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<!-- ***** FRONT MATTER ***** --> <rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
docName="draft-ietf-taps-minset-11" number="8923" ipr="trust200902"
obsoletes="" updates="" submissionType="IETF" category="info"
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<front> <front>
<!-- The abbreviated title is used in the page header - it is only neces
sary if the
full title is longer than 39 characters -->
<!-- <title abbrev="Abbreviated Title">Coupled congestion control</title
> -->
<title abbrev="Minimal Transport Services">A Minimal Set of Transport Se rvices for End Systems</title> <title abbrev="Minimal Transport Services">A Minimal Set of Transport Se rvices for End Systems</title>
<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8923"/>
<!-- add 'role="editor"' below for the editors if appropriate -->
<!-- Another author who claims to be an editor -->
<author fullname="Michael Welzl" initials="M." surname="Welzl"> <author fullname="Michael Welzl" initials="M." surname="Welzl">
<organization>University of Oslo</organization> <organization>University of Oslo</organization>
<address> <postal>
<postal> <pobox>PO Box 1080 Blindern</pobox>
<street>PO Box 1080 Blindern</street> <code>N-0316</code>
<!-- Reorder these if your country does things differently - <country>Norway</country>
-> </postal>
<phone>+47 22 85 24 20</phone>
<code>N-0316</code> <email>michawe@ifi.uio.no</email>
<phone>+47 22 85 24 20</phone>
<!-- uri and facsimile elements may also be added -->
</address> </address>
</author> </author>
<author fullname="Stein Gjessing" initials="S." surname="Gjessing">
<author fullname="Stein Gjessing" initials="S." surname="Gjessing"> <organization>University of Oslo</organization>
<organization>University of Oslo</organization> <address>
<address> <pobox>PO Box 1080 Blindern</pobox>
<postal> <code>N-0316</code>
<street>PO Box 1080 Blindern</street> <city>Oslo</city>
<!-- Reorder these if your country does things differently - </postal>
-> <phone>+47 22 85 24 44</phone>
<phone>+47 22 85 24 44</phone>
<!-- uri and facsimile elements may also be added -->
</address> </address>
</author> </author>
<!-- <date day="06" month="June" year="2015" /> -->
<date year="2018" />
<!-- If the month and year are both specified and are the current ones,
xml2rfc will fill
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rfc will fill
in the current day and month for you. If the year is not the current on
e, it is
necessary to specify at least a month (xml2rfc assumes day="1" if not s
pecified for the
purpose of calculating the expiry date). With drafts it is normally su
fficient to
specify just the year. -->
<!-- Meta-data Declarations --> <date year="2020" month="September" />
<area>Transport</area> <area>Transport</area>
<workgroup>TAPS</workgroup> <keyword>taps</keyword>
<keyword>transport services</keyword>
<!-- WG name at the upperleft corner of the doc,
IETF is fine for individual submissions.
If this element is not present, the default is "Network Working Group",
which is used by the RFC Editor as a nod to the history of the IETF. --
<keyword>taps, transport services</keyword>
<!-- Keywords will be incorporated into HTML output
files in a meta tag but they have no effect on text or nroff
output. If you submit your draft to the RFC Editor, the
keywords will be used for the search engine. -->
<abstract> <abstract>
<t>This draft recommends a minimal set of Transport Services offered <t>This document recommends a minimal set of Transport Services offered
by end systems, by end systems and gives guidance on choosing among the available
and gives guidance on choosing among the available mechanisms and pr mechanisms and protocols. It is based on the set of transport features
otocols. It is based on the set of in RFC 8303.</t>
transport features in RFC 8303.</t> </abstract>
</abstract> </front>
</front> <middle>
<!-- <section title="Definitions" anchor='sec-def'>
<t>The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in <xref
target="RFC2119">RFC 2119</xref>.</t>
<t><list style="hanging" hangIndent="6">
<t hangText="Wha'ever:">
<vspace />
Wha'ever is short for Whatever.</t>
<section anchor="sec-intro" title="Introduction">
<t>Currently, the set of transport services
that most applications use is based on TCP and UDP (and protocols th
at are layered on top of them); this limits the
ability for the network stack to make use of
features of other transport protocols. For example, if a protocol su
pports out-of-order message delivery but
applications always assume that the network provides an ordered byte
stream, then the network stack can not immediately deliver
a message that arrives out-of-order: doing so would break a fund
amental assumption of the application. The net result
is unnecessary head-of-line blocking delay.</t>
<t>By exposing the transport services of multiple transport protocol
s, a transport system can make it possible
for applications to use these services without being statically
bound to a specific transport protocol.
The first step towards the design of such a system was taken by
<xref target="RFC8095"></xref>, which
surveys a large number of transports, and <xref target="RFC8303"
></xref> as well as <xref target="RFC8304"/>, which identify the specific
transport features that are exposed to applications by the proto
cols TCP, MPTCP, UDP(-Lite) and SCTP
as well as the LEDBAT congestion control mechanism. LEDBAT was i
ncluded as the only congestion control
mechanism in this list because the
"low extra delay background transport" service that it offers is
significantly different
from the typical service provided by other congestion control me
This memo is based on these documents and follows the same termi
nology (also listed below).
Because the considered transport protocols conjointly cover
a wide range of transport features, there is reason to hope that
the resulting set (and the
reasoning that led to it) will also apply to many aspects of oth
er transport protocols that may be in use today,
or may be designed in the future.
<t>By decoupling applications from transport protocols, a transport
system provides a different abstraction level
than the Berkeley sockets interface <xref target="POSIX"/>. As w
ith high- vs. low-level programming languages, a higher abstraction
level allows more freedom for automation below the interface, ye
t it takes some control away from
the application programmer. This is the design trade-off that a
transport system developer is facing, and
this document provides guidance on the design of this abstractio
n level. Some transport features
are currently rarely offered by APIs, yet they must be offered o
r they can never be used.
Other transport features are offered by the APIs of the protocol
s covered here,
but not exposing them in an API would allow for more freedom to
automate protocol usage in a transport system.
The minimal set presented here is an effort to find a middle gro
und that can be recommended
for transport systems to implement, on the basis of the transpor
t features discussed in <xref target="RFC8303"/>.</t>
<t>Applications use a wide variety of APIs today. While this documen <section anchor="sec-intro" numbered="true" toc="default">
t was created to ensure the API developed in the <name>Introduction</name>
Transport Services (TAPS) Working Group (<xref target="I-D.ietf- <t>Currently, the set of transport services that most applications use
taps-interface" />) includes the most important is based on TCP and UDP (and protocols that are layered on top of them);
transport features, the minimal set this limits the ability for the network stack to make use of features of
presented here must be reflected in *all* network APIs in order other transport protocols. For example, if a protocol supports
for the underlying functionality to out-of-order message delivery but applications always assume that the
become usable everywhere. For example, it does not help an applicati network provides an ordered byte stream, then the network stack can not
on that talks to a library which offers its immediately deliver a message that arrives out of order; doing so would
own communication interface if the underlying break a fundamental assumption of the application. The net result is
Berkeley Sockets API is extended to offer "unordered message deliver unnecessary head-of-line blocking delay.</t>
y", but the library only exposes an <t>By exposing the transport services of multiple transport protocols, a
ordered bytestream. Both the Berkeley Sockets API and the library wo transport system can make it possible for applications to use these
uld have to services without being statically bound to a specific transport
expose the "unordered message delivery" transport feature protocol. The first step towards the design of such a system was taken
(alternatively, there may be ways for certain types of libraries to by <xref target="RFC8095" format="default"/>, which surveys a large
use this number of transports, and <xref target="RFC8303" format="default"/> as
transport feature without exposing it, based on knowledge about the well as <xref target="RFC8304" format="default"/>, which identify the
applications -- but this is not the general case). Similarly, transp specific transport features that are exposed to applications by the
ort protocols such as SCTP offer protocols TCP, Multipath TCP (MPTCP), UDP(-Lite), and Stream Control
multi-streaming, which cannot be utilized, e.g., to prioritize messa Transmission Protocol (SCTP), as well as the Low Extra Delay Background
ges between streams, Transport (LEDBAT) congestion control mechanism. LEDBAT was included as
unless applications communicate the priorities and the group of conn the only congestion control mechanism in this list because the "low
ections upon which these extra delay background transport" service that it offers is
priorities should be applied. significantly different from the typical service provided by other
In most situations, in the interest of being as flexible and efficie congestion control mechanisms. This memo is based on these documents
nt as possible, the best choice will be for and follows the same terminology (also listed below). Because the
a library to expose at least all of the transport features that are considered transport protocols conjointly cover a wide range of
recommended as a "minimal set" here. transport features, there is reason to hope that the resulting set (and
<!-- MICHAEL: The point of the example below was to mention somethin the reasoning that led to it) will also apply to many aspects of other
g that's already valid today - but now I don't transport protocols that may be in use today or may be designed in the
think this is necessary or improves the text quality.--> future.
<!--As an example </t>
considering only TCP and UDP, a middleware or library that only offe <t>By decoupling applications from transport protocols, a transport
rs TCP's reliable bytestream cannot make use system provides a different abstraction level than the Berkeley sockets
of UDP (unless it implements extra functionality on top of UDP) - do interface <xref target="POSIX" format="default"/>. As with high-
ing so could break a vs. low-level programming languages, a higher abstraction level allows
fundamental assumption that applications make about the data they se more freedom for automation below the interface, yet it takes some
nd and receive.--> control away from the application programmer. This is the design
</t> trade-off that a transport system developer is facing, and this document
provides guidance on the design of this abstraction level. Some
transport features are currently rarely offered by APIs, yet they must
be offered or they can never be used. Other transport features are
offered by the APIs of the protocols covered here, but not exposing them
in an API would allow for more freedom to automate protocol usage in a
transport system. The minimal set presented here is an effort to find a
middle ground that can be recommended for transport systems to
implement, on the basis of the transport features discussed in <xref
target="RFC8303" format="default"/>.</t>
<t>Applications use a wide variety of APIs today. While this document
was created to ensure the API developed in the Transport Services (TAPS)
Working Group (<xref target="I-D.ietf-taps-interface"
format="default"/>) includes the most important transport features, the
minimal set presented here must be reflected in *all* network APIs in
order for the underlying functionality to become usable everywhere. For
example, it does not help an application that talks to a library that
offers its own communication interface if the underlying Berkeley
Sockets API is extended to offer "unordered message delivery", but the
library only exposes an ordered byte stream. Both the Berkeley Sockets
API and the library would have to expose the "unordered message
delivery" transport feature (alternatively, there may be ways for
certain types of libraries to use this transport feature without
exposing it, based on knowledge about the applications, but this is not
the general case). Similarly, transport protocols such as the Stream
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) offer multi-streaming, which cannot
be utilized, e.g., to prioritize messages between streams, unless
applications communicate the priorities and the group of connections
upon which these priorities should be applied. In most situations, in
the interest of being as flexible and efficient as possible, the best
choice will be for a library to expose at least all of the transport
features that are recommended as a "minimal set" here.
<t> </t>
This "minimal set" can be implemented "one-sided" over TCP. Thi s means This "minimal set" can be implemented "one-sided" over TCP. Thi s means
that a sender-side transport system can talk to a standard TCP r eceiver, that a sender-side transport system can talk to a standard TCP r eceiver,
and a receiver-side transport system can talk to a standard TCP sender. and a receiver-side transport system can talk to a standard TCP sender.
If certain limitations are put in place, the "minimal set" can a lso be If certain limitations are put in place, the "minimal set" can a lso be
implemented "one-sided" over UDP. While the possibility of such "one-sided" implemented "one-sided" over UDP. While the possibility of such "one-sided"
implementation may help deployment, it comes at the cost of limi ting the implementation may help deployment, it comes at the cost of limi ting the
set to services that can also be provided by TCP (or, with furth er set to services that can also be provided by TCP (or, with furth er
limitations, UDP). Thus, the minimal set of transport features h ere is limitations, UDP). Thus, the minimal set of transport features h ere is
applicable for many, but not all, applications: some application applicable for many, but not all, applications; some application
protocols have requirements that are not met by this "minimal se t". protocols have requirements that are not met by this "minimal se t".
</t> </t>
Note that, throughout this document, protocols are meant to be u sed Note that, throughout this document, protocols are meant to be u sed
natively. For example, when transport features of UDP, or "imple natively. For example, when transport features of TCP, or "imple
mentation over" mentation over"
UDP is discussed, this refers to native usage of UDP. TCP is discussed, this refers to native usage of TCP rather
</t> than TCP being encapsulated in some other transport protocol
such as UDP.
</section> </t>
<section title="Terminology"> <section numbered="true" toc="default">
<!-- <t>The following terms are used throughout this document, and in
subsequent documents produced by TAPS that describe the composit
ion and
decomposition of transport services.</t>
<t><list style="hanging"> <dl newline="false" >
<t hangText='Transport Feature:'> <dt>Transport Feature:</dt>
a specific end-to-end feature that the transport layer provi <dd>
des to A specific end-to-end feature that the transport layer
an application. Examples include confidentiality, reliable d provides to an application. Examples include
elivery, ordered confidentiality, reliable delivery, ordered delivery,
delivery, message-versus-stream orientation, etc.</t> message-versus-stream orientation, etc.</dd>
<t hangText='Transport Service:'> <dt>Transport Service:</dt>
a set of Transport Features, without an association to any g <dd>
iven A set of Transport Features, without an association to any g
framing protocol, which provides a complete service to an ap iven
plication.</t> framing protocol, that provides a complete service to an app
<t hangText='Transport Protocol:'> lication.</dd>
an implementation that provides one or more different transp <dt>Transport Protocol:</dt>
ort services <dd>
using a specific framing and header format on the wire.</t> An implementation that provides one or more different transp
<t hangText='Application:'> ort services
an entity that uses a transport layer interface for end-to-e using a specific framing and header format on the wire.</dd>
nd delivery of data <dt>Application:</dt>
across the network (this may also be an upper layer protocol <dd>
or tunnel An entity that uses a transport-layer interface for end-to-e
encapsulation).</t> nd delivery of data
<t hangText='Application-specific knowledge:'> across the network (this may also be an upper-layer protocol
knowledge that only applications have.</t> or tunnel
<t hangText='End system:'> encapsulation).</dd>
an entity that communicates with one or more other end syste <dt>Application-specific knowledge:</dt>
ms using <dd>
a transport protocol. An end system provides a transport lay Knowledge that only applications have.</dd>
er interface <dt>End system:</dt>
An entity that communicates with one or more other end syste
ms using
a transport protocol. An end system provides a transport-lay
er interface
to applications. to applications.
</t> </dd>
<t hangText='Connection:'> <dt>Connection:</dt>
shared state of two or more end systems that persists <dd>
across messages that are transmitted between these end syste Shared state of two or more end systems that persists
ms.</t> across messages that are transmitted between these end syste
<t hangText='Connection Group:'> ms.</dd>
a set of connections which share the same configuration (con <dt>Connection Group:</dt>
figuring <dd>
one of them causes all other connections in the same A set of connections that share the same configuration
group to be configured in the same way). We call connections (configuring one of them causes all other connections in
that the same group to be configured in the same way). We call
belong to a connection group connections that belong to a connection group "grouped",
"grouped", while "ungrouped" connections are not a part of while "ungrouped" connections are not a part of a
a connection group.</t> connection group.</dd>
<t hangText='Socket:'> <dt>Socket:</dt>
the combination of a destination IP address and a destinatio <dd>
n port number.</t> The combination of a destination IP address and a destinatio
n port number.</dd>
</list></t> <t>Moreover, throughout the document, the protocol name "UDP(-Lite)" is used
<t>Moreover, throughout the document, the protocol name "UDP(-Lite)" when
is used when
discussing transport features that are equivalent for UDP and UD P-Lite; similarly, discussing transport features that are equivalent for UDP and UD P-Lite; similarly,
the protocol name "TCP" refers to both TCP and MPTCP. the protocol name "TCP" refers to both TCP and MPTCP.
</t> </t>
</section> <section anchor="deriving" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Deriving the Minimal Set</name>
<section anchor="deriving" title="Deriving the minimal set"> <t>
<t><!-- MICHAEL: Gorry suggested this is unnecessary to state. -->
<!--Because QoS is out of scope of TAPS, this document assumes a
"best effort" service
model <xref target="RFC5290"></xref>, <xref target="RFC7305"></
xref>. Applications using a TAPS system can
therefore not make any assumptions
about e.g. the time it will take to send a message.
We assume that applications have no
specific requirements that need knowledge about the network, e.g
. regarding the choice of network
interface or the end-to-end path.
Even with these assumptions, there are certain requirements
that are strictly kept by transport protocols today, and these m
ust also be kept by a transport system.
Some of these requirements relate to transport features that we
call "Functional".
<t>Functional transport features provide functionality that cannot b
e used without the application knowing
about them, or else they violate assumptions that might cause th
e application to fail.
For example, ordered message delivery is a functional transport
feature: it cannot be configured without
the application knowing about it because the application's assum
ption could be that
messages always arrive in order. Failure includes any change of
the application behavior that is not
performance oriented, e.g. security.
<t>"Change DSCP" and "Disable Nagle algorithm" are examples of trans
port features
that we call "Optimizing":
if a transport system autonomously decides to enable or disable
them, an
application will not fail, but a transport system may be able to
communicate more efficiently if the application is in control of
optimizing transport feature. These
transport features require application-specific knowledge (e.g.,
about delay/bandwidth
requirements or the length of future data blocks that are to be
The transport features of IETF transport protocols that do not r
equire application-specific knowledge and could therefore
be utilized by a transport system on its own without involving t
he application are called "Automatable".
<t>We approach the construction of a minimal set of transport featur
es in the following way:
<list style="numbers">
<t>Categorization (<xref target="super"/>): the superset of
transport features from <xref target="RFC8303"></xref> is presented,
and transport features are categorized as Functional, Op
timizing or Automatable for later reduction.</t>
<t>Reduction (<xref target="Reduction"/>): a shorter list of
transport features is derived from the categorization in the
first step. This removes all transport features that do
not require application-specific knowledge
or would result in semantically incorrect behavior if th
ey were implemented
over TCP or UDP.</t>
<t>Discussion (<xref target="Discussion"/>): the resulting l
ist shows a number of peculiarities that are discussed, to provide a basis
for constructing the minimal set.</t>
<t>Construction (<xref target="minset"/>): Based on the redu
ced set and the discussion of the transport features therein, a
minimal set is constructed.</t>
<t>Following <xref target="RFC8303"></xref> and retaining its te
rminology, we divide the transport
features into two main groups as follows:
<list style="numbers">
<t>CONNECTION related transport features <vspace />
- AVAILABILITY<vspace />
- MAINTENANCE<vspace />
- TERMINATION<vspace />
<t>DATA Transfer related transport features <vspace />
- Sending Data<vspace />
- Receiving Data<vspace />
- Errors<vspace />
<section anchor="Reduction" title="The Reduced Set of Transport Features
<t>By hiding automatable transport features from the application, a We assume that applications have no specific requirements that
transport system can need knowledge about the network, e.g., regarding the choice of
network interface or the end-to-end path. Even with these
assumptions, there are certain requirements that are strictly
kept by transport protocols today, and these must also be kept
by a transport system. Some of these requirements relate to
transport features that we call "Functional".
<t>Functional transport features provide functionality that cannot be
used without the application knowing about them, or else they violate
assumptions that might cause the application to fail. For example,
ordered message delivery is a functional transport feature: it cannot be
configured without the application knowing about it because the
application's assumption could be that messages always arrive in
order. Failure includes any change of the application behavior that is
not performance oriented, e.g., security.
<t>"Change DSCP" and "Disable Nagle algorithm" are examples of transport
features that we call "Optimizing"; if a transport system autonomously
decides to enable or disable them, an application will not fail, but a
transport system may be able to communicate more efficiently if the
application is in control of this optimizing transport feature. These
transport features require application-specific knowledge (e.g., about
delay/bandwidth requirements or the length of future data blocks that
are to be transmitted).
The transport features of IETF transport protocols that do not
require application-specific knowledge and could therefore be
utilized by a transport system on its own without involving
the application are called "Automatable".
<t>We approach the construction of a minimal set of transport features
in the following way:
<ol type="1">
<li>Categorization (<xref target="super" format="default"/>): The
superset of transport features from <xref target="RFC8303"
format="default"/> is presented, and transport features are
categorized as Functional, Optimizing, or Automatable for later
<li>Reduction (<xref target="Reduction" format="default"/>): A shorter
list of transport features is derived from the categorization in the
first step. This removes all transport features that do not require
application-specific knowledge or would result in semantically
incorrect behavior if they were implemented over TCP or UDP.</li>
<li>Discussion (<xref target="Discussion" format="default"/>): The
resulting list shows a number of peculiarities that are discussed, to
provide a basis for constructing the minimal set.</li>
<li>Construction (<xref target="minset" format="default"/>): Based on
the reduced set and the discussion of the transport features therein,
a minimal set is constructed.</li>
<t>Following <xref target="RFC8303" format="default"/> and retaining its
terminology, we divide the transport features into two main groups as
<ol type="1">
<t>CONNECTION-related transport features</t>
<ul spacing="compact">
<t>DATA-Transfer-related transport features</t>
<ul spacing="compact">
<li>Sending Data</li>
<li>Receiving Data</li>
<section anchor="Reduction" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>The Reduced Set of Transport Features</name>
<t>By hiding automatable transport features from the application, a transp
ort system can
gain opportunities to automate the usage of network-related func tionality. This can facilitate gain opportunities to automate the usage of network-related func tionality. This can facilitate
using the transport system using the transport system
for the application programmer and it allows for optimizations t hat may not be possible for the application programmer and it allows for optimizations t hat may not be possible
for an application. For instance, system-wide configurations for an application. For instance, system-wide configurations
regarding the usage of multiple interfaces can better be exploit ed if the choice of the regarding the usage of multiple interfaces can better be exploit ed if the choice of the
interface is not entirely up to the application. Therefore, sinc e they are not strictly interface is not entirely up to the application. Therefore, sinc e they are not strictly
necessary to expose in a transport system, necessary to expose in a transport system,
we do not include automatable transport features in the reduced set of transport we do not include automatable transport features in the reduced set of transport
features. This leaves us with only the transport features that features. This leaves us with only the transport features that
are either optimizing or functional. are either optimizing or functional.
</t> </t>
<t>A transport system should be able to communicate via TCP or UDP i <t>A transport system should be able to communicate via TCP or UDP if
f alternative transport protocols alternative transport protocols are found not to work. For many
are found not to work. For many transport features, this is poss transport features, this is possible, often by simply not doing
ible -- often by simply anything when a specific request is made. For some transport features,
not doing anything when a specific request is made. however, it was identified that direct usage of neither TCP nor UDP is
For some transport features, however, it was identified that dir possible; in these cases, even not doing anything would incur
ect usage of neither semantically incorrect behavior. Whenever an application would make use
TCP nor UDP is possible: in these cases, even not doing anything of one of these transport features, this would eliminate the possibility
would incur semantically to use TCP or UDP. Thus, we only keep the functional and optimizing
incorrect behavior. transport features for which an implementation over either TCP or UDP is
Whenever an application would make use of one of these transport possible in our reduced set.
features, this would eliminate the </t>
possibility to use TCP or UDP. Thus, we only keep the functional <t>The following list contains the transport features from <xref
and optimizing transport features target="super" format="default"/>, reduced using these rules. The
for which an implementation over either TCP or UDP is possible i "minimal set" derived in this document is meant to be implementable
n our reduced set. "one-sided" over TCP and, with limitations, UDP. In the list, we
</t> therefore precede a transport feature with "T:" if an implementation
<t>The following list contains the transport features from <xref tar over TCP is possible, "U:" if an implementation over UDP is possible,
get="super"/>, reduced and "T,U:" if an implementation over either TCP or UDP is possible.
using these rules. The "minimal set" derived in this document is </t>
meant to be implementable "one-sided" <section anchor="conn-reduced" numbered="true" toc="default">
over TCP, and, with limitations, UDP. In the list, we therefore <name>CONNECTION-Related Transport Features</name>
precede a transport <t>ESTABLISHMENT:
feature with "T:" if an implementation over TCP </t>
is possible, "U:" if an implementation over UDP is possible, and <ul spacing="compact">
"T,U:" if an implementation <li>T,U: Connect</li>
over either TCP or UDP is possible. <li>T,U: Specify number of attempts and/or timeout for the first estab
</t> lishment message</li>
<li>T,U: Disable MPTCP</li>
<section anchor="conn-reduced" title="CONNECTION Related Transport F <li>T: Configure authentication</li>
eatures"> <li>T: Hand over a message to reliably transfer (possibly multiple
times) before connection establishment</li>
<t>ESTABLISHMENT:<vspace /> <li>T: Hand over a message to reliably transfer during connection esta
<list style="symbols"> </ul>
<t>T,U: Connect</t>
<t>T,U: Specify number of attempts and/or timeout for th
e first establishment message</t>
<t>T,U: Disable MPTCP</t>
<t>T: Configure authentication</t>
<t>T: Hand over a message to reliably transfer (possibly
multiple times) before connection establishment</t>
<t>T: Hand over a message to reliably transfer during co
nnection establishment</t>
<t>AVAILABILITY:<vspace />
<list style="symbols">
<t>T,U: Listen</t>
<t>T,U: Disable MPTCP</t>
<t>T: Configure authentication</t>
<t>MAINTENANCE:<vspace />
<list style="symbols">
<t>T: Change timeout for aborting connection (using retr
ansmit limit or time value)</t>
<t>T: Suggest timeout to the peer</t>
<t>T,U: Disable Nagle algorithm</t>
<t>T,U: Notification of Excessive Retransmissions (early
warning below abortion threshold)</t>
<t>T,U: Specify DSCP field</t>
<t>T,U: Notification of ICMP error message arrival</t>
<t>T: Change authentication parameters</t>
<t>T: Obtain authentication information</t>
<t>T,U: Set Cookie life value</t>
<t>T,U: Choose a scheduler to operate between streams of
an association</t>
<t>T,U: Configure priority or weight for a scheduler</t>
<t>T,U: Disable checksum when sending</t>
<t>T,U: Disable checksum requirement when receiving</t>
<t>T,U: Specify checksum coverage used by the sender</t>
<t>T,U: Specify minimum checksum coverage required by re
<t>T,U: Specify DF field</t>
<t>T,U: Get max. transport-message size that may be sent
using a non-fragmented IP packet from the configured interface</t>
<t>T,U: Get max. transport-message size that may be rece
ived from the configured interface</t>
<t>T,U: Obtain ECN field</t>
<t>T,U: Enable and configure a "Low Extra Delay Backgrou
nd Transfer"</t>
<t>TERMINATION:<vspace />
<list style="symbols">
<t>T: Close after reliably delivering all remaining data
, causing an event informing the application on the other side</t>
<t>T: Abort without delivering remaining data, causing a
n event informing the application on the other side</t>
<t>T,U: Abort without delivering remaining data, not cau
sing an event informing the application on the other side</t>
<t>T,U: Timeout event when data could not be delivered f
or too long</t>
<section anchor="data-reduced" title="DATA Transfer Related Transpor
t Features">
<section anchor="data-sending-reduced" title="Sending Data">
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>T: Reliably transfer data, with congestion control</t
<t>T: Reliably transfer a message, with congestion contr
<t>T,U: Unreliably transfer a message</t>
<t>T: Configurable Message Reliability</t>
<t>T: Ordered message delivery (potentially slower than
<t>T,U: Unordered message delivery (potentially faster t
han ordered)</t>
<t>T,U: Request not to bundle messages</t>
<t>T: Specifying a key id to be used to authenticate a m
<t>T,U: Request not to delay the acknowledgement (SACK)
of a message</t>
<section anchor="data-receiving-reduced" title="Receiving Data">
<list style="symbols">
<t>T,U: Receive data (with no message delimiting)</t
<t>U: Receive a message</t>
<t>T,U: Information about partial message arrival</t
<section anchor="data-errors-reduced" title="Errors"> <t>AVAILABILITY:
<t>This section describes sending failures that are associat </t>
ed with a <ul spacing="compact">
specific call to in the "Sending Data" category (<xref t <li>T,U: Listen</li>
arget="data-sending-pass3"/>).</t> <li>T,U: Disable MPTCP</li>
<t> <li>T: Configure authentication</li>
<list style="symbols"> </ul>
<t>T,U: Notification of send failures</t>
<t>T,U: Notification that the stack has no more user
data to send</t>
<t>T,U: Notification to a receiver that a partial me
ssage delivery has been aborted</t>
</section> <t>MAINTENANCE:
<ul spacing="compact">
<li>T: Change timeout for aborting connection (using retransmit limit
or time value)</li>
<li>T: Suggest timeout to the peer</li>
<li>T,U: Disable Nagle algorithm</li>
<li>T,U: Notification of Excessive Retransmissions (early warning belo
w abortion threshold)</li>
<li>T,U: Specify DSCP field</li>
<li>T,U: Notification of ICMP error message arrival</li>
<li>T: Change authentication parameters</li>
<li>T: Obtain authentication information</li>
<li>T,U: Set Cookie life value</li>
<li>T,U: Choose a scheduler to operate between streams of an associati
<li>T,U: Configure priority or weight for a scheduler</li>
<li>T,U: Disable checksum when sending</li>
<li>T,U: Disable checksum requirement when receiving</li>
<li>T,U: Specify checksum coverage used by the sender</li>
<li>T,U: Specify minimum checksum coverage required by receiver</li>
<li>T,U: Specify DF field</li>
<li>T,U: Get max. transport-message size that may be sent using a non-
fragmented IP packet from the configured interface</li>
<li>T,U: Get max. transport-message size that may be received from the
configured interface</li>
<li>T,U: Obtain ECN field</li>
<li>T,U: Enable and configure a "Low Extra Delay Background Transfer"<
<ul spacing="compact">
<li>T: Close after reliably delivering all remaining data, causing
an event informing the application on the other side</li>
<li>T: Abort without delivering remaining data, causing an event
informing the application on the other side</li>
<li>T,U: Abort without delivering remaining data, not causing an
event informing the application on the other side</li>
<li>T,U: Timeout event when data could not be delivered for too long</
<section anchor="data-reduced" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>DATA-Transfer-Related Transport Features</name>
<section anchor="data-sending-reduced" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Sending Data</name>
<ul spacing="compact">
<li>T: Reliably transfer data, with congestion control</li>
<li>T: Reliably transfer a message, with congestion control</li>
<li>T,U: Unreliably transfer a message</li>
<li>T: Configurable Message Reliability</li>
<li>T: Ordered message delivery (potentially slower than unordered)<
<li>T,U: Unordered message delivery (potentially faster than ordered
<li>T,U: Request not to bundle messages</li>
<li>T: Specifying a key id to be used to authenticate a message</li>
<li>T,U: Request not to delay the acknowledgement (SACK) of a messag
</section> </section>
<section anchor="data-receiving-reduced" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Receiving Data</name>
<ul spacing="compact">
<li>T,U: Receive data (with no message delimiting)</li>
<li>U: Receive a message</li>
<li>T,U: Information about partial message arrival</li>
<section anchor="data-errors-reduced" numbered="true" toc="default">
<t>This section describes sending failures that are associated with
a specific call to in the "Sending Data" category (<xref
target="data-sending-pass3" format="default"/>).</t>
<ul spacing="compact">
<li>T,U: Notification of send failures</li>
<li>T,U: Notification that the stack has no more user data to send</
<li>T,U: Notification to a receiver that a partial message delivery
has been aborted</li>
<section anchor="Discussion" title="Discussion"> <section anchor="Discussion" numbered="true" toc="default">
<t>The reduced set in the previous section exhibits a number of pecu <t>The reduced set in the previous section exhibits a number of
liarities, peculiarities, which we will discuss in the following. This section
which we will discuss in the following. This section focuses on focuses on TCP because, with the exception of one particular transport
TCP because, feature ("Receive a message"; we will discuss this in <xref
with the exception of one particular transport feature ("Receive target="sendmsg" format="default"/>), the list shows that UDP is
a message" -- strictly a subset of TCP. We can first try to understand how to build a
we will discuss this in <xref target="sendmsg"/>), the list show transport system that can run over TCP, and then narrow down the result
s that UDP is further to allow that the system can always run over either TCP or UDP
strictly a subset of TCP. We can (which effectively means removing everything related to reliability,
first try to understand how to build a transport system that can ordering, authentication, and closing/aborting with a notification to the
run over peer).
TCP, and then narrow down the result further to allow that the s </t>
ystem can always <t>Note that, because the functional transport features of UDP are, with
run over either TCP or UDP (which effectively means removing the exception of "Receive a message", a subset of TCP, TCP can be used
everything related to reliability, ordering, authentication and as a replacement for UDP whenever an application does not need message
closing/aborting delimiting (e.g., because the application-layer protocol already does
with a notification to the peer). it). This has been recognized by many applications that already do this
</t> in practice, by trying to communicate with UDP at first and falling
<t>Note that, because the functional transport features of UDP are - back to TCP in case of a connection failure.
- with the </t>
exception of "Receive a message" -- a subset of <section anchor="sendmsg" numbered="true" toc="default">
TCP, TCP can be used as a replacement for UDP whenever an applic <name>Sending Messages, Receiving Bytes</name>
ation does not need <t>For implementing a transport system over TCP, there are several
message delimiting (e.g., because the application-layer protocol transport features related to sending, but only a single transport
already does it). feature related to receiving: "Receive data (with no message
This has been recognized by many applications that already do th delimiting)" (and, strangely, "information about partial message
is in practice, arrival"). Notably, the transport feature "Receive a message" is also
by trying to communicate with UDP at first, and falling back to the only non-automatable transport feature of UDP(-Lite) for which no
TCP in case of a implementation over TCP is possible.</t>
connection failure.
<section anchor="sendmsg" title="Sending Messages, Receiving Bytes">
<t>For implementing a transport system over TCP, there are sever
al transport features related to
sending, but only a single transport feature
related to receiving: "Receive data (with no message delimit
ing)" (and, strangely, "information about
partial message arrival"). Notably, the transport feature
"Receive a message" is also the only non-automatable transpo
rt feature of UDP(-Lite) for
which no implementation over TCP is possible.</t>
<!-- FROM MICHAEL: this is true, but not helping the explanation
It is also represents the only way
that UDP(-Lite) applications can receive data today.</t>
<t>To support these TCP receiver semantics, we define an "Applic
ation-Framed Bytestream" (AFra-Bytestream).
AFra-Bytestreams allow senders to operate on messages while
minimizing changes to the TCP socket API. In particular, not
hing changes on the receiver side - data can be accepted via a normal TCP socket
<t>In an AFra-Bytestream, the sending application can optionally
inform the transport about message
boundaries and required properties per message (configurable
order and reliability, or embedding
a request not to delay the acknowledgement of a message). Wh
enever the sending application
specifies per-message properties that relax the notion of re
liable in-order delivery of bytes,
it must assume that the receiving application is 1) able to
determine message boundaries, provided
that messages are always kept intact, and 2) able to accept
these relaxed per-message properties.
Any signaling of such information to the peer is up to an ap
plication-layer protocol
and considered out of scope of this document.
<!-- <t>For the transport to operate on messages,
it only needs be informed about them as they are handed
over by a sending application; on the receiver side, giving an
application a message only differs from
giving it a bytestream in that a message-oriented receiver-side
transport informs the application
about message boundaries. When the application knows about thes
e boundaries on its own, this
information is unnecessary.</t>
<t>For example, if an application requests to transfer fixed-siz
e messages
of 100 bytes with partial reliability, this needs the receiv
ing application to be prepared to accept data
in chunks of 100 bytes. If, then, some of these 100-byte mes
sages are missing (e.g., if SCTP with
Configurable Reliability is used), this is the expected appl
ication behavior. With TCP, no messages
would be missing, but this is also correct for the applicati
on, and the possible retransmission delay is
acceptable within the best-effort service model (see <xref t
arget="RFC7305"/>, Section 3.5). Still, the receiving
application would separate the byte stream into 100-byte chu
<t>Note that this usage of messages does not require all message
s to be equal in size.
Many application protocols use some form of Type-Length-Valu
e (TLV) encoding, e.g. by defining a header including
length fields; another alternative is
the use of byte stuffing methods such as COBS <xref target="
COBS"/>. If an application needs
message numbers, e.g. to restore the correct sequence of mes
sages, these must also be encoded
by the application itself, as the sequence number related tr
ansport features of SCTP
are not provided by the "minimum set" (in the interest of en
abling usage of TCP).
<section anchor="nostream" title="Stream Schedulers Without Streams" <t>To support these TCP receiver semantics, we define an
> "Application-Framed Byte Stream" (AFra Byte Stream).
<t>We have already stated that multi-streaming does not require AFra Byte Streams allow senders to operate on messages while
application-specific knowledge. minimizing changes to the TCP socket API. In particular,
nothing changes on the receiver side; data can be accepted
via a normal TCP socket.
<t>In an AFra Byte Stream, the sending application can optionally
inform the transport about message boundaries and required properties
per message (configurable order and reliability, or embedding a
request not to delay the acknowledgement of a message). Whenever the
sending application specifies per-message properties that relax the
notion of reliable in-order delivery of bytes, it must assume that the
receiving application is 1) able to determine message boundaries,
provided that messages are always kept intact, and 2) able to accept
these relaxed per-message properties. Any signaling of such
information to the peer is up to an application-layer protocol and
considered out of scope of this document.
<t>For example, if an application requests to transfer
fixed-size messages of 100 bytes with partial reliability,
this needs the receiving application to be prepared to accept
data in chunks of 100 bytes. Then, if some of these 100-byte
messages are missing (e.g., if SCTP with Configurable
Reliability is used), this is the expected application
behavior. With TCP, no messages would be missing, but this is
also correct for the application, and the possible
retransmission delay is acceptable within the best-effort
service model (see <xref target="RFC7305" sectionFormat="of"
section="3.5"/>). Still, the receiving application would
separate the byte stream into 100-byte chunks.
<t>Note that this usage of messages does not require all messages to
be equal in size. Many application protocols use some form of
Type-Length-Value (TLV) encoding, e.g., by defining a header including
length fields; another alternative is the use of byte stuffing methods
such as Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) <xref target="COBS" for
mat="default"/>. If an application
needs message numbers, e.g., to restore the correct sequence of
messages, these must also be encoded by the application itself, as SCTP'
transport features that are related to the sequence number are not provi
ded by
the "minimum set" (in the interest of enabling usage of TCP).
<section anchor="nostream" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Stream Schedulers without Streams</name>
<t>We have already stated that multi-streaming does not require applicat
ion-specific knowledge.
Potential benefits or disadvantages of, e.g., using two stre ams of an SCTP association Potential benefits or disadvantages of, e.g., using two stre ams of an SCTP association
versus using two separate SCTP associations or TCP connectio ns are related to knowledge versus using two separate SCTP associations or TCP connectio ns are related to knowledge
about the network and the particular transport protocol in u se, not the application. about the network and the particular transport protocol in u se, not the application.
However, the transport features "Choose a scheduler to opera te between streams of However, the transport features "Choose a scheduler to opera te between streams of
an association" and "Configure priority or weight for a sche duler" operate on streams. an association" and "Configure priority or weight for a sche duler" operate on streams.
Here, streams identify communication channels between which a scheduler operates, and Here, streams identify communication channels between which a scheduler operates, and
they can be assigned a priority. Moreover, the transport fea tures in the MAINTENANCE they can be assigned a priority. Moreover, the transport fea tures in the MAINTENANCE
category all operate on assocations in case of SCTP, i.e. th category all operate on associations in case of SCTP, i.e.,
ey apply to all streams in they apply to all streams in
that assocation. that association.
</t> </t>
<t>With only these semantics necessary to represent, the interfa <t>With only these semantics necessary to represent, the interface to
ce to a transport system becomes a transport system becomes easier if we assume that connections may be
easier if we assume that connections may be not only a trans not only a transport protocol's connection or association, but could
port protocol's connection or association, also be a stream of an existing SCTP association, for example. We only
but could also be a stream of an existing SCTP association, need to allow for a way to define a possible grouping of
for example. We only need to connections. Then, all MAINTENANCE transport features can be said to
allow for a way to define a possible grouping of connections operate on connection groups, not connections, and a scheduler
. Then, all operates on the connections within a group.
MAINTENANCE transport features can be said to operate </t>
on connection groups, not connections, and a scheduler opera <t>To be compatible with multiple transport protocols and uniformly
tes on allow access to both transport connections and streams of a
the connections within a group. multi-streaming protocol, the semantics of opening and closing need to
</t> be the most restrictive subset of all of the underlying options. For
example, TCP's support of half-closed connections can be seen as a
<t>To be compatible with multiple transport protocols and unifor feature on top of the more restrictive "ABORT"; this feature cannot be
mly allow access to both transport connections supported because not all protocols used by a transport system
and streams of a multi-streaming protocol, the semantics of (including streams of an association) support half-closed connections.
opening and closing need to be </t>
the most restrictive subset of all of the underlying options </section>
. For example, TCP's support of half-closed connections <section anchor="earlydata" numbered="true" toc="default">
can be seen as a feature on top of the more restrictive "ABO <name>Early Data Transmission</name>
RT"; this feature cannot be supported <t>There are two transport features related to transferring a message
because not all protocols used by a transport system (includ early: "Hand over a message to reliably transfer (possibly multiple
ing streams of an association) times) before connection establishment", which relates to TCP Fast
support half-closed connections. Open <xref target="RFC7413" format="default"/>, and "Hand over a
</t> message to reliably transfer during connection establishment", which
relates to SCTP's ability to transfer data together with the
</section> COOKIE-Echo chunk. Also without TCP Fast Open, TCP can transfer data
during the handshake, together with the SYN packet; however, the
<section anchor="earlydata" title="Early Data Transmission"> receiver of this data may not hand it over to the application until
<t>There are two transport features related to transferring a me the handshake has completed. Also, different from TCP Fast Open, this
ssage early: "Hand over a message to reliably transfer data is not delimited as a message by TCP (thus, not visible as a
(possibly multiple times) before connection establishment", "message"). This functionality is commonly available in TCP and
which relates to TCP Fast Open <xref target="RFC7413"/>, and supported in several implementations, even though the TCP
"Hand over a message to reliably transfer during connection specification does not explain how to provide it to applications.
establishment", which relates to SCTP's ability </t>
to transfer data together with the COOKIE-Echo chunk. Also w <t>A transport system could differentiate between the cases of
ithout TCP Fast Open, TCP can transfer data during transmitting data "before" (possibly multiple times) or "during" the
the handshake, together with the SYN packet -- however, the handshake. Alternatively, it could also assume that data that are
receiver of this data may not hand it over to the handed over early will be transmitted as early as possible, and
application until the handshake has completed. Also, differe "before" the handshake would only be used for messages that are
nt from TCP Fast Open, this data is explicitly marked as "idempotent" (i.e., it would be acceptable to
not delimited as a message by TCP (thus, not visible as a `` transfer them multiple times).
message''). </t>
This functionality is commonly available in TCP and supporte <t>The amount of data that can successfully be transmitted before or
d during the handshake depends on various factors: the transport
in several implementations, even though the TCP specificatio protocol, the use of header options, the choice of IPv4 and IPv6, and
n does not explain how to provide it to applications. the Path MTU. A transport system should therefore allow a sending
</t> application to query the maximum amount of data it can possibly
<t>A transport system could differentiate between the cases of t transmit before (or, if exposed, during) connection establishment.
ransmitting data "before" (possibly multiple times) or </t>
"during" the handshake. Alternatively, it could also assume </section>
that data that are handed over early will be transmitted <section anchor="rundry" numbered="true" toc="default">
as early as possible, and "before" the handshake would only <name>Sender Running Dry</name>
be used for messages that are explicitly marked as "idempotent" (i.e., it would <t>The transport feature "Notification that the stack has no more user
be acceptable to transfer them multiple times). data to send" relates to SCTP's "SENDER DRY" notification. Such
</t> notifications can, in principle, be used to avoid having an
<t>The amount of data that can successfully be transmitted befor unnecessarily large send buffer, yet ensure that the transport sender
e or during the handshake depends on various factors: always has data available when it has an opportunity to transmit it.
the transport protocol, the use of header options, the choic This has been found to be very beneficial for some applications <xref
e of IPv4 and IPv6 and the Path MTU. A transport system target="WWDC2015" format="default"/>. However, "SENDER DRY" truly
should therefore allow a sending application to query the ma means that the entire send buffer (including both unsent and
ximum amount of data it can possibly transmit before (or, unacknowledged data) has emptied, i.e., when it notifies the sender,
if exposed, during) connection establishment. it is already too late; the transport protocol already missed an
</t> opportunity to send data. Some modern TCP implementations now include
</section> the unspecified "TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT" socket option that was proposed in
<xref target="WWDC2015" format="default"/>, which limits the amount of
<section anchor="rundry" title="Sender Running Dry"> unsent data that TCP can keep in the socket buffer; this allows
<t>The transport feature "Notification that the stack has no mor specifying at which buffer filling level the socket becomes writable,
e user data to send" relates to SCTP's "SENDER DRY" rather than waiting for the buffer to run empty.
notification. Such notifications can, in principle, be used </t>
to avoid having an unnecessarily large send buffer, <t>SCTP allows configuring the sender-side buffer too; the
yet ensure that the transport sender always has data availab automatable Transport Feature "Configure send buffer size" provides
le when it has an opportunity to transmit it. this functionality, but only for the complete buffer, which includes
This has been found to be very beneficial for some applicati both unsent and unacknowledged data. SCTP does not allow to control
ons <xref target="WWDC2015"/>. However, "SENDER DRY" these two sizes separately. It therefore makes sense for a transport
truly means that the entire send buffer (including both unse system to allow for uniform access to "TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT" as well as
nt and unacknowledged data) has the "SENDER DRY" notification.
emptied -- i.e., when it notifies the sender, it is already </t>
too late, the </section>
transport protocol already missed an opportunity to send dat <section anchor="profile" numbered="true" toc="default">
a. Some modern TCP implementations now include <name>Capacity Profile</name>
the unspecified "TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT" socket option that was p <t>The transport features:
roposed in <xref target="WWDC2015"/>, which limits the amount of </t>
unsent data that TCP can keep in the socket buffer; this all <ul spacing="compact">
ows to specify at which buffer filling level the socket <li>Disable Nagle algorithm</li>
becomes writable, rather than waiting for the buffer to run <li>Enable and configure a "Low Extra Delay Background Transfer"</li>
empty. <li>Specify DSCP field</li>
</t> </ul>
<t>SCTP allows to configure the sender-side buffer too: the auto <t>
matable Transport Feature "Configure send buffer size" All relate to a QoS-like application need such as "low
provides this functionality, but only for the complete buffe latency" or "scavenger". In the interest of flexibility of
r, which includes both unsent and unacknowledged a transport system, they could therefore be offered in a
data. SCTP does not allow to control these two sizes separat uniform, more abstract way, where a transport system
ely. It therefore makes sense for could, e.g., decide by itself how to use combinations of
a transport system to allow for uniform access to "TCP_NOTSE LEDBAT-like congestion control and certain DSCP values,
NT_LOWAT" as well as the "SENDER DRY" notification. and an application would only specify a general "capacity
</t> profile" (a description of how it wants to use the
</section> available capacity). A need for "lowest possible latency
at the expense of overhead" could then translate into
<section anchor="profile" title="Capacity Profile"> automatically disabling the Nagle algorithm.
<t>The transport features: </t>
<list style="symbols"> <t>In some cases, the Nagle algorithm is best controlled directly by
<t>Disable Nagle algorithm</t> the application because it is not only related to a general profile
<t>Enable and configure a "Low Extra Delay Background Tr but also to knowledge about the size of future messages. For
ansfer"</t> fine-grain control over Nagle-like functionality, the "Request not to
<t>Specify DSCP field</t> bundle messages" is available.
</list> </t>
all relate to a QoS-like application need such as "low laten </section>
cy" or "scavenger". In the interest <section anchor="security" numbered="true" toc="default">
of flexibility of a transport system, they could therefore b <name>Security</name>
e offered in a uniform, more abstract way, <t>Both TCP and SCTP offer authentication. TCP authenticates complete
where a transport system could e.g. decide by itself how to segments. SCTP allows configuring which of SCTP's chunk types must
use combinations of LEDBAT-like congestion control always be authenticated; if this is exposed as such, it creates an
and certain DSCP values, and an application would only speci undesirable dependency on the transport protocol. For compatibility
fy a general "capacity profile" (a description with TCP, a transport system should only allow to configure complete
of how it wants to use the available capacity). transport layer packets, including headers, IP pseudo-header (if any)
A need for "lowest possible latency at the expense of overhe and payload.
ad" could then translate into automatically </t>
disabling the Nagle algorithm. <t>Security is discussed in a separate document <xref target="RFC8922"
</t> format="default"/>. The minimal set presented in the present document
<t>In some cases, the Nagle algorithm is best controlled directl excludes all security-related transport features from <xref
y by the application because it is not target="super" format="default"/>: "Configure authentication", "Change
only related to a general profile but also to knowledge abou authentication parameters", "Obtain authentication information", and
t the size of future messages. "Set Cookie life value", as well as "Specifying a key id to be used to
For fine-grain control over Nagle-like functionality, the "R authenticate a message". It also excludes security transport features
equest not to bundle messages" not listed in <xref target="super" format="default"/>, including
is available. content privacy to in-path devices.
</t> </t>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="packetsize" numbered="true" toc="default">
<section anchor="security" title="Security"> <name>Packet Size</name>
<t>Both TCP and SCTP offer authentication. TCP authenticates com <t>UDP(-Lite) has a transport feature called "Specify DF field". This
plete segments. yields an error message in the case of sending a message that exceeds th
SCTP allows to configure which of SCTP's chunk types e
must always be authenticated -- if this is exposed as such, Path MTU, which is necessary for a UDP-based application to be able to
it creates an undesirable dependency implement Path MTU Discovery (a function that UDP-based applications
on the transport protocol. For compatibility with TCP, a tra must do by themselves). The "Get max. transport-message size that may
nsport system should only allow to configure be sent using a non-fragmented IP packet from the configured
complete transport layer packets, including headers, IP pseu interface" transport feature yields an upper limit for the Path MTU
do-header (if any) and payload. (minus headers) and can therefore help to implement Path MTU Discovery
</t> more efficiently.</t>
<t>Security is discussed in a separate document <xref target="I-
The minimal set presented in the present document excludes a
ll security related transport
features from <xref target="super"/>: "Configure authenticat
"Change authentication parameters", "Obtain authentication i
and "Set Cookie life value" as well as "Specifying a key id
to be used to authenticate a message".
It also excludes security transport features
not listed in <xref target="super"/>, including content priv
acy to in-path devices.
<section anchor="packetsize" title="Packet Size">
<t>UDP(-Lite) has a transport feature called "Specify DF field".
This yields an error message in case
of sending a message that exceeds the Path MTU, which is nec
essary for a UDP-based application to
be able to implement Path MTU Discovery (a function that UDP
-based applications must do by themselves).
The "Get max. transport-message size that may be sent using
a non-fragmented IP packet from the
configured interface" transport feature yields an upper limi
t for the Path MTU (minus headers) and
can therefore help to implement Path MTU Discovery more effi
<!-- <t>This also relates to the fact that th
e choice of path is automatable: if a TAPS system can switch
a path at any time, unknown to an application, yet the applicat
ion intends to do Path MTU Discovery,
this could yield a very inefficient behavior. Thus, a TAPS syst
em should probably inform the
application about path changes when the application
requests to disallow fragmentation with the "Specify DF field"
</section> </section>
</section> <section anchor="minset" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>The Minimal Set of Transport Features</name>
<section anchor="minset" title="The Minimal Set of Transport Features"> <t> Based on the categorization, reduction, and discussion in <xref
target="deriving" format="default"/>, this section describes a minimal
<t> Based on the categorization, reduction, and discussion in <xref set of transport features that end systems should offer. Any
target="deriving"/>, this section configuration based on the described minimum set of transport feature can
describes a minimal set of transport features that end systems s always be realized over TCP but also gives the transport system
hould offer. flexibility to choose another transport if implemented. In the text of
Any configuration based the described minimum set of this section, "not UDP" is used to indicate elements of the system that
transport feature can always be realized over TCP but also gives cannot be implemented over UDP. Conversely, all elements of the system
the transport that are not marked with "not UDP" can also be implemented over UDP.
system flexibility to choose another transport if implemented. </t>
In the text of this section, "not UDP" is used to indicate eleme <t> The arguments laid out in <xref target="Discussion"
nts of the format="default"/> ("discussion") were used to make the final
system that cannot be implemented over UDP. Conversely, all elem representation of the minimal set as short, simple, and general as
ents of the system that are possible. There may be situations where these arguments do not apply,
not marked with "not UDP" can also be implemented over UDP. e.g., implementers may have specific reasons to expose multi-streaming
<!-- To implement a transport as a visible functionality to applications, or the restrictive
system that can also work over UDP, these marked transport featu open/close semantics may be problematic under some circumstances. In
res should such cases, the representation in <xref target="Reduction"
be excluded.--> format="default"/> ("reduction") should be considered.
<!--We categorize them as before, but instead of connections the <t> As in <xref target="deriving" format="default"/>, <xref
y operate on NEAT flows. target="Reduction" format="default"/>, and <xref target="RFC8303"
Since the "Errors" category only contains errors related to send format="default"/>, we categorize the minimal set of transport features
ing a particular message and there as 1) CONNECTION related (ESTABLISHMENT, AVAILABILITY, MAINTENANCE,
is only one transport feature left in this category, this catego TERMINATION) and 2) DATA Transfer related (Sending Data, Receiving Data,
ry was removed and Errors). Here, the focus is on connections that the transport system
the only transport feature in it was moved to the "Sending data" offers as an abstraction to the application, as opposed to connections
category. --> of transport protocols that the transport system uses.
<t> The arguments laid out in <xref target="Discussion" /> ("discuss
ion") were used to make the final representation
of the minimal set as short, simple and general as possible. The
re may be
situations where these arguments do not apply -- e.g., implement
ers may have specific reasons
to expose multi-streaming as a visible functionality
to applications, or the restrictive open / close semantics may b
e problematic under some circumstances.
In such cases, the representation in <xref target="Reduction" />
("reduction") should be considered.
<t> As in <xref target="deriving"/>, <xref target="Reduction"/> and
<xref target="RFC8303"></xref>, we
categorize the minimal set of transport
2) DATA Transfer related (Sending Data, Receiving Data, Errors).
Here, the focus is on
connections that the transport system offers as an abstraction t
o the application, as opposed
to connections of
transport protocols that the transport system uses.
<!--We categorize them as before, but instead of connections the
y operate on NEAT flows.
Since the "Errors" category only contains errors related to send
ing a particular message and there
is only one transport feature left in this category, this catego
ry was removed and
the only transport feature in it was moved to the "Sending data"
category. -->
<section anchor="minset-init" title="ESTABLISHMENT, AVAILABILITY and
<t>A connection must first be "created" to allow for some initia
l configuration
to be carried out before the transport system can actively o
r passively establish communication
with a remote end system. As a configuration of the newly cr
eated connection, an application
can choose to disallow usage of MPTCP. Furthermore, all conf
parameters in <xref target="minset-groupconfig"/>
can be used initially, although some of them may only take e
when a connection has been established with a chosen transpo
rt protocol. Configuring a
connection early helps a transport system
make the right decisions. For example, grouping information
can influence the
transport system to implement a connection as a stream of a
multi-streaming protocol's
existing association or not.
For ungrouped connections, early configuration is necessary
because it
allows the transport system to
know which protocols it should try to use.
In particular, a transport system that only makes a one-time
choice for a particular protocol must know early about stric
requirements that must be kept, or it can end up in a deadlo
ck situation (e.g.,
having chosen UDP and later be asked to support reliable tra
nsfer). As an example description of how to correctly
handle these cases,
we provide the following decision tree (this is derived from
<xref target="conn-reduced"/>
excluding authentication, as explained in <xref target="Secu
<figure align="left">
<artwork align="left">
- Will it ever be necessary to offer any of the following?
* Reliably transfer data
* Notify the peer of closing/aborting
* Preserve data ordering
Yes: SCTP or TCP can be used.
- Is any of the following useful to the application?
* Choosing a scheduler to operate between connections
in a group, with the possibility to configure a priority
or weight per connection
* Configurable message reliability
* Unordered message delivery
* Request not to delay the acknowledgement (SACK) of a message
Yes: SCTP is preferred.
- Is any of the following useful to the application?
* Hand over a message to reliably transfer (possibly
multiple times) before connection establishment
* Suggest timeout to the peer
* Notification of Excessive Retransmissions (early
warning below abortion threshold)
* Notification of ICMP error message arrival
Yes: TCP is preferred.
No: SCTP and TCP are equally preferable.
No: all protocols can be used. </t>
- Is any of the following useful to the application?
* Specify checksum coverage used by the sender
* Specify minimum checksum coverage required by receiver
Yes: UDP-Lite is preferred. <section anchor="minset-init" numbered="true" toc="default">
]]> <t>A connection must first be "created" to allow for some initial
</artwork> configuration to be carried out before the transport system can
<!--<postamble>Figure 1: RTO restart example</postamble> actively or passively establish communication with a remote end
--> system. As a configuration of the newly created connection, an
</figure> application can choose to disallow usage of MPTCP. Furthermore, all
</t> configuration parameters in <xref target="minset-groupconfig"
<t>Note that this decision tree is not optimal for all cases. format="default"/> can be used initially, although some of them may
For example, if an application wants to use "Specify checksu only take effect when a connection has been established with a chosen
m coverage used by the sender", transport protocol. Configuring a connection early helps a transport
which is only offered by UDP-Lite, and "Configure priority o system make the right decisions. For example, grouping information can
r weight for a scheduler", which influence whether or not the transport system implements a connection as
is only offered by SCTP, the above decision tree will always a stream
choose UDP-Lite, making it of a multi-streaming protocol's existing association.
impossible to use SCTP's schedulers with priorities between </t>
grouped connections. Also, <t>
several other factors may influence the decisions for or aga For ungrouped connections, early configuration is
inst a protocol -- e.g. necessary because it allows the transport system to know
penetration rates, the ability to work through NATs, etc. which protocols it should try to use. In particular, a
We caution implementers to be transport system that only makes a one-time choice for a
aware of the full set of trade-offs, for which we recommend particular protocol must know early about strict
consulting the list requirements that must be kept, or it can end up in a
in <xref target="conn-reduced"/> when deciding how to initia deadlock situation (e.g., having chosen UDP and later be
lize a connection. asked to support reliable transfer). As an example
</t> description of how to correctly handle these cases, we
provide the following decision tree (this is derived from
<xref target="conn-reduced" format="default"/> excluding
authentication, as explained in <xref target="Security"
<t>To summarize, the following parameters serve as input for the </t>
transport system to help it
choose and configure a suitable protocol:</t>
<list style="symbols">
<t>Reliability: a boolean that should be set to true whe
n any of the following will be useful to the
application: reliably transfer data; notify the peer
of closing/aborting; preserve data ordering.</t>
<t>Checksum coverage: a boolean to specify whether it wi
ll be useful to the application
to specify checksum coverage when sending or receivi
<t>Configure message priority: a boolean that should be
set to true when any of the following per-message
configuration or prioritization mechanisms will be u
seful to the application: choosing a scheduler to
operate between grouped connections, with the possib
ility to configure a priority or weight per connection;
configurable message reliability; unordered message
delivery; requesting not to delay the acknowledgement
(SACK) of a message.</t>
<t>Early message timeout notifications: a boolean that s
hould be set to true when any of the following
will be useful to the application: hand over a messa
ge to reliably transfer (possibly multiple times)
before connection establishment; suggest timeout to
the peer; notification of excessive retransmissions
(early warning below abortion threshold); notificati
on of ICMP error message arrival.</t>
<t>Once a connection is created, it can be queried for the maxim <artwork>
um amount of data that +----------------------------------------------------------+
an application can possibly expect to have reliably transmit | Will it ever be necessary to offer any of the following? |
ted before or during transport | * Reliably transfer data |
connection establishment | * Notify the peer of closing/aborting |
(with zero being a possible answer) (see <xref target="mins | * Preserve data ordering |
et-maintenance-grouped"/>). +----------------------------------------------------------+
An application can also give the connection a message for re | |
liable transmission before or during connection |Yes |No
establishment (not UDP); the transport system will then try | (SCTP or TCP) | (All protocols
to transmit it as early as possible. An application | can be used.) | can be used.)
can facilitate sending a message particularly early by marki V V
ng it as "idempotent" (see <xref target="minset-datatrans-sending"/>); +--------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------+
in this case, | Is any of the following useful to | | Is any of the following |
the receiving application must be prepared to potentially re | the application? | | useful to the application? |
ceive multiple | * Choosing a scheduler to operate | | * Specify checksum coverage |
copies of the message (because idempotent messages are relia | between connections in a group, | | used by the sender |
bly transferred, asking for idempotence | with the possibility to configure | | * Specify minimum checksum |
is not necessary for systems that support UDP). | a priority or weight per connection| | coverage required by the |
</t> | * Configurable message reliability | | receiver |
<t> | * Unordered message delivery | +-----------------------------+
After creation, a transport system can actively establish co | * Request not to delay the | | |
mmunication with a peer, or it can | acknowledgement (SACK) of a message| |Yes |No
passively listen for incoming connection requests. Note that +--------------------------------------+ | |
active establishment may or may not | | | |
trigger a notification on the listening side. It is possible |Yes |No | |
that the first notification on the listening side is the arr V | V V
ival of the first data that SCTP is | UDP-Lite is UDP is
the active side sends (a receiver-side transport system coul preferred. | preferred. preferred.
d handle this by continuing to block V
a "Listen" call, immediately followed by issuing "Receive", +------------------------------------------------------+
for example; callback-based | Is any of the following useful to the application? |
implementations could simply skip the equivalent of "Listen" | * Hand over a message to reliably transfer (possibly |
). This also means that | multiple times) before connection establishment |
the active opening side is assumed to be the first side send | * Suggest timeout to the peer |
ing data. | * Notification of Excessive Retransmissions (early |
</t> | warning below abortion threshold) |
| * Notification of ICMP error message arrival |
| |
|Yes |No
TCP is preferred. SCTP and TCP
are equally preferable.
<t>A transport system can actively close a connection, i.e. term <t>Note that this decision tree is not optimal for all cases. For
inate it after reliably delivering all example, if an application wants to use "Specify checksum coverage
remaining data to the peer (if reliable data delivery was re used by the sender", which is only offered by UDP-Lite, and "Configure
quested earlier (not UDP)), in which case the priority or weight for a scheduler", which is only offered by SCTP,
peer is notified that the connection is closed. Alternativel the above decision tree will always choose UDP-Lite, making it
y, a connection impossible to use SCTP's schedulers with priorities between grouped
can be aborted without delivering outstanding data to the pe connections. Also, several other factors may influence the decisions
er. In case reliable or for or against a protocol, e.g., penetration rates, the ability to
partially reliable data delivery was requested earlier (not work through NATs, etc. We caution implementers to be aware of the
UDP), the peer is notified full set of trade-offs, for which we recommend consulting the list in
that the connection is aborted. <xref target="conn-reduced" format="default"/> when deciding how to
A timeout can be configured to abort initialize a connection.
a connection when data could not be delivered for too long ( </t>
not UDP); however, timeout-based abortion does not <t>To summarize, the following parameters serve as input for the
notify the peer application that the connection has been abo transport system to help it choose and configure a suitable
rted. Because half-closed connections protocol:</t>
are not supported, when a host implementing a transport syst
em receives a notification that the
peer is closing or aborting
the connection (not UDP), its peer may not be able to read o
utstanding data. This means
that unacknowledged data residing in a transport system's se
nd buffer may have to be dropped from
that buffer upon arrival of a "close" or "abort" notificatio
n from the peer.
</section> <dl>
<dd>a boolean that should be set to true when any of the following will be
useful to the application: reliably transfer data; notify the peer of
closing/aborting; or preserve data ordering.
<dt>Checksum coverage:
<dd>a boolean to specify whether it will be useful to the application to
specify checksum coverage when sending or receiving.
<section anchor="minset-groupconfig" title="MAINTENANCE"> <dt>Configure message priority:
<dd>a boolean that should be set to true when any of the following
per-message configuration or prioritization mechanisms will be useful to the
application: choosing a scheduler to operate between grouped connections, with
the possibility to configure a priority or weight per connection; configurable
message reliability; unordered message delivery; or requesting not to delay the
acknowledgement (SACK) of a message.
<dt>Early message timeout notifications:
<dd>a boolean that should be set to true when any of the following will be
useful to the application: hand over a message to reliably transfer (possibly
multiple times) before connection establishment; suggest timeout to the peer;
notification of excessive retransmissions (early warning below abortion
threshold); or notification of ICMP error message arrival.
<t>A transport system must offer means to group connections, but <t>Once a connection is created, it can be queried for the maximum
it cannot amount of data that an application can possibly expect to have
guarantee truly grouping them using the transport protocols reliably transmitted before or during transport connection
that it uses (e.g., it cannot establishment (with zero being a possible answer) (see <xref
be guaranteed that connections target="minset-maintenance-grouped" format="default"/>). An
become multiplexed as streams on a single SCTP association w application can also give the connection a message for reliable
hen SCTP may not be available). transmission before or during connection establishment (not UDP); the
The transport system must therefore ensure that group- versu transport system will then try to transmit it as early as possible. An
s non-group-configurations application can facilitate sending a message particularly early by
are handled correctly in some way (e.g., by applying the con marking it as "idempotent" (see <xref
figuration to all grouped target="minset-datatrans-sending" format="default"/>); in this case,
connections even when they are not multiplexed, or informing the receiving application must be prepared to potentially receive
the application about multiple copies of the message (because idempotent messages are
grouping success or failure). reliably transferred, asking for idempotence is not necessary for
</t> systems that support UDP).
After creation, a transport system can actively establish
communication with a peer, or it can passively listen for
incoming connection requests. Note that active
establishment may or may not trigger a notification on the
listening side. It is possible that the first notification
on the listening side is the arrival of the first data
that the active side sends (a receiver-side transport
system could handle this by continuing to block a "Listen"
call, immediately followed, for example, by issuing
"Receive"; callback-based implementations could simply
skip the equivalent of "Listen"). This also means that the
active opening side is assumed to be the first side
sending data.
<t>A transport system can actively close a connection, i.e., terminate
it after reliably delivering all remaining data to the peer (if
reliable data delivery was requested earlier (not UDP)), in which case
the peer is notified that the connection is closed. Alternatively, a
connection can be aborted without delivering outstanding data to the
peer. In case reliable or partially reliable data delivery was
requested earlier (not UDP), the peer is notified that the connection
is aborted. A timeout can be configured to abort a connection when
data could not be delivered for too long (not UDP); however,
timeout-based abortion does not notify the peer application that the
connection has been aborted. Because half-closed connections are not
supported, when a host implementing a transport system receives a
notification that the peer is closing or aborting the connection (not
UDP), its peer may not be able to read outstanding data. This means
that unacknowledged data residing in a transport system's send buffer
may have to be dropped from that buffer upon arrival of a "close" or
"abort" notification from the peer.
<t>As a general rule, any configuration described below should b <section anchor="minset-groupconfig" numbered="true" toc="default">
e carried <name>MAINTENANCE</name>
<t>A transport system must offer means to group connections, but it
cannot guarantee truly grouping them using the transport protocols
that it uses (e.g., it cannot be guaranteed that connections become
multiplexed as streams on a single SCTP association when SCTP may not
be available). The transport system must therefore ensure that group-
versus non-group-configurations are handled correctly in some way
(e.g., by applying the configuration to all grouped connections even
when they are not multiplexed, or informing the application about
grouping success or failure).
<t>As a general rule, any configuration described below should be carrie
out as early as possible to aid the transport system's decis ion making. out as early as possible to aid the transport system's decis ion making.
</t> </t>
<section anchor="minset-maintenance-grouped" title="Connection g
<t>The following
transport features and notifications (some directly from
<xref target="Reduction"/>,
some new or changed, based on the discussion in <xref ta
automatically apply to all grouped connections:
<t>(not UDP) Configure a timeout: this can be done with the
following parameters:</t>
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>A timeout value for aborting connections, in seco
<t>A timeout value to be suggested to the peer (if p
ossible), in seconds</t>
<t>The number of retransmissions after which the app
lication should be notifed
of "Excessive Retransmissions"</t>
<t>Configure urgency: this can be done with the following pa
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>A number to identify the type of scheduler that s
hould be used to operate
between connections in the group (no guarantees
given). Schedulers are
defined in <xref target="RFC8260"/>.</t>
<t>A "capacity profile" number to identify how an ap
plication wants to use its available capacity.
Choices can be "lowest possible latency at the e
xpense of
overhead" (which would disable any Nagle-like al
"scavenger", or values that help determine the D
SCP value
for a connection (e.g. similar to table 1 in <x
ref target="I-D.ietf-tsvwg-rtcweb-qos"/>).</t>
<t>A buffer limit (in bytes); when the sender has le
ss than the provided limit of
bytes in the buffer, the application may be noti
fied. Notifications are not guaranteed,
and it is optional for a transport system to sup
port buffer limit values greater than 0.
Note that this limit and its notification should
operate across the buffers of the whole transport system, i.e.
also any potential buffers that the transport sy
stem itself may use on top of the transport's send buffer.</t>
<t>Following <xref target="packetsize"/>, these properties c
an be queried:</t>
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>The maximum message size that may be sent without
fragmentation via the configured interface. This is optional for a transport sy
stem to offer, and may return an error ("not available"). It can aid application
s implementing Path MTU Discovery.</t>
<t>The maximum transport message size that can be se
nt, in bytes. Irrespective of fragmentation, there is a size limit for the
messages that can be handed over to SCTP or UDP(
-Lite); because the service provided by
a transport system is independent
of the transport protocol, it must allow an appl
ication to query this value -- the maximum size
of a message in an Application-Framed-Bytestream
(see <xref target="sendmsg"/>). This may
also return an error when data
is not delimited ("not available").</t>
<t>The maximum transport message size that can be re
ceived from the configured interface, in bytes (or "not available").</t>
<t>The maximum amount of data that can possibly be s
ent before or
during connection establishment, in bytes.</t>
<vspace blankLines="1"/>
<t>In addition to the already mentioned closing / aborting n
otifications and possible send
errors, the following notifications can occur:</t>
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>Excessive Retransmissions: the configured (or a d
efault) number of retransmissions
has been reached, yielding this early warning be
low an abortion threshold.</t>
<t>ICMP Arrival (parameter: ICMP message): an ICMP p
acket carrying the conveyed ICMP message
has arrived.</t>
<t>ECN Arrival (parameter: ECN value): a packet carr
ying the conveyed ECN value has arrived.
This can be useful for applications implementing
congestion control.</t>
<t>Timeout (parameter: s seconds): data could not be
delivered for s seconds.</t>
<t>Drain: the send buffer has either drained below t
he configured buffer limit or
it has become completely empty. This is a generi
c notification that tries to enable uniform access
to "TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT" as well as the "SENDER DR
Y" notification (as discussed in <xref target="rundry"/> --
SCTP's "SENDER DRY" is a special case where the
threshold (for unsent data) is 0 and there is also no more
unacknowledged data in the send buffer).</t>
<section anchor="minset-maintenance-individual" title="Individua
l connections">
<t>Configure priority or weight for a scheduler, as describe
d in <xref target="RFC8260"/>.</t>
<t>Configure checksum usage: this can be done with the follo
wing parameters, but there is no
guarantee that any checksum limitations will indeed be e
nforced (the default behavior
is "full coverage, checksum enabled"):</t>
<t><list style="symbols">
<t>A boolean to enable / disable usage of a checksum
when sending</t>
<t>The desired coverage (in bytes) of the checksum u
sed when sending</t>
<t>A boolean to enable / disable requiring a checksu
m when receiving</t>
<t>The required minimum coverage (in bytes) of the c
hecksum when receiving</t>
<section anchor="minset-datatrans" title="DATA Transfer">
<section anchor="minset-datatrans-sending" title="Sending Data">
<t>When sending a message, no guarantees are given about the pre <section anchor="minset-maintenance-grouped" numbered="true" toc="defaul
servation of message t">
boundaries to the peer; if message boundaries are needed, th <name>Connection Groups</name>
e receiving application at the <t>The following transport features and notifications (some directly
peer must know about them beforehand (or the transport syste from <xref target="Reduction" format="default"/>; some new or
m cannot use TCP). Note changed, based on the discussion in <xref target="Discussion"
that an application should already be able to hand over data format="default"/>) automatically apply to all grouped connections:
before the transport system </t>
establishes a connection with a chosen transport protocol. R <t>Configure a timeout (not UDP)<br/>This can be done with the followi
egarding the message ng parameters:</t>
that is being handed over, the following parameters can be u <ul>
sed:</t> <li>A timeout value for aborting connections, in seconds.</li>
<t><list style="symbols"> <li>A timeout value to be suggested to the peer (if possible), in se
<t>Reliability: this parameter is used to convey a choic conds.</li>
e of: fully reliable with congestion control (not UDP), <li>The number of retransmissions after which the application
unreliable without congestion control, unreliable wi should be notified of "Excessive Retransmissions".</li>
th congestion control (not UDP), </ul>
partially reliable with congestion control (see <xre <t>Configure urgency<br/>This can be done with the following parameter
f target="RFC3758"/> and <xref target="RFC7496"/> for details s:</t>
on how to specify partial reliability) (not UDP). Th <ul>
e latter two choices are optional for a transport <li>A number to identify the type of scheduler that should be used
system to offer and may result in full reliability. to operate between connections in the group (no guarantees
Note that applications sending given). Schedulers are defined in <xref target="RFC8260"
unreliable data without congestion control should themse format="default"/>.</li>
lves perform congestion control
in accordance with <xref target="RFC8085"/>.</t>
<t>(not UDP) Ordered: this boolean parameter lets an app
lication choose between ordered
message delivery (true) and possibly unordered, pote
ntially faster message delivery
<t>Bundle: a boolean that expresses a preference for all
owing to bundle messages (true) or not (false).
No guarantees are given.</t>
<t>DelAck: a boolean that, if false, lets an application
request that the peer would not
delay the acknowledgement for this message.</t>
<t>Fragment: a boolean that expresses a preference for a
llowing to fragment messages (true) or not (false), at the IP level. No guarante
es are given.</t>
<t>(not UDP) Idempotent: a boolean that expresses whethe
r a message is
idempotent (true) or not (false). Idempotent message
s may arrive multiple
times at the receiver (but they will arrive at least
once). When data is idempotent
it can be used by the receiver immediately on a
connection establishment attempt. Thus, if data is h
anded over before the transport system
establishes a connection with a chosen transport pro
stating that a message is idempotent facilitates tra
nsmitting it to the peer application
particularly early.
<t>An application can be notified of a failure to send a specifi <li>A "capacity profile" number to identify how an application
c message. There is no wants to use its available capacity. Choices can be "lowest
guarantee of such notifications, i.e. send failures can also possible latency at the expense of overhead" (which would disable
silently occur.</t> any Nagle-like algorithm), "scavenger", or values that help
determine the DSCP value for a connection.</li>
<li>A buffer limit (in bytes); when the sender has less than the
provided limit of bytes in the buffer, the application may be
notified. Notifications are not guaranteed, and it is optional for
a transport system to support buffer limit values greater than 0.
Note that this limit and its notification should operate across
the buffers of the whole transport system, i.e., also any
potential buffers that the transport system itself may use on top
of the transport's send buffer.</li>
<t>Following <xref target="packetsize" format="default"/>, these prope
rties can be queried:</t>
<li>The maximum message size that may be sent without
fragmentation via the configured interface. This is optional for a
transport system to offer and may return an error ("not
available"). It can aid applications implementing Path MTU
<li>The maximum transport message size that can be sent, in
bytes. Irrespective of fragmentation, there is a size limit for
the messages that can be handed over to SCTP or UDP(-Lite);
because the service provided by a transport system is independent
of the transport protocol, it must allow an application to query
this value: the maximum size of a message in an
Application-Framed Byte Stream (see <xref target="sendmsg"
format="default"/>). This may also return an error when data is
not delimited ("not available").</li>
<li>The maximum transport message size that can be received from
the configured interface, in bytes (or "not available").</li>
<li>The maximum amount of data that can possibly be sent before or
during connection establishment, in bytes.</li>
<t>In addition to the already mentioned closing/aborting
notifications and possible send errors, the following notifications
can occur:</t>
</section> <dl>
<dt>Excessive Retransmissions:
<dd>The configured (or a default) number of retransmissions has been
reached, yielding this early warning below an abortion threshold.
<dt>ICMP Arrival (parameter: ICMP message):
<dd>An ICMP packet carrying the conveyed ICMP message has arrived.
<dt>ECN Arrival (parameter: ECN value):
<dd>A packet carrying the conveyed Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) va
lue has arrived. This can be
useful for applications implementing congestion control.
<dt>Timeout (parameter: s seconds):
<dd>Data could not be delivered for s seconds.
<dd>The send buffer has either drained below the configured buffer limit
or it has become completely empty. This is a generic notification that
tries to enable uniform access to "TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT" as well as the
"SENDER DRY" notification (as discussed in <xref target="rundry"/>; SCTP's "
DRY" is a special case where the threshold (for unsent data) is 0 and
there is also no more unacknowledged data in the send buffer).
<section anchor="minset-datatrans-receiving" title="Receiving Da </section>
ta"> <section anchor="minset-maintenance-individual" numbered="true" toc="def
<t>A receiving application obtains an "Application-Framed By ault">
testream" (AFra-Bytestream); this concept is further described in <xref target=" <name>Individual Connections</name>
sendmsg"/>). In line with TCP's receiver semantics, an AFra-Bytestream is just <t>Configure priority or weight for a scheduler, as described in
a stream of bytes to the receiver. If message boundaries <xref target="RFC8260" format="default"/>.</t>
were specified by the sender, a receiver-side transport system implementing <t>Configure checksum usage: This can be done with the following
only the minimum set of transport services defined here parameters, but there is no guarantee that any checksum limitations
will still not will indeed be enforced (the default behavior is "full coverage,
inform the receiving application about them (this limita checksum enabled"):</t>
tion is only needed for transport systems that <ul>
are implemented to directly use TCP).</t> <li>a boolean to enable/disable usage of a checksum when sending</li
<t>Different from TCP's semantics, >
if the sending application has allowed that <li>the desired coverage (in bytes) of the checksum used when sendin
messages are not fully reliably transferred, or delivere g</li>
d out of order, <li>a boolean to enable/disable requiring a checksum when receiving<
then such re-ordering or unreliability may be reflected /li>
per message in <li>the required minimum coverage (in bytes) of the checksum when re
the arriving data. Messages will always stay intact - i. ceiving</li>
e. if an incomplete </ul>
message is contained at the end of the arriving data blo
ck, this message
is guaranteed to continue in the next arriving data bloc
</section> </section>
<section anchor="minset-datatrans" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>DATA Transfer</name>
<!-- </section> --> <section anchor="minset-datatrans-sending" numbered="true" toc="default"
<name>Sending Data</name>
<t>When sending a message, no guarantees are given about the
preservation of message boundaries to the peer; if message
boundaries are needed, the receiving application at the peer must
know about them beforehand (or the transport system cannot use
TCP). Note that an application should already be able to hand over
data before the transport system establishes a connection with a
chosen transport protocol. Regarding the message that is being
handed over, the following parameters can be used:</t>
<section anchor="Acknowledgements" title="Acknowledgements"> <dl>
<t>The authors would like to thank all the participants of the TAPS <dt>Reliability:
Working Group and the NEAT and </dt>
MAMI research projects for valuable input to this document. We e <dd>This parameter is used to convey a choice of: fully reliable with
specially thank Michael Tuexen congestion control (not UDP), unreliable without congestion control,
for help with connection connection establishment/teardown, Gorr unreliable with congestion control (not UDP), and partially reliable with
y Fairhurst for congestion control (see <xref target="RFC3758" format="default"/> and
his suggestions regarding fragmentation and packet sizes, and Sp <xref target="RFC7496" format="default"/> for details on how to specify
encer Dawkins for his partial reliability) (not UDP). The latter two choices are optional for a
extremely detailed and constructive review. transport system to offer and may result in full reliability. Note that
This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon applications sending unreliable data without congestion control should
2020 research themselves perform congestion control in accordance with <xref
and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 644334 (NEAT) target="RFC8085" format="default"/>.
. </dd>
<!-- The views expressed are solely those of the author(s).-->
</section> <dt>Ordered (not UDP):
<dd>This boolean lets an application choose between ordered
message delivery (true) and possibly unordered, potentially faster message
delivery (false).
<dd>This boolean expresses a preference for allowing to bundle messages
(true) or not (false). No guarantees are given.
<!-- Possibly a 'Contributors' section ... --> <dd>This boolean, if false, lets an application request that the peer not
delay the acknowledgement for this message.
<dd>This boolean expresses a preference for allowing to fragment
messages (true) or not (false), at the IP level. No guarantees are given.
<dt>Idempotent (not UDP):
<dd>This boolean expresses whether a message is idempotent (true) or not
(false). Idempotent messages may arrive multiple times at the receiver
(but they will arrive at least once). When data is idempotent, it can be
used by the receiver immediately on a connection establishment
attempt. Thus, if data is handed over before the transport system
establishes a connection with a chosen transport protocol, stating that a
message is idempotent facilitates transmitting it to the peer application
particularly early.
<section anchor="IANA" title="IANA Considerations"> <t>An application can be notified of a failure to send a specific
<t>This memo includes no request to IANA.</t> message. There is no guarantee of such notifications, i.e., send
failures can also silently occur.</t>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="minset-datatrans-receiving" numbered="true" toc="defaul
<section anchor="Security" title="Security Considerations"> t">
<t>Authentication, confidentiality protection, and integrity protect <name>Receiving Data</name>
ion are identified as transport features by <xref target="RFC8095"/>. Often, the <t>A receiving application obtains an "Application-Framed
se features are provided by a protocol or layer on top of the transport protocol Byte Stream" (AFra Byte Stream); this concept is further described in
; none of the full-featured standards-track transport protocols in <xref target= <xref target="sendmsg" format="default"/>. In line with TCP's
"RFC8303"/>, which this document is based upon, provides all of these transport receiver semantics, an AFra Byte Stream is just a stream of bytes to
features on its own. Therefore, they are not considered in this document, with t the receiver. If message boundaries were specified by the sender, a
he exception of native authentication capabilities of TCP and SCTP for which the receiver-side transport system implementing only the minimum set of
security considerations in <xref target="RFC5925"/> and <xref target="RFC4895"/ transport services defined here will still not inform the receiving
> apply. The minimum requirements for a secure transport system are discussed in application about them (this limitation is only needed for transport
a separate document (Section 5 on Security Features and Transport Dependencies systems that are implemented to directly use TCP).</t>
of <xref target="I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security"/>).</t> <t>Different from TCP's semantics, if the sending application has
allowed that messages are not fully reliably transferred, or
delivered out of order, then such reordering or unreliability may
be reflected per message in the arriving data. Messages will always
stay intact, i.e., if an incomplete message is contained at the end
of the arriving data block, this message is guaranteed to continue
in the next arriving data block.</t>
</section> </section>
</middle> <section anchor="IANA" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>IANA Considerations</name>
<!-- *****BACK MATTER ***** --> <t>This document has no IANA actions.
<section anchor="Security" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Security Considerations</name>
<t>Authentication, confidentiality protection, and integrity protection
are identified as transport features by <xref target="RFC8095"
format="default"/>. Often, these features are provided by a protocol or
layer on top of the transport protocol; none of the full-featured
standards-track transport protocols in <xref target="RFC8303"
format="default"/>, which this document is based upon, provide all of
these transport features on its own. Therefore, they are not considered
in this document, with the exception of native authentication
capabilities of TCP and SCTP for which the security considerations in
<xref target="RFC5925" format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC4895"
format="default"/> apply.
<back> The minimum requirements for a secure transport system are discussed in a
<!-- References split into informative and normative --> separate document <xref target="RFC8922" format="default"/>.
<!-- There are 2 ways to insert reference entries from the citation libr </t>
1. define an ENTITY at the top, and use "ampersand character"RFC2629; h
ere (as shown)
2. simply use a PI "less than character"?rfc include="reference.RFC.211
9.xml"?> here
(for I-Ds: include="reference.I-D.narten-iana-considerations-rfc2434bis
Both are cited textually in the same manner: by using xref elements. </section>
If you use the PI option, xml2rfc will, by default, try to find include </middle>
d files in the same
directory as the including file. You can also define the XML_LIBRARY en
vironment variable
with a value containing a set of directories to search. These can be e
ither in the local
filing system or remote ones accessed by http (http://domain/dir/... ).
<references title="Normative References"> <back>
<references title="Informative References"> <displayreference target="I-D.ietf-taps-interface" to="TAPS-INTERFACE"/>
<!-- unnecessary <references>
<name>Normative References</name>
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<reference anchor="RFC793bis" target=""> <!-- [I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security] - companion document RFC 8922 -->
<title>Transmission Control Protocol Specification</title>
<author fullname="Wesley Eddy" initials="W." surname="Eddy"> <reference anchor="RFC8922" target="https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8922">
</author> <front>
<title>A Survey of the Interaction between Security Protocols and Transport Serv
<date month="July" year="2017" /> <author initials='T' surname='Enghardt' fullname='Theresa Enghardt'>
</front> <organization />
<seriesInfo name="Internet-draft" <author initials='T' surname='Pauly' fullname='Tommy Pauly'>
value="draft-ietf-tcpm-rfc793bis-06" /> <organization />
</reference> </author>
<reference anchor="LBE-draft" target=""> <author initials='C' surname='Perkins' fullname='Colin Perkins'>
<front> <organization />
<title>A Lower Effort Per-Hop Behavior (LE PHB)</title> </author>
<author fullname="Roland Bless" initials="R." surname="Bless <author initials='K' surname='Rose' fullname='Kyle Rose'>
"></author> <organization />
<date month="February" year="2018" /> <author initials='C' surname='Wood' fullname='Christopher Wood'>
</front> <organization />
<seriesInfo name="Internet-draft" <date month="September" year='2020' />
value="draft-tsvwg-le-phb-03" />
<reference anchor="COBS"> </front>
<front> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8922"/>
<title>Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing</title> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8922"/>
<author fullname="Stuart Cheshire" initials="S" surname="Che </reference>
<organization>Stanford University</organization></author
<author fullname="Mary Baker" initials="M" surname="Bak
er" >
<organization>Stanford University</organization></author
<date month="April" year="1999" />
<seriesInfo name="IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking"
value="Vol. 7, No. 2"/>
<reference anchor="WWDC2015" </references>
target="https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2015/?id=719"> <references>
<front> <name>Informative References</name>
<title>Your App and Next Generation Networks</title>
<author fullname="Prabhakar Lakhera" initials="P." surname=" <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
Lakhera"></author> FC.8085.xml"/>
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.R
<author fullname="Stuart Cheshire" initials="S." surname="Ch eshire"></author> <!-- [I-D.ietf-taps-interface] IESG state I-D Exists -->
<date month="June" year="2015" /> <xi:include href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/bibxml3/reference.I-D.ietf-ta
</front> ps-interface.xml"/>
<seriesInfo name="Apple Worldwide Developers Conference" <!-- [LBE-draft] Published as RFC8622-->
value="2015, San Francisco, USA" />
<reference anchor="POSIX" <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8622.
target="http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions xml"/>
<title>IEEE Standard for Information Technology--Portable Op
erating System Interface (POSIX(R)) Base Specifications, Issue 7</title>
<author fullname="IEEE"></author>
<date month="January" year="2018" /> <reference anchor="COBS">
</front> <front>
<seriesInfo name="IEEE Std" value= "1003.1-2017 (Revision of IEE <title>Consistent overhead byte stuffing</title>
E Std 1003.1-2008)" />
<reference anchor="SCTP-stream-1"> <author fullname="Stuart Cheshire" initials="S" surname="Cheshire">
<front> <organization>Stanford University</organization>
<title>Transparent Flow Mapping for NEAT</title> </author>
<author fullname="Felix Weinrank" initials="F" surname="Wein <author fullname="Mary Baker" initials="M" surname="Baker">
rank"></author> <organization>Stanford University</organization>
<author fullname="Michael Tuexen" initials="M" surname= </author>
"Tuexen" ></author> <date month="April" year="1999"/>
<date month="June" year="2017" />
<seriesInfo name="IFIP NETWORKING Workshop on Future of Internet
Transport" value ="(FIT 2017)"/>
<reference anchor="SCTP-stream-2"> </front>
<front> <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/90.769765"/>
<title>Beneficial Transparent Deployment of SCTP</title>
<author fullname="Michael Welzl" initials="M" surname="Welzl
<author fullname="Florian Niederbacher" initials="F" su
rname="Niederbacher" ></author>
<author fullname="Stein Gjessing" initials="S" surname=
"Gjessing" ></author>
<date month="December" year="2011" />
<seriesInfo name="IEEE GlobeCom" value="2011"/>
</references> <refcontent>IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 7, Issue 2
<!-- Change Log <reference anchor="WWDC2015" target="https://developer.apple.com/videos/
v00 2006-03-15 EBD Initial version wwdc/2015/?id=719">
<title>Your App and Next Generation Networks</title>
<author fullname="Prabhakar Lakhera" initials="P." surname="Lakhera"
<author fullname="Stuart Cheshire" initials="S." surname="Cheshire"/
<date month="June" year="2015"/>
<refcontent>Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2015</refcontent>
<refcontent>San Francisco, USA</refcontent>
--> <reference anchor="POSIX" target="https://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9
<title>IEEE Standard for Information Technology--Portable Operating
System Interface (POSIX(R)) Base Specifications, Issue 7</title>
<author><organization>The Open Group</organization></author>
<date month="January" year="2018"/>
<seriesInfo name="IEEE Std" value="1003.1-2017"/>
<refcontent>(Revision of IEEE Std 1003.1-2008)</refcontent>
<section anchor="super" title="The Superset of Transport Features"> <reference anchor="SCTP-STREAM-1">
<title>Transparent Flow Mapping for NEAT</title>
<author fullname="Felix Weinrank" initials="F" surname="Weinrank"/>
<author fullname="Michael Tuexen" initials="M" surname="Tuexen"/>
<date month="June" year="2017"/>
<refcontent>IFIP Networking 2017</refcontent>
<refcontent>Workshop on Future of Internet Transport (FIT 2017)</refcontent>
<t> </reference>
In this description, transport features are
presented following the nomenclature "CATEGORY.[SUBCATEGORY]
equivalent to "pass 2" in <xref target="RFC8303" />.
<!-- this was moved to terminology because it applies throug
The PROTOCOL name "UDP(-Lite)" is used when transport featu
res are equivalent
for UDP and UDP-Lite; the PROTOCOL name "TCP" refers to both
We also sketch how functional or optimizing transport featur
es can be implemented by a transport system.
The "minimal set" derived in this document is meant to be im
plementable "one-sided"
over TCP, and, with limitations, UDP. Hence, for all transpo
rt features that are categorized as
"functional" or "optimizing", and for
which no matching TCP and/or UDP primitive exists in "pass 2
" of <xref target="RFC8303" />, a brief
discussion on how to implement them over TCP and/or UDP is i
<t>We designate some transport features as "automatable" on the <!-- [SCTP-stream-2] URL https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6133554 DOI https
basis of a broader decision ://doi.org/10.1109/GLOCOM.2011.6133554 -->
that affects multiple transport features:
<list style="symbols">
<t>Most transport features that are related to multi-str
eaming were designated as "automatable".
This was done because the decision on whether to use
multi-streaming or not does not depend on application-specific
knowledge. This means that a connection that is exhi
bited to an application could be
implemented by using a single stream of an SCTP asso
ciation instead of mapping it to
a complete SCTP association or TCP connection. This
could be achieved by using more than one stream when
an SCTP association is first established (CONNECT.SC
TP parameter "outbound stream count"),
maintaining an internal stream number, and using thi
s stream number
when sending data (SEND.SCTP parameter "stream numbe
r"). Closing or aborting
a connection could then simply free the stream numbe
r for future use.
This is discussed further in <xref target="nostream"
<t>With the exception of "Disable MPTCP",
all transport features that are related to using mul
tiple paths or the choice
of the network interface were designated as "automat
able". For example, "Listen" could
always listen on all available
interfaces and "Connect" could use the default inter
face for the destination IP address.
<t> <reference anchor="SCTP-STREAM-2">
Finally, in three cases, transport features are aggregated a <front>
nd/or slightly changed from <xref target="RFC8303" /> in the description below. <title>Beneficial Transparent Deployment of SCTP: The Missing Pieces
These transport </title>
features are marked as "CHANGED FROM RFC8303". These do not <author fullname="Michael Welzl" initials="M" surname="Welzl"/>
add any new functionality but just represent a <author fullname="Florian Niederbacher" initials="F" surname="Nieder
simple refactoring step that helps to streamline the derivat bacher"/>
ion process (e.g., by removing <author fullname="Stein Gjessing" initials="S" surname="Gjessing"/>
a choice of a parameter for the sake of applications that ma <date month="December" year="2011"/>
y not care about this choice). </front>
The corresponding transport features are automatable, <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/GLOCOM.2011.6133554"/>
and they are listed immediately below the "CHANGED FROM RFC8 <refcontent>IEEE GlobeCom 2011</refcontent>
303" transport feature. </reference>
</t> </references>
<section anchor="conn-super" title="CONNECTION Related Transport <section anchor="super" numbered="true" toc="default">
Features"> <name>The Superset of Transport Features</name>
In this description, transport features are presented
following the nomenclature
to "pass 2" in <xref target="RFC8303" format="default"/>.
We also sketch how functional or optimizing transport
features can be implemented by a transport system. The
"minimal set" derived in this document is meant to be
implementable "one-sided" over TCP and, with limitations,
UDP. Hence, for all transport features that are
categorized as "functional" or "optimizing", and for which
no matching TCP and/or UDP primitive exists in "pass 2" of
<xref target="RFC8303" format="default"/>, a brief
discussion on how to implement them over TCP and/or UDP is
<t>We designate some transport features as "automatable" on the basis of
a broader decision that affects multiple transport features:
<li>Most transport features that are related to multi-streaming were
designated as "automatable". This was done because the decision on
whether or not to use multi-streaming does not depend on
application-specific knowledge. This means that a connection that is
exhibited to an application could be implemented by using a single
stream of an SCTP association instead of mapping it to a complete SCTP
association or TCP connection. This could be achieved by using more
than one stream when an SCTP association is first established
(CONNECT.SCTP parameter "outbound stream count"), maintaining an
internal stream number, and using this stream number when sending data
(SEND.SCTP parameter "stream number"). Closing or aborting a
connection could then simply free the stream number for future use.
This is discussed further in <xref target="nostream"
<li>With the exception of "Disable MPTCP", all transport features that
are related to using multiple paths or the choice of the network
interface were designated as "automatable". For example, "Listen"
could always listen on all available interfaces and "Connect" could
use the default interface for the destination IP address.
<t>ESTABLISHMENT:<vspace /> <t>
Finally, in three cases, transport features are aggregated
and/or slightly changed from <xref target="RFC8303"
format="default"/> in the description below. These
transport features are marked as "CHANGED FROM
RFC 8303". These do not add any new functionality but just
represent a simple refactoring step that helps to
streamline the derivation process (e.g., by removing a
choice of a parameter for the sake of applications that
may not care about this choice). The corresponding
transport features are automatable, and they are listed
immediately below the "CHANGED FROM RFC 8303" transport
<section anchor="conn-super" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>CONNECTION-Related Transport Features</name>
<list style="symbols"> </t>
<t>Connect <vspace /> <ul>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP, UDP(-Lite) <vspace /> <li>
Functional because the notion of a connection is <t>Connect </t>
often reflected in applications <t>
as an expectation to be able to communicate afte Protocols: TCP, SCTP, UDP(-Lite) </t>
r a "Connect" succeeded, <t>
with a communication sequence relating to this t Functional because the notion of a connection
ransport feature that is defined by the is often reflected in applications as an
application protocol.<vspace /> expectation to be able to communicate after a
Implementation: via CONNECT.TCP, CONNECT.SCTP or "Connect" succeeded, with a communication
CONNECT.UDP(-Lite).<vspace /> sequence relating to this transport feature
<vspace blankLines='1'/> that is defined by the application
</t> protocol.</t>
Implementation: via CONNECT.TCP, CONNECT.SCTP or
<t>Specify which IP Options must always be used</t>
Protocols: TCP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
Automatable because IP Options relate to
knowledge about the network, not the
<t>Request multiple streams</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because using multi-streaming does
not require application-specific knowledge
(example implementations of using
multi-streaming without involving the
application are described in <xref
target="SCTP-STREAM-1" format="default"/> and
<xref target="SCTP-STREAM-2"
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream" form
<t>Limit the number of inbound streams</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because using multi-streaming does n
ot require application-specific knowledge.</t>
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream" form
<t>Specify number of attempts and/or timeout for the first establish
ment message</t>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP</t>
Functional because this is closely related to
potentially assumed reliable data delivery for
data that is sent before or during connection
Implementation: using a parameter of CONNECT.TCP
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (this is
irrelevant in the case of UDP because there,
reliable data delivery is not assumed).
<t>Specify which IP Options must always be used<vspa <t/>
ce /> </li>
Protocols: TCP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> <li>
Automatable because IP Options relate to knowled <t>Obtain multiple sockets</t>
ge about the network, not the application.<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Protocols: SCTP</t>
</t> <t>
<t>Request multiple streams<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP<vspace />
Automatable because using multi-streaming does n
ot require application-specific knowledge
(example implementations of using multi-streamin
g without involving the application
are described in <xref target="SCTP-stream-1"/>
and <xref target="SCTP-stream-2"/>).<vspace />
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream"/>.
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Limit the number of inbound streams<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP<vspace />
Automatable because using multi-streaming does n
ot require application-specific knowledge.<vspace />
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream"/>.
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Specify number of attempts and/or timeout for the
first establishment message<vspace />
Protocols: TCP, SCTP<vspace />
Functional because this is closely related to po
tentially assumed reliable data delivery for
data that is sent before or during connection es
tablishment.<vspace />
Implementation: Using a parameter of CONNECT.TCP
and CONNECT.SCTP.<vspace />
Implementation over UDP: Do nothing (this is irr
elevant in case of UDP because there, reliable
data delivery is not assumed).
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Obtain multiple sockets<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP<vspace />
Automatable because the non-parallel usage of mu ltiple paths to communicate between the same end Automatable because the non-parallel usage of mu ltiple paths to communicate between the same end
hosts relates to knowledge about hosts relates to knowledge about
the network, not the application.<vspace /> the network, not the application.</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Disable MPTCP<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: MPTCP<vspace /> <t>Disable MPTCP</t>
Optimizing because the parallel usage of multipl <t>
e paths to communicate between the same end hosts Protocols: MPTCP</t>
can improve performance. Whether to use this fea <t>
ture depends on knowledge about the Optimizing because the parallel usage of
network as well as application-specific knowledg multiple paths to communicate between the same
e (see Section 3.1 of <xref target="RFC6897"/>).<vspace /> end hosts can improve performance. Whether or
Implementation: via a boolean parameter in CONNE not to use this feature depends on knowledge
CT.MPTCP.<vspace /> about the network as well as
Implementation over TCP: Do nothing.<vspace /> application-specific knowledge (see <xref
Implementation over UDP: Do nothing. target="RFC6897" sectionFormat="of" section="3.1"
<vspace blankLines='1'/> />).</t>
</t> <t>
<t>Configure authentication<vspace /> Implementation: via a boolean parameter in CONNE
Protocols: TCP, SCTP<vspace /> CT.MPTCP.</t>
Functional because this has a direct influence o <t>
n security.<vspace /> Implementation over TCP: do nothing.</t>
Implementation: via parameters in CONNECT.TCP an <t>
d CONNECT.SCTP. Implementation over UDP: do nothing.
With TCP, this allows to configure Master Key Tu </t>
ples (MKTs) to <t/>
authenticate complete segments (including the TC </li>
P IPv4 pseudoheader, TCP header, and TCP data). <li>
With SCTP, this allows to specify which chunk ty <t>Configure authentication</t>
pes must always be authenticated. <t>
Authenticating only certain chunk types creates Protocols: TCP, SCTP</t>
a reduced level of security that is not <t>
supported by TCP; to be compatible, this should Functional because this has a direct influence o
therefore only allow to authenticate all chunk types. n security.</t>
Key material must be provided in a way that is c <t>
ompatible with both <xref target="RFC4895"/> and <xref target="RFC5925"/>.<vspac Implementation: via parameters in CONNECT.TCP
e /> and CONNECT.SCTP. With TCP, this allows
Implementation over UDP: Not possible (UDP does configuring Master Key Tuples (MKTs) to
not offer this functionality). authenticate complete segments (including the
<vspace blankLines='1'/> TCP IPv4 pseudoheader, TCP header, and TCP
</t> data). With SCTP, this allows specifying
<t>Indicate (and/or obtain upon completion) an Adapt which chunk types must always be
ation Layer via an adaptation code point<vspace /> authenticated. Authenticating only certain
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> chunk types creates a reduced level of
Functional because it allows to send extra data security that is not supported by TCP; to be
for the sake compatible, this should therefore only allow
of identifying an adaptation layer, which by its to authenticate all chunk types. Key material
elf is application-specific.<vspace /> must be provided in a way that is compatible
Implementation: via a parameter in CONNECT.SCTP. with both <xref target="RFC4895"
<vspace /> format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC5925"
Implementation over TCP: not possible (TCP does format="default"/>.</t>
not offer this functionality).<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does
not offer this functionality).<vspace /> not offer this functionality).
<vspace blankLines='1'/> </t>
</t> <t/>
<t>Request to negotiate interleaving of user message </li>
s<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> <t>Indicate (and/or obtain upon completion) an Adaptation Layer via
an adaptation code point</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Functional because it allows sending extra
data for the sake of identifying an adaptation
layer, which by itself is application
Implementation: via a parameter in CONNECT.SCTP.
Implementation over TCP: not possible. (TCP does
not offer this functionality.)</t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP does
not offer this functionality.)</t>
<t>Request to negotiate interleaving of user messages</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because it requires using multiple s treams, but Automatable because it requires using multiple s treams, but
requesting multiple streams in the CONNECTION.ES TABLISHMENT category is requesting multiple streams in the CONNECTION.ES TABLISHMENT category is
automatable.<vspace /> automatable.</t>
Implementation: controlled via a parameter in CO NNECT.SCTP. One possible Implementation: controlled via a parameter in CO NNECT.SCTP. One possible
implementation is to always try to enable interl implementation is to always try to enable interl
eaving.<vspace /> eaving.</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Hand over a message to reliably transfer (possibl <li>
y multiple times) before connection establishment<vspace /> <t>Hand over a message to reliably transfer (possibly multiple times
Protocols: TCP<vspace /> ) before connection establishment</t>
Protocols: TCP</t>
Functional because this is closely tied to prope rties of the data that an application Functional because this is closely tied to prope rties of the data that an application
sends or expects to receive.<vspace /> sends or expects to receive.</t>
Implementation: via a parameter in CONNECT.TCP.< <t>
vspace /> Implementation: via a parameter in CONNECT.TCP.<
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does /t>
not provide reliability). <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP does
</t> not provide reliability.)
<t>Hand over a message to reliably transfer during c </t>
onnection establishment<vspace /> <t/>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> </li>
Functional because this can only work if the mes <li>
sage is limited in size, making it closely <t>Hand over a message to reliably transfer during connection establ
tied to properties of the data that an applicati ishment</t>
on <t>
sends or expects to receive.<vspace /> Protocols: SCTP</t>
Implementation: via a parameter in CONNECT.SCTP. <t>
<vspace /> Functional because this can only work if the
Implementation over TCP: not possible (TCP does message is limited in size, making it closely
not allow identification of message boundaries tied to properties of the data that an
because it provides a byte stream service)<vspac application sends or expects to receive.</t>
e /> <t>
<!-- Implementation: via a parameter in CONNECT.SCTP.
The text below is wrong because TCP is not mess </t>
age-based! <t>
Implementation over TCP: transmit the message
Implementation over TCP: this is also possible with the SYN packet, sacrificing the ability
with TCP, but not addressed to identify message boundaries.
in <xref target="RFC8303"/> because the specific </t>
ation that it is based upon <t>
does not clearly specify how to implement it Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP is
using the TCP's ``user commands''. unreliable.)
This will be addressed in an </t>
update <xref target="RFC793bis"/>.<vspace /> <t/>
--> </li>
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP is un <li>
reliable). <t>Enable UDP encapsulation with a specified remote UDP port number<
<vspace blankLines='1'/> /t>
</t> <t>
<t>Enable UDP encapsulation with a specified remote Protocols: SCTP</t>
UDP port number<vspace /> <t>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> Automatable because UDP encapsulation relates
Automatable because UDP encapsulation relates to to knowledge about the network, not the
knowledge about the network, not the application.<vspace /> application.</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
</list></t> <t>AVAILABILITY:
<t>AVAILABILITY:<vspace />
<list style="symbols"> </t>
<t>Listen<vspace /> <ul >
Protocols: TCP, SCTP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> <li>
Functional because the notion of accepting conne <t>Listen</t>
ction requests is often reflected <t>
in applications as an expectation to be able to Protocols: TCP, SCTP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
communicate after a "Listen" succeeded,
with a communication sequence relating to this t
ransport feature that is defined by the
application protocol.<vspace />
CHANGED FROM RFC8303. This differs from the 3 au
tomatable transport features below in that it leaves the choice
of interfaces for listening open.<vspace />
Implementation: by listening on all interfaces v
ia LISTEN.TCP (not providing a local IP address)
or LISTEN.SCTP (providing SCTP port number / add
ress pairs for all local IP addresses).
LISTEN.UDP(-Lite) supports both methods.<vspace
<t>Listen, 1 specified local interface<vspace />
Protocols: TCP, SCTP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace />
Automatable because decisions about local interf
aces relate to knowledge about the
network and the Operating System, not the applic
ation.<vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Listen, N specified local interfaces<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP<vspace />
Automatable because decisions about local interf
aces relate to knowledge about the
network and the Operating System, not the applic
ation.<vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Listen, all local interfaces<vspace />
Protocols: TCP, SCTP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace />
Automatable because decisions about local interf
aces relate to knowledge about the
network and the Operating System, not the applic
ation.<vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Specify which IP Options must always be used<vspa
ce />
Protocols: TCP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace />
Automatable because IP Options relate to knowled
ge about the network, not the application.<vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Disable MPTCP<vspace />
Protocols: MPTCP<vspace />
Optimizing because the parallel usage of multipl
e paths to communicate between the same end hosts
can improve performance. Whether to use this fea
ture depends on knowledge about the
network as well as application-specific knowledg
e (see Section 3.1 of <xref target="RFC6897"/>).<vspace />
Implementation: via a boolean parameter in LISTE
N.MPTCP.<vspace />
Implementation over TCP: Do nothing.<vspace />
Implementation over UDP: Do nothing.
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Configure authentication<vspace />
Protocols: TCP, SCTP<vspace />
Functional because this has a direct influence o
n security.<vspace />
Implementation: via parameters in LISTEN.TCP and
LISTEN.SCTP.<vspace />
Implementation over TCP: With TCP, this allows t
o configure Master Key Tuples (MKTs) to
authenticate complete segments (including the TC
P IPv4 pseudoheader, TCP header, and TCP data).
With SCTP, this allows to specify which chunk ty
pes must always be authenticated.
Authenticating only certain chunk types creates
a reduced level of security that is not
supported by TCP; to be compatible, this should
therefore only allow to authenticate all chunk types.
Key material must be provided in a way that is c
ompatible with both <xref target="RFC4895"/> and <xref target="RFC5925"/>.<vspac
e />
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does
not offer authentication).
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Obtain requested number of streams<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP<vspace />
Automatable because using multi-streaming does n
ot require application-specific knowledge.<vspace />
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream"/>.
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Limit the number of inbound streams<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP<vspace />
Automatable because using multi-streaming does n
ot require application-specific knowledge.<vspace />
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream"/>.
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Indicate (and/or obtain upon completion) an Adapt
ation Layer via an adaptation code point<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP<vspace />
Functional because it allows to send extra data
for the sake
of identifying an adaptation layer, which by its
elf is application-specific.<vspace />
Implementation: via a parameter in LISTEN.SCTP.<
vspace />
Implementation over TCP: not possible (TCP does
not offer this functionality).<vspace />
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does
not offer this functionality).
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Request to negotiate interleaving of user message
s<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP<vspace />
Automatable because it requires using multiple s
treams, but
requesting multiple streams in the CONNECTION.ES
TABLISHMENT category is
automatable.<vspace />
Implementation: via a parameter in LISTEN.SCTP.<
vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>MAINTENANCE:<vspace /> <t>
Functional because the notion of accepting
connection requests is often reflected in
applications as an expectation to be able to
communicate after a "Listen" succeeded, with a
communication sequence relating to this
transport feature that is defined by the
application protocol.</t>
CHANGED FROM RFC 8303. This differs from the 3
automatable transport features below in that
it leaves the choice of interfaces for
listening open.</t>
Implementation: by listening on all interfaces
via LISTEN.TCP (not providing a local IP
address) or LISTEN.SCTP (providing SCTP port
number / address pairs for all local IP
addresses). LISTEN.UDP(-Lite) supports both
<t>Listen, 1 specified local interface</t>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
Automatable because decisions about local
interfaces relate to knowledge about the
network and the Operating System, not the
<t>Listen, N specified local interfaces</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because decisions about local
interfaces relate to knowledge about the
network and the Operating System, not the
<t>Listen, all local interfaces</t>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
Automatable because decisions about local
interfaces relate to knowledge about the
network and the Operating System, not the
<t>Specify which IP Options must always be used</t>
Protocols: TCP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
Automatable because IP Options relate to
knowledge about the network, not the
<t>Disable MPTCP</t>
Protocols: MPTCP</t>
Optimizing because the parallel usage of
multiple paths to communicate between the same
end hosts can improve performance. Whether or
not to use this feature depends on knowledge
about the network as well as
application-specific knowledge (see <xref
target="RFC6897" sectionFormat="of"
Implementation: via a boolean parameter in
Implementation over TCP: do nothing.</t>
Implementation over UDP: do nothing.
<t>Configure authentication</t>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP</t>
Functional because this has a direct influence o
n security.</t>
Implementation: via parameters in LISTEN.TCP and
Implementation over TCP: with TCP, this allows
configuring Master Key Tuples (MKTs) to
authenticate complete segments (including the
TCP IPv4 pseudoheader, TCP header, and TCP
data). With SCTP, this allows specifying
which chunk types must always be
authenticated. Authenticating only certain
chunk types creates a reduced level of
security that is not supported by TCP; to be
compatible, this should therefore only allow
to authenticate all chunk types. Key material
must be provided in a way that is compatible
with both <xref target="RFC4895"
format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC5925"
Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP does
not offer authentication.)
<t>Obtain requested number of streams</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because using multi-streaming does
not require application-specific
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream" form
<t>Limit the number of inbound streams</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because using multi-streaming does
not require application-specific
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream" form
<t>Indicate (and/or obtain upon completion) an Adaptation Layer via
an adaptation code point</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Functional because it allows sending extra
data for the sake of identifying an adaptation
layer, which by itself is
application specific.</t>
Implementation: via a parameter in LISTEN.SCTP.<
Implementation over TCP: not possible. (TCP does
not offer this functionality.)</t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP does
not offer this functionality.)
<t>Request to negotiate interleaving of user messages</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because it requires using multiple
streams, but requesting multiple streams in
Implementation: via a parameter in LISTEN.SCTP.<
<list style="symbols"> </t>
<t>Change timeout for aborting connection (using ret <ul >
ransmit limit or time value)<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP<vspace /> <t>Change timeout for aborting connection (using retransmit limit or
Functional because this is closely related to po time value)</t>
tentially assumed reliable data delivery.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: via CHANGE_TIMEOUT.TCP or CHANGE Protocols: TCP, SCTP</t>
_TIMEOUT.SCTP.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP is un Functional because this is closely related to po
reliable and there is no connection timeout).<vspace /> tentially assumed reliable data delivery.</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Implementation: via CHANGE_TIMEOUT.TCP or
<t>Suggest timeout to the peer<vspace /> CHANGE_TIMEOUT.SCTP.</t>
Protocols: TCP<vspace /> <t>
Functional because this is closely related to po Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP is u
tentially assumed reliable data delivery.<vspace /> nreliable and there is no connection timeout.)</t>
Implementation: via CHANGE_TIMEOUT.TCP.<vspace / <t/>
> </li>
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP is un <li>
reliable and there is no connection timeout).<vspace /> <t>Suggest timeout to the peer</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Protocols: TCP</t>
<t>Disable Nagle algorithm<vspace /> <t>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP<vspace /> Functional because this is closely related to
Optimizing because this decision depends on know potentially assumed reliable data
ledge about the size of future data blocks delivery.</t>
and the delay between them.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: via DISABLE_NAGLE.TCP and DISABL Implementation: via CHANGE_TIMEOUT.TCP.</t>
E_NAGLE.SCTP.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (UDP does no Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP is
t implement the Nagle algorithm).<vspace /> unreliable and there is no connection
<vspace blankLines='1'/> timeout.)</t>
</t> <t/>
<t>Request an immediate heartbeat, returning success </li>
/failure<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> <t>Disable Nagle algorithm</t>
Automatable because this informs about network-s <t>
pecific knowledge.<vspace /> Protocols: TCP, SCTP</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Optimizing because this decision depends on
<t>Notification of Excessive Retransmissions (early knowledge about the size of future data blocks
warning below abortion threshold)<vspace /> and the delay between them.</t>
Protocols: TCP<vspace /> <t>
Optimizing because it is an early warning to the Implementation: via DISABLE_NAGLE.TCP and DISABL
application, informing it of an impending E_NAGLE.SCTP.</t>
functional event.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: via ERROR.TCP.<vspace /> Implementation over UDP: do nothing (UDP does no
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (there is no t implement the Nagle algorithm).</t>
abortion threshold).<vspace /> <t/>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> </li>
</t> <li>
<t>Add path<vspace /> <t>Request an immediate heartbeat, returning success/failure</t>
Protocols: MPTCP, SCTP<vspace /> <t>
MPTCP Parameters: source-IP; source-Port; destin Protocols: SCTP</t>
ation-IP; destination-Port<vspace /> <t>
SCTP Parameters: local IP address<vspace /> Automatable because this informs about network-s
pecific knowledge.</t>
<t>Notification of Excessive Retransmissions (early warning below ab
ortion threshold)</t>
Protocols: TCP</t>
Optimizing because it is an early warning to
the application, informing it of an impending
functional event.</t>
Implementation: via ERROR.TCP.</t>
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (there is no
abortion threshold).</t>
<t>Add path</t>
Protocols: MPTCP, SCTP</t>
MPTCP Parameters: source-IP; source-Port; destin
ation-IP; destination-Port</t>
SCTP Parameters: local IP address</t>
Automatable because the choice of paths to commu nicate between the same end hosts relates to Automatable because the choice of paths to commu nicate between the same end hosts relates to
knowledge about the network, not the application knowledge about the network, not the application
.<vspace /> .</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Remove path<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: MPTCP, SCTP<vspace /> <t>Remove path</t>
MPTCP Parameters: source-IP; source-Port; destin <t>
ation-IP; destination-Port<vspace /> Protocols: MPTCP, SCTP</t>
SCTP Parameters: local IP address<vspace /> <t>
MPTCP Parameters: source-IP; source-Port; destin
ation-IP; destination-Port</t>
SCTP Parameters: local IP address</t>
Automatable because the choice of paths to commu nicate between the same end host relates to Automatable because the choice of paths to commu nicate between the same end host relates to
knowledge about the network, not the application knowledge about the network, not the application
.<vspace /> .</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Set primary path<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> <t>Set primary path</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because the choice of paths to commu nicate between the same end hosts relates to Automatable because the choice of paths to commu nicate between the same end hosts relates to
knowledge about the network, not the application knowledge about the network, not the application
.<vspace /> .</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Suggest primary path to the peer<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> <t>Suggest primary path to the peer</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because the choice of paths to commu nicate between the same end hosts relates to Automatable because the choice of paths to commu nicate between the same end hosts relates to
knowledge about the network, not the application knowledge about the network, not the application
.<vspace /> .</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Configure Path Switchover<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> <t>Configure Path Switchover</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because the choice of paths to commu nicate between the same end hosts relates to Automatable because the choice of paths to commu nicate between the same end hosts relates to
knowledge about the network, not the application knowledge about the network, not the application
.<vspace /> .</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Obtain status (query or notification)<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: SCTP, MPTCP<vspace /> <t>Obtain status (query or notification)</t>
SCTP parameters: association <t>
connection state; destination transport address Protocols: SCTP, MPTCP</t>
list; destination transport <t>
address reachability states; SCTP parameters: association connection state;
current local and peer receiver window size; cur destination transport address list;
rent local congestion destination transport address reachability
window sizes; number of unacknowledged DATA chun states; current local and peer receiver window
ks; number of DATA chunks size; current local congestion window sizes;
pending receipt; primary path; most recent SRTT number of unacknowledged DATA chunks; number
on primary path; RTO on of DATA chunks pending receipt; primary path;
primary path; SRTT and RTO on other destination most recent SRTT on primary path; RTO on
addresses; MTU per path; primary path; SRTT and RTO on other
interleaving supported yes/no<vspace /> destination addresses; MTU per path;
MPTCP parameters: subflow-list (identified by so interleaving supported yes/no</t>
urce-IP; source-Port; destination-IP; destination-Port)<vspace /> <t>
MPTCP parameters: subflow-list (identified by so
urce-IP; source-Port; destination-IP; destination-Port)</t>
Automatable because these parameters relate to k nowledge about Automatable because these parameters relate to k nowledge about
the network, not the application.<vspace /> the network, not the application.</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Specify DSCP field<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> <t>Specify DSCP field</t>
Optimizing because choosing a suitable DSCP valu <t>
e requires application-specific knowledge.<vspace /> Protocols: TCP, SCTP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
Implementation: via SET_DSCP.TCP / SET_DSCP.SCTP <t>
/ SET_DSCP.UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> Optimizing because choosing a suitable DSCP valu
<vspace blankLines='1'/> e requires application-specific knowledge.</t>
</t> <t>
<t>Notification of ICMP error message arrival<vspace Implementation: via SET_DSCP.TCP / SET_DSCP.SCTP
/> / SET_DSCP.UDP(-Lite).</t>
Protocols: TCP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> <t/>
Optimizing because these messages can inform abo </li>
ut success or failure of functional <li>
transport features <t>Notification of ICMP error message arrival</t>
(e.g., host unreachable relates to "Connect")<vs <t>
pace /> Protocols: TCP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
Implementation: via ERROR.TCP or ERROR.UDP(-Lite <t>
).<vspace /> Optimizing because these messages can inform
<vspace blankLines='1'/> about success or failure of functional
</t> transport features (e.g., host unreachable
<t>Obtain information about interleaving support<vsp relates to "Connect").</t>
ace /> <t>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> Implementation: via ERROR.TCP or ERROR.UDP(-Lite
Automatable because it requires using multiple s .)</t>
treams, but <t/>
requesting multiple streams in the CONNECTION.ES </li>
TABLISHMENT category is <li>
automatable.<vspace /> <t>Obtain information about interleaving support</t>
Implementation: via STATUS.SCTP.<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Protocols: SCTP</t>
</t> <t>
<t>Change authentication parameters<vspace /> Automatable because it requires using multiple
Protocols: TCP, SCTP<vspace /> streams, but requesting multiple streams in
Functional because this has a direct influence o the CONNECTION.ESTABLISHMENT category is
n security.<vspace /> automatable.</t>
Implementation: via SET_AUTH.TCP and SET_AUTH.SC <t>
TP.<vspace /> Implementation: via STATUS.SCTP.</t>
Implementation over TCP: With SCTP, this allows <t/>
to adjust key_id, key, and hmac_id. </li>
With TCP, this allows to change the preferred ou <li>
tgoing MKT (current_key) <t>Change authentication parameters</t>
and the preferred incoming MKT (rnext_key), resp <t>
ectively, for a segment that is sent on the connection. Protocols: TCP, SCTP</t>
Key material must be provided in a way that is c <t>
ompatible with both <xref target="RFC4895"/> and <xref target="RFC5925"/>.<vspac Functional because this has a direct influence o
e /> n security.</t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does <t>
not offer authentication).<vspace /> Implementation: via SET_AUTH.TCP and SET_AUTH.SC
<vspace blankLines='1'/> TP.</t>
</t> <t>
<t>Obtain authentication information<vspace /> Implementation over TCP: with SCTP, this
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> allows adjusting key_id, key, and hmac_id.
Functional because authentication decisions may With TCP, this allows changing the preferred
have been made by the peer, outgoing MKT (current_key) and the preferred
and this has an influence on the necessary appli incoming MKT (rnext_key), respectively, for a
cation-level measures to provide a segment that is sent on the connection. Key
certain level of security.<vspace /> material must be provided in a way that is
Implementation: via GET_AUTH.SCTP.<vspace /> compatible with both <xref target="RFC4895"
Implementation over TCP: With SCTP, this allows format="default"/> and <xref target="RFC5925"
to obtain key_id and a chunk list. format="default"/>.</t>
With TCP, this allows to obtain current_key and <t>
rnext_key from a previously received segment. Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP does
Key material must be provided in a way that is c not offer authentication.)</t>
ompatible with both <xref target="RFC4895"/> and <xref target="RFC5925"/>.<vspac <t/>
e /> </li>
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does <li>
not offer authentication).<vspace /> <t>Obtain authentication information</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Protocols: SCTP</t>
<t>Reset Stream<vspace /> <t>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> Functional because authentication decisions
Automatable because using multi-streaming does n may have been made by the peer, and this has
ot require application-specific knowledge.<vspace /> an influence on the necessary
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream"/>. application-level measures to provide a
<vspace blankLines='1'/> certain level of security.</t>
</t> <t>
<t>Notification of Stream Reset<vspace /> Implementation: via GET_AUTH.SCTP.</t>
Protocols: STCP<vspace /> <t>
Automatable because using multi-streaming does n Implementation over TCP: with SCTP, this
ot require application-specific knowledge.<vspace /> allows obtaining key_id and a chunk list.
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream"/>. With TCP, this allows obtaining current_key
<vspace blankLines='1'/> and rnext_key from a previously received
</t> segment. Key material must be provided in a
<t>Reset Association<vspace /> way that is compatible with both <xref
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> target="RFC4895" format="default"/> and <xref
Automatable because deciding to reset an associa target="RFC5925" format="default"/>.</t>
tion does not require application-specific knowledge.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: via RESET_ASSOC.SCTP.<vspace /> Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP does
<vspace blankLines='1'/> not offer authentication.)</t>
</t> <t/>
<t>Notification of Association Reset<vspace /> </li>
Protocols: STCP<vspace /> <li>
Automatable because this notification does not r <t>Reset Stream</t>
elate to application-specific knowledge.<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Protocols: SCTP</t>
</t> <t>
<t>Add Streams<vspace /> Automatable because using multi-streaming does n
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> ot require application-specific knowledge.</t>
Automatable because using multi-streaming does n <t>
ot require application-specific knowledge.<vspace /> Implementation: see <xref target="nostream" form
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream"/>. at="default"/>.
<vspace blankLines='1'/> </t>
</t> <t/>
<t>Notification of Added Stream<vspace /> </li>
Protocols: STCP<vspace /> <li>
Automatable because using multi-streaming does n <t>Notification of Stream Reset</t>
ot require application-specific knowledge.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream"/>. Protocols: STCP</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Automatable because using multi-streaming does n
<t>Choose a scheduler to operate between streams of ot require application-specific knowledge.</t>
an association<vspace /> <t>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> Implementation: see <xref target="nostream" form
Optimizing because the scheduling decision requi at="default"/>.
res application-specific knowledge. </t>
However, if a transport system would not use thi <t/>
s, or wrongly configure it on its own, this would only </li>
affect the performance of data transfers; the ou <li>
tcome would still be correct within the "best effort" <t>Reset Association</t>
service model.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: using SET_STREAM_SCHEDULER.SCTP. Protocols: SCTP</t>
<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (streams are Automatable because deciding to reset an associa
not available in TCP, but no guarantee is tion does not require application-specific knowledge.</t>
given that this transport feature has any effect <t>
).<vspace /> Implementation: via RESET_ASSOC.SCTP.</t>
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (streams are <t/>
not available in UDP, but no guarantee is </li>
given that this transport feature has any effect <li>
).<vspace /> <t>Notification of Association Reset</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Protocols: STCP</t>
<t>Configure priority or weight for a scheduler<vspa <t>
ce /> Automatable because this notification does not r
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> elate to application-specific knowledge.</t>
Optimizing because the priority or weight requir <t/>
es application-specific knowledge. </li>
However, if a transport system would not use thi <li>
s, or wrongly configure it on its own, this would only <t>Add Streams</t>
affect the performance of data transfers; the ou <t>
tcome would still be correct within the "best effort" Protocols: SCTP</t>
service model.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: using CONFIGURE_STREAM_SCHEDULER Automatable because using multi-streaming does n
.SCTP.<vspace /> ot require application-specific knowledge.</t>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (streams are <t>
not available in TCP, but no guarantee is Implementation: see <xref target="nostream" form
given that this transport feature has any effect at="default"/>.
).<vspace /> </t>
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (streams are <t/>
not available in UDP, but no guarantee is </li>
given that this transport feature has any effect <li>
).<vspace /> <t>Notification of Added Stream</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Protocols: STCP</t>
<t>Configure send buffer size<vspace /> <t>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> Automatable because using multi-streaming does n
Automatable because this decision relates to kno ot require application-specific knowledge.</t>
wledge about the <t>
network and the Operating System, not the applic Implementation: see <xref target="nostream" form
ation (see also the at="default"/>.
discussion in <xref target="rundry"/>).<vspace / </t>
> <t/>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> </li>
</t> <li>
<t>Configure receive buffer (and rwnd) size<vspace / <t>Choose a scheduler to operate between streams of an association</
> t>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> <t>
Automatable because this decision relates to kno Protocols: SCTP</t>
wledge about the network and the <t>
Operating System, not the application.<vspace /> Optimizing because the scheduling decision
<vspace blankLines='1'/> requires application-specific knowledge.
</t> However, if a transport system would not use
<t>Configure message fragmentation<vspace /> this, or wrongly configure it on its own, this
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> would only affect the performance of data
Automatable because this relates to knowledge ab transfers; the outcome would still be correct
out the network and the Operating System, within the "best effort" service model.</t>
not the application. Note that this SCTP feature <t>
does not control IP-level fragmentation, Implementation: using SET_STREAM_SCHEDULER.SCTP.
but decides on fragmentation of messages by SCTP </t>
, in the end system.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: by always enabling it with CONFI Implementation over TCP: do nothing (streams
G_FRAGMENTATION.SCTP and auto-setting the are not available in TCP, but no guarantee is
fragmentation size based on network or Operating given that this transport feature has any
System conditions.<vspace /> effect).</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Implementation over UDP: do nothing (streams
<t>Configure PMTUD<vspace /> are not available in UDP, but no guarantee is
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> given that this transport feature has any
Automatable because Path MTU Discovery relates t effect).</t>
o knowledge about the network, not the <t/>
application.<vspace /> </li>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <li>
</t> <t>Configure priority or weight for a scheduler</t>
<t>Configure delayed SACK timer<vspace /> <t>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because the receiver-side decision t <t>
o delay sending SACKs relates to knowledge about the network, Optimizing because the priority or weight
not the application (it can be relevant for a se requires application-specific knowledge.
nding application to request not to delay the SACK However, if a transport system would not use
of a message, but this is a different transport this, or wrongly configure it on its own, this
feature).<vspace /> would only affect the performance of data
<vspace blankLines='1'/> transfers; the outcome would still be correct
</t> within the "best effort" service model.</t>
<t>Set Cookie life value<vspace /> <t>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> Implementation: using CONFIGURE_STREAM_SCHEDULER
Functional because it relates to security (possi .SCTP.</t>
bly weakened by keeping a cookie very long) versus <t>
the time between connection establishment attemp Implementation over TCP: do nothing (streams
ts. Knowledge about both issues can be application-specific.<vspace /> are not available in TCP, but no guarantee is
Implementation over TCP: the closest specified T given that this transport feature has any
CP functionality is the cookie in TCP Fast Open; for this, <xref target="RFC7413 effect).</t>
"/> <t>
states that the server "can expire the cookie at Implementation over UDP: do nothing (streams
any time to enhance security" and section 4.1.2 describes an are not available in UDP, but no guarantee is
example implementation where updating the key on given that this transport feature has any
the server side causes the cookie to expire. effect).</t>
Alternatively, for implementations that do not s <t/>
upport TCP Fast Open, this transport feature could also </li>
affect the validity of SYN cookies (see Section <li>
3.6 of <xref target="RFC4987"/>). <t>Configure send buffer size</t>
<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does Protocols: SCTP</t>
not offer this functionality).<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Automatable because this decision relates to
</t> knowledge about the network and the Operating
<t>Set maximum burst<vspace /> System, not the application (see also the
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> discussion in <xref target="rundry"
<t>Configure receive buffer (and rwnd) size</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because this decision relates to
knowledge about the network and the Operating
System, not the application.</t>
<t>Configure message fragmentation</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because this relates to knowledge
about the network and the Operating System,
not the application. Note that this SCTP
feature does not control IP-level
fragmentation, but decides on fragmentation of
messages by SCTP, in the end system.</t>
Implementation: done by always enabling it with
CONFIG_FRAGMENTATION.SCTP and auto-setting the
fragmentation size based on network or
Operating System conditions.</t>
<t>Configure PMTUD</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because Path MTU Discovery relates
to knowledge about the network, not the
<t>Configure delayed SACK timer</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because the receiver-side decision
to delay sending SACKs relates to knowledge
about the network, not the application (it can
be relevant for a sending application to
request not to delay the SACK of a message,
but this is a different transport
<t>Set Cookie life value</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Functional because it relates to security
(possibly weakened by keeping a cookie very
long) versus the time between connection
establishment attempts. Knowledge about both
issues can be application specific.</t>
Implementation over TCP: the closest specified
TCP functionality is the cookie in TCP Fast
Open; for this, <xref target="RFC7413"
format="default"/> states that the server "can
expire the cookie at any time to enhance
security", and <xref target="RFC7413" sectionFor
section="4.1.2"/> describes an
example implementation where updating the key
on the server side causes the cookie to
expire. Alternatively, for implementations
that do not support TCP Fast Open, this
transport feature could also affect the
validity of SYN cookies (see <xref target="RFC49
section="3.6" sectionFormat="of"/>).
Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP does
not offer this functionality.)</t>
<t>Set maximum burst</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because it relates to knowledge abou t the network, not the Automatable because it relates to knowledge abou t the network, not the
application.<vspace /> application.</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Configure size where messages are broken up for p <li>
artial delivery<vspace /> <t>Configure size where messages are broken up for partial delivery<
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> /t>
Functional because this is closely tied to prope <t>
rties of the data that an application Protocols: SCTP</t>
sends or expects to receive.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over TCP: not possible (TCP does Functional because this is closely tied to
not offer identification of message boundaries).<vspace /> properties of the data that an application
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does sends or expects to receive.</t>
not fragment messages).<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Implementation over TCP: not possible. (TCP does
</t> not offer identification of message boundaries.)</t>
<t>Disable checksum when sending<vspace /> <t>
Protocols: UDP<vspace /> Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP does
Functional because application-specific knowledg not fragment messages.)</t>
e is necessary to decide whether <t/>
it can be acceptable to lose data integrity with </li>
respect to random corruption.<vspace /> <li>
Implementation: via SET_CHECKSUM_ENABLED.UDP.<vs <t>Disable checksum when sending</t>
pace /> <t>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does no Protocols: UDP</t>
t offer to disable the checksum, but <t>
transmitting data with an intact checksum will n Functional because application-specific
ot yield a semantically wrong result). knowledge is necessary to decide whether
<vspace blankLines='1'/> it can be acceptable to lose data integrity
</t> with respect to random corruption.</t>
<t>Disable checksum requirement when receiving<vspac <t>
e /> Implementation: via SET_CHECKSUM_ENABLED.UDP.</t
Protocols: UDP<vspace /> >
Functional because application-specific knowledg <t>
e is necessary to decide whether Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does
it can be acceptable to lose data integrity with not offer to disable the checksum, but
respect to random corruption.<vspace /> transmitting data with an intact checksum will
Implementation: via SET_CHECKSUM_REQUIRED.UDP.<v not yield a semantically wrong result).
space /> </t>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does no <t/>
t offer to disable the checksum, but </li>
transmitting data with an intact checksum will n <li>
ot yield a semantically wrong result). <t>Disable checksum requirement when receiving</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Protocols: UDP</t>
<t>Specify checksum coverage used by the sender<vspa <t>
ce /> Functional because application-specific
Protocols: UDP-Lite<vspace /> knowledge is necessary to decide whether
Functional because application-specific knowledg it can be acceptable to lose data
e is necessary to decide for which integrity with respect to random
parts of the data it can be acceptable to lose d corruption.</t>
ata integrity with respect to random corruption.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: via SET_CHECKSUM_COVERAGE.UDP-Li Implementation: via SET_CHECKSUM_REQUIRED.UDP.</
te.<vspace /> t>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does no <t>
t offer to limit the checksum length, but Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does
transmitting data with an intact checksum will n not offer to disable the checksum, but
ot yield a semantically wrong result).<vspace /> transmitting data with an intact checksum will
Implementation over UDP: if checksum coverage is not yield a semantically wrong result).
set to cover payload data, do nothing. </t>
Else, either do nothing (transmitting data with <t/>
an intact checksum </li>
will not yield a semantically wrong result), or <li>
use the transport feature "Disable checksum <t>Specify checksum coverage used by the sender</t>
when sending". <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Protocols: UDP-Lite</t>
</t> <t>
<t>Specify minimum checksum coverage required by rec Functional because application-specific
eiver<vspace /> knowledge is necessary to decide for which
Protocols: UDP-Lite<vspace /> parts of the data it can be acceptable to lose
data integrity with respect to random
Implementation: via SET_CHECKSUM_COVERAGE.UDP-Li
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does
not offer to limit the checksum length, but
transmitting data with an intact checksum will
not yield a semantically wrong result).</t>
Implementation over UDP: if checksum coverage
is set to cover payload data, do nothing.
Else, either do nothing (transmitting data
with an intact checksum will not yield a
semantically wrong result), or use the
transport feature "Disable checksum when
<t>Specify minimum checksum coverage required by receiver</t>
Protocols: UDP-Lite</t>
Functional because application-specific knowledg e is necessary to decide for which Functional because application-specific knowledg e is necessary to decide for which
parts of the data it can be acceptable to lose d parts of the data it can be acceptable to lose d
ata integrity with respect to random corruption.<vspace /> ata integrity with respect to random corruption.</t>
Implementation: via SET_MIN_CHECKSUM_COVERAGE.UD <t>
P-Lite.<vspace /> Implementation: via SET_MIN_CHECKSUM_COVERAGE.UD
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does no P-Lite.</t>
t offer to limit the checksum length, but <t>
transmitting data with an intact checksum will n Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does
ot yield a semantically wrong result).<vspace /> not offer to limit the checksum length, but
Implementation over UDP: if checksum coverage is transmitting data with an intact checksum will
set to cover payload data, do nothing. not yield a semantically wrong result).</t>
Else, either do nothing (transmitting data with <t>
an intact checksum Implementation over UDP: if checksum coverage
will not yield a semantically wrong result), or is set to cover payload data, do nothing.
use the transport feature "Disable checksum Else, either do nothing (transmitting data
with an intact checksum will not yield a
semantically wrong result), or use the
transport feature "Disable checksum
requirement when receiving". requirement when receiving".
<vspace blankLines='1'/> </t>
</t> <t/>
<t>Specify DF field <vspace /> </li>
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> <li>
Optimizing because the DF field can be used to c <t>Specify DF field </t>
arry out Path MTU Discovery, which can <t>
lead an application to choose message sizes that Protocols: UDP(-Lite)</t>
can be transmitted more efficiently.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: via MAINTENANCE.SET_DF.UDP(-Lite Optimizing because the DF field can be used to
) and SEND_FAILURE.UDP(-Lite).<vspace /> carry out Path MTU Discovery, which can lead
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (with TCP, t an application to choose message sizes that
he sending application is not in control can be transmitted more efficiently.</t>
of transport message sizes, making this function <t>
ality irrelevant). Implementation: via MAINTENANCE.SET_DF.UDP(-Lite
<vspace blankLines='1'/> ) and SEND_FAILURE.UDP(-Lite).</t>
</t> <t>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (with TCP,
<t>Get max. transport-message size that may be sent the sending application is not in control of
using a non-fragmented IP packet from the configured interface<vspace /> transport message sizes, making this
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> functionality irrelevant).
Optimizing because this can lead an application </t>
to choose message sizes that can be transmitted more efficiently.<vspace /> <t/>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this inform </li>
ation is not available with TCP).<vspace /> <li>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>Get max. transport-message size that may be sent using a non-frag
</t> mented IP packet from the configured interface</t>
<t>Get max. transport-message size that may be recei <t>
ved from the configured interface<vspace /> Protocols: UDP(-Lite)</t>
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> <t>
Optimizing because this can, for example, influe Optimizing because this can lead an
nce an application's memory management.<vspace /> application to choose message sizes that can
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this inform be transmitted more efficiently.</t>
ation is not available with TCP).<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this inform
</t> ation is not available with TCP).</t>
<t>Specify TTL/Hop count field<vspace /> <t/>
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> </li>
Automatable because a transport system can use a <li>
large enough system default to avoid communication failures. <t>Get max. transport-message size that may be received from the con
Allowing an application to configure it differen figured interface</t>
tly can produce notifications of ICMP error message arrivals <t>
that yield information which only relates to kno Protocols: UDP(-Lite)</t>
wledge about the network, not the application.<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Optimizing because this can, for example,
</t> influence an application's memory
<t>Obtain TTL/Hop count field<vspace /> management.</t>
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> <t>
Automatable because the TTL/Hop count field rela Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this inform
tes to knowledge about the network, not the application.<vspace /> ation is not available with TCP).</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Specify ECN field<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> <t>Specify TTL/Hop count field</t>
Automatable because the ECN field relates to kno <t>
wledge about the network, not the application.<vspace /> Protocols: UDP(-Lite)</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Automatable because a transport system can use
<t>Obtain ECN field<vspace /> a large enough system default to avoid
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> communication failures. Allowing an
Optimizing because this information can be used application to configure it differently can
by an application to better carry out congestion control (this is produce notifications of ICMP error message
relevant when choosing a data transmission trans arrivals that yield information that only
port service that does not already do congestion control).<vspace /> relates to knowledge about the network, not
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this inform the application.</t>
ation is not available with TCP).<vspace /> <t/>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> </li>
</t> <li>
<t>Specify IP Options<vspace /> <t>Obtain TTL/Hop count field</t>
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> <t>
Automatable because IP Options relate to knowled Protocols: UDP(-Lite)</t>
ge about the network, not the application.<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Automatable because the TTL/Hop count field rela
</t> tes to knowledge about the network, not the application.</t>
<t>Obtain IP Options<vspace /> <t/>
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> </li>
Automatable because IP Options relate to knowled <li>
ge about the network, not the application.<vspace /> <t>Specify ECN field</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Protocols: UDP(-Lite)</t>
<t>Enable and configure a "Low Extra Delay Backgroun <t>
d Transfer"<vspace /> Automatable because the ECN field relates to kno
Protocols: A protocol implementing the LEDBAT co wledge about the network, not the application.</t>
ngestion control mechanism<vspace /> <t/>
Optimizing because whether this feature is appro </li>
priate or not depends on <li>
application-specific knowledge. However, wrongly <t>Obtain ECN field</t>
using this will only <t>
affect the speed of data transfers (albeit inclu Protocols: UDP(-Lite)</t>
ding other transfers that may compete <t>
with the transport system's transfer in the netw Optimizing because this information can be
ork), used by an application to better carry out
so it is still correct within the "best effort" congestion control (this is relevant when
service model.<vspace /> choosing a data transmission transport service
Implementation: via CONFIGURE.LEDBAT and/or SET_ that does not already do congestion
DSCP.TCP / SET_DSCP.SCTP / SET_DSCP.UDP(-Lite) <xref target="LBE-draft"/>.<vspac control).</t>
e /> <t>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does no Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this inform
t support LEDBAT congestion control, but ation is not available with TCP).</t>
not implementing this functionality will not yie <t/>
ld a semantically wrong behavior).<vspace /> </li>
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (UDP does no <li>
t offer congestion control).<vspace /> <t>Specify IP Options</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Protocols: UDP(-Lite)</t>
</list></t> Automatable because IP Options relate to
knowledge about the network, not the
<t>TERMINATION:<vspace /> application.</t>
<list style="symbols"> </li>
<t>Close after reliably delivering all remaining dat <li>
a, causing an event informing the application on the other side<vspace /> <t>Obtain IP Options</t>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP<vspace /> <t>
Functional because the notion of a connection is Protocols: UDP(-Lite)</t>
often reflected in applications <t>
as an expectation to have all outstanding data d Automatable because IP Options relate to
elivered and no longer be able knowledge about the network, not the
to communicate after a "Close" succeeded, application.</t>
with a communication sequence relating to this t <t/>
ransport feature that is defined by the </li>
application protocol.<vspace /> <li>
Implementation: via CLOSE.TCP and CLOSE.SCTP.<vs <t>Enable and configure a "Low Extra Delay Background Transfer"</t>
pace /> <t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP is un Protocols: a protocol implementing the LEDBAT co
reliable and hence does not know when ngestion control mechanism</t>
all remaining data is delivered; it does also no <t>
t offer to cause an event related to Optimizing because whether this feature is
closing at the peer).<vspace /> appropriate or not depends on
<vspace blankLines='1'/> application-specific knowledge. However,
</t> wrongly using this will only affect the speed
<t>Abort without delivering remaining data, causing of data transfers (albeit including other
an event informing the application on the other side<vspace /> transfers that may compete with the transport
Protocols: TCP, SCTP<vspace /> system's transfer in the network), so it is
Functional because the notion of a connection is still correct within the "best effort" service
often reflected in applications model.</t>
as an expectation to potentially not have all ou <t>
tstanding data delivered and no longer be able Implementation: via CONFIGURE.LEDBAT and/or SET_
to communicate after an "Abort" succeeded. On bo DSCP.TCP / SET_DSCP.SCTP / SET_DSCP.UDP(-Lite) <xref target="RFC8622" format="de
th sides of a connection, an application protocol may fault"/>.</t>
define a communication sequence relating to this <t>
transport feature.<vspace /> Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does
Implementation: via ABORT.TCP and ABORT.SCTP.<vs not support LEDBAT congestion control, but not
pace /> implementing this functionality will not yield
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does a semantically wrong behavior).</t>
not offer to cause an event related <t>
to aborting at the peer).<vspace /> Implementation over UDP: do nothing (UDP does no
<vspace blankLines='1'/> t offer congestion control).</t>
</t> <t/>
<t>Abort without delivering remaining data, not caus </li>
ing an event informing the application on the other side<vspace /> </ul>
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> <t>TERMINATION:
Functional because the notion of a connection is
often reflected in applications
as an expectation to potentially not have all ou
tstanding data delivered and no longer be able
to communicate after an "Abort" succeeded. On bo
th sides of a connection, an application protocol may
define a communication sequence relating to this
transport feature.<vspace />
Implementation: via ABORT.UDP(-Lite).<vspace />
Implementation over TCP: stop using the connecti
on, wait for a timeout.<vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Timeout event when data could not be delivered fo
r too long<vspace />
Protocols: TCP, SCTP<vspace />
Functional because this notifies that potentiall
y assumed reliable data delivery is no longer provided.<vspace />
Implementation: via TIMEOUT.TCP and TIMEOUT.SCTP
.<vspace />
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (this event
will not occur with UDP).<vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<section anchor="data-pass3" title="DATA Transfer Related Transp </t>
ort Features"> <ul >
<t>Close after reliably delivering all remaining data, causing an
event informing the application on the other side</t>
<section anchor="data-sending-pass3" title="Sending Data"> <t>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP</t>
Functional because the notion of a connection
is often reflected in applications as an
expectation to have all outstanding data
delivered and no longer be able to communicate
after a "Close" succeeded, with a
communication sequence relating to this
transport feature that is defined by the
application protocol.</t>
Implementation: via CLOSE.TCP and CLOSE.SCTP.</t
Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP is
unreliable and hence does not know when all
remaining data is delivered; it does also not
offer to cause an event related to closing at
the peer.)</t>
<t>Abort without delivering remaining data, causing an event informi
ng the application on the other side</t>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP</t>
Functional because the notion of a connection
is often reflected in applications as an
expectation to potentially not have all
outstanding data delivered and no longer be
able to communicate after an "Abort"
succeeded. On both sides of a connection, an
application protocol may define a
communication sequence relating to this
transport feature.</t>
Implementation: via ABORT.TCP and ABORT.SCTP.</t
Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP
does not offer to cause an event related to
aborting at the peer.)</t>
<t>Abort without delivering remaining data, not causing an event inf
orming the application on the other side</t>
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)</t>
Functional because the notion of a connection
is often reflected in applications as an
expectation to potentially not have all
outstanding data delivered and no longer be
able to communicate after an "Abort"
succeeded. On both sides of a connection, an
application protocol may define a
communication sequence relating to this
transport feature.</t>
Implementation: via ABORT.UDP(-Lite).</t>
Implementation over TCP: stop using the connecti
on, wait for a timeout.</t>
<t>Timeout event when data could not be delivered for too long</t>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP</t>
Functional because this notifies that
potentially assumed reliable data delivery is
no longer provided.</t>
Implementation: via TIMEOUT.TCP and TIMEOUT.SCTP
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (this event
will not occur with UDP).</t>
<section anchor="data-pass3" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>DATA-Transfer-Related Transport Features</name>
<section anchor="data-sending-pass3" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Sending Data</name>
<ul >
<t>Reliably transfer data, with congestion control</t>
Protocols: TCP, SCTP</t>
Functional because this is closely tied to
properties of the data that an application
sends or expects to receive.</t>
Implementation: via SEND.TCP and SEND.SCTP.</t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP is u
<t>Reliably transfer a message, with congestion control</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Functional because this is closely tied to
properties of the data that an application
sends or expects to receive.</t>
Implementation: via SEND.SCTP.</t>
Implementation over TCP: via SEND.TCP. With
SEND.TCP, message boundaries will not be
identifiable by the receiver, because TCP
provides a byte stream service.</t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP is u
<t>Unreliably transfer a message</t>
Protocols: SCTP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
Optimizing because only applications know
about the time criticality of their
communication, and reliably transferring a
message is never incorrect for the receiver of
a potentially unreliable data transfer, it is
just slower.</t>
CHANGED FROM RFC 8303. This differs from the 2
automatable transport features below in that
it leaves the choice of congestion control
Implementation: via SEND.SCTP or SEND.UDP(-Lite)
Implementation over TCP: use SEND.TCP. With
SEND.TCP, messages will be sent reliably, and
message boundaries will not be identifiable by
the receiver.</t>
<t>Unreliably transfer a message, with congestion control</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because congestion control relates t
o knowledge about the network, not the application.</t>
<t>Unreliably transfer a message, without congestion control</t>
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)</t>
Automatable because congestion control relates t
o knowledge about the network, not the application.</t>
<t>Configurable Message Reliability</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Optimizing because only applications know
about the time criticality of their
communication, and reliably transferring a
message is never incorrect for the receiver of
a potentially unreliable data transfer, it is
just slower.</t>
Implementation: via SEND.SCTP.</t>
<t><list style="symbols"> <t>
<t>Reliably transfer data, with congestion control<v Implementation over TCP: done by using SEND.TCP
space /> and
Protocols: TCP, SCTP<vspace /> ignoring this configuration. Based on the
Functional because this is closely tied to prope assumption of the best-effort service model,
rties of the data that an application unnecessarily delivering data does not violate
sends or expects to receive.<vspace /> application expectations. Moreover, it is not
Implementation: via SEND.TCP and SEND.SCTP.<vspa possible to associate the requested
ce /> reliability to a "message" in TCP anyway.</t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP is un <t>
reliable).<vspace /> Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP is u
<vspace blankLines='1'/> nreliable.)</t>
</t> <t/>
<t>Reliably transfer a message, with congestion cont </li>
rol<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> <t>Choice of stream</t>
Functional because this is closely tied to prope <t>
rties of the data that an application Protocols: SCTP</t>
sends or expects to receive.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: via SEND.SCTP.<vspace /> Automatable because it requires using multiple
Implementation over TCP: via SEND.TCP. With SEND streams, but requesting multiple streams in
.TCP, message the CONNECTION.ESTABLISHMENT category is
boundaries will not be identifiable by the recei
ver, because TCP
provides a byte stream service.<vspace />
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP is un
reliable).<vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Unreliably transfer a message<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace />
Optimizing because only applications know about
the time criticality of their communication,
and reliably transfering a message is never inco
rrect for the receiver of a potentially
unreliable data transfer, it is just slower.<vsp
ace />
CHANGED FROM RFC8303. This differs from the 2 au
tomatable transport features below in that it leaves the choice
of congestion control open.<vspace />
Implementation: via SEND.SCTP or SEND.UDP(-Lite)
.<vspace />
Implementation over TCP: use SEND.TCP. With SEND
.TCP, messages will be sent reliably, and
message boundaries will not be identifiable by t
he receiver.<vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Unreliably transfer a message, with congestion co
ntrol<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP<vspace />
Automatable because congestion control relates t
o knowledge about the network, not the application.<vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Unreliably transfer a message, without congestion
control<vspace />
Protocols: UDP(-Lite)<vspace />
Automatable because congestion control relates t
o knowledge about the network, not the application.<vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Configurable Message Reliability<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP<vspace />
Optimizing because only applications know about
the time criticality of their communication,
and reliably transfering a message is never inco
rrect for the receiver of a potentially
unreliable data transfer, it is just slower.<vsp
ace />
Implementation: via SEND.SCTP.<vspace />
Implementation over TCP: By using SEND.TCP and i
gnoring this configuration:
based on the assumption of the best-effort
service model, unnecessarily delivering data doe
not violate application expectations. Moreover,
it is not possible to associate the requested
reliability to a "message" in TCP anyway.<vspace
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP is un
reliable).<vspace />
<vspace blankLines='1'/>
<t>Choice of stream<vspace />
Protocols: SCTP<vspace />
Automatable because it requires using multiple s
treams, but
requesting multiple streams in the CONNECTION.ES
TABLISHMENT category is
automatable. automatable.
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream"/>. </t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Implementation: see <xref
<t>Choice of path (destination address)<vspace /> target="nostream" format="default"/>.
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> </t>
<t>Choice of path (destination address)</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because it requires using multiple s ockets, but Automatable because it requires using multiple s ockets, but
obtaining multiple sockets in the CONNECTION.EST ABLISHMENT category is obtaining multiple sockets in the CONNECTION.EST ABLISHMENT category is
automatable.<vspace /> automatable.</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Ordered message delivery (potentially slower than <li>
unordered)<vspace /> <t>Ordered message delivery (potentially slower than unordered)</t
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> >
Functional because this is closely tied to prope <t>
rties of the data that an application Protocols: SCTP</t>
sends or expects to receive.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: via SEND.SCTP.<vspace /> Functional because this is closely tied to
Implementation over TCP: By using SEND.TCP. With properties of the data that an application
SEND.TCP, messages will not be identifiable sends or expects to receive.</t>
by the receiver.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does Implementation: via SEND.SCTP.</t>
not offer any guarantees regarding ordering).<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Implementation over TCP: done by using
</t> SEND.TCP. With SEND.TCP, messages will not be
<t>Unordered message delivery (potentially faster th identifiable by the receiver.</t>
an ordered)<vspace /> <t>
Protocols: SCTP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP
does not offer any guarantees regarding
<t>Unordered message delivery (potentially faster than ordered)</t
Protocols: SCTP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
Functional because this is closely tied to prope rties of the data that an application Functional because this is closely tied to prope rties of the data that an application
sends or expects to receive.<vspace /> sends or expects to receive.</t>
Implementation: via SEND.SCTP.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over TCP: By using SEND.TCP and a Implementation: via SEND.SCTP.</t>
lways sending data ordered: <t>
based on the assumption of the best-effort Implementation over TCP: done by using
service model, ordered delivery may just be slow SEND.TCP and always sending data ordered.
er and does Based on the assumption of the best-effort
not violate application expectations. Moreover, service model, ordered delivery may just be
it is not possible to associate the requested slower and does not violate application
delivery order to a "message" in TCP anyway.<vsp expectations. Moreover, it is not possible to
ace /> associate the requested delivery order to a
<vspace blankLines='1'/> "message" in TCP anyway.</t>
</t> <t/>
<t>Request not to bundle messages<vspace /> </li>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> <li>
Optimizing because this decision depends on know <t>Request not to bundle messages</t>
ledge about the size of future data blocks <t>
and the delay between them.<vspace /> Protocols: SCTP</t>
Implementation: via SEND.SCTP.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over TCP: By using SEND.TCP and D Optimizing because this decision depends on
ISABLE_NAGLE.TCP to disable the Nagle algorithm when knowledge about the size of future data blocks
the request is made and enable it again when the and the delay between them.</t>
request is no longer made. Note that this <t>
is not fully equivalent because it relates to th Implementation: via SEND.SCTP.</t>
e time of issuing the request rather than
a specific message.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (UDP never b Implementation over TCP: done by using SEND.TCP
undles messages).<vspace /> and
<vspace blankLines='1'/> DISABLE_NAGLE.TCP to disable the Nagle
</t> algorithm when the request is made and enable
<t>Specifying a "payload protocol-id" (handed over a it again when the request is no longer
s such by the receiver)<vspace /> made. Note that this is not fully equivalent
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> because it relates to the time of issuing the
Functional because it allows to send extra appli request rather than a specific message.</t>
cation data with every message, for the sake <t>
of identification of data, which by itself is ap Implementation over UDP: do nothing (UDP never b
plication-specific.<vspace /> undles messages).</t>
Implementation: SEND.SCTP.<vspace /> <t/>
Implementation over TCP: not possible (this func </li>
tionality is not available in TCP).<vspace /> <li>
Implementation over UDP: not possible (this func <t>Specifying a "payload protocol-id" (handed over as such by the
tionality is not available in UDP).<vspace /> receiver)</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Protocols: SCTP</t>
<t>Specifying a key id to be used to authenticate a <t>
message<vspace /> Functional because it allows sending extra
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> application data with every message, for the
Functional because this has a direct influence o sake of identification of data, which by
n security.<vspace /> itself is application specific.</t>
Implementation: via a parameter in SEND.SCTP.<vs <t>
pace /> Implementation: SEND.SCTP.</t>
Implementation over TCP: This could be emulated <t>
by using SET_AUTH.TCP before and after the message is sent. Implementation over TCP: not possible. (This fun
Note that this is not fully equivalent because i ctionality is not available in TCP.)</t>
t relates to the time of issuing the request rather than <t>
a specific message.<vspace /> Implementation over UDP: not possible. (This fun
Implementation over UDP: not possible (UDP does ctionality is not available in UDP.)</t>
not offer authentication).<vspace /> <t/>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> </li>
</t> <li>
<t>Request not to delay the acknowledgement (SACK) o <t>Specifying a key id to be used to authenticate a message</t>
f a message<vspace /> <t>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> Protocols: SCTP</t>
Functional because this has a direct influence o
n security.</t>
Implementation: via a parameter in SEND.SCTP.</t
Implementation over TCP: this could be
emulated by using SET_AUTH.TCP before and
after the message is sent. Note that this is
not fully equivalent because it relates to the
time of issuing the request rather than a
specific message.</t>
Implementation over UDP: not possible. (UDP does
not offer authentication.)</t>
<t>Request not to delay the acknowledgement (SACK) of a message</t
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Optimizing because only an application knows for which message it wants to quickly be informed Optimizing because only an application knows for which message it wants to quickly be informed
about success / failure of its delivery.<vspace about success/failure of its delivery.</t>
/> <t>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does no Implementation over TCP: do nothing (TCP does
t offer this functionality, but ignoring not offer this functionality, but ignoring
this request from the application will not yield this request from the application will not
a semantically wrong behavior).<vspace /> yield a semantically wrong behavior).</t>
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (UDP does no t offer this functionality, but ignoring Implementation over UDP: do nothing (UDP does no t offer this functionality, but ignoring
this request from the application will not yield this request from the application will not yield
a semantically wrong behavior).<vspace /> a semantically wrong behavior).</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
</list></t> </ul>
</section> <section anchor="data-receiving-pass3" numbered="true" toc="default">
<name>Receiving Data</name>
<section anchor="data-receiving-pass3" title="Receiving Data <ul >
"> <li>
<t>Receive data (with no message delimiting)</t>
<t> <t>
<list style="symbols"> Protocols: TCP</t>
<t>Receive data (with no message delimiting)<vsp <t>
ace /> Functional because a transport system must b
Protocols: TCP<vspace /> e able to send and receive data.</t>
Functional because a transport system must b <t>
e able to send and receive data.<vspace /> Implementation: via RECEIVE.TCP.</t>
Implementation: via RECEIVE.TCP.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (UDP onl y works on messages; these can be handed over, Implementation over UDP: do nothing (UDP onl y works on messages; these can be handed over,
the application can still ignore the message the application can still ignore the message
boundaries).<vspace /> boundaries).</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t/>
</t> </li>
<t>Receive a message<vspace /> <li>
Protocols: SCTP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> <t>Receive a message</t>
Functional because this is closely tied to p <t>
roperties of the data that an application Protocols: SCTP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
sends or expects to receive.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation: via RECEIVE.SCTP and RECEIVE Functional because this is closely tied to
.UDP(-Lite).<vspace /> properties of the data that an application
Implementation over TCP: not possible (TCP d sends or expects to receive.</t>
oes not support identification of message boundaries).<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Implementation: via RECEIVE.SCTP and RECEIVE
</t> .UDP(-Lite).</t>
<t>Choice of stream to receive from<vspace /> <t>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> Implementation over TCP: not possible. (TCP
does not support identification of message boundaries.)</t>
<t>Choice of stream to receive from</t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
Automatable because it requires using multip le streams, but Automatable because it requires using multip le streams, but
requesting multiple streams in the CONNECTIO N.ESTABLISHMENT category is requesting multiple streams in the CONNECTIO N.ESTABLISHMENT category is
automatable.<vspace /> automatable.</t>
Implementation: see <xref target="nostream"/ <t>
>. Implementation: see <xref target="nostream"
<vspace blankLines='1'/> format="default"/>.
</t> </t>
<t>Information about partial message arrival<vsp <t/>
ace /> </li>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> <li>
Functional because this is closely tied to p <t>Information about partial message arrival</t>
roperties of the data that an application <t>
sends or expects to receive.<vspace /> Protocols: SCTP</t>
Implementation: via RECEIVE.SCTP.<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this in Functional because this is closely tied to
formation is not available with TCP).<vspace /> properties of the data that an application
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (this in sends or expects to receive.</t>
formation is not available with UDP).<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Implementation: via RECEIVE.SCTP.</t>
</t> <t>
</list> Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this
</t> information is not available with
</section> TCP).</t>
<section anchor="data-errors-pass3" title="Errors"> Implementation over UDP: do nothing (this in
<t>This section describes sending failures that are asso formation is not available with UDP).</t>
ciated with a <t/>
specific call to in the "Sending Data" category (<xr </li>
ef target="data-sending-pass3"/>).</t> </ul>
<t> <section anchor="data-errors-pass3" numbered="true" toc="default">
<list style="symbols"> <name>Errors</name>
<t>Notification of send failures<vspace /> <t>This section describes sending failures that are associated with
Protocols: SCTP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> a specific call to in the "Sending Data" category (<xref
Functional because this notifies that potent target="data-sending-pass3" format="default"/>).</t>
ially assumed reliable data delivery is no longer provided.<vspace /> <ul >
CHANGED FROM RFC8303. This differs from the <li>
2 automatable transport features below in that it does not distinugish between <t>Notification of send failures</t>
unsent and unacknowledged messages.<vspace / <t>
> Protocols: SCTP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
Implementation: via SENDFAILURE-EVENT.SCTP a <t>
nd SEND_FAILURE.UDP(-Lite).<vspace /> Functional because this notifies that
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this no potentially assumed reliable data delivery
tification is not available and will therefore not occur with TCP).<vspace /> is no longer provided.</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> CHANGED FROM RFC 8303. This differs from
<t>Notification of an unsent (part of a) message the 2 automatable transport features below
<vspace /> in that it does not distinguish between
Protocols: SCTP, UDP(-Lite)<vspace /> unsent and unacknowledged messages.</t>
Automatable because the distinction between <t>
unsent and unacknowledged does not relate to application-specific knowledge. <vs Implementation: via SENDFAILURE-EVENT.SCTP a
pace /> nd SEND_FAILURE.UDP(-Lite).</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this
<t>Notification of an unacknowledged (part of a) notification is not available and will
message<vspace /> therefore not occur with TCP).</t>
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> <t/>
Automatable because the distinction between </li>
unsent and unacknowledged does not relate to application-specific knowledge. <vs <li>
pace /> <t>Notification of an unsent (part of a) message</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Protocols: SCTP, UDP(-Lite)</t>
<t>Notification that the stack has no more user <t>
data to send<vspace /> Automatable because the distinction
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> between unsent and unacknowledged does not
Optimizing because reacting to this notifica relate to application-specific
tion requires the application to be involved, knowledge. </t>
and ensuring that the stack does not run dry <t/>
of data (for too long) can improve performance.<vspace /> </li>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (see the <li>
discussion in <xref target="rundry"/>).<vspace /> <t>Notification of an unacknowledged (part of a) message</t>
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (this no <t>
tification is not available and will therefore not occur with UDP).<vspace /> Protocols: SCTP</t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> <t>
</t> Automatable because the distinction
<t>Notification to a receiver that a partial mes between unsent and unacknowledged does not
sage delivery has been aborted<vspace /> relate to application-specific
Protocols: SCTP<vspace /> knowledge. </t>
Functional because this is closely tied to p <t/>
roperties of the data that an application </li>
sends or expects to receive.<vspace /> <li>
Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this no <t>Notification that the stack has no more user data to send</t>
tification is not available and will therefore not occur with TCP).<vspace /> <t>
Implementation over UDP: do nothing (this no Protocols: SCTP</t>
tification is not available and will therefore not occur with UDP).<vspace /> <t>
<vspace blankLines='1'/> Optimizing because reacting to this
</t> notification requires the application to
</list> be involved, and ensuring that the stack
</t> does not run dry of data (for too long)
</section> can improve performance.</t>
</section> Implementation over TCP: do nothing (see
the discussion in <xref target="rundry"
</section> format="default"/>).</t>
<section title="Revision information"> Implementation over UDP: do nothing (this
<t> XXX RFC-Ed please remove this section prior to publication.</t notification is not available and will
> therefore not occur with UDP).</t>
<t>-02: implementation suggestions added, discussion section added, </li>
terminology extended, DELETED category removed, <li>
various other fixes; list of Transport Features adjusted to -01 <t>Notification to a receiver that a partial message delivery
version of has been aborted</t>
<xref target="RFC8303"/> except that MPTCP is not included.</t> <t>
Protocols: SCTP</t>
<t>-03: updated to be consistent with -02 version of <xref target="R <t>
FC8303"/>.</t> Functional because this is closely tied to
properties of the data that an application
<t>-04: updated to be consistent with -03 version of <xref target="R sends or expects to receive.</t>
FC8303"/>. <t>
Reorganized document, rewrote intro and conclusion, and made a first Implementation over TCP: do nothing (this
stab at creating a real "minimal set".</t> notification is not available and will
therefore not occur with TCP).</t>
<t>-05: updated to be consistent with -05 version of <xref target="R <t>
FC8303"/> (minor changes). Fixed a mistake regarding Cookie Life value. Exclusio Implementation over UDP: do nothing (this no
n of security related transport features (to be covered in a separate document). tification is not available and will therefore not occur with UDP).</t>
Reorganized the document (now begins with the minset, derivation is in the appe <t/>
ndix). First stab at an abstract API for the minset.</t> </li>
<t>draft-ietf-taps-minset-00: updated to be consistent with -08 vers </section>
ion of <xref target="RFC8303"/> ("obtain message delivery number" was removed, a </section>
s this has also been removed in <xref target="RFC8303"/> because it was a mistak </section>
e in RFC4960. This led to the removal of two more transport features that were o
nly designated as functional because they affected "obtain message delivery numb
er"). Fall-back to UDP incorporated (this was requested at IETF-99); this also a
ffected the transport feature "Choice between unordered (potentially faster) or
ordered delivery of messages" because this is a boolean which is always true for
one fall-back protocol, and always false for the other one. This was therefore
now divided into two features, one for ordered, one for unordered delivery. The
word "reliably" was added to the transport features "Hand over a message to reli
ably transfer (possibly multiple times) before connection establishment" and "Ha
nd over a message to reliably transfer during connection establishment" to make
it clearer why this is not supported by UDP. Clarified that the "minset abstract
interface" is not proposing a specific API for all TAPS systems to implement, b
ut it is just a way to describe the minimum set. Author order changed.
<t>WG -01: "fall-back to" (TCP or UDP) replaced (mostly with "implem
entation over"). References to post-sockets removed (these were statments that a
ssumed that post-sockets requires two-sided implementation). Replaced "flow" wit
h "TAPS Connection" and "frame" with "message" to avoid introducing new terminol
ogy. Made sections 3 and 4 in line with the categorization that is already used
in the appendix and <xref target="RFC8303"/>, and changed style of section 4 to
be even shorter and less interface-like. Updated reference draft-ietf-tsvwg-sctp
-ndata to RFC8260.
<t>WG -02: rephrased "the TAPS system" and "TAPS connection" etc. to <section anchor="Acknowledgements" numbered="false" toc="default">
more generally talk about transport after the intro (mostly replacing "TAPS sys <name>Acknowledgements</name>
tem" with "transport system" and "TAPS connection" with "connection". Merged sec <t>The authors would like to thank all the participants of the TAPS
tions 3 and 4 to form a new section 3. Working Group and the NEAT and MAMI research projects for valuable input
</t> to this document. We especially thank <contact fullname="Michael
<t>WG -03: updated sentence referencing <xref target="I-D.ietf-taps- Tüxen"/> for help with connection establishment/teardown,
transport-security"/> to say that "the minimum security requirements for a taps <contact fullname="Gorry Fairhurst"/> for his suggestions regarding
system are discussed in a separate security document", wrote "example" in the pa fragmentation and packet sizes, and <contact fullname="Spencer Dawkins"/>
ragraph introducing the decision tree. Removed reference draft-grinnemo-taps-he- for his extremely detailed and constructive review. This work has
03 and the sentence that referred to it. received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and
</t> innovation program under grant agreement No. 644334 (NEAT).
<t>WG -04: addressed comments from Theresa Enghardt and Tommy Pauly.
As part of that, removed "TAPS" as a term everywhere (abstract, intro, ..).
<t>WG -05: addressed comments from Spencer Dawkins.
<t>WG -06: Fixed nits.
<t>WG -07: Addressed Genart comments from Robert Sparks.
<t>WG -08: Addressed one more Genart comment from Robert Sparks.
<t>WG -09: Addressed comments from Mirja Kuehlewind, Alvaro Retana,
Ben Campbell, Benjamin Kaduk and Eric Rescorla.
<t>WG -10: Addressed comments from Benjamin Kaduk and Eric Rescorla.
<t>WG -11: Addressed comments from Alissa Cooper.
</section> </t>
</back> </back>
</rfc> </rfc>
 End of changes. 122 change blocks. 
3025 lines changed or deleted 2935 lines changed or added

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