<?xmlversion="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="rfc2629.xslt" ?>version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM"rfc2629.dtd" [ <!ENTITY RFC2119 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC3958 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3958.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC4848 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4848.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC4033 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4033.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC5222 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5222.xml"> <!ENTITY RFC5582 PUBLIC "" "http://xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5582.xml"> ]> <?rfc inline="yes"?> <?rfc toc="yes" ?> <?rfc tocdepth="2" ?> <?rfc symrefs="yes" ?> <?rfc iprnotified="no" ?> <?rfc strict="no" ?> <?rfc compact="no" ?> <?rfc sortrefs="yes" ?> <!-- <?rfc colonspace='yes' ?> -->"rfc2629-xhtml.ent"> <rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" submissionType="IETF" category="std" consensus="true" ipr="trust200902" updates="5222"docName="draft-gellens-lost-validation-09">docName="draft-gellens-lost-validation-09" number="8917" obsoletes="" xml:lang="en" tocInclude="true" tocDepth="2" symRefs="true" sortRefs="true" version="3"> <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 2.46.0 --> <front> <title abbrev="LoST-Validation">The LoST-ValidationS-NAPTRStraightforward-Naming Authority PoinTeR (S-NAPTR) Application Service Tag</title> <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8917"/> <author fullname="Randall Gellens" initials="R." surname="Gellens"> <organization>Core Technology Consulting</organization> <address> <postal><street></street> <city></city> <region> </region> <code> </code> <country>US </country><street/> <city/> <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 2.46.0 --> <region/> <code/> <country>United States of America</country> </postal> <email>rg+ietf@coretechnologyconsulting.com</email> <uri>http://www.coretechnologyconsulting.com</uri> </address> </author> <author initials="B." surname="Rosen" fullname="Brian Rosen"><organization></organization><organization/> <address> <postal> <street>470 ConradDr</street>Dr.</street> <city>Mars</city> <region> PA </region> <code>16046 </code><country>US </country><country>United States of America</country> </postal> <phone> </phone> <email>br@brianrosen.net </email> </address> </author> <dateyear="2020"/>month="September" year="2020" /> <area>Real-Time Applications and Infrastructure</area><workgroup></workgroup> <keyword>Internet-Draft</keyword><keyword>location</keyword> <keyword>LoST</keyword> <keyword>emergency</keyword> <keyword>emergency services</keyword> <keyword>ecrf</keyword> <keyword>lvf</keyword> <keyword>i3</keyword> <abstract> <t>This document adds the"LoST-Validation"'LoST-Validation' service tag to theStraightforward NamingStraightforward-Naming Authority PoinTeR (S-NAPTR) Application Service Tag IANA registry. This tag can appear in a Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) Domain Name System (DNS) record to assist clients of the Location-to-Service TranslationProtocol(LoST) Protocol in identifying LoST serversexplicitly willing to performdesignated for location validation. This tag and the informationonabout its useis anupdateto RFC5222 thatRFC 5222, which enables the explicit discovery of a server that supports location validation.</t> </abstract> </front> <middle><!-- <section anchor="terminology" title="Terminology"> <t>The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in <xref target="RFC2119"/>. </t> </section> --><section anchor="scope"title="Document Scope">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Document Scope</name> <t>This document adds 'LoST-Validation' to the S-NAPTR Application Service Tag IANAregistry,registry and describes how this tag fits in the LoST server discovery procedure described in <xreftarget="RFC5222"/>.target="RFC5222" format="default"/>. This tag is used with Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) Domain Name System (DNS) records so that clients of the Location-to-Service TranslationProtocol(LoST) Protocol <xreftarget="RFC5222"/>target="RFC5222" format="default"/> can identify serversexplicitly willing to performdesignated for location validation. This tag and the information on its use is an update to <xreftarget="RFC5222"/>target="RFC5222" format="default"/> that enables the explicit discovery of a server that supports location validation.</t> </section> <section anchor="intro"title="Introduction">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Introduction</name> <t>TheLocation-to-Service Translation Protocol,LoST Protocol <xreftarget="RFC5222"/>target="RFC5222" format="default"/> defines a mapping service with the additional ability for a client to request that a civic address be validated. The LoST protocol allows servers to ignore a request to perform location validation. The National Emergency Number Association (NENA) has defined an architecture for all-IP emergency services (known as "i3" <xreftarget="NENA-i3"/>),target="NENA-i3" format="default"/>), which defines the mapping (routing) and validation functions as two distinct functional elements, defined as an Emergency Call Routing Function (ECRF) and a Location Validation Function (LVF). NENA i3 requires that the mapping (ECRF) and validation (LVF) functions beseparable, so thatseparable; an entity responsible for a LoST server cluster can decide to provide mapping and validation services using consolidated or separate server clusters (i.e., using the same or separate boxes). The rationale is that the mapping service is used inreal-timereal time during emergency call routing, while the validation service is used in advance, typically when data isprovisioned, and thereforeprovisioned; therefore, the mapping service has much higher availability andresponse timeresponse-time requirements than the validation service. An organization might choose to deploy these services using different server clusters to make it easier to provide higher levels of service for the mapping function while shielding it from the potentially bursty load ofvalidation, while anothervalidation. Another organization might choose to use the same sets of servers forboth,both services, configured and deployed to offer the high service level demanded of the mapping service.</t> <t>In order to permit this separability, any entity querying a LoST server needs to be able to resolve an Application Unique String (AUS) into a URL for a LoST serverthat offersdesignated for the required service (mapping or validation). This separability needs to be maintained throughout the LoST tree structure, from forest guide to leaf node (LoST architecture is described in <xreftarget="RFC5582"/>).target="RFC5582" format="default"/>). Because LoST referrals return an AUS rather than a URL, either a differentService Tagservice tag or a DNS name convention (e.g., "ecrf.example.org" and "lvf.example.org") is needed to differentiate between thedifferentservices. DNS name conventions are inflexible and fragile, making a different service tag the preferred approach.</t> <t>Becausea server discovered using the "LoST" application service tagLoST servers may ignore a request to perform location validation, a service tag explicitly for location validation also reduces the likelihood (which has existed since <xreftarget="RFC5582"/>) oftarget="RFC5582" format="default"/>) that a clientrequiringneeding location validationreachingwill reach serversunwillingthat are not doing so (due todo so.</t>configuration and/or conditions).</t> <section anchor="req" title="Requirements Language"> <t> The key words "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/> when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. </t> </section> </section> <section anchor="LoST-Validation"title="Thenumbered="true" toc="default"> <name>The LoST-Validation Application ServiceTag">Tag</name> <t>This document adds 'LoST-Validation' to theS-NAPTR"S-NAPTR Application ServiceTagTags" registry created by <xreftarget="RFC3958"/>.target="RFC3958" format="default"/>. The 'LoST-Validation' tag serves as a counterpart to the 'LoST' tag added by <xreftarget="RFC5222"/>: Thetarget="RFC5222" format="default"/>: the 'LoST' tag identifies servers able to perform the core mapping function, while 'LoST-Validation' identifies serversexplicitly willing to performdesignated for the validation function.</t> <t>Because some servers might be configured to provide both mapping and validation functions, a server identified using the 'LoST' service tag might also perform the validation function (and resolving the two tags might result in the same URL). Because the two functions might be separate, clients seeking a LoST server for location validation can first tryU-NAPTRa URI-Enabled NAPTR (U-NAPTR) resolution using the 'Lost-Validation' servicetag,tag andfallbackcan fall back to the 'LoST' service tag if this does not resolve to a usable LoST server.</t> <t>LoST <xreftarget="RFC5222"/>target="RFC5222" format="default"/> specifies that LoST servers are located by resolving anapplication Unique String (AUS)AUS using U-NAPTR/DDDS (URI-EnabledNAPTR/DynamicNAPTR / Dynamic Delegation Discovery Service) <xreftarget="RFC4848"/>,target="RFC4848" format="default"/> and defines the 'LoST'Applicationapplication service tag. In order to permit separability of the mapping and validation services performed using LoST,and to reducethis document defines the 'LoSt-Validation' service tag. This tag also reduces the likelihoodofthat a clientrequiringneeding location validationreachingmight reach serversunwillingthat are not performing validation (due todo so, this document defines the 'LoST-Validation' service tag.configuration and/or conditions). NAPTR records for LoST servers available for location validation contain the 'LoST-Validation' service tag. An entity needing to perform location validation using LoST performs the discovery procedure as described in <xreftarget="RFC5222"/>,target="RFC5222" format="default"/>, except that the 'LoST-Validation' service tag is used in preference to the 'LoST' service tag. For both service tags, the HTTP and HTTPS URL schemes are used. In theabsenseabsence of any NAPTR records containing the 'LoST-Validation' service tag, the 'LoST' service tag is used. Fallback to the 'LoST' service tag may follow if the 'Lost-Validation' service tag fails to result in a usable LoST server. The discovery procedure with the 'LoST-Validation' service tag might result in the same URL as the 'LoST' service tag, or it may result in a different URL. When the URLs are different, they could lead to the same physicalservers,servers or different servers.</t> </section> <section anchor="back"title="Backwards Compatability">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Backwards Compatibility</name> <t>The primary use of LoST in general, and the location validation functionality in particular, is within the emergency services area. Within North America, the NENA i3 <xreftarget="NENA-i3"/>target="NENA-i3" format="default"/> document specifies how protocols including LoST are used. The i3 document is expected to reference the 'LoST-Validation' servicetag,tag and specify its use in both server NAPTR DNS records and client resolution ofApplication Unique Strings (AUS).</t>AUS.</t> <t>LoST allows a server to refuse to perform locationvalidation,validation and defines the 'locationValidationUnavailable' warning. LoST also allows a server to refer to another server rather than answering itself. So, in a deployment where a LoST tree has separate server clusters for mapping and for validation, mapping servers receiving a request for validation could either perform the validation asrequested,requested or return the 'locationValidationUnavailable'warning,warning and potentially also include a <redirect> element to redirect to a validation server. However, the <redirect> element contains anApplication Unique String,AUS, so unless the AUSs for validation and mapping are different (e.g., 'ecrf.example.org' and 'lvf.example.org'), we still need a different service tag to allow for flexible deployment choices (i.e., not requiring a DNS name convention).</t> <t>LoST clients performing emergency services operations in North America are expected to comply with thelatestNENA i3specification,specification and hence support the 'LoST-Validation' service tag when defined. A LoST client implemented prior to the addition of the 'LoST-Validation' tag would use the 'LoST' tag to resolve an AUS. Such a client might not be performing location validation, but if it is, the LoST server it contacts may perform the service. Even in a deployment where mapping and validation are split, the data is identical; the split is a load and deployment optimization strategy.The serverServers designated for mappingis likely tomight perform validation whenrequested, potentially unless it is under load.requested (potentially depending on load or other factors). If an older client attempts validation using a designated mapping server that refuses the request, the client will retry later, at which point the servermay no longer be under load and maymight provide thefunction.function (e.g., if its load or other conditions have changed). Even in the(unlikely)case of a designated mapping server that refuses to perform validation at any time, the server could return a redirect with a different AUS (e.g., "lvf.example.com") that resolves to a designated validation server. In the(unlikely)worst case, the client will be unable to reach a server willing to performvalidation,validation and will follow up (e.g., submit a discrepancyreport,report as specified in NENAi3.i3). Thediscrepancy reportresolutionwouldmay be to update the client with the 'LoST-Validation' service tag, update the AUS returned in a redirect and DNS to use a different DNS host name, or permit the server to perform validation when not under stress (or a combination). Note that, because LoST does not require servers to perform validation, the situation described can exist regardless of the addition of the 'LoST-Validation' service tag.The additionUse of the tag improves the likelihoodofthat a clientneeding validation beingis able todo so.</t>validate a location when needed.</t> </section> <section anchor="security"title="Security Considerations">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>Security Considerations</name> <t>The security considerations described in <xreftarget="RFC3958"/>,target="RFC3958" format="default"/>, <xreftarget="RFC4848"/>,target="RFC4848" format="default"/>, and <xreftarget="RFC5222"/>target="RFC5222" format="default"/> apply here. No additional security aspects are foreseen by the addition of an extra tag. Separation of services might be desired, for example, to be able to allocate different levels of resources (such as server capacity, attack mitigation, bandwidth, etc.) to the mapping and validation services, in which case separate tags are needed to allow LoST clients (which may include other LoST servers) to identify the correct server cluster.</t> <t><xreftarget="RFC5222"/>target="RFC5222" format="default"/> descriptively discusses the use of DNSSecuritysecurity <xreftarget="RFC4033"/>target="RFC4033" format="default"/> to mitigate the risk of DNS-based attacks. Because DNSSecuritysecurity has become more widely deployed since the publication of <xreftarget="RFC5222"/>,target="RFC5222" format="default"/>, such measuresSHOULD<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> be used when performing NAPTR resolution. Note that, while there are valid reasons to proceed with a LoST mapping query despite security failures while initiating or processing an emergency call, these concerns generally do not apply to aloSTLoST validation query done in advance of an emergency call.</t> </section> <section anchor="iana"title="IANA Considerations">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>IANA Considerations</name> <t>IANAis requested to addhas added 'LoST-Validation' to theS-NAPTR"S-NAPTR Application ServiceTagTags" registry created by <xreftarget="RFC3958"/>target="RFC3958" format="default"/>. This tag serves as a counterpart to the 'LoST' tag added by <xreftarget="RFC5222"/>.</t>target="RFC5222" format="default"/>.</t> <t>(Note that IANA and <xreftarget="RFC3958"/>target="RFC3958" format="default"/> call this registry "S-NAPTR Application ServiceTags"Tags", while <xreftarget="RFC5222"/>target="RFC5222" format="default"/> calls it "U-NAPTR application service tag".)</t> <sectiontitle="S-NAPTR Registration">numbered="true" toc="default"> <name>S-NAPTR Registration</name> <t>This document registers an S-NAPTR application service tag:</t><t> <?rfc compact="yes" ?> <?rfc subcompact="no" ?> <list style="empty"> <t>Application<dl spacing="normal"> <dt>Application ServiceTag: LoST-Validation</t> <t>Defining Publication: This document.</t> </list> <?rfc compact="no" ?> </t>Tag:</dt> <dd>LoST-Validation</dd> <dt>Defining Publication:</dt> <dd>This document</dd> </dl> </section> <!-- title="S-NAPTR Registration" --> </section> <!-- title="IANA Considerations" --> <!-- <section title="Contributors"><t></t></section> --><section title="Acknowledgements"> <t>Many thanks to Ted Hardie, Ben Campbell, Dan Banks, Pete Resnick, Shawn Emery, Robert Wilton, Roman Danyliw, and Benjamin Kaduk for their helpful reviews and suggestions, and to Barry Leiba for shepherding the document.</t> </section> <section title="Changes from Previous Versions"> <?rfc compact="yes" ?> <?rfc subcompact="yes" ?> <section title="Changes from -00 to -01"> <t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Fixed incorrect tag in <xref target="iana"/></t> <t>Clarified background and explanation in <xref target="intro"/></t> <t>Clarified text in <xref target="LoST-Validation"/></t> <t>Expanded text in <xref target="security"/></t> </list> </t> </section> <section title="Changes from -01 to -02"> <t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Fixed bug in .xml file</t> </list> </t> </section> <section title="Changes from -02 to -03"> <t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Reworded fallback text in <xref target="intro"/></t> </list> </t> </section> <section title="Changes from -03 to -04"> <t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Fixed some references to <xref target="RFC4848"/> that should be to <xref target="RFC5222"/> in sections <xref target="intro"/> and <xref target="LoST-Validation"/></t> <t>Added clarifying text in Abstract</t> <t>Copied text from Abstract to <xref target="scope"/></t> <t>Added clarifying text in <xref target="intro"/></t> </list> </t> </section> <section title="Changes from -04 to -05"> <t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Added reference to <xref target="RFC5222"/> in <xref target="security"/></t> <t>Added clarifying text to <xref target="intro"/></t> <t>Moved some text from <xref target="intro"/> to <xref target="LoST-Validation"/></t> <t>Added new section <xref target="back"/></t> </list> </t> </section> <section title="Changes from -05 to -06"> <t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Changed intended status from Informational to Standards Track</t> <t>Added indication that the document (if approved) updates RFC 5222</t> <t>Added text to Abstract, Document Scope (<xref target="scope"/>), and Introduction (<xref target="intro"/>) to better explain document purpose.</t> <t>Added Informational reference to <xref target="RFC5582"/></t> <t>Minor wording improvements in multiple sections</t> </list> </t> </section> <section title="Changes from -06 to -07"> <t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Minor editorial changes to Introduction (<xref target="intro"/>)</t> </list> </t> </section> <section title="Changes from -07 to -08"> <t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Added text in Abstract and Document Scope (<xref target="scope"/>) clarifying the updates to <xref target="RFC5582"/></t> </list> </t> </section> <section title="Changes from -08 to -09"> <t> <list style="symbols"> <t>Added text in Security Considerations (<xref target="security"/>) making the use of DNS Security <xref target="RFC4033"/> a SHOULD</t> </list> </t> </section> <?rfc compact="no" ?> <?rfc subcompact="no" ?> </section></middle> <back><references title="Normative References"><references> <name>References</name> <references> <name>Normative References</name> <!-- &RFC2119; -->&RFC3958; <?rfc include="reference.RFC.4033.xml"?> <?rfc include="reference.RFC.4848.xml"?> <?rfc include="reference.RFC.5222.xml"?><xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.8174.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.3958.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4033.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.4848.xml"/> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5222.xml"/> </references><references title="Informative references"> <?rfc include="reference.RFC.5582.xml"?><references> <name>Informative References</name> <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5582.xml"/> <!-- [NENA-i3] The URL below is correct. Also found https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nena.org/resource/resmgr/standards/NENA-STA-010.2_i3_Architectu.pdf --> <reference anchor="NENA-i3" target="https://www.nena.org/page/i3_Stage3"> <front> <title>Detailed Functional and Interface Standards for the NENA i3 Solution</title> <author fullname="" initials="" surname="National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Interconnection and Security Committee, i3 Architecture Working Group"/> <date year="2016"/> </front> </reference> </references> </references> <section numbered="false" toc="default"> <name>Acknowledgements</name> <t>Many thanks to <contact fullname="Ted Hardie"/>, <contact fullname="Ben Campbell"/>, <contact fullname="Dan Banks"/>, <contact fullname="Pete Resnick"/>, <contact fullname="Shawn Emery"/>, <contact fullname="Robert Wilton"/>, <contact fullname="Roman Danyliw"/>, and <contact fullname="Benjamin Kaduk"/> for their helpful reviews and suggestions and to <contact fullname="Barry Leiba"/> for shepherding the document.</t> </section> </back> </rfc>