rfc8932v1.txt   rfc8932.txt 
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October 2020 October 2020
Recommendations for DNS Privacy Service Operators Recommendations for DNS Privacy Service Operators
Abstract Abstract
This document presents operational, policy, and security This document presents operational, policy, and security
considerations for DNS recursive resolver operators who choose to considerations for DNS recursive resolver operators who choose to
offer DNS privacy services. With these recommendations, the operator offer DNS privacy services. With these recommendations, the operator
can make deliberate decisions regarding which services to provide, as can make deliberate decisions regarding which services to provide, as
well as how the decisions and alternatives impact the privacy of well as understanding how those decisions and the alternatives impact
users. the privacy of users.
This document also presents a non-normative framework to assist This document also presents a non-normative framework to assist
writers of a Recursive operator Privacy Statement, analogous to DNS writers of a Recursive operator Privacy Statement, analogous to DNS
Security Extensions (DNSSEC) Policies and DNSSEC Practice Statements Security Extensions (DNSSEC) Policies and DNSSEC Practice Statements
described in RFC 6841. described in RFC 6841.
Status of This Memo Status of This Memo
This memo documents an Internet Best Current Practice. This memo documents an Internet Best Current Practice.
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legal advice as to the contents of an RPS. legal advice as to the contents of an RPS.
A desired operational impact is that all operators (both those A desired operational impact is that all operators (both those
providing resolvers within networks and those operating large public providing resolvers within networks and those operating large public
services) can demonstrate their commitment to user privacy, thereby services) can demonstrate their commitment to user privacy, thereby
driving all DNS resolution services to a more equitable footing. driving all DNS resolution services to a more equitable footing.
Choices for users would (in this ideal world) be driven by other Choices for users would (in this ideal world) be driven by other
factors -- e.g., differing security policies or minor differences in factors -- e.g., differing security policies or minor differences in
operator policy -- rather than gross disparities in privacy concerns. operator policy -- rather than gross disparities in privacy concerns.
Community insight [or judgment?] about operational practices can Community insight (or judgment?) about operational practices can
change quickly, and experience shows that a Best Current Practice change quickly, and experience shows that a Best Current Practice
(BCP) document about privacy and security is a point-in-time (BCP) document about privacy and security is a point-in-time
statement. Readers are advised to seek out any updates that apply to statement. Readers are advised to seek out any updates that apply to
this document. this document.
2. Scope 2. Scope
"DNS Privacy Considerations" [RFC7626] describes the general privacy "DNS Privacy Considerations" [RFC7626] describes the general privacy
issues and threats associated with the use of the DNS by Internet issues and threats associated with the use of the DNS by Internet
users; much of the threat analysis here is lifted from that document users; much of the threat analysis here is lifted from that document
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to the three named levels of compliance stated above. However, to the three named levels of compliance stated above. However,
compliance (to the indicated level) remains a normative requirement. compliance (to the indicated level) remains a normative requirement.
5.1. On the Wire between Client and Server 5.1. On the Wire between Client and Server
In this section, we consider both data on the wire and the service In this section, we consider both data on the wire and the service
provided to the client. provided to the client.
5.1.1. Transport Recommendations 5.1.1. Transport Recommendations
[RFC6973] Threats: Threats described in [RFC6973]:
Surveillance: Surveillance:
Passive surveillance of traffic on the wire. Passive surveillance of traffic on the wire.
DNS Privacy Threats: DNS Privacy Threats:
Active injection of spurious data or traffic. Active injection of spurious data or traffic.
Mitigations: Mitigations:
A DNS privacy service can mitigate these threats by providing A DNS privacy service can mitigate these threats by providing
service over one or more of the following transports: service over one or more of the following transports:
* DNS over TLS (DoT) [RFC7858] [RFC8310]. * DNS over TLS (DoT) [RFC7858] [RFC8310].
* DNS over HTTPS (DoH) [RFC8484]. * DNS over HTTPS (DoH) [RFC8484].
It is noted that a DNS privacy service can also be provided over DNS It is noted that a DNS privacy service can also be provided over DNS
over DTLS [RFC8094]; however, this is an Experimental specification, over DTLS [RFC8094]; however, this is an Experimental specification,
and there are no known implementations at the time of writing. and there are no known implementations at the time of writing.
It is also noted that DNS privacy service might be provided over It is also noted that DNS privacy service might be provided over
IPsec, DNSCrypt, or VPNs. However, there are no specific RFCs that DNSCrypt [DNSCrypt], IPsec, or VPNs. However, there are no specific
cover the use of these transports for DNS, and any discussion of best RFCs that cover the use of these transports for DNS, and any
practice for providing such a service is out of scope for this discussion of best practice for providing such a service is out of
document. scope for this document.
Whilst encryption of DNS traffic can protect against active injection Whilst encryption of DNS traffic can protect against active injection
on the paths traversed by the encrypted connection, this does not on the paths traversed by the encrypted connection, this does not
diminish the need for DNSSEC; see Section 5.1.4. diminish the need for DNSSEC; see Section 5.1.4.
5.1.2. Authentication of DNS Privacy Services 5.1.2. Authentication of DNS Privacy Services
[RFC6973] Threats: Threats described in [RFC6973]:
Surveillance: Surveillance:
Active attacks on client resolver configuration. Active attacks on client resolver configuration.
Mitigations: Mitigations:
DNS privacy services should ensure clients can authenticate the DNS privacy services should ensure clients can authenticate the
server. Note that this, in effect, commits the DNS privacy server. Note that this, in effect, commits the DNS privacy
service to a public identity users will trust. service to a public identity users will trust.
When using DoT, clients that select a "Strict Privacy" usage When using DoT, clients that select a "Strict Privacy" usage
profile [RFC8310] (to mitigate the threat of active attack on the profile [RFC8310] (to mitigate the threat of active attack on the
client) require the ability to authenticate the DNS server. To client) require the ability to authenticate the DNS server. To
enable this, DNS privacy services that offer DNS over TLS need to enable this, DNS privacy services that offer DoT need to provide
provide credentials that will be accepted by the client's trust credentials that will be accepted by the client's trust model, in
model, in the form of either X.509 certificates [RFC5280] or the form of either X.509 certificates [RFC5280] or Subject Public
Subject Public Key Info (SPKI) pin sets [RFC8310]. Key Info (SPKI) pin sets [RFC8310].
When offering DoH [RFC8484], HTTPS requires authentication of the When offering DoH [RFC8484], HTTPS requires authentication of the
server as part of the protocol. server as part of the protocol.
Server operators should also follow the best practices with regard
to certificate revocation, as described in [RFC7525]. Certificate Management Certificate Management
Anecdotal evidence to date highlights the management of certificates Anecdotal evidence to date highlights the management of certificates
as one of the more challenging aspects for operators of traditional as one of the more challenging aspects for operators of traditional
DNS resolvers that choose to additionally provide a DNS privacy DNS resolvers that choose to additionally provide a DNS privacy
service, as management of such credentials is new to those DNS service, as management of such credentials is new to those DNS
operators. operators.
It is noted that SPKI pin-set management is described in [RFC7858] It is noted that SPKI pin set management is described in [RFC7858]
but that key-pinning mechanisms in general have fallen out of favor but that key-pinning mechanisms in general have fallen out of favor
operationally for various reasons, such as the logistical overhead of operationally for various reasons, such as the logistical overhead of
rolling keys. rolling keys.
DNS Privacy Threats: DNS Privacy Threats:
* Invalid certificates, resulting in an unavailable service, * Invalid certificates, resulting in an unavailable service,
which might force a user to fallback to cleartext. which might force a user to fall back to cleartext.
* Misidentification of a server by a client -- e.g., typos in DoH * Misidentification of a server by a client -- e.g., typos in DoH
URL templates [RFC8484] or authentication domain names URL templates [RFC8484] or authentication domain names
[RFC8310] that accidentally direct clients to attacker- [RFC8310] that accidentally direct clients to attacker-
controlled servers. controlled servers.
Mitigations: Mitigations:
It is recommended that operators: It is recommended that operators:
* Follow the guidance in Section 6.5 of [RFC7525] with regard to * Follow the guidance in Section 6.5 of [RFC7525] with regard to
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DNS actually solves many of the practical issues encountered by DNS DNS actually solves many of the practical issues encountered by DNS
validating clients -- e.g., interference by middleboxes with validating clients -- e.g., interference by middleboxes with
cleartext DNS payloads is completely avoided. In this sense, a cleartext DNS payloads is completely avoided. In this sense, a
validating client that uses a DNS privacy service that supports validating client that uses a DNS privacy service that supports
DNSSEC has a far simpler task in terms of DNSSEC roadblock avoidance DNSSEC has a far simpler task in terms of DNSSEC roadblock avoidance
[RFC8027]. [RFC8027].
5.1.5. Availability 5.1.5. Availability
DNS Privacy Threats: DNS Privacy Threats:
A failed DNS privacy service could force the user to switch A failing DNS privacy service could force the user to switch
providers, fallback to cleartext, or accept no DNS service for the providers, fall back to cleartext, or accept no DNS service for
outage. the duration of the outage.
Mitigations: Mitigations:
A DNS privacy service should strive to engineer encrypted services A DNS privacy service should strive to engineer encrypted services
to the same availability level as any unencrypted services they to the same availability level as any unencrypted services they
provide. Particular care should to be taken to protect DNS provide. Particular care should to be taken to protect DNS
privacy services against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, as privacy services against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, as
experience has shown that unavailability of DNS resolving because experience has shown that unavailability of DNS resolving because
of attacks is a significant motivation for users to switch of attacks is a significant motivation for users to switch
services. See, for example, Section IV-C of services. See, for example, Section IV-C of
[Passive-Observations-of-a-Large-DNS]. [Passive-Observations-of-a-Large-DNS].
Techniques such as those described in Section 10 of [RFC7766] can Techniques such as those described in Section 10 of [RFC7766] can
be of use to operators to defend against such attacks. be of use to operators to defend against such attacks.
5.1.6. Service Options 5.1.6. Service Options
DNS Privacy Threats: DNS Privacy Threats:
Unfairly disadvantaging users of the privacy service with respect Unfairly disadvantaging users of the privacy service with respect
to the services available. This could force the user to switch to the services available. This could force the user to switch
providers, fallback to cleartext, or accept no DNS service for the providers, fall back to cleartext, or accept no DNS service for
outage. the duration of the outage.
Mitigations: Mitigations:
A DNS privacy service should deliver the same level of service as A DNS privacy service should deliver the same level of service as
offered on unencrypted channels in terms of options such as offered on unencrypted channels in terms of options such as
filtering (or lack thereof), DNSSEC validation, etc. filtering (or lack thereof), DNSSEC validation, etc.
5.1.7. Impact of Encryption on Monitoring by DNS Privacy Service 5.1.7. Impact of Encryption on Monitoring by DNS Privacy Service
Operators Operators
DNS Privacy Threats: DNS Privacy Threats:
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Some operators may choose to implement DoT using a TLS proxy Some operators may choose to implement DoT using a TLS proxy
(e.g., [nginx], [haproxy], or [stunnel]) in front of a DNS (e.g., [nginx], [haproxy], or [stunnel]) in front of a DNS
nameserver because of proven robustness and capacity when handling nameserver because of proven robustness and capacity when handling
large numbers of client connections, load-balancing capabilities, large numbers of client connections, load-balancing capabilities,
and good tooling. Currently, however, because such proxies and good tooling. Currently, however, because such proxies
typically have no specific handling of DNS as a protocol over TLS typically have no specific handling of DNS as a protocol over TLS
or DTLS, using them can restrict traffic management at the proxy or DTLS, using them can restrict traffic management at the proxy
layer and the DNS server. For example, all traffic received by a layer and the DNS server. For example, all traffic received by a
nameserver behind such a proxy will appear to originate from the nameserver behind such a proxy will appear to originate from the
proxy, and DNS techniques such as Access Control Lists (ACLs), proxy, and DNS techniques such as Access Control Lists (ACLs),
Response Rate Limiting (RRL), or DNS64 will be hard or impossible Response Rate Limiting (RRL), or DNS64 [RFC6147] will be hard or
to implement in the nameserver. impossible to implement in the nameserver.
Operators may choose to use a DNS-aware proxy, such as [dnsdist], Operators may choose to use a DNS-aware proxy, such as [dnsdist],
that offers custom options (similar to those proposed in that offers custom options (similar to those proposed in
[DNS-XPF]) to add source information to packets to address this [DNS-XPF]) to add source information to packets to address this
shortcoming. It should be noted that such options potentially shortcoming. It should be noted that such options potentially
significantly increase the leaked information in the event of a significantly increase the leaked information in the event of a
misconfiguration. misconfiguration.
5.2. Data at Rest on the Server 5.2. Data at Rest on the Server
5.2.1. Data Handling 5.2.1. Data Handling
[RFC6973] Threats: Threats described in [RFC6973]:
* Surveillance. * Surveillance.
* Stored-data compromise. * Stored-data compromise.
* Correlation. * Correlation.
* Identification. * Identification.
* Secondary use. * Secondary use.
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individual, and the major vector for this in DNS traffic is the individual, and the major vector for this in DNS traffic is the
client IP address. client IP address.
There is active discussion in the space of effective pseudonymization There is active discussion in the space of effective pseudonymization
of IP addresses in DNS traffic logs; however, there seems to be no of IP addresses in DNS traffic logs; however, there seems to be no
single solution that is widely recognized as suitable for all or most single solution that is widely recognized as suitable for all or most
use cases. There are also as yet no standards for this that are use cases. There are also as yet no standards for this that are
unencumbered by patents. unencumbered by patents.
Appendix B provides a more detailed survey of various techniques Appendix B provides a more detailed survey of various techniques
employed or under development in 2019. employed or under development in 2020.
5.2.4. Pseudonymization, Anonymization, or Discarding of Other 5.2.4. Pseudonymization, Anonymization, or Discarding of Other
Correlation Data Correlation Data
DNS Privacy Threats: DNS Privacy Threats:
* Fingerprinting of the client OS via various means, including: * Fingerprinting of the client OS via various means, including:
IP TTL/Hoplimit, TCP parameters (e.g., window size, Explicit IP TTL/Hoplimit, TCP parameters (e.g., window size, Explicit
Congestion Notification (ECN) support, selective acknowledgment Congestion Notification (ECN) support, selective acknowledgment
(SACK)), OS-specific DNS query patterns (e.g., for network (SACK)), OS-specific DNS query patterns (e.g., for network
connectivity, captive portal detection, or OS-specific connectivity, captive portal detection, or OS-specific
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* Resolvers _might_ receive client identifiers -- e.g., Media * Resolvers _might_ receive client identifiers -- e.g., Media
Access Control (MAC) addresses in EDNS(0) options. Some Access Control (MAC) addresses in EDNS(0) options. Some
customer premises equipment (CPE) devices are known to add them customer premises equipment (CPE) devices are known to add them
[MAC-address-EDNS]. [MAC-address-EDNS].
Mitigations: Mitigations:
* Data minimization or discarding of such correlation data. * Data minimization or discarding of such correlation data.
5.2.5. Cache Snooping 5.2.5. Cache Snooping
[RFC6973] Threats: Threats described in [RFC6973]:
Surveillance: Surveillance:
Profiling of client queries by malicious third parties. Profiling of client queries by malicious third parties.
Mitigations: Mitigations:
See [ISC-Knowledge-database-on-cache-snooping] for an example See [ISC-Knowledge-database-on-cache-snooping] for an example
discussion on defending against cache snooping. Options proposed discussion on defending against cache snooping. Options proposed
include limiting access to a server and limiting nonrecursive include limiting access to a server and limiting nonrecursive
queries. queries.
5.3. Data Sent Onwards from the Server 5.3. Data Sent Onwards from the Server
In this section, we consider both data sent on the wire in upstream In this section, we consider both data sent on the wire in upstream
queries and data shared with third parties. queries and data shared with third parties.
5.3.1. Protocol Recommendations 5.3.1. Protocol Recommendations
[RFC6973] Threats: Threats described in [RFC6973]:
Surveillance: Surveillance:
Transmission of identifying data upstream. Transmission of identifying data upstream.
Mitigations: Mitigations:
As specified in [RFC8310] for DoT but applicable to any DNS The server should:
privacy services, the server should:
* implement QNAME minimization [RFC7816]. * implement QNAME minimization [RFC7816].
* honor a SOURCE PREFIX-LENGTH set to 0 in a query containing the * honor a SOURCE PREFIX-LENGTH set to 0 in a query containing the
EDNS(0) Client Subnet (ECS) option ([RFC7871], Section 7.1.2). EDNS(0) Client Subnet (ECS) option ([RFC7871], Section 7.1.2).
This is as specified in [RFC8310] for DoT but applicable to any
DNS privacy service.
Optimizations: Optimizations:
As per Section 2 of [RFC7871], the server should either: As per Section 2 of [RFC7871], the server should either:
* not use the ECS option in upstream queries at all, or * not use the ECS option in upstream queries at all, or
* offer alternative services, one that sends ECS and one that * offer alternative services, one that sends ECS and one that
does not. does not.
If operators do offer a service that sends the ECS options upstream, If operators do offer a service that sends the ECS options upstream,
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significant operational overhead compared to dynamic detection of ECS significant operational overhead compared to dynamic detection of ECS
support on authoritative servers. support on authoritative servers.
Additional options: Additional options:
* "Aggressive Use of DNSSEC-Validated Cache" [RFC8198] and * "Aggressive Use of DNSSEC-Validated Cache" [RFC8198] and
"NXDOMAIN: There Really Is Nothing Underneath" [RFC8020] to reduce "NXDOMAIN: There Really Is Nothing Underneath" [RFC8020] to reduce
the number of queries to authoritative servers to increase the number of queries to authoritative servers to increase
privacy. privacy.
* Run a copy of the root zone on loopback [RFC8806] to avoid making * Run a local copy of the root zone [RFC8806] to avoid making
queries to the root servers that might leak information. queries to the root servers that might leak information.
5.3.2. Client Query Obfuscation 5.3.2. Client Query Obfuscation
Additional options: Additional options:
Since queries from recursive resolvers to authoritative servers are Since queries from recursive resolvers to authoritative servers are
performed using cleartext (at the time of writing), resolver services performed using cleartext (at the time of writing), resolver services
need to consider the extent to which they may be directly leaking need to consider the extent to which they may be directly leaking
information about their client community via these upstream queries information about their client community via these upstream queries
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recognized techniques to perform such obfuscation or bulk prefetches. recognized techniques to perform such obfuscation or bulk prefetches.
Another technique that particularly small operators may consider is Another technique that particularly small operators may consider is
forwarding local traffic to a larger resolver (with a privacy policy forwarding local traffic to a larger resolver (with a privacy policy
that aligns with their own practices) over an encrypted protocol, so that aligns with their own practices) over an encrypted protocol, so
that the upstream queries are obfuscated among those of the large that the upstream queries are obfuscated among those of the large
resolver. resolver.
5.3.3. Data Sharing 5.3.3. Data Sharing
[RFC6973] Threats: Threats described in [RFC6973]:
* Surveillance. * Surveillance.
* Stored-data compromise. * Stored-data compromise.
* Correlation. * Correlation.
* Identification. * Identification.
* Secondary use. * Secondary use.
skipping to change at line 1179 skipping to change at line 1177
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[RFC5077] Salowey, J., Zhou, H., Eronen, P., and H. Tschofenig, [RFC5077] Salowey, J., Zhou, H., Eronen, P., and H. Tschofenig,
"Transport Layer Security (TLS) Session Resumption without "Transport Layer Security (TLS) Session Resumption without
Server-Side State", RFC 5077, DOI 10.17487/RFC5077, Server-Side State", RFC 5077, DOI 10.17487/RFC5077,
January 2008, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5077>. January 2008, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5077>.
[RFC6147] Bagnulo, M., Sullivan, A., Matthews, P., and I. van
Beijnum, "DNS64: DNS Extensions for Network Address
Translation from IPv6 Clients to IPv4 Servers", RFC 6147,
DOI 10.17487/RFC6147, April 2011,
[RFC6235] Boschi, E. and B. Trammell, "IP Flow Anonymization [RFC6235] Boschi, E. and B. Trammell, "IP Flow Anonymization
Support", RFC 6235, DOI 10.17487/RFC6235, May 2011, Support", RFC 6235, DOI 10.17487/RFC6235, May 2011,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6235>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6235>.
[RFC6265] Barth, A., "HTTP State Management Mechanism", RFC 6265, [RFC6265] Barth, A., "HTTP State Management Mechanism", RFC 6265,
DOI 10.17487/RFC6265, April 2011, DOI 10.17487/RFC6265, April 2011,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6265>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6265>.
[RFC7626] Bortzmeyer, S., "DNS Privacy Considerations", RFC 7626, [RFC7626] Bortzmeyer, S., "DNS Privacy Considerations", RFC 7626,
DOI 10.17487/RFC7626, August 2015, DOI 10.17487/RFC7626, August 2015,
skipping to change at line 1354 skipping to change at line 1362
[stunnel] Goldlust, S., Almond, C., and F. Dupont, "DNS over TLS", [stunnel] Goldlust, S., Almond, C., and F. Dupont, "DNS over TLS",
ISC Knowledge Database", 1 November 2018, ISC Knowledge Database", 1 November 2018,
<https://kb.isc.org/article/AA-01386/0/DNS-over-TLS.html>. <https://kb.isc.org/article/AA-01386/0/DNS-over-TLS.html>.
[SURFnet-policy] [SURFnet-policy]
Baartmans, C., van Wynsberghe, A., van Rijswijk-Deij, R., Baartmans, C., van Wynsberghe, A., van Rijswijk-Deij, R.,
and F. Jorna, "SURFnet Data Sharing Policy", June 2016, and F. Jorna, "SURFnet Data Sharing Policy", June 2016,
<https://surf.nl/datasharing>. <https://surf.nl/datasharing>.
[TCPdpriv] Ipsilon Networks, Inc., "TCPdpriv", 2005, [tcpdpriv] Ipsilon Networks, Inc., "TCPDRIV - Program for Eliminating
<http://ita.ee.lbl.gov/html/contrib/tcpdpriv.html>. Confidential Information from Traces", 2004,
[van-Dijkhuizen-et-al] [van-Dijkhuizen-et-al]
Van Dijkhuizen, N. and J. Van Der Ham, "A Survey of Van Dijkhuizen, N. and J. Van Der Ham, "A Survey of
Network Traffic Anonymisation Techniques and Network Traffic Anonymisation Techniques and
Implementations", ACM Computing Surveys, Implementations", ACM Computing Surveys,
DOI 10.1145/3182660, May 2018, DOI 10.1145/3182660, May 2018,
<https://doi.org/10.1145/3182660>. <https://doi.org/10.1145/3182660>.
[Xu-et-al] Fan, J., Xu, J., Ammar, M.H., and S.B. Moon, "Prefix- [Xu-et-al] Fan, J., Xu, J., Ammar, M.H., and S.B. Moon, "Prefix-
preserving IP address anonymization: measurement-based preserving IP address anonymization: measurement-based
security evaluation and a new cryptography-based scheme", security evaluation and a new cryptography-based scheme",
DOI 10.1016/j.comnet.2004.03.033, 2004, DOI 10.1016/j.comnet.2004.03.033, 2004,
<http://an.kaist.ac.kr/~sbmoon/paper/intl-journal/2004-cn- <http://an.kaist.ac.kr/~sbmoon/paper/intl-journal/2004-cn-
anon.pdf>. anon.pdf>.
Appendix A. Documents Appendix A. Documents
This section provides an overview of some DNS privacy-related This section provides an overview of some DNS privacy-related
documents. However, this is neither an exhaustive list nor a documents. However, this is neither an exhaustive list nor a
definitive statement on the characteristic of the document. definitive statement on the characteristics of any document with
regard to potential increases or decreases in DNS privacy.
A.1. Potential Increases in DNS Privacy A.1. Potential Increases in DNS Privacy
These documents are limited in scope to communications between stub These documents are limited in scope to communications between stub
clients and recursive resolvers: clients and recursive resolvers:
* "Specification for DNS over Transport Layer Security (TLS)" * "Specification for DNS over Transport Layer Security (TLS)"
[RFC7858]. [RFC7858].
* "DNS over Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)" [RFC8094]. * "DNS over Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)" [RFC8094].
skipping to change at line 1554 skipping to change at line 1564
reverse truncation) or completely (black-marker anonymization). reverse truncation) or completely (black-marker anonymization).
Generalization. Data is replaced by more general data with reduced Generalization. Data is replaced by more general data with reduced
specificity. One example would be to replace all TCP/UDP port specificity. One example would be to replace all TCP/UDP port
numbers with one of two fixed values indicating whether the numbers with one of two fixed values indicating whether the
original port was ephemeral (>=1024) or nonephemeral (>1024). original port was ephemeral (>=1024) or nonephemeral (>1024).
Another example, precision degradation, reduces the accuracy of, Another example, precision degradation, reduces the accuracy of,
for example, a numeric value or a timestamp. for example, a numeric value or a timestamp.
Enumeration. With data from a well-ordered set, replace the first Enumeration. With data from a well-ordered set, replace the first
data item data using a random initial value and then allocate data item's data using a random initial value and then allocate
ordered values for subsequent data items. When used with ordered values for subsequent data items. When used with
timestamp data, this preserves ordering but loses precision and timestamp data, this preserves ordering but loses precision and
distance. distance.
Reordering/shuffling. Preserving the original data, but rearranging Reordering/shuffling. Preserving the original data, but rearranging
its order, often in a random manner. its order, often in a random manner.
Random substitution. As replacement, but using randomly generated Random substitution. As replacement, but using randomly generated
replacement values. replacement values.
skipping to change at line 1605 skipping to change at line 1615
addresses is translated to, the second to, and so on. addresses is translated to, the second to, and so on.
The de-identified address therefore depends on the order that The de-identified address therefore depends on the order that
addresses arrive in the input, and when running over a large amount addresses arrive in the input, and when running over a large amount
of data, the address translation tables can grow to a significant of data, the address translation tables can grow to a significant
size. size.
Anonymization: Format-preserving, Enumeration. Anonymization: Format-preserving, Enumeration.
B.2.3. Prefix-Preserving Map B.2.3. Prefix-Preserving Map
Used in [TCPdpriv], this algorithm stores a set of original and Used in [tcpdpriv], this algorithm stores a set of original and
anonymized IP address pairs. When a new IP address arrives, it is anonymized IP address pairs. When a new IP address arrives, it is
compared with previous addresses to determine the longest prefix compared with previous addresses to determine the longest prefix
match. The new address is anonymized by using the same prefix, with match. The new address is anonymized by using the same prefix, with
the remainder of the address anonymized with a random value. The use the remainder of the address anonymized with a random value. The use
of a random value means that TCPdpriv is not deterministic; different of a random value means that TCPdpriv is not deterministic; different
anonymized values will be generated on each run. The need to store anonymized values will be generated on each run. The need to store
previous addresses means that TCPdpriv has significant and unbounded previous addresses means that TCPdpriv has significant and unbounded
memory requirements, and because of the need to allocate anonymized memory requirements. The need to allocate anonymized addresses
addresses sequentially cannot be used in parallel processing. sequentially means that TCPdpriv cannot be used in parallel
Anonymization: Format-preserving, prefix preservation (general). Anonymization: Format-preserving, prefix preservation (general).
B.2.4. Cryptographic Prefix-Preserving Pseudonymization B.2.4. Cryptographic Prefix-Preserving Pseudonymization
Cryptographic prefix-preserving pseudonymization was originally Cryptographic prefix-preserving pseudonymization was originally
proposed as an improvement to the prefix-preserving map implemented proposed as an improvement to the prefix-preserving map implemented
in TCPdpriv, described in [Xu-et-al] and implemented in the in TCPdpriv, described in [Xu-et-al] and implemented in the
[Crypto-PAn] tool. Crypto-PAn is now frequently used as an acronym [Crypto-PAn] tool. Crypto-PAn is now frequently used as an acronym
for the algorithm. Initially, it was described for IPv4 addresses for the algorithm. Initially, it was described for IPv4 addresses
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Pseudonymization: Format-preserving, prefix preservation (general). Pseudonymization: Format-preserving, prefix preservation (general).
B.2.5. Top-Hash Subtree-Replicated Anonymization B.2.5. Top-Hash Subtree-Replicated Anonymization
Proposed in [Ramaswamy-and-Wolf], Top-hash Subtree-replicated Proposed in [Ramaswamy-and-Wolf], Top-hash Subtree-replicated
Anonymization (TSA) originated in response to the requirement for Anonymization (TSA) originated in response to the requirement for
faster processing than Crypto-PAn. It used hashing for the most faster processing than Crypto-PAn. It used hashing for the most
significant byte of an IPv4 address and a precalculated binary-tree significant byte of an IPv4 address and a precalculated binary-tree
structure for the remainder of the address. To save memory space, structure for the remainder of the address. To save memory space,
replication is used within the tree structure, reducing the size of replication is used within the tree structure, reducing the size of
the precalculated structures to a few Mb for IPv4 addresses. Address the precalculated structures to a few megabytes for IPv4 addresses.
pseudonymization is done via hash and table lookup and so requires Address pseudonymization is done via hash and table lookup and so
minimal computation. However, due to the much-increased address requires minimal computation. However, due to the much-increased
space for IPv6, TSA is not memory efficient for IPv6. address space for IPv6, TSA is not memory efficient for IPv6.
Pseudonymization: Format-preserving, prefix preservation (general). Pseudonymization: Format-preserving, prefix preservation (general).
B.2.6. ipcipher B.2.6. ipcipher
A recently released proposal from PowerDNS, ipcipher [ipcipher1] A recently released proposal from PowerDNS, ipcipher [ipcipher1]
[ipcipher2], is a simple pseudonymization technique for IPv4 and IPv6 [ipcipher2], is a simple pseudonymization technique for IPv4 and IPv6
addresses. IPv6 addresses are encrypted directly with AES-128 using addresses. IPv6 addresses are encrypted directly with AES-128 using
a key (which may be derived from a passphrase). IPv4 addresses are a key (which may be derived from a passphrase). IPv4 addresses are
similarly encrypted, but using a recently proposed encryption similarly encrypted, but using a recently proposed encryption
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Thanks to Loganaden Velvindron for useful updates to the text. Thanks to Loganaden Velvindron for useful updates to the text.
Sara Dickinson thanks the Open Technology Fund for a grant to support Sara Dickinson thanks the Open Technology Fund for a grant to support
the work on this document. the work on this document.
Contributors Contributors
The below individuals contributed significantly to the document: The below individuals contributed significantly to the document:
John Dickinson John Dickinson
Sinodun Internet Technologies Sinodun IT
Magdalen Centre Magdalen Centre
Oxford Science Park Oxford Science Park
Oxford Oxford
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Jim Hague Jim Hague
Sinodun Internet Technologies Sinodun IT
Magdalen Centre Magdalen Centre
Oxford Science Park Oxford Science Park
Oxford Oxford
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Authors' Addresses Authors' Addresses
Sara Dickinson Sara Dickinson
Sinodun IT Sinodun IT
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