificate
for identifier <spanx style="verb">foo.bar.example.org</spanx> and indicates tha
t it can fulfill a challenge against the ancestor domain <spanx style="verb">bar
.example.org</spanx>. The server can then choose to issue a challenge against ei
ther <spanx style="verb">foo.bar.example.org</spanx> or <spanx style="verb">bar.
example.org</spanx> identifiers.</t>
"payload": base64url({ "payload": base64url({
"identifiers": [ "identifiers": [
{ "type": "dns", { "type": "dns",
"value": "foo.bar.example.org", "value": "foo.bar.example.org",
"ancestorDomain": "bar.example.org" } "ancestorDomain": "bar.example.org" }
], ],
"notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:04:00+04:00", "notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:04:00+04:00",
"notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:04:00+04:00" "notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:04:00+04:00"
}) })
]]></artwork></figure> ]]></sourcecode>
<t>In the following example of a newOrder payload, the client requests a
<t>In the following example newOrder payload, the client requests a certificate certificate for identifier <tt>foo.bar.example.org</tt> and indicates that it c
for identifier <spanx style="verb">foo.bar.example.org</spanx> and indicates tha an fulfill a challenge against the ancestor domain <tt>example.org</tt>. The ser
t it can fulfill a challenge against the ancestor domain <spanx style="verb">exa ver can then choose to issue a challenge against any one of <tt>foo.bar.example.
mple.org</spanx>. The server can then choose to issue a challenge against any on org</tt>, <tt>bar.example.org</tt>, or <tt>example.org</tt> identifiers.</t>
e of <spanx style="verb">foo.bar.example.org</spanx>, <spanx style="verb">bar.ex <sourcecode type="json"><![CDATA[
ample.org</spanx> or <spanx style="verb">example.org</spanx> identifiers.</t>
"payload": base64url({ "payload": base64url({
"identifiers": [ "identifiers": [
{ "type": "dns", { "type": "dns",
"value": "foo.bar.example.org", "value": "foo.bar.example.org",
"ancestorDomain": "example.org" } "ancestorDomain": "example.org" }
], ],
"notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:04:00+04:00", "notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:04:00+04:00",
"notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:04:00+04:00" "notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:04:00+04:00"
}) })
]]></artwork></figure> ]]></sourcecode>
<t>If the client is unable to fulfill authorizations against an ancestor
<t>If the client is unable to fulfill authorizations against an ancestor domain, domain, the client should not include the <tt>ancestorDomain</tt> field.</t>
the client should not include the "ancestorDomain" field.</t> <t>Server newOrder handling generally follows the process documented in
ACME (<xref section="7.4" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC8555"/>). If the server
<t>Server newOrder handling generally follows the process documented in ACME, <x is willing to allow subdomain authorizations for the domain specified in <tt>anc
ref section="7.4" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC8555"/>. If the server is willin estorDomain</tt>, then it creates an authorization object against that ancestor
g to allow subdomain authorizations for the domain specified in "ancestorDomain" domain and includes the <tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> flag with a value of true.
, then it creates an authorization object against that ancestor domain and inclu </t>
des the "subdomainAuthAllowed" flag with a value of true.</t> <t>If the server policy does not allow creation of subdomain authorizati
ons against that ancestor domain, then it can create an authorization object for
<t>If the server policy does not allow creation of subdomain authorizations agai the indicated identifier value and <bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14> include the <tt>su
nst that ancestor domain, then it can create an authorization object for the ind bdomainAuthAllowed</tt> flag. As the client requested a subdomain authorization
icated identifier value, and <bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14> include the "subdomainAut for the ancestor domain and not for the indicated identifier, there is no need f
hAllowed" flag. As the client requested a subdomain authorization for the ancest or the server to include the <tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> flag in the authoriza
or domain, and not for the indicated identifier, there is no need for the server tion object for the indicated identifier.</t>
to include the "subdomainAuthAllowed" flag in the authorization object for the </section>
indicated identifier.</t> <section anchor="directory-object-metadata">
<name>Directory Object Metadata</name>
</section> <t>This document defines a new <tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> ACME direct
<section anchor="directory-object-metadata"><name>Directory Object Metadata</nam ory metadata field. An ACME server can advertise support for authorization of su
e> bdomains by including the <tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> boolean flag in its "ACM
E Directory Metadata Fields" registry:</t>
<t>This document defines a new "subdomainAuthAllowed" ACME directory metadata fi <dl>
eld. An ACME server can advertise support for authorization of subdomains by inc <dt><tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> (optional, bool):</dt>
luding the "subdomainAuthAllowed" boolean flag in its "ACME Directory Metadata F <dd>Indicates if an ACME
ields" registry:</t> server supports authorization of subdomains.</dd>
<figure><artwork><![CDATA[ <t>If not specified, then the assumed default value is false. If an ACME
subdomainAuthAllowed (optional, bool): Indicates if an ACME server supports authorization of subdomains, it can indicate this by including
server supports authorization of subdomains. this field with a value of "true".</t>
]]></artwork></figure> </section>
<t>If not specified, then the assumed default value is false. If an ACME server <section anchor="illustrative-call-flow">
supports authorization of subdomains, it can indicate this by including this fie <name>Illustrative Call Flow</name>
ld with a value of "true".</t> <t>The call flow illustrated here uses the ACME pre-authorization flow usi
ng DNS-based proof of ownership.</t>
</section> <artwork><![CDATA[
<section anchor="illustrative-call-flow"><name>Illustrative Call Flow</name>
<t>The call flow illustrated here uses the ACME pre-authorization flow using DNS
-based proof of ownership.</t>
+--------+ +------+ +-----+ +--------+ +------+ +-----+
| Client | | ACME | | DNS | | Client | | ACME | | DNS |
+--------+ +------+ +-----+ +--------+ +------+ +-----+
| | | | | |
STEP 1: Pre-Authorization of ancestor domain Step 1: Pre-authorization of ancestor domain.
| | | | | |
| POST /newAuthz | | | POST /newAuthz | |
| "example.org" | | | "example.org" | |
|--------------------------->| | |--------------------------->| |
| | | | | |
| 201 authorizations | | | 201 authorizations | |
|<---------------------------| | |<---------------------------| |
| | | | | |
| Publish DNS TXT | | | Publish DNS TXT | |
| "example.org" | | | "example.org" | |
skipping to change at line 345 skipping to change at line 307
|--------------------------->| | |--------------------------->| |
| | Verify | | | Verify |
| |---------->| | |---------->|
| 200 status=valid | | | 200 status=valid | |
|<---------------------------| | |<---------------------------| |
| | | | | |
| Delete DNS TXT | | | Delete DNS TXT | |
| "example.org" | | | "example.org" | |
|--------------------------------------->| |--------------------------------------->|
| | | | | |
STEP 2: Place order for sub1.example.org Step 2: Place order for sub1.example.org.
| | | | | |
| POST /newOrder | | | POST /newOrder | |
| "sub1.example.org" | | | "sub1.example.org" | |
|--------------------------->| | |--------------------------->| |
| | | | | |
| 201 status=ready | | | 201 status=ready | |
|<---------------------------| | |<---------------------------| |
| | | | | |
| POST /finalize | | | POST /finalize | |
| CSR SAN "sub1.example.org" | | | CSR SAN "sub1.example.org" | |
skipping to change at line 368 skipping to change at line 330
| 200 OK status=valid | | | 200 OK status=valid | |
|<---------------------------| | |<---------------------------| |
| | | | | |
| POST /certificate | | | POST /certificate | |
|--------------------------->| | |--------------------------->| |
| | | | | |
| 200 OK | | | 200 OK | |
| PEM SAN "sub1.example.org" | | | PEM SAN "sub1.example.org" | |
|<---------------------------| | |<---------------------------| |
| | | | | |
STEP 3: Place order for sub2.example.org Step 3: Place order for sub2.example.org.
| | | | | |
| POST /newOrder | | | POST /newOrder | |
| "sub2.example.org" | | | "sub2.example.org" | |
|--------------------------->| | |--------------------------->| |
| | | | | |
| 201 status=ready | | | 201 status=ready | |
|<---------------------------| | |<---------------------------| |
| | | | | |
| POST /finalize | | | POST /finalize | |
| CSR SAN "sub2.example.org" | | | CSR SAN "sub2.example.org" | |
skipping to change at line 390 skipping to change at line 352
| | | | | |
| 200 OK status=valid | | | 200 OK status=valid | |
|<---------------------------| | |<---------------------------| |
| | | | | |
| POST /certificate | | | POST /certificate | |
|--------------------------->| | |--------------------------->| |
| | | | | |
| 200 OK | | | 200 OK | |
| PEM SAN "sub2.example.org" | | | PEM SAN "sub2.example.org" | |
|<---------------------------| | |<---------------------------| |
]]></artwork></figure> ]]></artwork>
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>STEP 1: Pre-authorization of ancestor domain <vspace blankLines='1'/>
The client sends a newAuthz request for the ancestor domain including the "subdo
mainAuthAllowed" flag in the identifier object.</t>
POST /acme/new-authz HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/jose+json
"protected": base64url({
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "https://example.com/acme/acct/evOfKhNU60wg",
"nonce": "uQpSjlRb4vQVCjVYAyyUWg",
"url": "https://example.com/acme/new-authz"
"payload": base64url({
"identifier": {
"type": "dns",
"value": "example.org",
"subdomainAuthAllowed": true
"signature": "nuSDISbWG8mMgE7H...QyVUL68yzf3Zawps"
<t>The server creates and returns an authorization object for the identifier inc
luding the "subdomainAuthAllowed" flag. The object is initially in "pending" sta
"status": "pending",
"expires": "2023-09-01T14:09:07.99Z",
"identifier": {
"type": "dns",
"value": "example.org"
"challenges": [
"url": "https://example.com/acme/chall/prV_B7yEyA4",
"type": "dns-01",
"status": "pending",
"token": "DGyRejmCefe7v4NfDGDKfA",
"validated": "2023-08-01T12:05:58.16Z"
"subdomainAuthAllowed": true
<t>The example illustrates the client completing a DNS challenge by publishing a
DNS TXT record. The client then posts to the challenge resource to inform the s
erver that it can validate the challenge.</t>
<t>Once the server validates the challenge by checking the DNS TXT record, the s
erver will transition the authorization object and associated challenge object s
tatus to "valid".</t>
<t>The call flow above illustrates the ACME server replying to the client's chal
lenge with status of "valid" after the ACME server has validated the DNS challen
ge. However, the validation flow may take some time. If this is the case, the AC
ME server may reply to the client's challenge immediately with a status of "proc
essing", and the client will then need to poll the authorization resource to see
when it is finalized. Refer to ACME <xref section="7.5.1" sectionFormat="comma"
target="RFC8555"/> for more details.</t>
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>STEP 2: The client places a newOrder for <spanx style="verb">sub1.example.o
rg</spanx> <vspace blankLines='1'/>
The client sends a newOrder request to the server and includes the subdomain ide
ntifier. Note that the identifier is a subdomain of the ancestor domain that has
been pre-authorized in step 1. The client does not need to include the "subdoma
inAuthAllowed" field in the "identifier" object as it has already pre-authorized
the ancestor domain.</t>
POST /acme/new-order HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/jose+json
"protected": base64url({
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "https://example.com/acme/acct/evOfKhNU60wg",
"nonce": "5XJ1L3lEkMG7tR6pA00clA",
"url": "https://example.com/acme/new-order"
"payload": base64url({
"identifiers": [
{ "type": "dns", "value": "sub1.example.org" }
"notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:04:00+04:00",
"notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:04:00+04:00"
"signature": "H6ZXtGjTZyUnPeKn...wEA4TklBdh3e454g"
<t>As an authorization object already exists for the ancestor domain, the server
replies with an order object with a status of "ready" that includes a link to t
he existing "valid" authorization object.</t>
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Replay-Nonce: MYAuvOpaoIiywTezizk5vw
Link: <https://example.com/acme/directory>;rel="index"
Location: https://example.com/acme/order/TOlocE8rfgo
"status": "ready",
"expires": "2023-09-01T14:09:07.99Z",
"notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:00:00Z",
"notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:00:00Z",
"identifiers": [
{ "type": "dns", "value": "sub1.example.org" }
"authorizations": [
"finalize": "https://example.com/acme/order/TOlocrfgo/finalize"
<t>The client can proceed to finalize the order by posting a CSR to the "finaliz
e" resource. The client can then download the certificate for <spanx style="verb
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>STEP 3: The client places a newOrder for <spanx style="verb">sub2.example.o
rg</spanx> <vspace blankLines='1'/>
The client sends a newOrder request to the server and includes the subdomain ide
ntifier. Note that the identifier is a subdomain of the ancestor domain that has
been pre-authorized in step 1. The client does not need to include the "subdoma
inAuthAllowed" field in the "identifier" object as it has already pre-authorized
the ancestor domain.</t>
POST /acme/new-order HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/jose+json
"protected": base64url({
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "https://example.com/acme/acct/evOfKhNU60wg",
"nonce": "5XJ1L3lEkMG7tR6pA00clA",
"url": "https://example.com/acme/new-order"
"payload": base64url({
"identifiers": [
{ "type": "dns", "value": "sub2.example.org" }
"notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:04:00+04:00",
"notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:04:00+04:00"
"signature": "H6ZXtGjTZyUnPeKn...wEA4TklBdh3e454g"
<t>As an authorization object already exists for the ancestor domain, the server
replies with an order object with a status of "ready" that includes a link to t
he existing "valid" authorization object.</t>
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Replay-Nonce: MYAuvOpaoIiywTezizk5vw
Link: <https://example.com/acme/directory>;rel="index"
Location: https://example.com/acme/order/TOlocE8rfgo
"status": "ready",
"expires": "2023-09-01T14:09:07.99Z",
"notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:00:00Z",
"notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:00:00Z",
"identifiers": [
{ "type": "dns", "value": "sub2.example.org" }
"authorizations": [
"finalize": "https://example.com/acme/order/ROni7rdde/finalize"
<t>The client can proceed to finalize the order by posting a CSR to the "finaliz
e" resource. The client can then download the certificate for <spanx style="verb
<section anchor="iana-considerations"><name>IANA Considerations</name>
<section anchor="authorization-object-fields-registry"><name>Authorization Objec
t Fields Registry</name>
<t>The following field is added to the "ACME Authorization Object Fields" regist
ry defined in ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/>.</t>
| Field Name | Field Type | Configurable | Reference |
| subdomainAuthAllowed | boolean | false | RFC XXXX |
<section anchor="directory-object-metadata-fields-registry"><name>Directory Obje
ct Metadata Fields Registry</name>
<t>The following field is added to the "ACME Directory Metadata Fields" registry
defined in ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/>.</t>
| Field Name | Field Type | Reference |
| subdomainAuthAllowed | boolean | RFC XXXX |
</section> <ul>
</section> <li>
<section anchor="security-considerations"><name>Security Considerations</name> <t>Step 1: Pre-authorization of ancestor domain.</t>
The client sends a newAuthz request for the ancestor domain and includes the <tt
>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> flag in the identifier object.</t>
<t>This document specifies enhancements to ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/> that op <sourcecode type="http-message"><![CDATA[
timize the protocol flows for issuance of certificates for subdomains. The under POST /acme/new-authz HTTP/1.1
lying goal of ACME for Subdomains remains the same as that of ACME: managing cer Host: example.com
tificates that attest to identifier/key bindings for these subdomains. Thus, ACM Content-Type: application/jose+json
E for Subdomains has the same two security goals as ACME:</t>
<t><list style="numbers"> {
<t>Only an entity that controls an identifier can get an authorization for tha "protected": base64url({
t identifier</t> "alg": "ES256",
<t>Once authorized, an account key's authorizations cannot be improperly used "kid": "https://example.com/acme/acct/evOfKhNU60wg",
by another account</t> "nonce": "uQpSjlRb4vQVCjVYAyyUWg",
</list></t> "url": "https://example.com/acme/new-authz"
"payload": base64url({
"identifier": {
"type": "dns",
"value": "example.org",
"subdomainAuthAllowed": true
"signature": "nuSDISbWG8mMgE7H...QyVUL68yzf3Zawps"
<t>ACME for Subdomains makes no changes to:</t> <t>The server creates and returns an authorization object for the identifi
er that includes the <tt>subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> flag. The object is initially
in "pending" state.</t>
<sourcecode type="json"><![CDATA[
"status": "pending",
"expires": "2023-09-01T14:09:07.99Z",
<t><list style="symbols"> "identifier": {
<t>account or account key management</t> "type": "dns",
<t>ACME channel establishment, security mechanisms or threat model</t> "value": "example.org"
<t>Validation channel establishment, security mechanisms or threat model</t> },
<t>Therefore, all Security Considerations in ACME in the following areas are equ "challenges": [
ally applicable to ACME for Subdomains:</t> {
"url": "https://example.com/acme/chall/prV_B7yEyA4",
"type": "dns-01",
"status": "pending",
"token": "DGyRejmCefe7v4NfDGDKfA",
"validated": "2023-08-01T12:05:58.16Z"
<t><list style="symbols"> "subdomainAuthAllowed": true
<t>Threat Model</t> }
<t>Integrity of Authorizations</t> ]]></sourcecode>
<t>Denial-of-Service Considerations</t> <t>The example illustrates the client completing a DNS challenge by publis
<t>Server-Side Request Forgery</t> hing a DNS TXT record. The client then posts to the challenge resource to inform
<t>CA Policy Considerations</t> the server that it can validate the challenge.</t>
</list></t> <t>Once the server validates the challenge by checking the DNS TXT record,
the server will transition the authorization object and associated challenge ob
ject status to "valid".</t>
<t>The call flow above illustrates the ACME server replying to the client'
s challenge with status of "valid" after the ACME server has validated the DNS c
hallenge. However, the validation flow may take some time. If this is the case,
the ACME server may reply to the client's challenge immediately with a status of
"processing" and the client will then need to poll the authorization resource t
o see when it is finalized. Refer to <xref section="7.5.1" sectionFormat="of" ta
rget="RFC8555"/> for more details.</t>
<t>The only exception is that in order to satisfy goal (1) above, this draft ass <li>
umes that control over a domain may imply control over a subdomain, and therefor <t>Step 2: The client places a newOrder for <tt>sub1.example.org</tt>.</t>
e authorization for certificate issuance for the former may imply authorization <t>
for certificate issuance for the latter. In many ecosystems, this is a safe ass The client sends a newOrder request to the server and includes the subdomain
umption, especially because control over the domain can often be leveraged to su identifier. Note that the identifier is a subdomain of the ancestor domain that
ccessfully demonstrate control over subdomains anyway, for example by temporaril has been pre-authorized in Step 1. The client does not need to include the <tt>
y modifying DNS for the subdomain to point to a server the ancestor domain owner subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> field in the <tt>identifier</tt> object, as it has alr
controls, rendering the distinction moot. For example, the CA/Browser Forum Ba eady pre-authorized the ancestor domain.</t>
seline Requirements may consider control of an ancestor domain sufficient for is
suance of certificates for subdomains, but only if specific processes and proced
ures are used for validating ownership of the ancestor domain.</t>
<t>In ecosystems where control of an ancestor domain may not imply control over <sourcecode type="http-message"><![CDATA[
subdomains or authorization for issuance of certificates for subdomains, a more POST /acme/new-order HTTP/1.1
complicated threat analysis and server policy might be needed.</t> Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/jose+json
<t>Some additional comments on ACME server policy are given later in this sectio {
n.</t> "protected": base64url({
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "https://example.com/acme/acct/evOfKhNU60wg",
"nonce": "5XJ1L3lEkMG7tR6pA00clA",
"url": "https://example.com/acme/new-order"
"payload": base64url({
"identifiers": [
{ "type": "dns", "value": "sub1.example.org" }
"notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:04:00+04:00",
"notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:04:00+04:00"
"signature": "H6ZXtGjTZyUnPeKn...wEA4TklBdh3e454g"
<t>As an authorization object already exists for the ancestor domain, the
server replies with an order object with a status of "ready" that includes a lin
k to the existing "valid" authorization object.</t>
<sourcecode type="http-message"><![CDATA[
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Replay-Nonce: MYAuvOpaoIiywTezizk5vw
Link: <https://example.com/acme/directory>;rel="index"
Location: https://example.com/acme/order/TOlocE8rfgo
<section anchor="client-account-security"><name>Client Account Security</name> {
"status": "ready",
"expires": "2023-09-01T14:09:07.99Z",
<t>There may be scenarios were a client wishes to deactivate an authorization ob "notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:00:00Z",
ject for an ancestor domain, or deactivate its account completely. For example, "notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:00:00Z",
a client may want to do this if an account key is compromised, or if a authoriza
tion object covering domains subordinate to an ancestor domain is no longer need
ed. The client can deactivate an authorization using the mechanism specified in
<xref section="7.5.2" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/> and can deactivat
e an account using the mechanism specified in <xref section="7.3.6" sectionForma
t="comma" target="RFC8555"/>.</t>
</section> "identifiers": [
<section anchor="subdomain-determination"><name>Subdomain Determination</name> { "type": "dns", "value": "sub1.example.org" }
<t>The <xref target="RFC8499"/> definition of a subdomain is reproduced in <xref "authorizations": [
target="terminology"/>. When comparing domains to determine if one is a subdoma "https://example.com/acme/authz/PAniVnsZcis"
in of the other, it is important to compare entire labels, and not rely on a str ],
ing prefix match. Relying on string prefix matches may yield incorrect results.<
</section> "finalize": "https://example.com/acme/order/TOlocrfgo/finalize"
<section anchor="acme-server-policy-considerations"><name>ACME Server Policy Con }
siderations</name> ]]></sourcecode>
<t>The client can proceed to finalize the order by posting a CSR to the <t
t>finalize</tt> resource. The client can then download the certificate for <tt>s
<t>The ACME for Subdomains and the ACME specifications do not mandate any specif <li>
ic ACME server or CA policies, or any specific use cases for issuance of certifi <t>Step 3: The client places a newOrder for <tt>sub2.example.org</tt>. </t>
cates. For example, an ACME server could be used:</t> <t>
The client sends a newOrder request to the server and includes the subdomain
identifier. Note that the identifier is a subdomain of the ancestor domain that
has been pre-authorized in Step 1. The client does not need to include the <tt>
subdomainAuthAllowed</tt> field in the <tt>identifier</tt> object, as it has alr
eady pre-authorized the ancestor domain.</t>
<t><list style="symbols"> <sourcecode type="http-message"><![CDATA[
<t>to issue Web PKI certificates where the ACME server must comply with CA/Bro POST /acme/new-order HTTP/1.1
wser Forum <xref target="CAB"></xref> Baseline Requirements.</t> Host: example.com
<t>as a Private CA for issuance of certificates within an organization. The or Content-Type: application/jose+json
ganization could enforce whatever policies they desire on the ACME server.</t>
<t>for issuance of IoT device certificates. There are currently no IoT device
certificate policies that are generally enforced across the industry. Organizati
ons issuing IoT device certificates can enforce whatever policies they desire on
the ACME server.</t>
<t>ACME server policy could specify whether:</t> {
"protected": base64url({
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "https://example.com/acme/acct/evOfKhNU60wg",
"nonce": "5XJ1L3lEkMG7tR6pA00clA",
"url": "https://example.com/acme/new-order"
"payload": base64url({
"identifiers": [
{ "type": "dns", "value": "sub2.example.org" }
"notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:04:00+04:00",
"notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:04:00+04:00"
"signature": "H6ZXtGjTZyUnPeKn...wEA4TklBdh3e454g"
<t>As an authorization object already exists for the ancestor domain, the
server replies with an order object with a status of "ready" that includes a lin
k to the existing "valid" authorization object.</t>
<sourcecode type="http-message"><![CDATA[
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Replay-Nonce: MYAuvOpaoIiywTezizk5vw
Link: <https://example.com/acme/directory>;rel="index"
Location: https://example.com/acme/order/TOlocE8rfgo
<t><list style="symbols"> {
<t>issuance of subdomain certificates is allowed based on proof of ownership o "status": "ready",
f an ancestor domain</t> "expires": "2023-09-01T14:09:07.99Z",
<t>issuance of subdomain certificates is allowed, but only for a specific set
of ancestor domains</t>
<t>DNS based proof of ownership, or HTTP based proof of ownership, or both, ar
e allowed</t>
<t>The CA policy considerations listed in <xref section="10.5" sectionFormat="co "notBefore": "2023-09-01T00:00:00Z",
mma" target="RFC8555"/> are equally applicable here. These include, but are not "notAfter": "2023-09-08T00:00:00Z",
limited to:</t>
<t><list style="symbols"> "identifiers": [
<t>Is the claimed identifier syntactically valid?</t> { "type": "dns", "value": "sub2.example.org" }
<t>For domain names:</t> ],
<t>Is the name on the Public Suffix List?</t>
<t>Is the name a high-value name?</t>
<t>Is the key in the CSR sufficiently strong?</t>
<t>Refer to <xref section="10.5" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/> for mo "authorizations": [
re CA policy considerations.</t> "https://example.com/acme/authz/PAniVnsZcis"
<t>ACME server policy specification is explicitly out of scope of this document. "finalize": "https://example.com/acme/order/ROni7rdde/finalize"
</t> }
<t>The client can proceed to finalize the order by posting a CSR to the <t
t>finalize</tt> resource. The client can then download the certificate for <tt>s
</section> </li>
</section> </ul>
<section anchor="iana-considerations">
<name>IANA Considerations</name>
<section anchor="authorization-object-fields-registry">
<name>Authorization Object Fields Registry</name>
<t>The following field has been added to the "ACME Authorization Object
Fields" registry defined in ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/>.</t>
<table anchor="iana1">
<th>Field Name</th>
<th>Field Type</th>
<td>RFC 9444</td>
<section anchor="directory-object-metadata-fields-registry">
<name>Directory Object Metadata Fields Registry</name>
<t>The following field has been added to the "ACME Directory Metadata Fi
elds" registry defined in <xref target="RFC8555"/>.</t>
<table anchor="iana2">
<th>Field Name</th>
<th>Field Type</th>
<td>RFC 9444</td>
<section anchor="security-considerations">
<name>Security Considerations</name>
<t>This document specifies enhancements to ACME <xref target="RFC8555"/> t
hat optimize the protocol flows for issuance of certificates for subdomains. The
underlying goal of ACME for Subdomains remains the same as that of ACME: managi
ng certificates that attest to identifier/key bindings for these subdomains. Thu
s, ACME for Subdomains has the same two security goals as ACME:</t>
<ol spacing="normal" type="(%d)"><li>Only an entity that controls an ident
ifier can get an authorization for that identifier.</li>
<li>Once authorized, an account key's authorizations cannot be improperl
y used by another account.</li>
<t>ACME for Subdomains makes no changes to:</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<li>account or account key management</li>
<li>ACME channel establishment, security mechanisms, or threat model</li
<li>validation channel establishment, security mechanisms, or threat mod
<t>Therefore, all Security Considerations in ACME in the following areas a
re equally applicable to ACME for Subdomains:</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<li>Threat Model</li>
<li>Integrity of Authorizations</li>
<li>Denial-of-Service Considerations</li>
<li>Server-Side Request Forgery</li>
<li>CA Policy Considerations</li>
<t>The only exception is that in order to satisfy goal (1) above, this doc
ument assumes that control over a domain may imply control over a subdomain; the
refore, authorization for certificate issuance for the former may imply authoriz
ation for certificate issuance for the latter.
In many ecosystems, this is a safe assumption, especially because control over t
he domain can often be leveraged to successfully demonstrate control over subdom
ains anyway, for example, by temporarily modifying DNS for the subdomain to poin
t to a server the ancestor domain owner controls, rendering the distinction moot
. For example, the CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements may consider control
of an ancestor domain sufficient for issuance of certificates for subdomains, bu
t only if specific processes and procedures are used for validating ownership of
the ancestor domain.</t>
<t>In ecosystems where control of an ancestor domain may not imply control
over subdomains or authorization for issuance of certificates for subdomains, a
more complicated threat analysis and server policy might be needed.</t>
<t>Some additional comments on ACME server policy are given later in this
<section anchor="client-account-security">
<name>Client Account Security</name>
<t>There may be scenarios were a client wishes to deactivate an authoriz
ation object for an ancestor domain or deactivate its account completely. For ex
ample, a client may want to do this if an account key is compromised or if an au
thorization object covering domains subordinate to an ancestor domain is no long
er needed. The client can deactivate an authorization using the mechanism specif
ied in <xref section="7.5.2" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/> and can de
activate an account using the mechanism specified in <xref section="7.3.6" secti
onFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/>.</t>
<section anchor="subdomain-determination">
<name>Subdomain Determination</name>
<t>The <xref target="RFC8499"/> definition of a subdomain is reproduced
in <xref target="terminology"/>. When comparing domains to determine if one is a
subdomain of the other, it is important to compare entire labels and not rely o
n a string prefix match. Relying on string prefix matches may yield incorrect re
<section anchor="acme-server-policy-considerations">
<name>ACME Server Policy Considerations</name>
<t>The ACME for Subdomains and the ACME specifications do not mandate an
y specific ACME server or CA policies, or any specific use cases for issuance of
certificates. For example, an ACME server could be used:</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<li>to issue Web PKI certificates where the ACME server must comply wi
th CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements <xref target="CAB"/>.</li>
<li>as a Private CA for issuance of certificates within an organizatio
n. The organization could enforce whatever policies they desire on the ACME serv
<li>for issuance of Internet of Things (IoT) device certificates. Ther
e are currently no IoT device certificate policies that are generally enforced a
cross the industry. Organizations issuing IoT device certificates can enforce wh
atever policies they desire on the ACME server.</li>
<t>ACME server policy could specify whether:</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<li>issuance of subdomain certificates is allowed based on proof of ow
nership of an ancestor domain.</li>
<li>issuance of subdomain certificates is allowed, but only for a spec
ific set of ancestor domains.</li>
<li>DNS-based or HTTP-based proof of ownership, or both, are allowed.<
<t>The CA policy considerations listed in <xref section="10.5" sectionFo
rmat="comma" target="RFC8555"/> are equally applicable here. These include, but
are not limited to:</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<li>Is the claimed identifier syntactically valid?</li>
<li><t>For domain names:</t>
<li>Is the name on the Public Suffix List?</li>
<li>Is the name a high-value name?</li>
<li>Is the key in the CSR sufficiently strong?</li>
<t>Refer to <xref section="10.5" sectionFormat="comma" target="RFC8555"/
> for more CA policy considerations.</t>
<t>ACME server policy specification is explicitly out of scope of this d
</middle> </middle>
<back> <back>
<name>Normative References</name>
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8
<xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8
<name>Informative References</name>
<reference anchor="CAB" target="https://cabforum.org/baseline-requiremen
<title>Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and
Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates</title>
<organization>CA/Browser Forum</organization>
<references title='Normative References'> <reference anchor="ACME-Identifier-Types" target="https://www.iana.org/a
<reference anchor='RFC8555' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8555'> <front>
<front> <title>ACME Identifier Types</title>
<title>Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)</title> <author>
<author fullname='R. Barnes' initials='R.' surname='Barnes'><organization/></aut <organization>IANA</organization>
hor> </author>
<author fullname='J. Hoffman-Andrews' initials='J.' surname='Hoffman-Andrews'><o </front>
rganization/></author> </reference>
<author fullname='D. McCarney' initials='D.' surname='McCarney'><organization/>< <reference anchor="ACME-Validation-Methods" target="https://www.iana.org
/author> /assignments/acme/">
<author fullname='J. Kasten' initials='J.' surname='Kasten'><organization/></aut <front>
hor> <title>ACME Validation Methods</title>
<date month='March' year='2019'/> <author>
<abstract><t>Public Key Infrastructure using X.509 (PKIX) certificates are used <organization>IANA</organization>
for a number of purposes, the most significant of which is the authentication of </author>
domain names. Thus, certification authorities (CAs) in the Web PKI are trusted </front>
to verify that an applicant for a certificate legitimately represents the domai </reference>
n name(s) in the certificate. As of this writing, this verification is done thr <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5
ough a collection of ad hoc mechanisms. This document describes a protocol that 280.xml"/>
a CA and an applicant can use to automate the process of verification and certi <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.0
ficate issuance. The protocol also provides facilities for other certificate ma 819.xml"/>
nagement functions, such as certificate revocation.</t></abstract> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.1
</front> 034.xml"/>
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='8555'/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC8555'/> 986.xml"/>
</reference> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8
<reference anchor='RFC2119' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119'> </references>
<title>Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</title>
<author fullname='S. Bradner' initials='S.' surname='Bradner'><organization/></a
<date month='March' year='1997'/>
<abstract><t>In many standards track documents several words are used to signify
the requirements in the specification. These words are often capitalized. This
document defines these words as they should be interpreted in IETF documents.
This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Comm
unity, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.</t></abstract>
<seriesInfo name='BCP' value='14'/>
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='2119'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC2119'/>
<reference anchor='RFC8174' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174'>
<title>Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words</title>
<author fullname='B. Leiba' initials='B.' surname='Leiba'><organization/></autho
<date month='May' year='2017'/>
<abstract><t>RFC 2119 specifies common key words that may be used in protocol s
pecifications. This document aims to reduce the ambiguity by clarifying that on
ly UPPERCASE usage of the key words have the defined special meanings.</t></abs
<seriesInfo name='BCP' value='14'/>
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='8174'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC8174'/>
<reference anchor='RFC8499' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8499'>
<title>DNS Terminology</title>
<author fullname='P. Hoffman' initials='P.' surname='Hoffman'><organization/></a
<author fullname='A. Sullivan' initials='A.' surname='Sullivan'><organization/><
<author fullname='K. Fujiwara' initials='K.' surname='Fujiwara'><organization/><
<date month='January' year='2019'/>
<abstract><t>The Domain Name System (DNS) is defined in literally dozens of diff
erent RFCs. The terminology used by implementers and developers of DNS protocol
s, and by operators of DNS systems, has sometimes changed in the decades since t
he DNS was first defined. This document gives current definitions for many of t
he terms used in the DNS in a single document.</t><t>This document obsoletes RFC
7719 and updates RFC 2308.</t></abstract>
<seriesInfo name='BCP' value='219'/>
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='8499'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC8499'/>
<references title='Informative References'>
<reference anchor="CAB" target="https://cabforum.org/baseline-requirements-docum
<title>Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Tru
sted Certificates</title>
<author >
<organization>CA/Browser Forum</organization>
<date year="n.d."/>
<reference anchor="ACME-Identifier-Types" target="https://www.iana.org/assignmen
<title>ACME Identifier Types</title>
<author >
<date year="n.d."/>
<reference anchor="ACME-Validation-Methods" target="https://www.iana.org/assignm
<title>ACME Validation Methods</title>
<author >
<date year="n.d."/>
<reference anchor='RFC5280' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5280'>
<title>Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revo
cation List (CRL) Profile</title>
<author fullname='D. Cooper' initials='D.' surname='Cooper'><organization/></aut
<author fullname='S. Santesson' initials='S.' surname='Santesson'><organization/
<author fullname='S. Farrell' initials='S.' surname='Farrell'><organization/></a
<author fullname='S. Boeyen' initials='S.' surname='Boeyen'><organization/></aut
<author fullname='R. Housley' initials='R.' surname='Housley'><organization/></a
<author fullname='W. Polk' initials='W.' surname='Polk'><organization/></author>
<date month='May' year='2008'/>
<abstract><t>This memo profiles the X.509 v3 certificate and X.509 v2 certificat
e revocation list (CRL) for use in the Internet. An overview of this approach a
nd model is provided as an introduction. The X.509 v3 certificate format is des
cribed in detail, with additional information regarding the format and semantics
of Internet name forms. Standard certificate extensions are described and two
Internet-specific extensions are defined. A set of required certificate extensi
ons is specified. The X.509 v2 CRL format is described in detail along with sta
ndard and Internet-specific extensions. An algorithm for X.509 certification pa
th validation is described. An ASN.1 module and examples are provided in the ap
pendices. [STANDARDS-TRACK]</t></abstract>
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='5280'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC5280'/>
<reference anchor='RFC0819' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc819'>
<title>The Domain Naming Convention for Internet User Applications</title>
<author fullname='Z. Su' initials='Z.' surname='Su'><organization/></author>
<author fullname='J. Postel' initials='J.' surname='Postel'><organization/></aut
<date month='August' year='1982'/>
<abstract><t>This RFC is an attempt to clarify the generalization of the Domain
Naming Convention, the Internet Naming Convention, and to explore the implicatio
ns of its adoption for Internet name service and user applications.</t></abstrac
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='819'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC0819'/>
<reference anchor='RFC1034' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1034'>
<title>Domain names - concepts and facilities</title>
<author fullname='P. Mockapetris' initials='P.' surname='Mockapetris'><organizat
<date month='November' year='1987'/>
<abstract><t>This RFC is the revised basic definition of The Domain Name System.
It obsoletes RFC-882. This memo describes the domain style names and their us
ed for host address look up and electronic mail forwarding. It discusses the cl
ients and servers in the domain name system and the protocol used between them.<
<seriesInfo name='STD' value='13'/>
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='1034'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC1034'/>
<reference anchor='RFC2986' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2986'>
<title>PKCS #10: Certification Request Syntax Specification Version 1.7</title>
<author fullname='M. Nystrom' initials='M.' surname='Nystrom'><organization/></a
<author fullname='B. Kaliski' initials='B.' surname='Kaliski'><organization/></a
<date month='November' year='2000'/>
<abstract><t>This memo represents a republication of PKCS #10 v1.7 from RSA Labo
ratories' Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) series, and change control is
retained within the PKCS process. The body of this document, except for the se
curity considerations section, is taken directly from the PKCS #9 v2.0 or the PK
CS #10 v1.7 document. This memo provides information for the Internet community
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='2986'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC2986'/>
<reference anchor='RFC8738' target='https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8738'>
<title>Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) IP Identifier Validat
ion Extension</title>
<author fullname='R.B. Shoemaker' initials='R.B.' surname='Shoemaker'><organizat
<date month='February' year='2020'/>
<abstract><t>This document specifies identifiers and challenges required to enab
le the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) to issue certificates
for IP addresses.</t></abstract>
<seriesInfo name='RFC' value='8738'/>
<seriesInfo name='DOI' value='10.17487/RFC8738'/>
</references> </references>
</back> </back>
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</rfc> </rfc>
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