rfc9307v3.txt   rfc9307.txt 
Internet Architecture Board (IAB) N. ten Oever Internet Architecture Board (IAB) N. ten Oever
Request for Comments: 9307 University of Amsterdam Request for Comments: 9307 University of Amsterdam
Category: Informational C. Cath Category: Informational C. Cath
ISSN: 2070-1721 University of Cambridge ISSN: 2070-1721 University of Cambridge
M. Kühlewind M. Kühlewind
Ericsson Ericsson
C. S. Perkins C. S. Perkins
University of Glasgow University of Glasgow
August 2022 September 2022
Report from the IAB Workshop on Analyzing IETF Data (AID) 2021 Report from the IAB Workshop on Analyzing IETF Data (AID) 2021
Abstract Abstract
The "Show me the numbers: Workshop on Analyzing IETF Data (AID)" The "Show me the numbers: Workshop on Analyzing IETF Data (AID)"
workshop was convened by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) from workshop was convened by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) from
November 29 to December 2, 2021 and hosted by the IN-SIGHT.it project November 29 to December 2, 2021 and hosted by the IN-SIGHT.it project
at the University of Amsterdam; however, it was converted to an at the University of Amsterdam; however, it was converted to an
online-only event. The workshop was organized into two discussion online-only event. The workshop was organized into two discussion
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Appendix B. Program Committee Appendix B. Program Committee
Appendix C. Workshop Participants Appendix C. Workshop Participants
IAB Members at the Time of Approval IAB Members at the Time of Approval
Acknowledgments Acknowledgments
Authors' Addresses Authors' Addresses
1. Introduction 1. Introduction
The IETF, as an international Standards Developing Organization The IETF, as an international Standards Developing Organization
(SDO), hosts a diverse set of data about the IETF's history and (SDO), hosts a diverse set of data about the IETF's history and
development, current standardisation activities, Internet protocols, development, current standardization activities, Internet protocols,
and the institutions that comprise the IETF. A large portion of this and the institutions that comprise the IETF. A large portion of this
data is publicly available, yet it is underutilized as a tool to data is publicly available, yet it is underutilized as a tool to
inform the work in the IETF or the broader research community that is inform the work in the IETF or the broader research community that is
focused on topics like Internet governance and trends in information focused on topics like Internet governance and trends in information
and communication technologies (ICT) standard setting. and communication technologies (ICT) standard setting.
The aim of the "IAB Workshop on Analyzing IETF Data (AID) 2021" The aim of the "IAB Workshop on Analyzing IETF Data (AID) 2021"
workshop was to study how IETF data is currently used, to understand workshop was to study how IETF data is currently used, to understand
what insights can be drawn from that data, and to explore open what insights can be drawn from that data, and to explore open
questions around how that data may be further used in the future. questions around how that data may be further used in the future.
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[ArkkoStats] [ArkkoStats]
"Document Statistics", "Document Statistics",
<https://www.arkko.com/tools/docstats.html>. <https://www.arkko.com/tools/docstats.html>.
Eggert, L., "Who is the Average IETF Participant?", Eggert, L., "Who is the Average IETF Participant?",
November 2021, <https://www.iab.org/wp-content/IAB- November 2021, <https://www.iab.org/wp-content/IAB-
uploads/2021/11/Eggert.pdf>. uploads/2021/11/Eggert.pdf>.
[BigBang] BigBang, "Welcome to BigBangs documentation!", [BigBang] BigBang, "Welcome to BigBang's documentation!",
<https://bigbang-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>. <https://bigbang-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>.
[CO2eq] Migault, D., "CO2eq: Estimating Meetings' Air Flight CO2 [CO2eq] Migault, D., "CO2eq: Estimating Meetings' Air Flight CO2
Equivalent Emissions: An Illustrative Example with IETF Equivalent Emissions: An Illustrative Example with IETF
meeting", <https://www.iab.org/wp-content/IAB- meeting", <https://www.iab.org/wp-content/IAB-
uploads/2021/11/Migault.pdf>. uploads/2021/11/Migault.pdf>.
Benthall, S., "Using Complex Systems Analysis to Identify Benthall, S., "Using Complex Systems Analysis to Identify
Organizational Interventions", 2021, <https://www.iab.org/ Organizational Interventions", 2021, <https://www.iab.org/
skipping to change at line 694 skipping to change at line 694
Registrations Registrations
Name Name
Email Email
Affiliation Affiliation
Appendix B. Program Committee Appendix B. Program Committee
The workshop Program Committee members were Niels ten Oever (Chair, The workshop Program Committee members were Niels ten Oever (Chair,
University of Amsterdam), Colin Perkins (Chair, IRTF, University of University of Amsterdam), Colin Perkins (Chair, IRTF, University of
Glasgow), Corinne Cath (Chair, Oxford Internet Institute), Mirja Glasgow), Corinne Cath (Chair, Oxford Internet Institute), Mirja
Kuehlewind (IAB, Ericsson), Zhenbin Li (IAB, Huawei), and Wes Kühlewind (IAB, Ericsson), Zhenbin Li (IAB, Huawei), and Wes Hardaker
Hardaker (IAB, USC/ISI). (IAB, USC/ISI).
Appendix C. Workshop Participants Appendix C. Workshop Participants
The Workshop Participants were Bernhard Ganglmair, Carsten Griwodz, The Workshop Participants were Bernhard Ganglmair, Carsten Griwodz,
Christoph Becker, Colin Perkins, Corinne Cath, Daniel Migault, Don Christoph Becker, Colin Perkins, Corinne Cath, Daniel Migault, Don
Le, Effy Xue Li, Elizaveta Yachmeneva, Francois Ortolan, Greg Wood, Le, Effy Xue Li, Elizaveta Yachmeneva, Francois Ortolan, Greg Wood,
Ignacio Castro, Jari Arkko, Justus Baron, Karen O'Donoghue, Lars Ignacio Castro, Jari Arkko, Justus Baron, Karen O'Donoghue, Lars
Eggert, Mallory Knodel, Marc Petit-Huguenin, Mark McFadden, Michael Eggert, Mallory Knodel, Marc Petit-Huguenin, Mark McFadden, Michael
Welzl, Mirja Kuehlewind, Nick Doty, Niels ten Oever, Priyanka Sinha, Welzl, Mirja Kühlewind, Nick Doty, Niels ten Oever, Priyanka Sinha,
Safiqul Islam, Sebastian Benthall, Stephen McQuistin, Wes Hardaker, Safiqul Islam, Sebastian Benthall, Stephen McQuistin, Wes Hardaker,
and Zhenbin Li. and Zhenbin Li.
IAB Members at the Time of Approval IAB Members at the Time of Approval
Internet Architecture Board members at the time this document was Internet Architecture Board members at the time this document was
approved for publication were: approved for publication were:
Jari Arkko Jari Arkko
Deborah Brungard Deborah Brungard
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