<?xmlversion='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc [ <!ENTITY nbsp " "> <!ENTITY zwsp "​"> <!ENTITY nbhy "‑"> <!ENTITY wj "⁠"> ]><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rfc2629.xslt" ?> <!-- generated by https://github.com/cabo/kramdown-rfc2629 version 1.5.24 --><rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" ipr="trust200902" docName="draft-irtf-panrg-questions-12"category="info"number="9217" tocInclude="true" sortRefs="true" symRefs="true" obsoletes="" updates=""submissionType="IETF"submissionType="IRTF" category="info" consensus="true" xml:lang="en" version="3"><!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 3.12.0 --><front> <title abbrev="PAN questions">Current Open Questions inPath AwarePath-Aware Networking</title> <seriesInfoname="Internet-Draft" value="draft-irtf-panrg-questions-12"/>name="RFC" value="9217"/> <author initials="B." surname="Trammell" fullname="Brian Trammell"> <organization>Google Switzerland GmbH</organization> <address> <postal> <street>Gustav-Gull-Platz 1</street><city>8004 Zurich</city><city>Zurich</city> <code>8004</code> <country>Switzerland</country> </postal> <email>ietf@trammell.ch</email> </address> </author> <date year="2022"month="January" day="25"/>month="March"/> <workgroup>Path AwareNetworking RG</workgroup> <keyword>Internet-Draft</keyword>Networking</workgroup> <keyword>example</keyword> <abstract> <t>In contrast to the present Internet architecture, a path-aware internetworking architecture has two important properties: it exposes the properties of available Internet paths to endpoints, and it provides for endpoints and applications to use these properties to select paths through the Internet for their traffic. While this property of "path awareness" already exists in many Internet-connected networks within single domains and via administrative interfaces to the network layer, a fully path-aware internetwork expands these concepts across layers and across the Internet.</t> <t>This document poses questions in path-awarenetworkingnetworking, open as of 2021, that must be answered in the design, development, and deployment of path-aware internetworks. It was originally written to frame discussions in the Path Aware NetworkingproposedResearch Group (PANRG), and has been published to snapshot current thinking in this space.</t> </abstract><note removeInRFC="true"> <name>Discussion Venues</name> <t>Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at <eref target="https://github.com/panrg/questions"/>.</t> </note></front> <middle> <section anchor="intro" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Introduction to Path-Aware Networking</name> <t>In the current Internet architecture, the network layer provides a best-effort service to the endpoints using it, without verifiability of the properties of the path betweentnethe endpoints. While there arenetwork layernetwork-layer technologies that attempt better-than-best-effort delivery, the interfaces to these are generally administrative as opposed toendpoint-exposed (e.g.endpoint exposed (e.g., Path Computation Element (PCE) <xref target="RFC4655" format="default"/> and Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) <xref target="MEF70"/> approaches), and they are often restricted to single administrative domains. In this architecture, an application can assume that a packet with a given destination address will eventually be forwarded toward that destination, but little else.</t> <t>Atransport layertransport-layer protocol such as TCP can provide reliability over this best-effort service, and a protocol above the network layer, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) <xref target="RFC8446"format="default"/>format="default"/>, can authenticate the remote endpoint. However, little, if any, explicit information about the path is available to the endpoints, and any assumptions made about that path often do not hold. These sometimes have serious impacts on the application, as in the case with BGP hijacking attacks.</t> <t>By contrast, in a path-aware internetworking architecture, endpoints can select or influence the path(s) through the network used by any given packet or flow. The network and transport layers explicitly expose information about the path or paths available to the endpoints and to the applications running on them, so that they can make this selection. TheApplication LayerApplication-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) protocol <xref target="RFC7285" format="default"/> can be seen as an example of a path-awareness approach implemented in transport-layer terms on the present Internet protocol stack.</t> <t>Path selection provides explicit visibility and control of network treatment to applications and users of the network. This selection is available to theapplication, transport,application-, transport-, and/ornetwork layernetwork-layer entities at each endpoint. Path control at the flow and subflow level enables the design of new transport protocols that can leverage multipath connectivity across disjoint paths through the Internet, even over a single physical interface. When exposed to applications, or toend-usersend users through a system configuration interface, path control allows the specification of constraints on the paths that traffic should traverse, for instance to confound passive surveillance in the network core <xref target="RFC7624" format="default"/>.</t> <t>We note that this property of "path awareness" already exists in many Internet-connected networks within single domains. Indeed, much of the practice of network engineering using encapsulation at layer 3 can be said to be "pathaware",aware" in that it explicitly assigns traffic at tunnel endpoints to a given path within the network. Path-aware internetworking seeks to extend this awareness across domain boundaries without resorting to overlays, except as a transition technology.</t> <t>This document presents a snapshot of open questions in this space that will need to be answered in order to realize a path-aware internetworking architecture; it is published to further frame discussions within and outside the Path Aware Networking Research Group, and is published with the rough consensus of that group.</t> <section anchor="definitions" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Definitions</name> <t>For purposes of this document,"path aware"path-aware networking" describes endpoint discovery of the properties of paths they use for communication across an internetwork, and endpoint reaction to these properties that affects routing and/or data transfer. Note that this can and already does happen to some extent in the current Internet architecture; this definition expands current techniques of path discovery and manipulation to cross administrative domain boundaries and up to the transport and application layers at the endpoints.</t> <t>Expanding on this definition, a"path aware"path-aware internetwork" is one in which endpoint discovery of path properties and endpoint selection of paths used by traffic exchanged by the endpoint are explicitlysupported,supported regardless of the specific design of the protocol featureswhichthat enable this discovery and selection.</t> <t>A "path", for the purposes of these definitions, is abstractly defined as a sequence of adjacent path elements over which a packet can be transmitted, where the definition of "path element" istechnology-dependent.technology dependent. As this document is intended to pose questions rather than answer them, it assumes that this definition will be refined as part of the answer to the first two questions itposes,poses about the vocabulary of path properties and how they are disseminated.</t> <t>Research intopath awarepath-aware internetworking covers any and all aspects of designing, building, and operatingpath awarepath-aware internetworks or the networks and endpoints attached to them. This document presents a collection of research questions to address in order to make apath awarepath-aware Internet a reality.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="questions" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Questions</name> <t>Realizing path-aware networking requires answers to a set of open research questions. This document poses thesequestions,questions as a starting point for discussions about how to realize path awareness in theInternet,Internet and to direct future research efforts within the Path Aware Networking Research Group.</t> <section anchor="a-vocabulary-of-path-properties" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>A Vocabulary of Path Properties</name> <t>The first question: how are paths and path properties defined and represented?</t> <t>In order for information about paths to be exposed to an endpoint, and for the endpoint to make use of that information, it is necessary to define a common vocabulary for paths through aninternetwork,internetwork and properties of those paths. The elements of this vocabulary could include terminology for components of a path and properties defined for these components, for the entirepath,path or for subpaths of a path. These properties may be relatively static, such as the presence of a given node or service function on thepath;path, as well as relatively dynamic, such as the current values of metrics such as loss and latency.</t> <t>This vocabulary and its representation must be defined carefully, as its design will have impacts on the properties (e.g., expressiveness, scalability, and security) of a given path-aware internetworking architecture. For example, a system that exposes node-level information for the topology through each network would maximize information about the individual components of the path at the endpoints, at the expense of making internal network topology universally public, which may be in conflict with the business goals of each network's operator. Furthermore, properties related to individual components of the path may change frequently and may quickly become outdated. However, aggregating the properties of individual components to distill end-to-end properties for the entire path is not trivial.</t> </section> <section anchor="discovery-distribution-and-trustworthiness-of-path-properties" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Discovery, Distribution, and Trustworthiness of Path Properties</name> <t>The second question: how do endpoints and applications get access to accurate, useful, and trustworthy path properties?</t> <t>Once endpoints and networks have a shared vocabulary for expressing path properties, the network must have some method for distributing those path properties to the endpoints. Regardless of how path property information is distributed, the endpoints require a method to authenticate the properties--in order to determine that they originated from and pertain to the path that they purport to.</t> <t>Choices in distribution and authentication methods will have impacts on the scalability of a path-aware architecture. Possible dimensions in the space of distribution methods includein-bandin band versusout-of-band,out of band, push versus pull versuspublish-subscribe,publish subscribe, and so on. There are temporal issues with path property dissemination as well, especially with dynamic properties, since the measurement or elicitation of dynamic properties may be outdated by the time that information is available at the endpoints, and interactions between the measurement and dissemination delay may exhibit pathological behavior for unlucky points in the parameter space.</t> </section> <section anchor="supporting-path-selection" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Supporting Path Selection</name> <t>The third question: how can endpoints select paths to use for traffic in a way that can be trusted by the network, the endpoints, and the applications using them?</t> <t>Access to trustworthy path properties is only half of the challenge in establishing a path-aware architecture. Endpoints must be able to use this information in order to select paths for specific traffic they send. As with the dissemination of path properties, choices made inpath selectionpath-selection methods will also have an impact on thetradeofftrade-off between scalability and expressiveness of a path-aware architecture. One key choice here is between in-band and out-of-band control of path selection. Another is granularity of path selection (whether per packet, per flow, or per larger aggregate), which also has a large impact on thescalabilty/expressiveness tradeoff.scalability/expressiveness trade-off. Path selection must, like path property information, be trustworthy, such that the result of a path selection at an endpoint is predictable. Moreover, anypath selectionpath-selection mechanism should aim to provide an outcome that is not worse than using a singlepath,path or selecting paths at random.</t> <t>Path selection may be exposed in terms of the properties of the path or the identity of elements of the path. In the latter case, a path may be identified at any of multiple layers(e.g.(e.g., routing domain identifier,network layernetwork-layer address, higher-layer identifier or name, and so on). In this case, care must be taken to present semantically useful information to those making decisions about which path(s) to trust.</t> </section> <section anchor="interfaces-for-path-awareness" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Interfaces for Path Awareness</name> <t>The fourth question: how can interfaces among the network, transport, and application layers support the use of path awareness?</t> <t>In order for applications to make effective use of a path-aware networking architecture, the control interfaces presented by the network and transport layers must also expose path properties to the application in a useful way, and provide a useful set of paths among which the application can select. Path selection must be possible based not only on the preferences and policies of the application developer, but ofend-usersend users as well. Also, thepath selectionpath-selection interfaces presented to applications and end users will need to support multiple levels of granularity. Most applications' requirements can be satisfied with the expression ofpath selectionpath-selection policies in terms of properties of the paths, while some applications may need finer-grained, per-path control. These interfaces will need to support incremental development and deployment of applications, and provide sensible defaults, to avoid hindering their adoption.</t> </section> <section anchor="implications-of-path-awareness-for-the-transport-and-application-layers" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Implications of Path Awareness for the Transport and Application Layers</name> <t>The fifth question: how should transport-layer andhigher layerhigher-layer protocols be redesigned to work most effectively over a path-aware networking layer?</t> <t>In the current Internet, the basic assumption that at a given time all traffic for a given flow will receive the same network treatment and traverse the same path orequivalendequivalent paths often holds. In apath awarepath-aware network, this assumption is more easily violated. The weakening of this assumption has implications for the design of protocols above any path-aware network layer.</t> <t>For example, one advantage of multipath communication is that a given end-to-end flow can be "sprayed" along multiple paths in order to confound attempts to collect data or metadata from those flows for pervasive surveillance purposes <xref target="RFC7624" format="default"/>. However, the benefits of this approach are reduced if the upper-layer protocols use linkable identifiers on packets belonging to the same flow across different paths. Clients may mitigate linkability by opting to notre-usereuse cleartext connection identifiers, such as TLS session IDs or tickets, on separate paths. The privacy-conscious strategies required for effective privacy in a path-aware Internet are only possible if higher-layer protocols such as TLS permit clients to obtain unlinkable identifiers.</t> </section> <section anchor="what-is-an-endpoint" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>What is an Endpoint?</name> <t>The sixth question: how is path awareness (in terms of vocabulary and interfaces) different when applied to tunnel and overlay endpoints?</t> <t>The vision of path-aware networking articulated so far makes an assumption that path properties will be disseminated to endpoints on which applications are running (terminals with user agents, servers, and so on). However, incremental deployment may require that a path-aware network "core" be used to interconnect islands of legacy protocol networks. In these cases, it is the gateways, not the application endpoints, that receive path properties and make path selections for that traffic. The interfaces provided by this gateway are necessarily different than those a path-aware networking layer provides to its transport and application layers, and the path property information the gateway needs and makes available over those interfaces may also be different.</t> </section> <section anchor="operating-a-path-aware-network" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Operating aPath AwarePath-Aware Network</name> <t>The seventh question: how can apath awarepath-aware network in apath awarepath-aware internetwork be effectively operated, given control inputs from network administrators, application designers, and end users?</t> <t>The network operations model in the current Internet architecture assumes that traffic flows are controlled by the decisions and policies made by networkoperators,operators as expressed in interdomain and intradomain routing protocols. In a network providing path selection to the endpoints, however, this assumption no longer holds, as endpoints may react to path properties by selecting alternate paths. Competing control inputs from path-aware endpoints and the routing control plane may lead to more difficult traffic engineering ornonconvergentnon-convergent forwarding, especially if the endpoints' and operators' notion of the "best" path for given traffic diverges significantly. The degree of difficulty may depend on the fidelity of information made available topath selectionpath-selection algorithms at the endpoints. Explicit path selection can also specify outbound paths, while BGP policies are expressed in terms of inbound traffic.</t> <t>A concept forpath awarepath-aware network operations will need to have clear methods for the resolution of apparent (if not actual) conflicts of intent between the network's operator and the path selection at an endpoint. It will also need a set of safety principles to ensure that increasing path control does not lead to decreasing connectivity; one such safety principle could be "the existence of at least one path between two endpoints guarantees the selection of at least one path between those endpoints."</t> </section> <section anchor="deploying-a-path-aware-network" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Deploying aPath AwarePath-Aware Network</name> <t>The eighth question: how can the incentives of network operators andend-usersend users be aligned to realize the vision ofpath awarepath-aware networking, and how can the transition from current ("path-oblivious") to path-aware networking be managed?</t> <t>The vision presented in the introduction discussespath awarepath-aware networking from the point of view of the benefits accruing at the endpoints, to designers of transport protocols and applications as well as to the end users of those applications. However, this vision requires action not only at the endpoints but also within the interconnected networks offeringpath awarepath-aware connectivity. While the specific actions required are a matter of the design and implementation of a specific realization of apath awarepath-aware protocol stack, it is clearthanthat anypath awarepath-aware architecture will require network operators to give up some control of their networks over to endpoint-driven control inputs.</t><t>Here<t>Here, the question of apparent versus actual conflicts of intent arises again: certain networkoperationsoperation requirements may appearessential,essential but are merely accidents of the interfaces provided by current routing and management protocols. For example, related (but adjacent) topath awarepath-aware networking, the widespread use of the TCP wire image <xref target="RFC8546" format="default"/> in network monitoring for DDoS prevention appears in conflict with the deployment of encrypted transports, only because path signaling <xref target="RFC8558" format="default"/> has been implicit in the deployment of past transport protocols.</t> <t>Similarly, incentives for deployment must show how existing networkoperationsoperation requirements are met through new path selection and property dissemination mechanisms.</t> <t>The incentives for network operators and equipment vendors need to be made clear, in terms of a plan to transition <xref target="RFC8170" format="default"/> an internetwork to path-aware operation, one network and facility at a time. This plan to transition must also take into account that the dynamics ofpath awarepath-aware networking early in this transition (when few endpoints and flows in the Internet use path selection) may be different than those later in the transition.</t> <t>Aspects of data security and information management in a network that explicitly radiates more information about the network's deployment and configuration, and implicitly radiates information about endpoint configuration and preference through path selection, must also be addressed.</t> </section> </section> <section anchor="iana"> <name>IANA Considerations</name> <t>This document has no IANA actions. </t> </section> <section anchor="security"> <name>Security and Privacy Considerations</name> <t> This document poses questions about path-aware internetworking; the answers are a matter for future research, and security considerations for those answers would be included in the corresponding RFCs that describe them. While each of these questions is to a lesser or greater degree relevant to the security and privacy of users of a path-aware network, questions of discovery and trustworthiness (<xref target="discovery-distribution-and-trustworthiness-of-path-properties"/>) are most security-relevant. </t> </section> </middle> <back> <references> <name>Informative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4655.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8446.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7285.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7624.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8546.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8558.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8170.xml"/> <reference anchor="MEF70" target='https://www.mef.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/MEF-70.pdf'> <front> <title>SD-WAN Service Attributes and Services</title> <author > <organization>MEF</organization> </author> <date month="July" year="2019"/> </front> <refcontent>MEF Standard</refcontent> <refcontent>MEF 70</refcontent> </reference> </references> <section anchor="acknowledgments"numbered="true"numbered="false" toc="default"> <name>Acknowledgments</name> <t>Many thanks toAdrian Perrig, Jean-Pierre Smith, Mirja Kuehlewind, Olivier Bonaventure, Martin Thomson, Shwetha Bhandari, Chris Wood, Lee Howard, Mohamed Boucadair, Thorben Krueger, Gorry Fairhurst, Spencer Dawkins, Reese Enghardt, Laurent Ciavaglia, Stephen Farrell, and Richard Yang,<contact fullname="Adrian Perrig"/>, <contact fullname="Jean-Pierre Smith"/>, <contact fullname="Mirja Kühlewind"/>, <contact fullname="Olivier Bonaventure"/>, <contact fullname="Martin Thomson"/>, <contact fullname="Shwetha Bhandari"/>, <contact fullname="Chris Wood"/>, <contact fullname="Lee Howard"/>, <contact fullname="Mohamed Boucadair"/>, <contact fullname="Thorben Krüger"/>, <contact fullname="Gorry Fairhurst"/>, <contact fullname="Spencer Dawkins"/>, <contact fullname="Reese Enghardt"/>, <contact fullname="Laurent Ciavaglia"/>, <contact fullname="Stephen Farrell"/>, and <contact fullname="Richard Yang"/> for discussions leading to questions in thisdocument,document and for feedback on the document itself.</t> <t>This work is partially supported by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 grant agreement no. 688421 Measurement and Architecture for a Middleboxed Internet(MAMI),(MAMI) and by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation under contract no. 15.0268. This support does not imply endorsement.</t> </section></middle> <back> <references> <name>Informative References</name> <reference anchor="RFC4655"> <front> <title>A Path Computation Element (PCE)-Based Architecture</title> <author fullname="A. Farrel" initials="A." surname="Farrel"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="J.-P. Vasseur" initials="J.-P." surname="Vasseur"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="J. Ash" initials="J." surname="Ash"> <organization/> </author> <date month="August" year="2006"/> <abstract> <t>Constraint-based path computation is a fundamental building block for traffic engineering systems such as Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) networks. Path computation in large, multi-domain, multi-region, or multi-layer networks is complex and may require special computational components and cooperation between the different network domains.</t> <t>This document specifies the architecture for a Path Computation Element (PCE)-based model to address this problem space. This document does not attempt to provide a detailed description of all the architectural components, but rather it describes a set of building blocks for the PCE architecture from which solutions may be constructed. This memo provides information for the Internet community.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="4655"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC4655"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8446"> <front> <title>The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3</title> <author fullname="E. Rescorla" initials="E." surname="Rescorla"> <organization/> </author> <date month="August" year="2018"/> <abstract> <t>This document specifies version 1.3 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. TLS allows client/server applications to communicate over the Internet in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery.</t> <t>This document updates RFCs 5705 and 6066, and obsoletes RFCs 5077, 5246, and 6961. This document also specifies new requirements for TLS 1.2 implementations.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8446"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8446"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC7285"> <front> <title>Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol</title> <author fullname="R. Alimi" initials="R." role="editor" surname="Alimi"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="R. Penno" initials="R." role="editor" surname="Penno"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="Y. Yang" initials="Y." role="editor" surname="Yang"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="S. Kiesel" initials="S." surname="Kiesel"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="S. Previdi" initials="S." surname="Previdi"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="W. Roome" initials="W." surname="Roome"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="S. Shalunov" initials="S." surname="Shalunov"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="R. Woundy" initials="R." surname="Woundy"> <organization/> </author> <date month="September" year="2014"/> <abstract> <t>Applications using the Internet already have access to some topology information of Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks. For example, views to Internet routing tables at Looking Glass servers are available and can be practically downloaded to many network application clients. What is missing is knowledge of the underlying network topologies from the point of view of ISPs. In other words, what an ISP prefers in terms of traffic optimization -- and a way to distribute it.</t> <t>The Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) services defined in this document provide network information (e.g., basic network location structure and preferences of network paths) with the goal of modifying network resource consumption patterns while maintaining or improving application performance. The basic information of ALTO is based on abstract maps of a network. These maps provide a simplified view, yet enough information about a network for applications to effectively utilize them. Additional services are built on top of the maps.</t> <t>This document describes a protocol implementing the ALTO services. Although the ALTO services would primarily be provided by ISPs, other entities, such as content service providers, could also provide ALTO services. Applications that could use the ALTO services are those that have a choice to which end points to connect. Examples of such applications are peer-to-peer (P2P) and content delivery networks.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7285"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7285"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC7624"> <front> <title>Confidentiality in the Face of Pervasive Surveillance: A Threat Model and Problem Statement</title> <author fullname="R. Barnes" initials="R." surname="Barnes"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="B. Schneier" initials="B." surname="Schneier"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="C. Jennings" initials="C." surname="Jennings"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="T. Hardie" initials="T." surname="Hardie"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="B. Trammell" initials="B." surname="Trammell"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="C. Huitema" initials="C." surname="Huitema"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="D. Borkmann" initials="D." surname="Borkmann"> <organization/> </author> <date month="August" year="2015"/> <abstract> <t>Since the initial revelations of pervasive surveillance in 2013, several classes of attacks on Internet communications have been discovered. In this document, we develop a threat model that describes these attacks on Internet confidentiality. We assume an attacker that is interested in undetected, indiscriminate eavesdropping. The threat model is based on published, verified attacks.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="7624"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC7624"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8546"> <front> <title>The Wire Image of a Network Protocol</title> <author fullname="B. Trammell" initials="B." surname="Trammell"> <organization/> </author> <author fullname="M. Kuehlewind" initials="M." surname="Kuehlewind"> <organization/> </author> <date month="April" year="2019"/> <abstract> <t>This document defines the wire image, an abstraction of the information available to an on-path non-participant in a networking protocol. This abstraction is intended to shed light on the implications that increased encryption has for network functions that use the wire image.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8546"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8546"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8558"> <front> <title>Transport Protocol Path Signals</title> <author fullname="T. Hardie" initials="T." role="editor" surname="Hardie"> <organization/> </author> <date month="April" year="2019"/> <abstract> <t>This document discusses the nature of signals seen by on-path elements examining transport protocols, contrasting implicit and explicit signals. For example, TCP's state machine uses a series of well-known messages that are exchanged in the clear. Because these are visible to network elements on the path between the two nodes setting up the transport connection, they are often used as signals by those network elements. In transports that do not exchange these messages in the clear, on-path network elements lack those signals. Often, the removal of those signals is intended by those moving the messages to confidential channels. Where the endpoints desire that network elements along the path receive these signals, this document recommends explicit signals be used.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8558"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8558"/> </reference> <reference anchor="RFC8170"> <front> <title>Planning for Protocol Adoption and Subsequent Transitions</title> <author fullname="D. Thaler" initials="D." role="editor" surname="Thaler"> <organization/> </author> <date month="May" year="2017"/> <abstract> <t>Over the many years since the introduction of the Internet Protocol, we have seen a number of transitions throughout the protocol stack, such as deploying a new protocol, or updating or replacing an existing protocol. Many protocols and technologies were not designed to enable smooth transition to alternatives or to easily deploy extensions; thus, some transitions, such as the introduction of IPv6, have been difficult. This document attempts to summarize some basic principles to enable future transitions, and it also summarizes what makes for a good transition plan.</t> </abstract> </front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8170"/> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8170"/> </reference> </references></back><!-- ##markdown-source: H4sIALUe8GEAA71c2ZIbR3Z9z6/IaD2oGQH0ULSkoVsPcpOiKM6IEq1mmGE7 HI5EVQLIYaEKqqVBaEL/7nOXXApAa+bJD5rpJlC53OXcc5fq5XJpxjA2/ta+ nPret6P9ee9b+++TH8bQtYMNrX3nxq29O7je25/8eOj6j6HdGLda9f7h1r67 +8n+Gr9u6q5q3Q7L1b1bj8vQj+vl3rX9Zpm+s/zimand6G9Nhf/ddP3xFrus O2PCvr+1Yz8N47OnT//16TNDe236btrfXj6E/eW1+eiP+K2+tW/a0fetH5ff 0dbGDKNr6/91TdfiOEc/mH24tf89dtXCDl0/9n494Kfjjn74H2PcNG67/tZY u8R/Fkcabu2LG/u+d7udbxr+R7nbiz64dv5B129u7euu2zTe3h/C+JvvG2xv X+9WP/AX/M6FBhf14/rfRn3yptryZwMO40c8j5u7h+XrqWmW7xo3/ma/4M+r MEJGz58+/dL+19QHfarqpnYk4RX7GdN2/c6N4QHiNSTV/NtyubRuhb1cBem8 abEAnnfDaMfOjltv970fyAKiIK3rq20YfTVOvV9YZ/fQwdKxDoJ+J1lD8VW7 dYPFJzbs9hC0w5L7vtv7fgweMg2j9Z/23eAH3TV+ZLu1cQ8Qk1tBiukUtOtA 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