rfc8911v9.txt   rfc8911.txt 
skipping to change at line 659 skipping to change at line 659
| MPMonitor | Multi-Point Monitor | | MPMonitor | Multi-Point Monitor |
+-----------+--------------------------------------+ +-----------+--------------------------------------+
Table 1 Table 1
Method: One of the methods defined in [RFC7799], such as and not Method: One of the methods defined in [RFC7799], such as and not
limited to: limited to:
+-------------+----------------------------------------------+ +-------------+----------------------------------------------+
| Active | depends on a dedicated measurement packet | | Active | depends on a dedicated measurement packet |
| | stream and observations of the stream | | | stream and observations of the stream as |
| | described in [RFC7799] |
+-------------+----------------------------------------------+ +-------------+----------------------------------------------+
| Passive | depends *solely* on observation of one or | | Passive | depends *solely* on observation of one or |
| | more existing packet streams | | | more existing packet streams as described in |
| | [RFC7799] |
+-------------+----------------------------------------------+ +-------------+----------------------------------------------+
| HybridType1 | Hybrid Type I observations on one stream | | HybridType1 | Hybrid Type I observations on one stream |
| | that combine both Active Methods and Passive | | | that combine both Active Methods and Passive |
| | Methods as described in [RFC7799]) | | | Methods as described in [RFC7799] |
+-------------+----------------------------------------------+ +-------------+----------------------------------------------+
| HybridType2 | Hybrid Type II observations on two or more | | HybridType2 | Hybrid Type II observations on two or more |
| | streams that combine both Active Methods and | | | streams that combine both Active Methods and |
| | Passive Methods as described in [RFC7799] | | | Passive Methods as described in [RFC7799] |
+-------------+----------------------------------------------+ +-------------+----------------------------------------------+
| Spatial | spatial metric as described in [RFC5644] | | Spatial | spatial metric as described in [RFC5644] |
+-------------+----------------------------------------------+ +-------------+----------------------------------------------+
Table 2 Table 2
skipping to change at line 1603 skipping to change at line 1605
11.1.1. ID (Identifier) 11.1.1. ID (Identifier)
<insert a numeric Identifier, an integer, TBD> <insert a numeric Identifier, an integer, TBD>
11.1.2. Name 11.1.2. Name
<insert the Name, according to the metric naming convention> <insert the Name, according to the metric naming convention>
11.1.3. URI 11.1.3. URI
URL: https://www.iana.org/performance-metrics/ ... <Name> URL: https://www.iana.org/assignments/performance-metrics/ ... <Name>
11.1.4. Description 11.1.4. Description
<provide a description> <provide a description>
11.1.5. Reference 11.1.5. Reference
<provide the RFC or other specification that contains the approved <provide the RFC or other specification that contains the approved
candidate Registry Entry> candidate Registry Entry>
 End of changes. 4 change blocks. 
4 lines changed or deleted 6 lines changed or added

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