rfc9004v4.txt   rfc9004.txt 
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Acknowledgments Acknowledgments
Author's Address Author's Address
1. Introduction 1. Introduction
The IETF's fundamental benchmarking methodologies are defined in The IETF's fundamental benchmarking methodologies are defined in
[RFC2544], supported by the terms and definitions in [RFC1242]. [RFC2544], supported by the terms and definitions in [RFC1242].
[RFC2544] actually obsoletes an earlier specification, [RFC1944]. [RFC2544] actually obsoletes an earlier specification, [RFC1944].
Over time, the benchmarking community has updated [RFC2544] several Over time, the benchmarking community has updated [RFC2544] several
times, including the Device Reset benchmark [RFC6201] and the times, including the Device Reset benchmark [RFC6201] and the
important applicability statement [RFC6815] concerning use outside important Applicability Statement [RFC6815] concerning use outside
the Isolated Test Environment (ITE) required for accurate the Isolated Test Environment (ITE) required for accurate
benchmarking. Other specifications implicitly update [RFC2544], such benchmarking. Other specifications implicitly update [RFC2544], such
as the IPv6 benchmarking methodologies in [RFC5180]. as the IPv6 benchmarking methodologies in [RFC5180].
Recent testing experience with the Back-to-Back Frame test and Recent testing experience with the Back-to-Back Frame test and
benchmark in Section 26.4 of [RFC2544] indicates that an update is benchmark in Section 26.4 of [RFC2544] indicates that an update is
warranted [OPNFV-2017] [VSPERF-b2b]. In particular, analysis of the warranted [OPNFV-2017] [VSPERF-b2b]. In particular, analysis of the
results indicates that buffer size matters when compensating for results indicates that buffer size matters when compensating for
interruptions of software-packet processing, and this finding interruptions of software-packet processing, and this finding
increases the importance of the Back-to-Back Frame characterization increases the importance of the Back-to-Back Frame characterization
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[TST009] ETSI, "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 3; [TST009] ETSI, "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) Release 3;
Testing; Specification of Networking Benchmarks and Testing; Specification of Networking Benchmarks and
Measurement Methods for NFVI", Rapporteur: A. Morton, ETSI Measurement Methods for NFVI", Rapporteur: A. Morton, ETSI
GS NFV-TST 009 v3.4.1, December 2020, GS NFV-TST 009 v3.4.1, December 2020,
<https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV- <https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-
TST/001_099/009/03.04.01_60/gs_NFV-TST009v030401p.pdf>. TST/001_099/009/03.04.01_60/gs_NFV-TST009v030401p.pdf>.
10.2. Informative References 10.2. Informative References
Konstantynowicz, M., Ed. and V. Polak, Ed., "Multiple Loss Konstantynowicz, M., Ed. and V. Polák, Ed., "Multiple Loss
Ratio Search for Packet Throughput (MLRsearch)", Work in Ratio Search for Packet Throughput (MLRsearch)", Work in
Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-vpolak-mkonstan-bmwg- Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-bmwg-mlrsearch-00, 9
mlrsearch-03, 6 March 2020, <https://tools.ietf.org/html/ February 2021, <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-
draft-vpolak-mkonstan-bmwg-mlrsearch-03>. bmwg-mlrsearch-00>.
Konstantynowicz, M., Ed. and V. Polak, Ed., "Probabilistic Konstantynowicz, M., Ed. and V. Polák, Ed., "Probabilistic
Loss Ratio Search for Packet Throughput (PLRsearch)", Work Loss Ratio Search for Packet Throughput (PLRsearch)", Work
in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-vpolak-bmwg-plrsearch- in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-vpolak-bmwg-plrsearch-
03, 6 March 2020, <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft- 03, 6 March 2020, <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-
vpolak-bmwg-plrsearch-03>. vpolak-bmwg-plrsearch-03>.
[OPNFV-2017] [OPNFV-2017]
Cooper, T., Rao, S., and A. Morton, "Dataplane Cooper, T., Rao, S., and A. Morton, "Dataplane
Performance, Capacity, and Benchmarking in OPNFV", 15 June Performance, Capacity, and Benchmarking in OPNFV", 15 June
2017, 2017,
<https://wiki.anuket.io/download/attachments/4404001/ <https://wiki.anuket.io/download/attachments/4404001/
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Tahhan, M., "OPNFV VSPERF CI", June 2019, Tahhan, M., "OPNFV VSPERF CI", June 2019,
<https://wiki.anuket.io/display/HOME/VSPERF+CI>. <https://wiki.anuket.io/display/HOME/VSPERF+CI>.
Acknowledgments Acknowledgments
Thanks to Trevor Cooper, Sridhar Rao, and Martin Klozik of the VSPERF Thanks to Trevor Cooper, Sridhar Rao, and Martin Klozik of the VSPERF
project for many contributions to the early testing [VSPERF-b2b]. project for many contributions to the early testing [VSPERF-b2b].
Yoshiaki Itou has also investigated the topic and made useful Yoshiaki Itou has also investigated the topic and made useful
suggestions. Maciek Konstantyowicz and Vratko Polak also provided suggestions. Maciek Konstantyowicz and Vratko Polák also provided
many comments and suggestions based on extensive integration testing many comments and suggestions based on extensive integration testing
and resulting search-algorithm proposals -- the most up-to-date and resulting search-algorithm proposals -- the most up-to-date
feedback possible. Tim Carlin also provided comments and support for feedback possible. Tim Carlin also provided comments and support for
the document. Warren Kumari's review improved readability in several the document. Warren Kumari's review improved readability in several
key passages. David Black, Martin Duke, and Scott Bradner's comments key passages. David Black, Martin Duke, and Scott Bradner's comments
improved the clarity and configuration advice on trial duration. improved the clarity and configuration advice on trial duration.
Malisa Vucinic suggested additional text on DUT design cautions in Mališa Vučinić suggested additional text on DUT design cautions in
the Security Considerations section. the Security Considerations section.
Author's Address Author's Address
Al Morton Al Morton
AT&T Labs AT&T Labs
200 Laurel Avenue South 200 Laurel Avenue South
Middletown, NJ 07748 Middletown, NJ 07748
United States of America United States of America
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