<?xmlversion='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629-xhtml.ent"><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rfc2629.xslt" ?> <!-- used by XSLT processors --> <!-- OPTIONS, known as processing instructions (PIs) go here. --> <!-- For a complete list and description of PIs, please see http://xml.resource.org/authoring/README.html. --> <!-- Below are generally applicable PIs that most I-Ds might want to use. --> <?rfc strict="yes" ?> <!-- give errors regarding ID-nits and DTD validation --> <!-- control the table of contents (ToC): --> <?rfc toc="yes"?> <!-- generate a ToC --> <?rfc tocdepth="2"?> <!-- the number of levels of subsections in ToC. default: 3 --> <!-- control references: --> <?rfc symrefs="yes"?> <!-- use symbolic references tags, i.e, [RFC2119] instead of [1] --> <?rfc sortrefs="yes" ?> <!-- sort the reference entries alphabetically --> <!-- control vertical white space: (using these PIs as follows is recommended by the RFC Editor) --> <?rfc compact="yes" ?> <!-- do not start each main section on a new page --> <?rfc subcompact="no" ?> <!-- keep one blank line between list items --> <!-- end of popular PIs --><rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" submissionType="IETF" category="std" consensus="true" docName="draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-20" number="9071" ipr="trust200902" updates="4103" obsoletes=""submissionType="IETF"xml:lang="en" tocInclude="true" tocDepth="2" symRefs="true" sortRefs="true" version="3"> <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 2.42.0 --> <front> <titleabbrev="RTP-mixer formatabbrev="RTP-Mixer Format formultiparty RTT">RTP-mixer formattingMultiparty RTT">RTP-Mixer Formatting ofmultiparty Real-time text</title>Multiparty Real-Time Text</title> <seriesInfoname="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-20"/>name="RFC" value="9071"/> <author fullname="GunnarHellstrom"Hellström" initials="G"surname="Hellstrom"> <organization>Gunnar Hellstromsurname="Hellström"> <organization abbrev="GHAccess">Gunnar Hellström Accessible Communication</organization> <address> <postal><street></street> <city>Vendelso</city> <!-- <region/> --><city>Vendelsö</city> <code>13670</code> <country>Sweden</country> </postal><phone></phone> <!-- <facsimile/> --><email>gunnar.hellstrom@ghaccess.se</email><!-- <uri/> --></address> </author> <dateyear="2021"/> <area>ART</area> <workgroup>AVTCore</workgroup> <!-- <keyword/> --> <!-- <keyword/> --> <!-- <keyword/> --> <!-- <keyword/> -->year="2021" month="July" /> <keyword>conference</keyword> <keyword>bridge</keyword> <keyword>SIP</keyword> <abstract> <t> This document provides enhancementsfor RFC 4103of real-time textmixing(as specified in RFC 4103) suitable for mixing in a centralized conferencemodel that enablesmodel, enabling source identification and rapidly interleaved transmission of text from different sources. The intended use is for real-time text mixers and participant endpoints capable of providing an efficient presentation or other treatment of a multiparty real-time text session. The specified mechanism builds on the standard use of the Contributing Source (CSRC) list in theRealtimeReal-time Transport Protocol (RTP) packet for source identification. The method makes use of the same "text/t140" and "text/red" formats as for two-party sessions. </t> <t> Solutions using multiple RTP streams in the same RTP session are briefly mentioned, as they could have some benefits over the RTP-mixer model. ThepossibilityRTP-mixer model was selected toimplementbe used for the fully specified solution in this document because it can be applied to a wide range of existing RTPimplementations made the RTP-mixer model be selected to be fully specified in this document.implementations. </t> <t> A capability exchange is specified so that it can be verified that a mixer and a participant can handle the multiparty-coded real-time text stream using the RTP-mixer method. The capability is indicated by the use ofan RFC 8866a Session Description Protocol (SDP) (RFC 8866) mediaattributeattribute, "rtt-mixer". </t> <t>TheThis document updates RFC 4103"RTP("RTP Payload for TextConversation".Conversation"). </t> <t> A specificationoffor how a mixer can format text for the case when the endpoint is notmultiparty-awaremultiparty aware is also provided. </t> </abstract> </front> <middle> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Introduction</name> <t>"RTP Payload for Text Conversation""<xref target="RFC4103" format="title"/>" <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> specifies the use of theReal-TimeReal-time Transport Protocol (RTP) <xref target="RFC3550" format="default"/> for transmission of real-time text(RTT)(often called RTT) and the "text/t140" format. It also specifies a redundancyformat "text/red"format, "text/red", for increased robustness. The "text/red" format is registered in <xref target="RFC4102" format="default"/>. </t> <t> Real-time text is usually provided together with audio and sometimes with video in conversational sessions. </t> <t> A requirement related to multiparty sessions from thepresentation levelpresentation-level standard T.140 <xref target="T140" format="default"/> for real-time textis: "Theis as follows:</t> <!-- DNE; verified --> <blockquote>The display of text from the members of the conversation should be arranged so that the text from each participant is clearly readable, and its source and the relative timing of entered text is visualized in thedisplay." </t>display.</blockquote> <t> Another requirement is that the mixing procedure must not introduce delays in the text streams thatare experienced tocould bedisturbingperceived as disruptive to the real-time experience of the receiving users. </t> <t>UseThe use ofRTTreal-time text is increasing, and specifically, use in emergency calls is increasing. Emergency call use requires multipartymixingmixing, because it is common that one agent needs to transfer the call to another specialized agent but is obliged to stay on the call to at leasttoverify that the transfer was successful. Mixer implementations for RFC 4103"RTP("RTP Payload for TextConversation"Conversation") can use traditionalRFC 3550RTP functions (RFC 3550) for mixing and source identification, but the performance of the mixer when giving turns for the different sources to transmit is limited when using the default transmission characteristics with redundancy. </t> <t> The redundancy schemeofdescribed in <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> enables efficient transmission of earlier transmitted redundant text in packets together with new text. However, the redundancy header format has no source indicators for the redundant transmissions. The redundant parts in a packet must therefore be from the same source as the new text. The recommended transmission is one new and two redundant generations of text (T140blocks) in eachpacketpacket, and the recommended transmission interval for two-party use is 300 ms. </t> <t> Real-time text mixers for multiparty sessions need to include the source with each transmitted group of text from a conference participant so that the text can be transmitted interleaved with text groups from different sources at the rate at which they are created. This enables the text groups to be presented by endpoints in a suitable grouping with other text from the same source. </t> <t> The presentation can then be arranged so that text from different sources can be presented inreal-timereal time and easily read. At the sametimetime, it is possible for a reading user to perceive approximately when the text was created in real time by the different parties. The transmission and mixingisare intended to be done in a general way, so that presentation can be arranged in a layout decided upon by the receiving endpoint. </t> <t>There are existingExisting implementations of RFC 4103 in endpointswithoutthat do not implement the updatesfromspecified in thisdocument. These will notdocument cannot beableexpected toreceive andproperly present real-time text mixed for multiparty-aware endpoints. </t> <t> A negotiation mechanism is therefore neededfor verificationto verify if the partiesare(1) are able to handle a common method for multipartytransmissiontransmissions andagreeing(2) can agree on using that method. </t> <t> A fallback mixing procedure is also needed for cases when the negotiation result indicates that a receiving endpoint is not capable of handling the mixed format. Multiparty-unaware endpoints would possibly otherwise present all received multiparty mixed text as if it came from the same source regardless of any accompanying source indication coded in fields in the packet.OrOr, they may have other undesirable ways of acting on the multiparty content. The fallback method is called the mixing procedure for multiparty-unaware endpoints. The fallback method is naturally not expected to meet all performance requirements placed on the mixing procedure for multiparty-aware endpoints. </t> <t>TheThis document updates <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> by introducing an attribute for declaring support of the RTP-mixer-basedmultiparty mixingmultiparty-mixing case and rules for source indications and interleaving of text from different sources. </t> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Terminology</name> <t>The key words"MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY","<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and"OPTIONAL""<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be interpreted as described inBCP 14BCP 14 <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/> when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shownabove. </t>here.</t> <t> The termsSource Description"Source Description" (SDES),Canonical name"Canonical Name" (CNAME),Name"Name" (NAME),Synchronization Source"Synchronization Source" (SSRC),Contributing Source"Contributing Source" (CSRC),CSRC list, CSRC count [CC], Real-Time control protocol"CSRC list", "CSRC count" (CC), "RTP Control Protocol" (RTCP),RTP-mixer, RTP-translatorand "RTP mixer" are defined in <xref target="RFC3550" format="default"/>. </t> <t> "real-time text" (RTT) is text transmitted instantly as it is typed or created. Recipients can immediately read the message while it is being written, without waiting. </t> <t> The term "T140block" is defined in <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> to contain one or more T.140 code elements. </t> <t> "TTY" stands for a textphone type used in North America. </t> <t> Webbased real-time communicationReal-Time Communication (WebRTC) is specified by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the IETF. See <xref target="RFC8825" format="default"/>. </t> <t> "DTLS-SRTP" is a Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) extension for use with the SecureReal-TimeReal-time Transport Protocol / Secure Real-time TransportProtocol/Secure Real-TimeControl Protocol (SRTP/SRTCP) as specified in <xref target="RFC5764" format="default"/>. </t> <t>"multiparty-aware"The term "multiparty aware" describes an endpointreceivingthat (1) receives real-time text from multiple sources through a common conferencemixer beingmixer, (2) is able to present the text inreal-time,real time, separated by source, andpresented(3) presents the text so that a user can get an impression of the approximate relative timing of text from different parties. </t> <t>"multiparty-unaware"The term "multiparty unaware" describes an endpointnotthat cannot itselfbeing able toseparate text from different sources when the text is received through a common conference mixer. </t> </section> <section anchor="alternatives" numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Selected solution<name>Main Method, Fallback Method, andconsidered alternatives</name>Considered Alternatives</name> <t> A number of alternatives were considered when searching for an efficient and easily implemented multiparty method for real-time text. This section briefly explains a few ofthem briefly.them. </t> <dl newline="true"> <dt> Multiple RTP streams, one perparticipantparticipant: </dt> <dd> One RTP stream per source would be sent in the same RTP session with the "text/red" format. From some points of view, the use of multiple RTP streams, one for each source, sent in the same RTP session would beefficient,efficient and would use exactly the same packet format as <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> and the same payload type. A couple of relevant scenarios using multipleRTP-streamsRTP streams are specified in"RTP Topologies""<xref target="RFC7667" format="title"/>" <xref target="RFC7667" format="default"/>. One possibility of special interest is the Selective Forwarding Middlebox (SFM) topology specified inRFC 7667 section 3.7 that<xref target="RFC7667" sectionFormat="of" section="3.7"/>, which could enable end-to-end encryption. In contrast to audio and video, real-time text is only transmitted when the users actually transmit information. Thus, an SFM solution would not need to exclude any party from transmission under normal conditions. In order to allow the mixer to convey the packets with the payload preserved and encrypted, an SFM solution would need to act on some specific characteristics of the "text/red" format. The redundancy headers are part of the payload, so the receiver would need to just assume that the payload type number in the redundancy header is for "text/t140". The characters per second ("cps") parameter(cps)would need to act per stream. Therelationrelationship between the SSRC and the source would need to be conveyed in some specified way, e.g., in the CSRC. Recovery and loss detection would preferably be based on RTP sequence number gap detection. Thus, sequence number gaps in the incoming stream to the mixer would need to be reflected in the stream to the participant, with no new gaps created by the mixer. However, the RTP implementation in both mixers and endpointsneedneeds to support multiple streams in the same RTP session in order to use this mechanism.ForTo provide the bestdeployment opportunity,opportunities for deployment, it should be possible to upgrade existing endpoint solutions to bemultiparty-awaremultiparty aware with a reasonable amount of effort. There is currently a lack of support for multi-stream RTP in certain implementations. This fact led to only brief mention of this solutionbeing only briefly mentionedin this document as an option for further study. </dd> <dt> RTP-mixer-based method for multiparty-awareendpointsendpoints: </dt> <dd> The "text/red" format as defined in RFC 4102 and applied in RFC 4103 is sent witha shorter transmission interval withthe RTP-mixer methodandindicating the source in the CSRC field. The "text/red" format with a "text/t140" payload in a single RTP stream can be sent when text is available from the call participants instead of at the regular 300ms.ms intervals. Transmission of packets with text from different sources can then be done smoothly while simultaneous transmission occurs as long as it is not limited by the maximum character rate"cps"."cps" value. With ten participants sending text simultaneously, the switching and transmission performance is good. With more simultaneously sendingparticipants,participants and with receivershaving theat defaultcapacitycapacity, there will be a noticeable jerkiness and delay in text presentation. Thejerkiness will be more expressed themore participants who send textsimultaneously.simultaneously, the more jerkiness will occur. Two seconds of jerkiness will be noticeable and slightly unpleasant, but it corresponds in time to what typing humans often cause byhesitationhesitating or changing position while typing. A benefit of this method is that no new packet format needs to be introduced and implemented. Since simultaneous typing by more than two parties is expected to be very rare -- as described in <xref target="intendedapp"format="default"/>,format="default"/> -- this method can be used successfully with good performance. Recovery of text in the case of packet loss is based on analysis of timestamps of received redundancy versus earlier received text. Negotiation is based on a new SDP mediaattributeattribute, "rtt-mixer". This methodiswas selected to be the mainonemethod specified in this document. </dd> <dt>Multiple sources perpacket</dt>packet:</dt> <dd> A new "text" media subtype would be specified with up to 15 sources in each packet. The mechanism would make use of theRTP mixerRTP-mixer model specified in RTP <xref target="RFC3550" format="default"/>. The sourcesarewould be indicated in strict order in the CSRC list of the RTP packets. The CSRC list can have up to 15 members. Therefore, text from up to 15 sources can be included in each packet. Packets are normally sentwithat 300 ms intervals. The mean delaywillwould be 150 ms. A new redundancy packet formatiswould be specified. This method would result in goodperformance,performance but would require standardization and implementation of new releases in the targettechnologies thattechnologies; these would take more time than desirable to complete. It was therefore not selected to be included in this document. </dd> <dt>Mixing for multiparty-unawareendpoints</dt>endpoints:</dt> <dd>PresentationThe presentation of text from multiple parties is prepared by the mixer in one single stream. It is desirable to have a method that does not require any modifications in existing user devices implementing RFC 4103 forRTTreal-time text without explicit support of multiparty sessions. This is made possible by having the mixer insert a new line and atext formattedtext-formatted source label before each switch of text source in the stream.Switch ofSwitching the source can only be done in places in the text where it does not disturb the perception of the contents. Text from only one source at a time can be presented in realtime at atime. The delay will therefore vary.The method also has other limitations, but is included in this document as a fallback method.In calls where parties take turns properly by ending their entries with a new line, the limitations will have limited influence on the user experience.whenWhen only two parties send text, these two will see the text in real time with no delay.ThisAlthough this method also has other limitations, it isspecifiedincluded in this document as a fallbackmethod in this document.method. </dd> <dt>RTTReal-time text transport inWebRTCWebRTC: </dt> <dd>Transport of real-time text in the WebRTC technology is specified to use<xref target="RFC8865" format="default"/> specifies how the WebRTC data channelin <xref target="RFC8865" format="default"/>.can be used to transport real-time text. That specification contains a section briefly describing its use in multiparty sessions. The focus of this document is RTP transport. Therefore, even if the WebRTC transport provides good multiparty performance, it isjustonly mentioned in this document in relation to providing gateways with multiparty capabilities between RTP and WebRTC technologies. </dd> </dl> </section> <section anchor="intendedapp" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Intendedapplication</name>Application</name> <t> The method for multiparty real-time text specified in this document is primarily intended for use intransmissiontransmissions between mixers and endpoints in centralized mixing configurations. It is also applicable between mixers. Anoften mentionedoften-mentioned application is for emergency service calls with real-time text and voice, where a call taker wants to make an attended handover of a call to anotheragent,agent and stay on the call to observe the session. Multimedia conference sessions with support for participants to contributeinwith text is anotherapplication.example. Conferences with central support for speech-to-text conversionisrepresent yet anothermentioned application.example. </t> <t> In all these applications, normally only one participant at a time will send long textutterances.comments. In some cases, one other participant will occasionally contribute with a longer comment simultaneously. That may also happen in some rare cases when text isinterpretedtranslated to text in another language in a conference. Apart from these cases, other participants are only expected to contribute with very briefutteringscomments while others are sending text. </t> <t> Users expectthatthe text they sendisto be presented inreal-timereal time in a readable way to the other participants even if they send simultaneously with other users and even when they make brief edit operations of their text by backspacing and correcting their text. </t> <t> Text is supposed to be human generated, by some means of textinput means,input, such as typing on a keyboard or using speech-to-text technology. Occasional small cut-and-paste operations may appear even if that is not the initial purpose of real-time text. </t> <t> The real-time characteristics of real-time textisare essential for the participants to be able to contribute to a conversation. If the text is delayed too muchdelayed frombetween the typing of aletter tocharacter and its presentation, then, in some conference situations, the opportunity to comment will be gone and someone else will grab the turn. A delay of more than one second in such situations is an obstacleforto good conversation. </t> </section> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Overview of thetwo specified solutionsTwo Specified Solutions andselectionSelection ofmethod</name>Method</name> <t> This section contains a brief introduction of the two methods specified in this document. </t> <section anchor="negouse" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>TheRTP-mixer-based solutionRTP-Mixer-Based Solution formultiparty-aware endpoints</name>Multiparty-Aware Endpoints</name> <t> This method specifies the negotiated use of the formats described in RFC4103 format4103, for multipartytransmissiontransmissions in a single RTP stream. The main purpose of this document is to specify a method for true multiparty real-time text mixing for multiparty-aware endpoints that can be widely deployed. The RTP-mixer-based method makes use of the current format for real-time text as provided in <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/>.It is an update ofThis method updates RFC 4103 bya clarification onclarifying one way to use it in the multiparty situation. That is done by completing a negotiation for this kind of multiparty capability and by interleaving packets from different sources. The source is indicated in the CSRC element in the RTP packets. Specific considerations are madeto be ableregarding the ability to recover text after packet loss. </t> <t> The detailed procedures for the RTP-mixer-based multiparty-aware case are specified in <xref target="nego2" format="default"/>. </t> <t> Pleaseuserefer to <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/>as referencewhen readingthe specification.this document. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Mixing formultiparty-unaware endpoints</name>Multiparty-Unaware Endpoints</name> <t>A method isThis document alsospecifiedspecifies a method to be used inthis document forcases when the endpoint participating in a multiparty call does not itself implement anysolution,solution or does not implement thesame,same solution as the mixer.TheThis method requires the mixer to insert text dividers and readable labels and only send text from one source at a time until a suitable point appears forsource change.changing the source. This solution is a fallback method with functional limitations. Itacts onoperates at the presentation level. </t> <t> A mixerSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> by default format and transmit text to a call participantto beso that the text is suitableto presentfor presentation on a multiparty-unaware endpointwhichthat has not negotiated any method for true multipartyRTT handling,real-time text handling but has negotiated a "text/red" or "text/t140" format in a session. ThisSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be done if nothing else is specified for theapplicationapplication, in order to maintain interoperability. <xref target="UnawareFormat" format="default"/> specifies how this mixing is done. </t> </section> <section anchor="nego1" numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Offer/answer considerations</name><name>Offer/Answer Considerations</name> <t>RTP"RTP Payload for TextConversationConversation" <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> specifies the use of RTP <xref target="RFC3550"format="default"/>,format="default"/> and a redundancy format"text/red"("text/red", as defined in <xref target="RFC4102" format="default"/>) for increased robustness of real-time text transmission. This document updates <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> by introducing a capability negotiation for handling multiparty real-time text, a way to indicate the source of transmitted text, and rules for efficient timing of the transmissions interleaved from different sources. </t> <t> The capability negotiation for the"RTP-mixer-basedRTP-mixer-based multipartymethod"method is based on the use of the SDP media attribute "rtt-mixer". </t><dl newline="true"> <dt>The<t>The syntax is asfollows:</dt> <dd>"a=rtt-mixer"</dd> </dl>follows:</t> <sourcecode name="" type="sdp"><![CDATA[ a=rtt-mixer ]]></sourcecode> <t> If in the future any other method for RTP-based multiparty real-time textgetsis specified by additional work, it is assumed that it will be recognized by some specific SDP feature exchange. </t> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Initialoffer</name>Offer</name> <t> A partyintendingthat intends to set up a session andbeingis willing to use the RTP-mixer-based methodofprovided in this specification forsending or receivingsending, receiving, or both sending and receiving real-time textSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> include the "rtt-mixer" SDP attribute in the corresponding "text" media section in the initial offer. </t> <t> The partyMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> indicate its capabilityforregarding both the RTP-mixer-based methodofprovided in this specification and other methods. </t> <t> When theofferorofferer has sent theoffer includingoffer, which includes the "rtt-mixer" attribute, itMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be prepared to receive and handle real-time text formatted according to both the method for multiparty-aware parties specified in <xref target="nego2" format="default"/>in this specificationand two-party formatted real-time text. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Answering theoffer</name>Offer</name> <t> A partyreceivingthat receives an offer containing the "rtt-mixer" SDP attribute andbeingis willing to use the RTP-mixer-based methodofprovided in this specification forsending or receivingsending, receiving, or both sending and receivingSHALLreal-time text <bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> include the "rtt-mixer" SDP attribute in the corresponding "text" media section in the answer. </t> <t> If the offer did not contain the "rtt-mixer" attribute, the answerMUST NOT<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> contain the "rtt-mixer" attribute. </t> <t> Even when the "rtt-mixer" attribute is successfully negotiated, the partiesMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> send and receive two-party coded real-time text. </t> <t> An answerMUST NOT<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> include acceptance of more than one method for multiparty real-time text in the same RTP session. </t> <t> When theanswer including acceptanceanswer, which includes acceptance, is transmitted, the answererMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be prepared to act on received text in the negotiated session according to the method for multiparty-aware parties specified in <xref target="nego2"format="default"/> of this specification.format="default"/>. Reception of text for a two-party sessionSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> also be supported. </t><t> </t></section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Offeror processing<name>Offerer Processing theanswer</name>Answer</name> <t> When the answer is processed by theofferor, it MUST act as specifiedofferer, the offerer <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> follow the requirements listed in <xref target="negoresult"format="default"/>format="default"/>. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Modifying asession</name>Session</name> <t> A sessionMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be modified at any time by any party offering a modified SDP with or without the "rtt-mixer" SDP attribute expressing a desired change in the support of multiparty real-time text. </t> <t> If the modified offer adds the indication of support for multiparty real-time text by including the "rtt-mixer" SDP attribute, the procedures specified in the previous subsectionsSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be applied. </t> <t> If the modified offer deletes the indication of support for multiparty real-time text by excluding the "rtt-mixer" SDP attribute, the answerMUST NOT<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> contain the "rtt-mixer" attribute. After processing this SDP exchange, the partiesMUST NOT<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> send real-time text formatted for multiparty-aware parties according to this specification. </t> </section> </section> <section anchor="negoresult" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>ActionsdependingDepending oncapability negotiation result</name>Capability Negotiation Result</name> <t> A transmitting partySHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> send text according to the RTP-mixer-based multiparty method only when the negotiation for that method was successful and when it conveys text for another source. In all other cases, the packetsSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be populated and interpreted as for a two-party session. </t> <t> A partywhichthat has negotiated the "rtt-mixer" SDP media attributeMUST populate the CSRC-list,andformat the packets according to <xref target="nego2" format="default"/> if itacts as anrtp-mixer and sendsRTP mixer sending multipartytext.text <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> (1) populate the CSRC list and (2) format the packets according to <xref target="nego2" format="default"/>. </t> <t> A partywhichthat has negotiated the "rtt-mixer" SDP media attributeMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> interpret the contents of the"CC"CC field, theCSRC-listCSRC list, and the packets according to <xref target="nego2" format="default"/> in received RTP packets in the corresponding RTP stream. </t> <t> A partywhichthat has not successfully completed the negotiation of the "rtt-mixer" SDP media attributeMUST NOT<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> transmit packets interleaved from different sources in the same RTPstreamstream, as specified in <xref target="nego2" format="default"/>. If the party is a mixer and did declare the "rtt-mixer" SDP media attribute, itSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> perform the procedure for multiparty-unaware endpoints. If the party is not a mixer, itSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> transmit as in a two-party session according to <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/>. </t> </section> </section> <section anchor="nego2" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Details for theRTP-mixer-based mixing methodRTP-Mixer-Based Mixing Method formultiparty-aware endpoints</name>Multiparty-Aware Endpoints</name> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Use offieldsFields in the RTPpackets</name>Packets</name> <t> The CC fieldSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> show the number of members in the CSRC list, whichSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be one (1) in transmissions from a mixer when conveying text from other sources in a multiparty session, and otherwise 0. </t> <t> When text is conveyed by a mixer during a multiparty session, a CSRC listSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be included in the packet. The single member in theCSRC-list SHALLCSRC list <bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> contain the SSRC of the source of the T140blocks in the packet. </t> <t> When redundancy is used, theRECOMMENDED<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14> level of redundancy is to use one primary and two redundant generations of T140blocks. In some cases, a primary or redundant T140block isempty,empty but is still represented by a member in the redundancy header. </t> <t> In otherregards,respects, the contents of the RTP packetsare equal to what iswill be as specified in <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/>. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>InitialtransmissionTransmission of a BOMcharacter</name>Character</name> <t> As soon as a participant is known to participate in a session with another entity and is available for text reception, a UnicodeByte-Order Markbyte order mark (BOM) characterSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be sent to it by the other entity according to the procedures in this section. This is useful in many configurationsto openfor opening ports and firewalls and for setting up the connection between the application and the network. If the transmitter is a mixer, then the source of this characterSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be indicated to be the mixer itself. </t> <t> Note that the BOM characterSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be transmitted with the same redundancy procedures as any other text. </t> </section> <section numbered="true"toc="default"><name>Keep-alive</name>toc="default"><name>Keep-Alive</name> <t> After that, the transmitterSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> send keep-alive traffic to the receiver(s) at regular intervals when no other traffic has occurred during that interval, if that is decided upon for the actual connection. It isRECOMMENDED<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14> to use the keep-alive solutionfromprovided in <xref target="RFC6263" format="default"/>. The consent checkof<xref target="RFC7675" format="default"/> is a possible alternative if it is used anyway for other reasons. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" anchor="transmint" toc="default"><name>Transmissioninterval</name>Interval</name> <t> A "text/red" or "text/t140" transmitter in a mixerSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> send packets distributedinover time as long as there is something (new or redundant T140blocks) to transmit. The maximum transmission interval between text transmissions from the same sourceSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> then be 330 ms, when no other limitations cause a longer interval to be temporarily used. It isRECOMMENDED<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14> to send the next packet to a receiver as soon as new text to that receiver is available, as long as the mean character rate of new text to the receiver calculated over the last 10 one-second intervals does not exceed the "cps" value of the receiver. The intention is to keep the latency low and network load limited while keeping good protection against text loss in bursty packet loss conditions. The main purpose of the 330 ms interval is for the timing of redundanttransmission,transmissions, when no new text from the same source is available. </t> <t> Thereason for thevalue of 330 ms isthatused, because many sources of text will transmit new textwithat 300 ms intervals during periods of continuous user typing, and then reception in the mixer of such new text will cause a combined transmission of the new text and the unsent redundancy from the previous transmission. Only when the user stopstyping,typing will the 330 ms intervalwillbe applied to send the redundancy. </t> <t> If theCharacters Per Second (cps)characters per second ("cps") value is reached, a longer transmission intervalSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be applied for text from all sources as specified in <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> and only as much of the text queued for transmissionSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be sent at the end of each transmission interval as can be allowed without exceeding the "cps" value. Division of text for partial transmissionMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> then be made at T140block borders. When the transmission rate fallsunderbelow the "cps" value again, the transmission intervalsSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> bereturnedreset to 330 ms and transmission of new textSHALL return to<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> again be made as soon as new text is available. </t><t> NOTE: that extending<aside><t>NOTE: Extending the transmission intervals during periods of high loadperiodsdoes not change the number of characters to be conveyed. It just evens out the loadinover time and reduces the number of packets per second. Withhuman createdhuman-created conversational text, the sending user will eventually take apausepause, letting transmission catchup. </t>up.</t></aside> <t> See also <xref target="congest" format="default"/>. </t> <t> For a transmitter not acting as a mixer, the transmission interval principlesfromprovided in <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> apply, and the normal transmission intervalSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be 300 ms. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Onlyone sourceOne Source perpacket</name>Packet</name> <t> New text and redundant copies of earlier text from one sourceSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be transmitted in the same packet if available for transmission at the same time. Text from different sourcesMUST NOT<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> be transmitted in the same packet. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Donot send received textNot Send Received Text to theoriginating source</name>Originating Source</name> <t> Text received by a mixer from a participantSHOULD NOT<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14> be included intransmissiontransmissions from the mixer to that participant, because for text that is produced locally, the normal behavior of the endpoint is to presentlocally-producedsuch textlocally.directly when it is produced. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Cleanincoming text</name>Incoming Text</name> <t> A mixerSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> handle reception, recovery from packet loss, deletion of superfluous redundancy, marking of possible textlossloss, and deletion of'BOM'BOM characters from each participant before queueing received text for transmission to receiving participants as specified in <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> for single-party sources and <xref target="reception" format="default"/> for multiparty sources (chained mixers). </t> </section> <section numbered="true"toc="default"><name>Redundant transmission principles</name>toc="default"><name>Principles of Redundant Transmission</name> <t> A transmitting party using redundancySHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> send redundant repetitions of T140blocks already transmitted in earlier packets. </t> <t> The number of redundant generations of T140blocks to include in transmitted packetsSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be deduced from the SDP negotiation. ItSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be set to the minimum of the number declared by the two parties negotiating a connection. It isRECOMMENDED<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14> to declare and transmit one original and two redundant generations of theT140blocksT140blocks, becausethatthis provides good protection against text loss in the case of packetloss,loss and also provides low overhead. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>TextplacementPlacement inpackets</name>Packets</name> <t> The mixerSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> compose and transmit an RTP packet to a receiver when one or more of the following conditions have occurred:</t> <ul> <li>The transmission interval is the normal 330 ms (no matter whether the transmission interval has passed or not), and there is newly received unsent text available for transmission to that receiver.</li> <li>The current transmission interval has passed and is longer than the normal 330msms, and there is newly received unsent text available for transmission to that receiver.</li> <li>The current transmission interval( normally(normally 330 ms) has passed sincealready transmittedalready-transmitted text was queued for transmission as redundant text.</li> </ul> <t> The principlesfromprovided in <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> apply for populating the header, the redundancyheaderheader, and the data in the packet withspecifics specifiedspecific information, as detailed here and in the following sections. </t> <t> At the time of transmission, the mixerSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> populate the RTP packet with all T140blocks queued for transmission originating from the sourcein turnselected for transmission as long as this is not in conflict with the allowed number of characters per second ("cps") or the maximum packet size. In this way, the latency of the latest received text is kept low even in moments of simultaneous transmission from many sources. </t> <t> Redundant textSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> also be included, and the assessment of how much new text can be included within the maximum packet sizeMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> take into account that the redundancy has priority to be transmitted in its entirety. See <xref target="transmint"format="default"/>format="default"/>. </t> <t> The SSRC of the sourceSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be placed as the only member in theCSRC-list.CSRC list. </t><t><aside><t> Note: TheCSRC-listCSRC list in an RTP packet only includes the participant whose text is included in text blocks. It is not the same as the total list of participants in a conference. With audio and video media, theCSRC-listCSRC list would often contain all participants who are notmutedmuted, whereas text participants that don't type are completely silent and thus are not represented in RTP packetCSRC-lists. </t>CSRC lists. </t></aside> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Empty T140blocks</name> <t> If no unsent T140blocks were available for a source at the time of populating apacket,packet but already-transmitted T140blocks are availablewhichthat have not yet been sent the full intended number of redundant transmissions, then the primaryT140block for that sourcearea in the packet is composed of an emptyT140block,T140block andpopulatedincluded (without taking up any length) inathe packet for transmission. The corresponding SSRCSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be placed as usual in its place in theCSRC-list.CSRC list. </t> <t> The first packet in the session, the first after a source switch, and the first after a pauseSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be populated with the available T140blocks for the sourcein turnselected to be sent as the primary, and empty T140blocks for theagreedagreed-upon number of redundancy generations. </t> </section> <section anchor="redundancy" numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Creation of theredundancy</name>Redundancy</name> <t> The primary T140block from a source in the latest transmitted packet is saved for populating the first redundant T140block for that source in the next transmission of text from that source. The first redundant T140block for that source from the latest transmission is saved for populating the second redundant T140block in the next transmission of text from that source. </t> <t>UsuallyUsually, this is the level of redundancy used. If a higher level of redundancy is negotiated, then the procedureSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> bemaintainedcontinued until all available redundant levels of T140blocks are placed in the packet. If a receiver has negotiated a lower number of "text/red" generations, then that levelSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be the maximum used by the transmitter. </t> <t> The T140blocks saved for transmission as redundant data are assigned a planned transmission time of 330 ms after the currenttime,time butSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be transmitted earlier if new text for the same source getsin turnselected for transmission before that time. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Timeroffset fields</name>Offset Fields</name> <t> The timestamp offset valuesSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be inserted in the redundancy header, with the time offset from the RTP timestamp in the packet when the corresponding T140block was sent as the primary. </t> <t> The timestamp offsets are expressed in the same clock tick units as the RTP timestamp. </t> <t> The timestamp offset values for empty T140blocks have no relevance butSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be assigned realistic values. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Other RTPheader fields</name>Header Fields</name> <t> The number of members in the CSRC list (0 or 1)SHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be placed in the"CC"CC header field. Only mixers place value 1 in the"CC"CC field. A value of"0"0 indicates that the source is the transmitting device itself and that the source is indicated by the SSRC field. This value is used byendpoints,endpoints and also by mixers sending self-sourced data. </t> <t> The current timeSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be inserted in the timestamp. </t> <t> The SSRC header fieldSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> contain the SSRC of the RTP session where the packet will be transmitted. </t> <t> The M-bitSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be handled as specified in <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/>. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Pause intransmission</name>Transmission</name> <t> When there is no new T140block totransmit,transmit and no redundant T140block that has not been retransmitted the intended number of times from any source, the transmission processSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be stopped until either new T140blocksarrive,arrive or a keep-alive method calls for transmission of keep-alive packets. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>RTCPconsiderations</name>Considerations</name> <t> A mixerSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> send RTCP reports with SDES, CNAME, and NAME information about the sources in the multiparty call. This makes it possible for participants to compose a suitable label for text from each source. </t> <t> Privacy considerationsSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be taken when composing these fields. They contain name and address information that may be considered sensitiveto transmitif the information is transmitted in its entirety, e.g., to unauthenticated participants. </t> </section> <section anchor="reception" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Reception ofmultiparty contents</name>Multiparty Contents</name> <t> The "text/red" receiver included in an endpoint with presentation functions will receive RTP packets in the single stream from themixer,mixer andSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> distribute the T140blocks for presentation in presentation areas for each source. Other receiver roles, such as gateways or chained mixers, are also feasible.They require considerations ifWhether the streamshall justwill only beforwarded,forwarded or will be distributed based on the differentsources.sources must be taken into consideration. </t> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Acting on thesourceSource of thepacket contents</name>Packet Contents</name> <t> If the"CC"CC field value of a received packet is 1, it indicates that the text is conveyed from a source indicated in the single member in theCSRC-list,CSRC list, and the receiverMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> act on the source according to its role. If the CC value is 0, the source is indicated in the SSRC field. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Detection andindicationIndication ofpossible text loss</name>Possible Text Loss</name> <t> The receiverSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> monitor the RTP sequence numbers of the received packets for gaps and for packets received out of order. If a sequence number gap appears and still exists after some defined short time for jitter and reordering resolution, the packets in the gapSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be regarded as lost. </t> <t> If it is known that only one source is active in the RTP session, then it is likely that a gap equal to or larger than theagreedagreed-upon number of redundancy generations (including the primary) causes text loss. In that case, the receiverSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> create at140blockT140block with a marker for possible text loss <xref target="T140ad1"format="default"/> andformat="default"/>, associate it with thesourcesource, and insert it in the reception buffer for that source. </t> <t> If it is known that more than one source is active in the RTP session, then it is not possible in general to evaluate if text was lost when packets were lost. With two active sources and the recommended number of redundancy generations(3),(one original and two redundant), it can take a gap of five consecutive lost packetsuntilbefore any text may be lost, but text loss can also appear if three non-consecutive packets are lost when they contained consecutive data from the same source. A simple methodto decidefor deciding when there is a riskforof resulting text loss is to evaluate if three or more packets were lost within one second. If this simple method is used, then at140block SHOULDT140block <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be created with a marker for possible text loss <xref target="T140ad1" format="default"/> and associated with the SSRC of the RTP session as a general input from the mixer. </t> <t> ImplementationsMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> apply more refined methods for more reliable detection of whether text was lost or not. Any refined methodSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> prefer marking possible loss rather than not marking when it is uncertain if there was loss. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>ExtractingtextText andhandling recovery</name>Handling Recovery</name> <t> When applying the following procedures, the effectsMUST be consideredof possible timestampwrap aroundwraparound and the RTP session possibly changingSSRC.the SSRC <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be considered. </t> <t> When a packet is received in an RTP session using the packetization for multiparty-aware endpoints, its T140blocksSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be extractedin the following way.as described below. </t> <t> The sourceSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be extracted from theCSRC-listCSRC list if available, and otherwise from the SSRC. </t> <t> If the received packet is the first packet received from the source, then all T140blocks in the packetSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be retrieved and assigned to a receive buffer forthe sourcethat source, beginning with the oldest available redundant generation, continuing with the younger redundant generations in ageorderorder, and finally ending with the primary. </t><t><aside><t> Note: The normal case is that in the first packet, only the primary data has contents. The redundant data has contents in the first received packet from a source only after initial packet loss.</t></t></aside> <t> If the packet is not the first packet from a source, then if redundant data is available, the processSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> start with the oldest generation. The timestamp of that redundant dataSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be created by subtracting its timestamp offset from the RTP timestamp. If the resulting timestamp is later than the latest retrieved data from the same source, then the redundant dataSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be retrieved and appended to the receive buffer. The processSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be continued in the same way for all younger generations of redundant data. After that, the timestamp of the packetSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be compared with the timestamp of the latest retrieved data from the same source and if it is later, then the primary dataSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be retrieved from the packet and appended to the receive buffer for the source. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Delete'BOM'</name>BOM</name> <t> The Unicode BOM character'BOM'is used as a start indication and is sometimes used as a filler orkeep alivekeep-alive by transmission implementations.These SHALLAny BOM characters <bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be deleted after extraction from received packets. </t> </section> </section> <section anchor="perf" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Performanceconsiderations</name>Considerations</name> <t> This solution has good performance with low text delays, as long as the mean number of characters per second sent during any 10-second interval from a number of simultaneously sending participants to a receivingparticipant,participant does not reach the "cps" value. At higher numbers of sent characters per second, a jerkiness is visible in the presentation of text. The solution is therefore suitable for emergency service use, relay service use, and small or well-managed larger multimedia conferences.Only inIn large unmanaged conferences with a high number of participantsthere mayonly, on very rareoccasions appearoccasions, situationswhenmight arise where many participants happen to send text simultaneously. In such circumstances, the result may be unpleasantly jerky presentation of text from each sending participant. It should be noted that it is only the number of users sending text within the same moment that causes jerkiness, not the total number of users withRTTreal-time text capability. </t> </section> <section anchor="security2" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Security forsession controlSession Control andmedia</name>Media</name> <t> Security mechanisms to provideconfidentiality andconfidentiality, integrityprotectionprotection, and peer authenticationSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be applied when possible regarding the capabilities of the participating devices byuse of SIPusing the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) over TLS by default according to <xref target="RFC5630"format="default"/> section 3.1.3sectionFormat="of" section="3.1.3"/> on the session control level and by default using DTLS-SRTP <xref target="RFC5764" format="default"/>onat the media level. In applications where legacy endpoints without security are allowed, a negotiationSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be performed to decide if encryptiononat the media level will be applied. If no other security solution is mandated for the application, thenOSRTPthe Opportunistic Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (OSRTP) <xref target="RFC8643" format="default"/> is a suitable method to be applied to negotiate SRTP media security with DTLS.MostFor simplicity, most SDP examples below arefor simplicityexpressed without the security additions. The principles (but not all details) for applying DTLS-SRTP security <xref target="RFC5764" format="default"/>securityare shown in a couple of the following examples. </t> <t> Further general security considerations are covered in <xref target="Security"/>. </t> <t> End-to-end encryption would require further work and could be based on WebRTC as specified in <xref target="alternatives"/> or on double encryption as specified in <xref target="RFC8723" format="default"/>. </t> </section> <section anchor="SDP-examples2" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>SDPoffer/answer examples</name>Offer/Answer Examples</name> <t> This section shows some examples of SDP for session negotiation of the real-time text media in SIP sessions. Audio is usually provided in the same session, and sometimes also video. The examples only show the part of importance for the real-time text media. The examples relate to the single RTP stream mixing for multiparty-aware endpoints and for multiparty-unaware endpoints. </t><t><aside><t> Note: MultipartyRTT MAYreal-time text <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> also be provided through other methods, e.g., by a Selective Forwarding Middlebox (SFM). In that case, the SDP of the offer will include something specific for that method, e.g., an SDP attribute or another media format. An answer selecting the use of that method would accept itbyvia a corresponding acknowledgement included in the SDP. The offer maycontainalso contain the "rtt-mixer" SDP media attribute for the mainRTTreal-time text media when theofferorofferer has this capability for both multiparty methods, while an answer,selectingchoosing to useSFMSFM, will not include the "rtt-mixer" SDP media attribute.</t> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ Offer</t></aside> <t>Offer example for the "text/red"format andformat, multipartysupport:support, and capability for 90 characters per second:</t> <sourcecode name="" type="sdp"><![CDATA[ m=text 11000 RTP/AVP 100 98 a=rtpmap:98 t140/1000 a=fmtp:98 cps=90 a=rtpmap:100 red/1000 a=fmtp:100 98/98/98 a=rtt-mixer]]></artwork> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ Answer]]></sourcecode> <t>Answer example from a multiparty-awaredevicedevice:</t> <sourcecode name="" type="sdp"><![CDATA[ m=text 14000 RTP/AVP 100 98 a=rtpmap:98 t140/1000 a=fmtp:98 cps=90 a=rtpmap:100 red/1000 a=fmtp:100 98/98/98 a=rtt-mixer]]></artwork> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ Offer]]></sourcecode> <t>Offer example for the "text/red"formatformat, including multiparty andsecurity:security:</t> <sourcecode name="" type="sdp"><![CDATA[ a=fingerprint: (fingerprint1) m=text 11000 RTP/AVP 100 98 a=rtpmap:98 t140/1000 a=rtpmap:100 red/1000 a=fmtp:100 98/98/98 a=rtt-mixer]]></artwork>]]></sourcecode> <t>The "fingerprint" is sufficient to offer DTLS-SRTP, with the media line still indicating RTP/AVP. </t><t><aside><t> Note: For brevity, the entire value of the SDPfingerprint"fingerprint" attribute is not shown in this and the following example.</t> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ Answer</t></aside> <t>Answer example from a multiparty-aware device withsecuritysecurity:</t> <sourcecode name="" type="sdp"><![CDATA[ a=fingerprint: (fingerprint2) m=text 16000 RTP/AVP 100 98 a=rtpmap:98 t140/1000 a=rtpmap:100 red/1000 a=fmtp:100 98/98/98 a=rtt-mixer]]></artwork>]]></sourcecode> <t> With the"fingerprint""fingerprint", the device acknowledges the use ofSRTP/DTLS.DTLS-SRTP. </t><artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ Answer<t>Answer example from a multiparty-unaware device that also does not supportsecurity:security:</t> <sourcecode name="" type="sdp"><![CDATA[ m=text 12000 RTP/AVP 100 98 a=rtpmap:98 t140/1000 a=rtpmap:100 red/1000 a=fmtp:100 98/98/98]]></artwork>]]></sourcecode> </section> <section anchor="pseq" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Packetsequence exampleSequence Example frominterleaved transmission</name>Interleaved Transmission</name> <t> This example shows a symbolic flow of packets from amixermixer, including loss and recovery. The sequence includes interleaved transmission of text from twoRTT sourcesreal-time text sources: A and B. P indicates primary data.R1 R1 is the first redundant generationdataof data, and R2 is the second redundant generation of data. A1, B1,A2A2, etc. are text chunks (T140blocks) received from the respective sources and sent on to the receiver by the mixer.X X indicates a dropped packet between the mixer and a receiver. The session is assumed to use the original and two redundant generations ofRTT.real-time text. </t> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ |-----------------------| |Seq no 101, Time=20400 | |CC=1 | |CSRC list A | |R2: A1, Offset=600 | |R1: A2, Offset=300 | |P: A3 | |-----------------------| ]]></artwork> <t> Assuming that earlier packets (with text A1 and A2) were received in sequence, text A3 is received from packet 101 and assigned to reception buffer A. The mixer is now assumed to have received initial text from source B 100 ms after packet 101 and will send that text. Transmission of A2 and A3 as redundancy is planned for 330 ms after packet 101 if no new text from A is ready to be sent before that. </t> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ |-----------------------| |Seq no 102, Time=20500 | |CC=1 | |CSRC list B | |R2 Empty, Offset=600 | |R1: Empty, Offset=300 | |P: B1 | |-----------------------|Packet]]></artwork> <t indent="3">Packet 102 isreceived. B1received.</t> <t indent="3">B1 is retrieved from this packet. Redundant transmission of B1 is planned 330 ms after packet102. ]]></artwork>102.</t> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ X------------------------| X Seq no 103, Timer=20730| X CC=1 | X CSRC list A | X R2: A2, Offset=630 | X R1: A3, Offset=330 | X P: Empty | X------------------------|Packet]]></artwork> <t indent="3">Packet 103 is assumed to be lost due to networkproblems. Itproblems.</t> <t indent="3">It contains redundancy for A. Sending A3 assecond levelsecond-level redundancy is planned for 330 ms after packet103. ]]></artwork>103.</t> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ X------------------------| X Seq no 104, Timer=20800| X CC=1 | X CSRC list B | X R2: Empty, Offset=600 | X R1: B1, Offset=300 | X P: B2 | X------------------------|Packet]]></artwork> <t indent="3">Packet 104 contains text from B, including new B2 and redundant B1. It is assumed dropped due to networkproblems. Theproblems.</t> <t indent="3">The mixer has A3 redundancy to send, but no new text appears fromAA, and therefore the redundancy is sent 330 ms after the previous packet with text fromA. ]]></artwork>A.</t> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ |------------------------| | Seq no 105, Timer=21060| | CC=1 | | CSRC list A | | R2: A3, Offset=660 | | R1: Empty, Offset=330 | | P: Empty | |------------------------|Packet]]></artwork> <t indent="3">Packet 105 isreceived. Areceived.</t> <t indent="3">A gap for lost packets 103 and 104 is detected. Assume that no other loss was detected during the last second.Then itIt can then be concluded that nothing was totallylost. R2lost.</t> <t indent="3">R2 is checked. Its original time was 21060-660=20400. A packet with text from A was received with that timestamp, so nothing needs to berecovered. B1recovered.</t> <t indent="3">B1 and B2 still need to be transmitted as redundancy. This is planned 330 ms after packet 104. That would be at21130. ]]></artwork>21130.</t> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ |-----------------------| |Seq no 106, Timer=21130| |CC=1 | |CSRC list B | | R2: B1, Offset=630 | | R1: B2, Offset=330 | | P: Empty | |-----------------------| ]]></artwork><t> Packet<t indent="3">Packet 106 isreceived. </t> <t> The second levelreceived.</t> <t indent="3">The second-level redundancy in packet 106 is B1 and has a timestamp offset of 630 ms. The timestamp of packet 106 minus 630 is2050020500, which is the timestamp of packet 102 that was received.SoSo, B1 does not need to be retrieved. Thefirst levelfirst-level redundancy in packet 106 has an offset of 330. The timestamp of packet 106 minus 330 is 20800. That is later than the latest received packet with source B.ThereforeTherefore, B2 is retrieved and assigned to the input buffer for source B. No primary is available in packet106. </t> <t> After106.</t> <t indent="3">After this sequence,A3 and B1A3, B1, and B2 have been received. In thiscasecase, no text waslost. </t>lost.</t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Maximumcharacter rate "cps"</name>Character Rate "cps" Setting</name> <t> The default maximum rate of reception of "text/t140" real-timetext istext, as specified in <xref target="RFC4103"format="default"/> specified to beformat="default"/>, is 30 characters per second. The actual rate is calculated without regard to any redundant text transmission andisis, in the multipartycasecase, evaluated for all sources contributing to transmission to a receiver. The valueMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be modified in the "cps" parameter of theFMTP"fmtp" attributein the media sectionfor the "text/t140"media.format of the "text" media section. </t> <t> A mixer combining real-time text from a number of sources may occasionally have a higher combined flow of text coming from the sources. EndpointsSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> thereforespecifyinclude a suitable higher value for the "cps" parameter, corresponding to its real reception capability.AThe default "cps" value 30 can be assumed to be sufficient for small meetings and well-managed larger conferences with users only making manual text entry. A "cps" value of 90SHALLcan bethe defaultassumed to be sufficient even forthe "text/t140" stream in the "text/red" formatlarge unmanaged conferences and for cases whenmultiparty real-timespeech-to-text technologies are used for text entry. This is also a reachable performance for receivers in modern technologies, and 90 isnegotiated.therefore the <bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14> "cps" value. See <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> for the format and use of the "cps" parameter. The same rules apply for the multipartycase except for the default value.case. </t> </section> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Presentation level considerations</name><name>Presentation-Level Considerations</name> <t> "Protocol for multimedia application text conversation" <xref target="T140" format="default"/> provides thepresentation levelpresentation-level requirements fortheRTP transport as described in <xref target="RFC4103"format="default"/> transport.format="default"/>. Functions for erasure and other formatting functions are specified in <xref target="T140"format="default"/>format="default"/>, which has the following general statement for the presentation: </t><t> "The<!-- DNE; verified --> <blockquote>The display of text from the members of the conversation should be arranged so that the text from each participant is clearly readable, and its source and the relative timing of entered text is visualized in the display. Mechanisms for looking back in the contents from the current session should be provided. The text should be displayed as soon as it isreceived." </t>received.</blockquote> <t> Strict application of <xref target="T140" format="default"/> isof essenceessential for the interoperability of real-time text implementations and to fulfill the intention that the session participants have the same information conveyed in the text contents of the conversation without necessarily having the exact same layout of the conversation. </t> <t> <xref target="T140" format="default"/> specifies a set of presentation control codes (<xref target="act-tx-ctrl-codes"/>) to include in the stream. Some of them are optional. ImplementationsMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> ignore optional control codes that they do not support. </t> <t> There is no strict "message" concept in real-time text. The Unicode Line Separator characterSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be used as a separator allowing a part of received text to be grouped in a presentation. Thecharacterscharacter combination "CRLF" may be used by other implementations as a replacement for the Line Separator. The "CRLF" combinationSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be erased by just one erasing action, the same as the Line Separator. Presentation functions are allowed to group text for presentation in smaller groups than theline separatorsLine Separators imply and present such groups with a source indication together with text groups from other sources (see the following presentation examples). Erasure has no specific limit by any delimiter in the text stream. </t> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Presentation bymultiparty-aware endpoints</name>Multiparty-Aware Endpoints</name> <t> A multiparty-aware receivingparty,party presenting real-time textMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> separate text from different sources and present them in separate presentation fields. The receiving partyMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> separate the presentation of parts of text from a source in readable groups based onothercriteria other thanline separatora Line Separator and merge these groups in the presentation area when it benefits the user to most easily find and read text from the different participants. The criteriaMAY e.g.,<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>, for example, be a received comma, a full stop,orsome other type of phrasedelimiters,delimiter, or a long pause. </t> <t> When text is received from multiple original sources, the presentationSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> provide a view where text is added in multiple presentation fields. </t> <t> If the presentation presents text from different sources in one common area, the presenting endpointSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> insert text from the localuser endeduser, where the text ends at suitable points and is merged properly with received text to indicate the relative timing for when the text groups were completed. In this presentation mode, the receiving endpointSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> present the source of the different groups of text. This presentation style is called the "chat" style here and providesathe possibilityto followof following text arriving from multiple parties and the approximate relative time that text is received as related to text from the local user. </t> <t>A view of a three-partyRTTreal-time text call in chat style is shown in thisexample .</t>example.</t> <figure anchor="fig1" title="Example of a Three-Party Real-Time Text Call Presented in Chat Style Seen at Participant Alice's Endpoint"> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ _________________________________________________ | |^| |[Alice] Hi, Alice here. |-| | | | |[Bob] Bob as well. | | | | | |[Eve] Hi, this is Eve, calling from Paris. | | | I thought you should be here. | | | | | |[Alice] I am coming on Thursday, my | | | performance is not until Friday morning.| | | | | |[Bob] And I on Wednesday evening. | | | | | |[Alice] Can we meet on Thursday evening? | | | | | |[Eve] Yes, definitely. How about 7pm. | | | at the entrance of the restaurant | | | Le Lion Blanc? | | |[Eve] we can have dinner and then take a walk |-| |______________________________________________|v| | <Eve-typing> But I need to be back to |^| | the hotel by 11 because I need |-| | | | | <Bob-typing> I wou |-| |______________________________________________|v| | of course, I underst | |________________________________________________| ]]></artwork><t> Figure 3: Example of a three-party RTT call presented in chat style seen at participant 'Alice's endpoint. </t> <t>Other presentation</figure> <t>Presentation styles other than the chat styleMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be arranged. </t><t>This figure<t><xref target="fig2"/> shows how a coordinated column viewMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be presented.</t> <figure anchor="fig2" title="An Example of a Coordinated Column View of a Three&nbhy;Party Session with Entries Ordered Vertically in Approximate Time Order"> <artwork name="" type="" align="left"alt=""><![CDATA[_____________________________________________________________________alt=""><![CDATA[ _____________________________________________________________________ | Bob | Eve | Alice | |____________________|______________________|_______________________| | | |I will arrive by TGV. | |My flight is to Orly| |Convenient to the main | | |Hi all, can we plan |station. | | |for the seminar? | | |Eve, will you do | | | |your presentation on| | | |Friday? |Yes, Friday at 10. | | |Fine, wo | |We need to meet befo | |___________________________________________________________________| ]]></artwork><t>Figure 4: An example of a coordinated column-view of a three-party session with entries ordered vertically in approximate time-order.</t></figure> </section> <section anchor="UnawareFormat" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>MultipartymixingMixing formultiparty-unaware endpoints</name>Multiparty-Unaware Endpoints</name> <t> When the mixer has indicatedRTTmultiparty real-time text capability in an SDPnegotiation,negotiation but the multiparty capability negotiation fails with an endpoint,thentheagreedagreed-upon "text/red" or "text/t140" formatSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be used and the mixerSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> compose a best-effort presentation of multiparty real-time text in one stream intended to be presented by an endpoint with no multiparty awareness, when that is desired in the actual implementation. The following specifies a procedurewhich MAYthat <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be applied in that situation. </t> <t> This presentation format has functional limitations andSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be used only to enable participation in multiparty calls by legacy deployed endpoints implementing only RFC 4103 without any multiparty extensions specified in this document. </t> <t> The principles and procedures below do not specify any new protocol elements. They are instead composed of informationfromprovided in <xref target="T140" format="default"/> and an ambition to provide a best-effort presentation on an endpointwhichthat has functions originally intended only for two-party calls. </t> <t> The mixer performing the mixing for multiparty-unaware endpointsSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> compose a simulated, limited multipartyRTTreal-time text view suitable for presentation in one presentation area. The mixerSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> group text in suitable groups and prepare them for presentationof themby inserting aline separatorLine Separator between them if the transmitted text did not already end with a new line(line separator(Line Separator or CRLF). A presentable labelSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be composed and sent for the source initially in the session and after each source switch. With thisprocedureprocedure, the time for switching from transmission of text from one source to transmission of text from another source depends on the actions of the users. In order to expedite source switching, a user can, for example, end its turn with a new line. </t> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Actions by themixerMixer atreceptionReception from thecall participants</name>Call Participants</name> <t> When text is received by the mixer from the different participants, the mixerSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> recover text from redundancy if any packets are lost. Themarkmarker for lost text <xref target="T140ad1" format="default"/>SHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be inserted in the stream if unrecoverable loss appears. Any Unicode"BOM"BOM characters, possibly used forkeep-alive, SHALLkeep-alives, <bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be deleted. The time of creation of text (retrieved from the RTP timestamp)SHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be stored together with the received text from each source in queues for transmission to the recipients in order to be able to evaluate text loss. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Actions by themixerMixer fortransmissionTransmission to therecipients</name>Recipients</name> <t> The following procedureSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be applied for each multiparty-unaware recipient of multiparty text from the mixer. </t> <t> The text for transmissionSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be formatted by the mixer for each receiving user for presentation in one single presentation area. Text received from a participantSHOULD NOT<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14> be included intransmissiontransmissions to thatparticipantparticipant, because it is usually presented locally at transmission time. When there is text available for transmission from the mixer to a receiving party from more than one participant, the mixerSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> switch between transmission of text from the different sources at suitable points in the transmitted stream. </t> <t> When switching the source, the mixerSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> insert aline separatorLine Separator if thealready transmittedalready-transmitted text did not end with a new line(line separator(Line Separator or CRLF). A labelSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be composed of information in the CNAME and NAME fields in RTCP reports from the participant to have its text transmitted, or from other session information for that user. The labelSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be delimited by suitable characters (e.g.,'[ ]')"[ ]") and transmitted. The CSRCSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> indicate the selected source.ThenThen, text from that selected participantSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be transmitted until a new suitable point for switching the source is reached. </t> <t> Information available to the mixer for composing the label may contain sensitive personal information thatSHOULD NOT<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14> be revealed in sessions not securely authenticated and confidentiality protected. Privacy considerations regarding how much personal information is included in the labelSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> therefore be taken when composing the label. </t> <t> Seeking a suitable point for switching the sourceSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be done when there is older text waiting for transmission from any party than the age of the last transmitted text. Suitable points for switching are:</t> <ul> <li>A completed phraseended by comma</li>ending with a comma.</li> <li>A completedsentence</li>sentence.</li> <li>A new line(line separator(Line Separator orCRLF)</li>CRLF).</li> <li>A long pause (e.g., > 10 seconds) in received text from the currently transmittedsource</li>source.</li> <li>If text from one participant has been transmitted with text from other sources waiting for transmission for a long time (e.g., > 1 minute) and none of the other suitable points for switching has occurred, a source switchMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be forced by the mixer at the next word delimiter, and also even if a word delimiter does not occur withinasome period of time (e.g., 15 seconds) after the scan for a word delimiter started.</li> </ul> <t> When switching the source, the sourcewhichthat has the oldest text in queueSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be selected to be transmitted. A character display countSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be maintained for the currently transmitted source, starting at zero after the label is transmitted for the currently transmitted source. </t> <t> The statusSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be maintained for the latest control code for Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) from each source. If there is an SGR code stored as the status for the current source before the source switch is done, a reset of SGRSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be sent by the sequence SGR 0[009B 0000 006D][U+009B U+0000 U+006D] after the new line and before the new label during a source switch. SeeSGR below<xref target="act-tx-ctrl-codes"/> for an explanation. This transmission does not influence the display count. </t> <t> If there is an SGR code stored for the new source after the source switch, that SGR codeSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be transmitted to the recipient before the label. This transmission does not influence the display count. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Actions ontransmissionTransmission oftext</name>Text</name> <t> Text from a source sent to the recipientSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> increase the display count by one per transmitted character. </t> </section> <section anchor="act-tx-ctrl-codes" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Actions ontransmissionTransmission ofcontrol codes</name>Control Codes</name> <t> The following controlcodescodes, as specified by T.140 <xref target="T140" format="default"/>, require specific actions. TheySHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> cause specific considerations in the mixer. Note that the codes presented here are expressed inUCS-16,UTF-16, while transmission is made in the UTF-8 encoding of these codes. </t> <dl> <dt>BEL0007 Bell</dt> <dd>(U+0007):</dt> <dd>Bell. Alert in session. Provides for alerting during an active session. The display countSHALL NOT<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14> be altered.</dd> <dt>NEW LINE2028</dt> <dd> Line separator.(U+2028):</dt> <dd>Line Separator. Check and perform a source switch if appropriate. Increase the display count by 1.</dd> <dt>CR LF000D 000A</dt> <dd> A supported(U+000D U+000A):</dt> <dd>A supported, but notpreferredpreferred, way of requesting a new line. Check and perform a source switch if appropriate. Increase the display count by 1.</dd> <dt>INTESC 0061</dt> <dd> Interrupt(ESC U+0061):</dt> <dd>Interrupt (used to initiate the mode negotiation procedure). The display countSHALL NOT<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14> be altered.</dd> <dt>SGR009B(U+009B Ps006D </dt>U+006D):</dt> <dd>Selectgraphic rendition.Graphic Rendition. Psisrepresents the rendition parameters specified inISO 6429.<xref target="ISO6429" format="default"/>. (For freely available equivalent information, please see <xref target="ECMA-48"/>.) The display countSHALL NOT<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14> be altered. The SGR codeSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be stored for the current source.</dd> <dt>SOS0098</dt>(U+0098):</dt> <dd> Start ofstring, usedString. Used as a general protocol element introducer, followed by a maximum 256-byte string and the ST. The display countSHALL NOT<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14> be altered.</dd> <dt>ST009C</dt>(U+009C):</dt> <dd> Stringterminator, endTerminator. End of SOS string. The display countSHALL NOT<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14> be altered.</dd> <dt>ESC001B</dt>(U+001B):</dt> <dd>Escape - usedEscape. Used in control strings. The display countSHALL NOT<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14> be altered for the complete escape code.</dd> <dt>Byte order mark"BOM" (U+FEFF)</dt>(BOM) (U+FEFF):</dt> <dd>"Zerowidth, no break space", usedwidth no-break space". Used for synchronization and keep-alive. ItSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be deleted from incoming streams. ItSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> also be sent first after session establishment to the recipient. The display countSHALL NOT<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14> be altered.</dd> <dt>Missing text mark(U+FFFD)</dt> <dd> "Replacement character", represented(U+FFFD):</dt> <dd>"Replacement character". Represented as a question mark in a rhombus,oror, if that is not feasible, replaced by an apostrophe'.('). It marks the place in the stream of possible text loss. This markSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be inserted by the reception procedure in the case of unrecoverable loss of packets. The display countSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be increased by one when sent as for any other character.</dd><dt>SGR</dt> <dd> If<dt>SGR:</dt> <dd>If a control code forselecting graphic rendition (SGR)SGR other than a reset of the graphic rendition (SGR 0) is sent to a recipient, that control codeSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> also be stored as the status for the source in the storage for SGR status. If a reset graphic rendition (SGR 0) originating from a source is sent, then the SGR status storage for that sourceSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be cleared. The display countSHALL NOT<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14> be increased.</dd> <dt>BS(U+0008)</dt> <dd> Back Space, intended(U+0008):</dt> <dd>"Back Space". Intended to erase the last entered character by a source. Erasure by backspace cannot always be performed as the erasing party intended. If an erasing action erases all text up to the end of the leading label after a source switch, then the mixerMUST NOT<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14> transmit more backspaces. Instead, it isRECOMMENDED<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14> that a letter "X"isbe inserted in the text stream for each backspace as an indication of the intent to erase more. A new line is usually coded by a Line Separator, but the character combination "CRLF"MAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be used instead. Erasure of a new lineisis, in bothcasescases, done by just one erasing action(Backspace).(backspace). If the display count has a positivevaluevalue, itSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be decreased by one when the BS is sent. If the display count is at zero, itSHALL NOT<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14> be altered.</dd> </dl> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Packettransmission</name>Transmission</name> <t> A mixer transmitting to a multiparty-unawareterminal SHALLendpoint <bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> send primary data only from one source per packet. The SSRCSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> be the SSRC of the mixer. The CSRC listSHALL<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> contain one member and be the SSRC of the source of the primary data. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Functionallimitations</name>Limitations</name> <t> When a multiparty-unaware endpoint presents a conversation in one display area in a chat style, it inserts source indications for remote text and local user text as they are merged in completed text groups. When an endpoint using this layout receives and presents text mixed for multiparty-unaware endpoints, there will be two levels of source indicators for the receivedtext;text: one generated by the mixer and inserted in a label after each source switch, and another generated by the receiving endpoint and inserted after each switch between the local source and the remote source in the presentation area. This will waste display space and look inconsistent to the reader. </t> <t> New text can be presentedonlyfrom only one source at a time.Switch ofSwitching the source to be presented takes place at suitable places in the text, such as the end of a phrase, the end of a sentence,line separator andor a Line Separator, or upon detecting inactivity. Therefore, the time to switch to present waiting text from other sources maybecome longgrow long, and it will vary and depend on the actions of the currently presented source. </t> <t> Erasure can only be done up to the latest source switch. If a user tries to erase more text, the erasing actions will be presented as a letterX"X" after the label. </t> <t> Text loss because of network errors may hit the label between entries from different parties, causing the riskforof a misunderstandingfromregarding which source provided a piece oftext is.text. </t> <t>These facts makeBecause of these facts, it is stronglyRECOMMENDED implementing<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14> that multiparty awareness be implemented inRTTreal-time text endpoints. The use of the mixing method for multiparty-unaware endpoints should be left for use with endpointswhichthat are impossible to upgrade to becomemultiparty-aware.multiparty aware. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>ExampleviewsViews ofpresentationPresentation onmultiparty-unaware endpoints</name>Multiparty-Unaware Endpoints</name> <t> The following pictures are examples of the view on a participant's display for the multiparty-unawarecase. </t> <t/>case.</t> <t><xref target="fig3"/> shows how a coordinated column view <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be presented on Alice's device in a view with two columns. The mixer inserts labels to show how the sources alternate in the column with received text. The mixer alternates between the sources at suitable points in the text exchange so that text entries from each party can be conveniently read.</t> <figure anchor="fig3" title="Alice, Who Has a Conference-Unaware Client, Is Receiving the Multiparty Real-Time Text in a Single Stream"> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[____________________________________________________________________________________________________ | Conference | Alice ||________________________|_________________________||_________________________|_________________________| | |I will arrive by TGV. ||[Bob]:My|[Bob]: My flight is to |Convenient to the main | |Orly. |station. ||[Eve]:Hi|[Eve]: Hi all, can we | | |plan for the seminar. | | | | ||[Bob]:Eve,|[Bob]: Eve, will you do | | |your presentation on | | |Friday? | ||[Eve]:Yes,|[Eve]: Yes, Friday at 10.| | |[Bob]: Fine, wo |We need to meet befo ||________________________|_________________________||_________________________|_________________________| ]]></artwork><t>Figure 5: Alice who has a conference-unaware client</figure> <t>In <xref target="fig4"/>, there isreceiving the multiparty real-time text in a single-stream.</t> <t> This figure shows howacoordinated column view MAY be presented on Alice's devicetradition in receiving applications to include aviewlabel showing the source of the text, here shown withtwo-columns.parentheses "()". The mixer also inserts source labelsto show how the sources alternate infor thecolumnmultiparty call participants, here shown withreceived text. The mixer alternates betweenbrackets "[]".</t> <figure anchor="fig4" title="An Example of a View of thesources at suitable pointsMultiparty-Unaware Presentation in Chat Style, Where Alice Is thetext exchange so that text entries from each party can be conveniently read.</t>Local User"> <artwork name="" type="" align="left" alt=""><![CDATA[ _________________________________________________ | |^| |(Alice) Hi, Alice here. |-| | | ||(mix)[Bob)]|(mix)[Bob] Bob as well. | | | | | |[Eve] Hi, this is Eve, calling from Paris | | | I thought you should be here. | | | | | |(Alice) I am coming on Thursday, my | | | performance is not until Friday morning.| | | | | |(mix)[Bob] And I on Wednesday evening. | | | | | |[Eve] we can have dinner and then walk | | | | | |[Eve] But I need to be back to | | | the hotel by 11 because I need | | | |-| |______________________________________________|v| | of course, I underst | |________________________________________________| ]]></artwork><t>Figure 6: An example of a view of the multiparty-unaware presentation in chat style. Alice is the local user. </t> <t> In this view, there is a tradition in receiving applications to include a label showing the source of the text, here shown with parenthesis "()". The mixer also inserts source labels for the multiparty call participants, here shown with brackets "[]". </t></figure> </section> </section> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"><name>Relation<name>Relationship to Conference Control</name> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Use with SIPcentralized conferencing framework</name>Centralized Conferencing Framework</name> <t> The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) conferencing framework, mainly specified in <xref target="RFC4353" format="default"/>, <xref target="RFC4579"format="default"/>format="default"/>, and <xref target="RFC4575"format="default"/>format="default"/>, is suitable for coordinatingsessionssessions, including multipartyRTT.real-time text. TheRTTreal-time text stream between the mixer and a participant is one and the same during the conference. Participants get announced by notifications when participants are joining or leaving, and further user information may be provided. The SSRC of the text to expect from joined usersMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be included in a notification. The notificationsMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be usedbothfor both security purposes andfortranslation to a label for presentation to other users. </t> </section> <section anchor="confcontrol" numbered="true" toc="default" ><name>Conferencecontrol</name>Control</name> <t> In managed conferences, control of the real-time text mediaSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be provided in the same way asotherfor other media, e.g., for muting and unmuting by the direction attributes in SDP <xref target="RFC8866"/>. </t> <t> Note that floor control functions may be of value forRTTreal-time text users as well as for users of other media in a conference. </t> </section> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Gateway Considerations</name><section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Gateway considerations with Textphones</name><t>multiparty RTTMultiparty real-time text sessions may involve gateways of different kinds. Gateways involved in setting up sessionsSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> correctly reflect the multiparty capability or unawareness of the combination of the gateway and the remote endpoint beyond the gateway. </t> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Gateway Considerations with Textphones</name> <t> One case that may occur is a gateway to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) for communication with textphones (e.g., TTYs). Textphones are limited devices with no multiparty awareness, and itSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> therefore besuitableappropriate for the gateway to not indicate multiparty awareness for that case. Another solution is that the gateway indicates multiparty capability towards themixer,mixer and includes the multiparty mixer function for multiparty-unaware endpoints itself. This solution makes it possible to adapt to the functional limitations of the textphone. </t> <t> More information on gateways to textphones is found in <xref target="RFC5194"format="default"/>format="default"/>. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>GatewayconsiderationsConsiderations with WebRTC</name> <t> Gateway operationtobetween RTP-mixer-based multiparty real-time text and WebRTC-based real-time textin WebRTCmay also be required.In WebRTC, RTTReal-time text transport in WebRTC is specified in <xref target="RFC8865" format="default"/>. </t> <t> A multiparty bridge may have functionality for communicatingby RTT bothvia real-time text in both (1) RTP streams withRTTreal-time text and (2) WebRTC T.140 data channels. Other configurations may consist of a multiparty bridge with either technology forRTTreal-time text transport and a separate gateway for conversion of the text communication streams between RTP and T.140 datachannel.channels. </t> <t> In WebRTC, it is assumed that for a multiparty session, one T.140 data channel is established for each source from a gateway or bridge to each participant. Each participant also has a data channel with a two-way connection with the gateway or bridge. </t> <t>TheA T.140 data channel usedboth waysfor two-way communication is for text from the WebRTC user and from the bridge or gateway itself to the WebRTC user. The label parameter of this T.140 data channel is used as the NAME field in RTCP to participants on the RTP side. The other T.140 data channels are only for text from other participants to the WebRTC user. </t> <t> When a new participant has entered the session with RTP transport ofRTT,real-time text, a new T.140 data channelSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be established to WebRTC users with the label parameter composed of information from the NAME field in RTCP on the RTP side. </t> <t> When a new participant has entered the multiparty session withRTTreal-time text transport in a WebRTC T.140 data channel, the new participantSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be announced by a notification to RTP users. The label parameter from the WebRTC sideSHOULDor other suitable information from the session or stream establishment procedure <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be usedasto compose the NAME RTCP field on the RTPside, or other available session information.side. </t> <t> When a participant on the RTP side is disconnected from the multiparty session, the corresponding T.140 data channel(s)SHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be closed. </t> <t> When a WebRTC user of T.140 data channels disconnects from the mixer, the corresponding RTP streams or sources in an RTP-mixed streamSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be closed. </t> <t> T.140 data channelsMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> be opened and closed by negotiation or renegotiation of thesessionsession, or by any other validmeansmeans, as specified insection 1 of<xref target="RFC8865"format="default"/>.sectionFormat="of" section="1"/>. </t> </section> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Updates to RFC 4103</name> <t> This document updates <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> by introducing an SDP mediaattribute "rtt-mixer"attribute, "rtt-mixer", for negotiation of multiparty-mixing capability with the format described in <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/>format,and by specifying the rules for packets when multiparty capability is negotiated and in use. </t> </section> <section anchor="congest" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Congestionconsiderations</name>Considerations</name> <t> The congestion considerations and recommended actionsfromprovided in <xref target="RFC4103" format="default"/> are also valid in multiparty situations. </t> <t> The time valuesSHALL<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14> then be applied per source of text sent to a receiver. </t> <t>IfIn the very unlikelysituation appearsevent that many participants in a conference send text simultaneously for a longperiod,period of time, a delay may build up for the presentation of text at the receivers if the limitation in characters per second ("cps") to be transmitted to the participants is exceeded.MoreA delay of more than715 seconds can cause confusion in the session. It is thereforeRECOMMENDED<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14> that anRTP-mixer-basedRTP mixerdiscardsdiscard such text causing excessive delays andinsertsinsert a general indication of possible text loss <xref target="T140ad1" format="default"/> in the session. If the main text contributor is indicated in any way, the mixerMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> avoid deleting text from that participant. Itshould howevershould, however, be noted that human creation of text normally contains pauses, when the transmission can catch up, so thatthe transmission overloadtransmission-overload situations are expected to be very rare. </t> </section> <section anchor="IANAConsiderations" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>IANA Considerations</name> <section anchor="reg-rtt-mix" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Registration of the "rtt-mixer" SDPmedia attribute</name> <t> [RFC EDITOR NOTE: Please replace all instances of RFCXXXX with the RFC number of this document.] </t>Media Attribute</name> <t> IANAis asked to registerhas registered the new SDP attribute "rtt-mixer". </t> <dl newline="false"> <dt>Contact name: </dt> <dd>IESG </dd> <dt>Contact email: </dt> <dd>iesg@ietf.org </dd> <dt>Attribute name: </dt> <dd>rtt-mixer </dd> <dt>Attribute semantics: </dt> <dd>SeeRFCXXXXRFC 9071, <xref target="nego1"/> </dd> <dt>Attribute value: </dt> <dd>none </dd> <dt>Usage level: </dt> <dd>media </dd> <dt>Purpose: </dt><dd>Indicate support by<dd>To indicate mixer and endpoint support of multiparty mixing for real-time text transmission, using a commonRTP-streamRTP stream for transmission of text from a number of sources mixed with one source at a time and where the source is indicated in a single CSRC-list member. </dd> <dt>Charset Dependent: </dt> <dd>no</dd> <dt>O/Aprocedure:procedures: </dt> <dd>SeeRFCXXXXRFC 9071, <xref target="nego1"/> </dd> <dt>Mux Category: </dt><dd>normal<dd>NORMAL </dd> <dt>Reference: </dt><dd>RFCXXXX<dd>RFC 9071 </dd> </dl> </section> </section> <section anchor="Security" numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Security Considerations</name> <t> The RTP-mixer model requires the mixer to be allowed to decrypt, pack, and encrypt secured text fromtheconference participants. Therefore, the mixer needs to be trusted to maintain confidentiality and integrity of theRTTreal-time text data. This situation is similar to the situation for handling audio and video media in centralized mixers. </t> <t> The requirement to transfer information about the user in RTCP reports in SDES, CNAME, and NAME fields, and in conference notifications, may have privacyconcernsconcerns, as already stated in RFC 3550 <xref target="RFC3550" format="default"/>, and may be restricted for privacy reasons. When used for the creation of readable labels in the presentation, the receiving user will then get a more symbolic label for the source. </t> <t> The services available through theRTTreal-time text mixer mayhavebe of special interestforto deaf and hard-of-hearingpersons.individuals. Some users may want to refrain from revealing such characteristics broadly in conferences.The design of the conferenceConference systems where the mixer is includedMAY<bcp14>MAY</bcp14> need to bemadedesigned with the confidentiality of such characteristics in mind. </t> <t> Participants with malicious intentions may appearand e.g., disturband, for example, disrupt the multiparty session by emitting a continuous flow of text. They may also send text that appears to originate from other participants.CounteractionsCountermeasures shouldbe to requireinclude requiring secure signaling,mediamedia, and authentication, andto provideproviding higher-layer conferencefunctionsfunctions, e.g., for blocking, muting, and expelling participants. </t> <t> Participants with malicious intentions may also try todisturbdisrupt the presentation by sending incomplete or malformed control codes. Handling of text from the different sources by the receiversMUST<bcp14>MUST</bcp14> therefore be well separated so that the effects of such actions only affect text from the source causing the action. </t> <t> Care should be takenthatto avoid the possibility of attacks by unauthenticated call participants, and even eavesdropping and manipulation of content by non-participants, if the use of the mixer isallowedpermitted for users both with and without securityprocedures, opens for possible attacks by both unauthenticated call participants and even eavesdropping and manipulating of content non-participants.procedures. </t> <t> As already stated in <xref target="security2" format="default"/>, security in mediaSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be applied by using DTLS-SRTP <xref target="RFC5764" format="default"/>onat the media level. </t> <t>Further security considerations specificforto this application are specified in <xref target="security2" format="default"/>. </t> </section> </middle> <back> <references> <name>References</name> <references> <name>Normative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4102.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4103.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3550.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5630.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5764.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6263.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7675.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8865.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8866.xml"/> <reference anchor="T140" target="https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.140-199802-I/en"> <front> <title>Protocol for multimedia application text conversation</title> <author> <organization>ITU-T</organization> </author> <date year="1998" month="February"/> </front> <seriesInfo name="ITU-T Recommendation" value="T.140"/> </reference> <reference anchor="T140ad1" target="https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.140-200002-I!Add1/en"> <front> <title>Recommendation T.140 Addendum</title> <author> <organization>ITU-T</organization> </author> <date year="2000" month="February"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="ISO6429" target="https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso-iec:6429:ed-3:v1:en"> <front> <title>Information technology - Control functions for coded character sets</title> <author> <organization>ISO/IEC</organization> </author> <date year="1992" month="December"/> </front> <seriesInfo name="ISO/IEC" value="ISO/IEC 6429:1992"/> </reference> <reference anchor="ECMA-48" target="https://www.ecma-international.org/publications-and-standards/standards/ecma-48/"> <front> <title>ECMA-48: Control functions for coded character sets</title> <author> <organization>Ecma International</organization> </author> <date year="1991" month="June"/> </front> <refcontent>5th edition</refcontent> </reference> </references> <references> <name>Informative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4353.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4579.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4575.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5194.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7667.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8643.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8723.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8825.xml"/> </references> </references> <sectionnumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Change history</name> <t> [RFC Editor: Please remove this section prior to publication.] </t> <section numbered="true"anchor="Acknowledgements" numbered="false" toc="default"><name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-20</name> <t> Inclusion of edits as respone to a comment by Benjamin Kaduk in section 3.16.3<name>Acknowledgements</name> <t>The author wants tomakethank therecovery procedure generic. </t> <t> Addedfollowing personsto the acknowledgementsfor support, reviews, andmoved acknowledgements to last in the document. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-19</name> <t> Edits because of comments in a review by Francesca Palombini. </t> <t> Edits because of comments from Benjamin Kaduk. </t> <t> Proposed to not change anything because of Robert Wilton's comments. </t> <t> Two added sentences in the security section to meet comments by Roman Danyliw. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-18</name> <t> Edits of nits as proposed in a review by Lars Eggert. </t> <t> Edits as response to review by Martin Duke.valuable comments: <contact fullname="Bernard Aboba"/>, <contact fullname="Amanda Baber"/>, <contact fullname="Roman Danyliw"/>, <contact fullname="Spencer Dawkins"/>, <contact fullname="Martin Duke"/>, <contact fullname="Lars Eggert"/>, <contact fullname="James Hamlin"/>, <contact fullname="Benjamin Kaduk"/>, <contact fullname="Murray Kucherawy"/>, <contact fullname="Paul Kyzivat"/>, <contact fullname="Jonathan Lennox"/>, <contact fullname="Lorenzo Miniero"/>, <contact fullname="Dan Mongrain"/>, <contact fullname="Francesca Palombini"/>, <contact fullname="Colin Perkins"/>, <contact fullname="Brian Rosen"/>, <contact fullname="Rich Salz"/>, <contact fullname="Jürgen Schönwälder"/>, <contact fullname="Robert Wilton"/>, <contact fullname="Dale Worley"/>, <contact fullname="Yong Xin"/>, and <contact fullname="Peter Yee"/>. </t></section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-17</name> <t> Actions on Gen-ART review comments. </t> <t> Actions on SecDir review comments. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-16</name> <t> Improvements in the offer/answer considerations section by adding subsections for each phase in the negotiation as requested by IANA expert review. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-15</name> <t> Actions on review comments from Jurgen Schonwalder: </t> <t> A bit more about congestion situations and that they are expected to be very rare. </t> <t> Explanation of differences in security between the conference-aware and the conference-unaware case added in security section. </t> <t> Presentation examples with suource labels made less confusing, and explained. </t> <t> Reference to T.140 inserted at first mentioning of T.140. </t> <t> Reference to RFC 8825 inserted to explain WebRTC </t> <t> Nit in wording in terminology section adjusted. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-14</name> <t> Changes from comments by Murray Kucherawy during AD review. </t> <t> Many SHOULD in section 4.2 on multiparty-unaware mixing changed to SHALL, and the whole section instead specified to be optional depending on the application. </t> <t> Some SHOULD in section 3 either explained or changed to SHALL. </t> <t> In order to have explainable conditions behind SHOULDs, the transmission interval in 3.4 is changed to as soon as text is available as a main principle. The call participants send with 300 ms interval so that will create realistic load conditions anyway. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-13</name> <t> Changed year to 2021. </t> <t> Changed reference to draft on RTT in WebRTC to recently published RFC 8865. </t> <t> Changed label brackets in example from "[]" to "()" to avoid nits comment. </t> <t> Changed reference "RFC 4566" to recently published "RFC 8866" </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-12</name> <t> Changes according to responses on comments from Brian Rosen in Avtcore list on 2020-12-05 and -06. </t> <t> Changes according to responses to comments by Bernard Aboba in avtcore list 2020-12-06. </t> <t> Introduction of an optiona RTP multi-stream mixing method for further study as proposed by Bernard Aboba. </t> <t> Changes clarifying how to open and close T.140 data channels included in 6.2 after comments by Lorenzo Miniero. </t> <t> Changes to satisfy nits check. Some "not" changed to "NOT" in normative wording combinations. Some lower case normative words changed to upper case. A normative reference deleted from the abstract. Two informative documents moved from normative references to informative references. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-11</name> <t> Timestamps and timestamp offsets added to the packet examples in section 3.23, and the description corrected. </t> <t> A number of minor corrections added in sections 3.10 - 3.23. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-10</name> <t> The packet composition was modified for interleaving packets from different sources. </t> <t> The packet reception was modified for the new interleaving method. </t> <t> The packet sequence examples was adjusted for the new interleaving method. </t> <t> Modifications according to responses to Brian Rosen of 2020-11-03 </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-09</name> <t> Changed name on the SDP media attribute to "rtt-mixer" </t> <t> Restructure of section 2 for balance between aware and unaware cases. </t> <t> Moved conference control to own section. </t> <t> Improved clarification of recovery and loss in the packet sequence example. </t> <t> A number of editorial corrections and improvements. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-08</name> <t> Deleted the method requiring a new packet format "text/rex" because of the longer standardization and implementation period it needs. </t> <t> Focus on use of RFC 4103 text/red format with shorter transmission interval, and source indicated in CSRC. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-07</name> <t> Added a method based on the "text/red" format and single source per packet, negotiated by the "rtt-mixer" SDP attribute. </t> <t> Added reasoning and recommendation about indication of loss. </t> <t> The highest number of sources in one packet is 15, not 16. Changed. </t> <t> Added in information on update to RFC 4103 that RFC 4103 explicitly allows addition of FEC method. The redundancy is a kind of forward error correction. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-06</name> <t> Improved definitions list format. </t> <t> The format of the media subtype parameters is made to match the requirements. </t> <t> The mapping of media subtype parameters to SDP is included. </t> <t> The "cps" parameter belongs to the t140 subtype and does not need to be registered here. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-05</name> <t> nomenclature and editorial improvements </t> <t> "this document" used consistently to refer to this document. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-04</name> <t> 'Redundancy header' renamed to 'data header'. </t> <t> More clarifications added. </t> <t> Language and figure number corrections. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-03</name> <t> Mention possible need to mute and raise hands as for other media. ---done ---- </t> <t> Make sure that use in two-party calls is also possible and explained. - may need more wording - </t> <t> Clarify the RTT is often used together with other media. --done-- </t> <t> Tell that text mixing is N-1. A users own text is not received in the mix. -done- </t> <t> In 3. correct the interval to: A "text/rex" transmitter SHOULD send packets distributed in time as long as there is something (new or redundant T140blocks) to transmit. The maximum transmission interval SHOULD then be 300 ms. It is RECOMMENDED to send a packet to a receiver as soon as new text to that receiver is available, as long as the time after the latest sent packet to the same receiver is more than 150 ms, and also the maximum character rate to the receiver is not exceeded. The intention is to keep the latency low while keeping a good protection against text loss in bursty packet loss conditions. -done- </t> <t> In 1.3 say that the format is used both ways. -done- </t> <t> In 13.1 change presentation area to presentation field so that reader does not think it shall be totally separated. -done- </t> <t> In Performance and intro, tell the performance in number of simultaneous sending users and introduced delay 16, 150 vs requirements 5 vs 500. -done -- </t> <t> Clarify redundancy level per connection. -done- </t> <t> Timestamp also for the last data header. To make it possible for all text to have time offset as for transmission from the source. Make that header equal to the others. -done- </t> <t> Mixer always use the CSRC list, even for its own BOM. -done- </t> <t> Combine all talk about transmission interval (300 ms vs when text has arrived) in section 3 in one paragraph or close to each other. -done- </t> <t> Documents the goal of good performance with low delay for 5 simultaneous typers in the introduction. -done- </t> <t> Describe better that only primary text shall be sent on to receivers. Redundancy and loss must be resolved by the mixer. -done- </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes included in draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-02</name> <t> SDP and better description and visibility of security by OSRTP RFC 8634 needed. </t> <t> The description of gatewaying to WebRTC extended. </t> <t> The description of the data header in the packet is improved. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes to draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-01</name> <t> 2,5,6 More efficient format "text/rex" introduced and attribute a=rtt-mix deleted. </t> <t> 3. Brief about use of OSRTP for security included- More needed. </t> <t> 4. Brief motivation for the solution and why not rtp-translator is used added to intro. </t> <t> 7. More limitations for the multiparty-unaware mixing method inserted. </t> <t> 8. Updates to RFC 4102 and 4103 more clearly expressed. </t> <t> 9. Gateway to WebRTC started. More needed. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes from draft-hellstrom-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-source-03 to draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-00</name> <t> Changed file name to draft-ietf-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-mix-00 </t> <t> Replaced CDATA in IANA registration table with better coding. </t> <t> Converted to xml2rfc version 3. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes from draft-hellstrom-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-source-02 to -03</name> <t> Changed company and e-mail of the author. </t> <t> Changed title to "RTP-mixer formatting of multi-party Real-time text" to better match contents. </t> <t> Check and modification where needed of use of RFC 2119 words SHALL etc. </t> <t> More about the CC value in sections on transmitters and receivers so that 1-to-1 sessions do not use the mixer format. </t> <t> Enhanced section on presentation for multiparty-unaware endpoints </t> <t> A paragraph recommending cps=150 inserted in the performance section. </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes from draft-hellstrom-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-source-01 to -02</name> <t> In Abstract and 1. Introduction: Introduced wording about regulatory requirements. </t> <t> In section 5: The transmission interval is decreased to 100 ms when there is text from more than one source to transmit. </t> <t> In section 11 about SDP negotiation, a SHOULD-requirement is introduced that the mixer should make a mix for multiparty-unaware endpoints if the negotiation is not successful. And a reference to a later chapter about it. </t> <t> The presentation considerations chapter 14 is extended with more information about presentation on multiparty-aware endpoints, and a new section on the multiparty-unaware mixing with low functionality but SHOULD be implemented in mixers. Presentation examples are added. </t> <t> A short chapter 15 on gateway considerations is introduced. </t> <t> Clarification about the text/t140 format included in chapter 10. </t> <t> This sentence added to the chapter 10 about use without redundancy. "The text/red format SHOULD be used unless some other protection against packet loss is utilized, for example a reliable network or transport." </t> <t> Note about deviation from RFC 2198 added in chapter 4. </t> <t> In chapter 9. "Use with SIP centralized conferencing framework" the following note is inserted: Note: The CSRC-list in an RTP packet only includes participants whose text is included in one or more text blocks. It is not the same as the list of participants in a conference. With audio and video media, the CSRC-list would often contain all participants who are not muted whereas text participants that don't type are completely silent and so don't show up in RTP packet CSRC-lists. </t> <t> </t> </section> <section numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Changes from draft-hellstrom-avtcore-multi-party-rtt-source-00 to -01</name> <t> Editorial cleanup. </t> <t> Changed capability indication from fmtp-parameter to SDP attribute "rtt-mix". </t> <t> Swapped order of redundancy elements in the example to match reality. </t> <t> Increased the SDP negotiation section </t> </section> </section> </middle> <back> <references> <name>References</name> <references> <name>Normative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4102.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4103.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3550.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5630.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5764.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6263.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7675.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8865.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8866.xml"/> <reference anchor="T140" target="https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.140-199802-I/en"> <front> <title>Recommendation ITU-T T.140 (02/1998), Protocol for multimedia application text conversation</title> <author> <organization>ITU-T</organization> </author> <date year="1998" month="February"/> </front> </reference> <reference anchor="T140ad1" target="https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-T.140-200002-I!Add1/en"> <front> <title>Recommendation ITU-T.140 Addendum 1 - (02/2000), Protocol for multimedia application text conversation</title> <author> <organization>ITU-T</organization> </author> <date year="2000" month="February"/> </front> </reference> </references> <references> <name>Informative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4353.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4579.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4575.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5194.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7667.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8643.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8723.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8825.xml"/> </references> </references> <section anchor="Acknowledgements" numbered="false" toc="default"> <name>Acknowledgements</name> <t>The author want to thank the following persons for support, reviews and valuable comments: Bernard Aboba, Amanda Baber, Roman Danyliw, Spencer Dawkins, Martin Duke, Lars Eggert, James Hamlin, Benjamin Kaduk, Murray Kucherawy, Paul Kyziwat, Jonathan Lennox, Lorenzo Miniero, Dan Mongrain, Francesca Palombini, Colin Perkins, Brian Rosen, Juergen Schoenwaelder, Rich Salz, Robert Wilton, Dale Worley, Peter Yee and Yong Xin.</t></section> </back> </rfc>