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<rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" category="info"
     docName="draft-irtf-icnrg-disaster-10" ipr="trust200902" obsoletes=""
     updates="" submissionType="IRTF" xml:lang="en" tocInclude="true"
     symRefs="true" sortRefs="true" version="3" number="8884" consensus="true">
  <!-- xml2rfc v2v3 conversion 2.41.0 -->
    <title abbrev="ICN in Disaster Scenarios">Research Directions for Using
    Information-Centric Networking (ICN) in Disaster Scenarios</title>

    <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8884"/>
    <author fullname="Jan Seedorf" initials="J." surname="Seedorf">
      <organization abbrev="HFT Stuttgart - Univ. of Applied Sciences">HFT
      Stuttgart - Univ. of Applied Sciences</organization>
          <street>Schellingstrasse 24</street>
        <phone>+49 711 8926 2801</phone>
    <author fullname="Mayutan Arumaithurai" initials="M." surname="Arumaithurai">
      <organization>University of Göttingen
          <street>Goldschmidt Str. 7</street>
        <phone>+49 551 39 172046</phone>
    <author initials="A." surname="Tagami" fullname="Atsushi Tagami">
      <organization>KDDI Research Inc.</organization>
          <street>2-1-15 Ohara, Fujimino</street>
        <phone>+81 49 278 73651</phone>
    <author initials="K." surname="Ramakrishnan" fullname="K. K. Ramakrishnan">
      <organization>University of California</organization>
          <country>United States of America</country>
    <author initials="N." surname="Blefari Melazzi" fullname="Nicola Blefari Melazzi">
      <organization>University Tor Vergata</organization>
          <street>Via del Politecnico, 1</street>
        <phone>+39 06 7259 7501</phone>
    <date month="August" year="2020"/>
    <workgroup>Information-Centric Networking</workgroup>
      <t>Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a new paradigm where the
      network provides users with named content instead of communication
      channels between hosts. This document outlines some research directions
      for ICN with respect to applying ICN
      approaches for coping with natural or human-generated, large-scale
      disasters. This document is a product of the Information-Centric
      Networking Research Group (ICNRG).
    <section numbered="true" toc="default">
      <t>This document summarizes some research challenges for coping with
      natural or human-generated, large-scale disasters. In particular, the
      document discusses potential research directions for applying
      Information-Centric Networking (ICN) to address these challenges.

   Research and standardization approaches exist (for instance, see the work
   and discussions in the concluded IRTF DTN Research Group <xref
   target="dtnrg" format="default"/> and in the IETF DTN Working Group <xref
   target="dtnwg" format="default"/>). In addition, a published Experimental
   RFC in the IRTF Stream <xref target="RFC5050" format="default"/> discusses
   Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN), which is a key necessity for communicating
   in the disaster scenarios we are considering in this
   document. 'Disconnection tolerance' can thus be achieved with these
   existing DTN approaches.

However, while these approaches can provide independence from an existing
communication infrastructure (which indeed may not work anymore after a
disaster has happened), ICN offers key concepts, such as new naming schemes
and innovative multicast communication, which together enable many essential
(publish/subscribe-based) use cases for communication after a disaster (e.g.,
message prioritization, one-to- many delivery of messages, group communication
among rescue teams, and the use cases discussed in <xref target="usecases"
format="default"/>). One could add such features to existing DTN protocols and
solutions; however, in this document, we explore the use of ICN as a starting
point for building a communication architecture that supports (somewhat
limited) communication capabilities after a disaster. We discuss the
relationship between the ICN approaches (for enabling communication after a
disaster) discussed in this document with existing work from the DTN community
in more depth in <xref target="researchgap" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>'Emergency Support and Disaster Recovery' is also listed among the
      ICN Baseline Scenarios in <xref target="RFC7476" format="default"/> as a
      potential scenario that 'can be used as a base for the evaluation of
      different ICN approaches so that they
      can be tested and compared against each other while showcasing their own
      advantages' <xref target="RFC7476" format="default"/> . In this regard,
      this document complements <xref target="RFC7476" format="default"/> by
      investigating the use of ICN approaches for 'Emergency Support and
      Disaster Recovery' in depth and discussing the relationship to existing
      work in the DTN community.
      <t>This document focuses on ICN-based approaches that can enable
      communication after a disaster. These approaches reside mostly on the
      network layer. Other solutions for 'Emergency Support and Disaster
      Recovery' (e.g., on the application layer) may complement the ICN-based
      networking approaches discussed in this document and expand the solution
      space for enabling communications among users after a disaster. In fact,
      addressing the use cases explored in this document would require
      corresponding applications that would exploit the discussed ICN benefits
      on the network layer for users. However, the discussion of
      applications or solutions outside of the network layer are outside
      the scope of this document.
      <t>This document represents the consensus of the Information-Centric
      Networking Research Group (ICNRG); it is not an IETF product and it does
      not define a standard.  It has been reviewed extensively by the ICN
      Research Group (RG) members active in the specific areas of work covered
      by the document.
      <t><xref target="disaster" format="default"/> gives some examples of
      what can be considered a large-scale disaster and what the effects of
      such disasters on communication networks are. <xref target="whyicn"
      format="default"/> outlines why ICN can be beneficial in such scenarios
      and provides a high-level overview on corresponding research
      challenges. <xref target="usecases" format="default"/> describes some
      concrete use cases and requirements for disaster scenarios. In <xref
      target="solutions" format="default"/>, some concrete ICN-based solutions
      approaches are outlined.
    <section anchor="disaster" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Disaster Scenarios</name>
      <t>An enormous earthquake hit Northeastern Japan (Tohoku areas) on March
      11, 2011 and caused extensive damages, including blackouts, fires,
      tsunamis, and a nuclear crisis. The lack of information and means of
      communication caused the isolation of several Japanese cities. This
      impacted the safety and well-being of residents and affected rescue
      work, evacuation activities, and the supply chain for food and other
      essential items. Even in the Tokyo area, which  is 300 km away from the
      Tohoku area, more than 100,000 people became 'returner refugees' who
      could not reach their homes because they had no means of public
      transportation (the Japanese government has estimated that more than 6.5
      million people would become returner refugees if such a catastrophic
      disaster were to hit the Tokyo area).
      <t>That earthquake in Japan also showed that the current network is
      vulnerable to disasters. Mobile phones have become the lifelines for
      communication, including safety confirmation. Besides (emergency) phone
      calls, services in mobile networks commonly being used after a disaster
      include network disaster SMS notifications (or SMS 'Cell Broadcast'
      <xref target="cellbroadcast" format="default"/>), available in most
      cellular networks. The aftermath of a disaster puts a high strain on
      available resources due to the need for communication by
      everyone. Authorities, such as the president or prime minister, local
      authorities, police, fire brigades, and rescue and medical personnel,
      would like to inform the citizens of possible shelters, food, or even of
      impending danger. Relatives would like to communicate with each other
      and be informed about their well-being. Affected citizens would like to
      make inquiries about food distribution centers and shelters or report trapped
      and missing people to the authorities. Moreover, damage to communication
      equipment, in addition to the already existing heavy demand for
      communication, highlights the issue of fault tolerance and energy
      <t>Additionally, disasters caused by humans (i.e., disasters that are caused deliberately
      and willfully and have the element of human intent such as a terrorist attack)
      may need to be considered. In such cases, the
      perpetrators could be actively harming the network by launching a
      denial-of-service attack or by monitoring the network passively to
      obtain information exchanged, even after the main disaster itself has
      taken place. Unlike some natural disasters that are
      predictable to a small extent using weather forecasting technologies, may have a slower
      onset, and occur in known geographical regions and seasons, terrorist
      attacks almost always occur suddenly without any advance
      warning. Nevertheless, there exist many commonalities between natural
      and human-induced disasters, particularly relating to response and
      recovery, communication, search and rescue, and coordination of
      <t> The timely dissemination of information generated and requested by
      all the affected parties during and in the immediate aftermath of a
      disaster is difficult to provide within the current context of global
      information aggregators (such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) that need to
      index the vast amounts of specialized information related to the
      disaster. Specialized coverage of the situation and timely dissemination
      are key to successfully managing disaster situations. We believe that
      network infrastructure capabilities provided by Information-Centric
      Networks can be suitable, in conjunction with application and middleware
    <section anchor="whyicn" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Research Challenges and Benefits of ICN</name>
      <section anchor="challenges" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>High-Level Research Challenges</name>
        <t>Given a disaster scenario as described in <xref target="disaster"
	format="default"/>, on a high level, one can derive the following
	(incomplete) list of corresponding technical challenges:
        <dl newline="true" spacing="normal">
          <dt>Enabling usage of functional parts of the infrastructure, even
	  when these are disconnected from the rest of the network:</dt>
	  that parts of the network infrastructure (i.e., cables/links,
	  routers, mobile bases stations, etc.) are functional after a disaster
	  has taken place, it is desirable to be able to continue using such
	  components for communication as much as possible. This is
	  challenging when these components are disconnected from the
	  backhaul, thus forming fragmented networks. This is especially true
	  for today's mobile networks, which are comprised of a centralized
	  architecture, mandating connectivity to central entities (which are
	  located in the core of the mobile network) for communication. But
	  also in fixed networks, access to a name resolution service is often
	  necessary to access some given content.</dd>
          <dt>Decentralized authentication, content integrity, and trust:</dt>
	  mobile networks, users are authenticated via central entities. While
	  special services important in a disaster scenario exist and may work
	  without authentication (such as SMS 'Cell Broadcast' <xref
	  target="cellbroadcast" format="default"/> or emergency calls),
	  user-to-user (or user-to-authorities) communication is normally not
	  possible without being authenticated via a central entity in the
	  network. In order to communicate in fragmented or disconnected parts
	  of a mobile network, the challenge of decentralizing user
	  authentication arises. Independently of the network being fixed or
	  mobile, data origin authentication and verifying the correctness of
	  content retrieved from the network may be challenging when being
	  'offline' (e.g., potentially disconnected from content publishers as
	  well as from servers of a security infrastructure, which can provide
	  missing certificates in a certificate chain or up-to-date
	  information on revoked keys/certificates). As the network suddenly
	  becomes fragmented or partitioned, trust models may shift
	  accordingly to the change in authentication infrastructure being
	  used (e.g., one may switch from a PKI to a web-of-trust model, such
	  as Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)). Note that blockchain-based approaches are, in most cases,
	  likely not suitable for the disaster scenarios considered in this
	  document, as the communication capabilities needed to find consensus
	  for a new block as well as for retrieving blocks at nodes
	  will presumably not be available (or too excessive for the remaining
	  infrastructure) after a disaster.</dd >
          <dt>Delivering/obtaining information and traffic prioritization in
	  congested networks: </dt>
	  <dd>Due to broken cables, failed routers, etc., it
	  is likely that the communication network has
	  much less overall capacity for handling traffic in a disaster scenario. Thus, significant
	  congestion can be expected in parts of the infrastructure. It is
	  therefore a challenge to guarantee message delivery in such a
	  scenario. This is even more important because, in the case of a disaster
	  aftermath, it may be crucial to deliver certain information to
	  recipients (e.g., warnings to citizens) with higher priority than
	  other content.</dd>
          <dt>Delay/disruption-tolerant approach:</dt>
	  <dd>Fragmented networks make it
	  difficult to support direct end-to-end communication with small or
	  no delay. However, communication in general and especially during a
	  disaster can often tolerate some form of delay. For example, in order to
	  know if someone's relatives are safe or not, a corresponding
	  emergency message need not necessarily be supported in an end-to-end
	  manner but would also be helpful to the human recipient if it can
	  be transported in a hop-by-hop fashion with some delay. For these
	  kinds of use cases, it is sufficient to improve communication
	  resilience in order to deliver such important messages. </dd>
          <dt>Energy efficiency:</dt>
	  <dd>Long-lasting power outages may lead to
	  batteries of communication devices running out, so designing
	  energy-efficient solutions is very important in order to maintain a
	  usable communication infrastructure.</dd>
	  <dd>Like any communication in general, disaster
	  scenarios are inherently contextual. Aspects of geography, the
	  people affected, the rescue communities involved, the languages
	  being used, and many other contextual aspects are highly relevant for
	  an efficient realization of any rescue effort and, with it, the
	  realization of the required communication.</dd>
      <section anchor="howicncanhelp" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>How ICN Can be Beneficial</name>
        <t>Several aspects of ICN make related approaches attractive
	candidates for addressing the challenges described in <xref
	target="challenges" format="default"/>. Below is an (incomplete) list
	of considerations why ICN approaches can be beneficial to address
	these challenges:</t>
        <dl newline="true" spacing="normal">
	  <dd>ICN protocols natively route by named data
	  objects and can identify objects by names, effectively moving the
	  process of name resolution from the application layer to the network
	  layer. This functionality is very handy in a fragmented network
	  where reference to location-based, fixed addresses may not work as a
	  consequence of disruptions. For instance, name resolution with ICN
	  does not necessarily rely on the reachability of application-layer
	  servers (e.g., DNS resolvers). In highly decentralized scenarios
	  (e.g., in infrastructureless, opportunistic environments), the ICN
	  routing-by-name paradigm effectively may lead to a
	  'replication-by-name' approach, where content is replicated
	  depending on its name.</dd>
          <dt>Integrity and authentication of named data objects:</dt>
	  <dd>ICN is built
	  around the concept of named data objects. Several proposals exist
	  for integrating the concept of 'self-certifying data' into a naming
	  scheme (e.g., see <xref target="RFC6920" format="default"/>). With
	  such approaches, object integrity of data retrieved from the network
	  can be verified without relying on a trusted third party or PKI.

  In addition, given that the correct object name is known, such schemes can
  also provide data origin authentication (for instance, see the usage example
  in <xref target="RFC6920" sectionFormat="of" section="8.3"/>).


          <dt>Content-based access control:</dt>
          ICN promotes a data-centric communication model that naturally
          supports content-based security (e.g., allowing access to content
          only to a specific user or class of users). In fact, in ICN, it is
          the content itself that is secured (encrypted), if desired, rather than the
          communication channel.  This functionality could facilitate trusted
          communications among peer users in isolated areas of the network
          where a direct communication channel may not always or continuously
	  <dd>Caching content along a delivery path is an inherent
	  concept in ICN. Caching helps in handling huge amounts of traffic
	  and can help to avoid congestion in the network (e.g., congestion in
	  backhaul links can be avoided by delivering content from caches at
	  access nodes).</dd>
	  <dd>ICN does not require full end-to-end
	  connectivity. This feature facilitates a seamless aggregation
	  between a normal network and a fragmented network, which needs
	  DTN-like message forwarding.</dd>
          <dt>Potential to run traditional IP-based services (IP-over-ICN):</dt>
	  <dd>While ICN and DTN promote the development of novel applications that
	  fully utilize the new capabilities of the ICN/DTN network, work in
	  <xref target="Trossen2015" format="default"/> has shown that an
	  ICN-enabled network can transport IP-based services, either directly
	  at IP or even at HTTP level. With this, IP- and ICN/DTN-based
	  services can coexist, providing the necessary support of legacy
	  applications to affected users while reaping any benefits from the
	  native support for ICN in future applications.</dd>
          <dt>Opportunities for traffic engineering and traffic
	  <dd>ICN provides the possibility to perform traffic
	  engineering based on the name of desired content. This enables
	  priority-based replication depending on the scope of a given message
	  <xref target="Psaras2014" format="default"/>. In addition, as <xref
	  target="Trossen2015" format="default"/>, among others, have pointed
	  out, the realization of ICN services and particularly of IP-based
	  services on top of ICN provide further traffic engineering
	  opportunities. The latter not only relate to the utilization of
	  cached content, as outlined before, but to the ability to flexibly
	  adapt to route changes (important in unreliable infrastructure, such
	  as in disaster scenarios), mobility support without anchor points
	  (again, important when parts of the infrastructure are likely to
	  fail), and the inherent support for multicast and multihoming
      <section anchor="researchgap" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>ICN as Starting Point vs. Existing DTN Solutions</name>
        <t>There has been quite some work in the DTN (Delay-Tolerant
	Networking) community on disaster communication (for instance, see
	the work and discussions in the concluded IRTF DTN Research
	Group <xref target="dtnrg" format="default"/> and in the IETF DTN
	Working Group <xref target="dtnwg" format="default"/>). However, most
	DTN work lacks important features, such as publish/subscribe (pub/sub)
	capabilities, caching, multicast delivery, and message prioritization
	based on content types, which are needed in the disaster scenarios we
	consider. One could add such features to existing DTN protocols and
	solutions, and indeed individual proposals for adding such features to
	DTN protocols have been made (e.g., <xref target="Greifenberg2008"
	format="default"/> and <xref target="Yoneki2007" format="default"/>
	propose the use of a pub/sub-based multicast distribution
	infrastructure for DTN-based opportunistic networking
        <t>However, arguably ICN -- having these intrinsic properties (as also
	outlined above) -- makes a better starting point for building a
	communication architecture that works well before and after a
	disaster. For a disaster-enhanced ICN system, this would imply the
	following advantages: a) ICN data mules would have built-in caches and
	can thus return content for interests straight on, b) requests do not
	necessarily need to be routed to a source (as with existing DTN
	protocols), instead any data mule or end user can in principle respond
	to an interest, c) built-in multicast delivery implies
	energy-efficient, large-scale spreading of important information that
	is crucial in disaster scenarios, and d) pub/sub extension for popular
	ICN implementations exist <xref target="COPSS2011" format="default"/>,
	which are very suitable for efficient group communication in disasters
	and provide better reliability, timeliness, and scalability, as compared
	to existing pub/sub approaches in DTN <xref target="Greifenberg2008"
	format="default"/> <xref target="Yoneki2007" format="default"/> .</t>
        <t>Finally, most DTN routing algorithms have been solely designed for
	particular DTN scenarios. By extending ICN approaches for DTN-like
	scenarios, one ensures that a solution works in regular
	(i.e., well-connected) settings just as well (which can be important in
	reality, where a routing algorithm should work before and after a
	disaster). It is thus reasonable to start with existing ICN approaches
	and extend them with the necessary features needed in disaster
	scenarios. In any case, solutions for disaster scenarios need a
	combination of ICN-features and DTN-capabilities.</t>
    <section anchor="usecases" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Use Cases and Requirements</name>
      <t>This section describes some use cases for the aforementioned disaster
      scenario (as outlined in <xref target="disaster" format="default"/>) and
      discusses the corresponding technical requirements for enabling these
      use cases.</t>
      <dl newline="true" spacing="normal">
        <dt>Delivering Messages to Relatives/Friends:</dt>
	<dd><t>After a disaster
	strikes, citizens want to confirm to each other that they are
	safe. For instance, shortly after a large disaster (e.g., an earthquake
	 or a tornado), people have moved to different refugee shelters. The mobile
	network is not fully recovered and is fragmented, but some base
	stations are functional. This use case imposes the following
	high-level requirements: a) people must be able to communicate with
	others in the same network fragment and b) people must be able to
	communicate with others that are located in different fragmented parts
	of the overall network. More concretely, the following requirements
	are needed to enable the use case: a) a mechanism for a scalable
	message forwarding scheme that dynamically adapts to changing
	conditions in disconnected networks, b) DTN-like mechanisms for
	getting information from one disconnected island to another disconnected
	island, c) source authentication and content integrity so that users
	can confirm that the messages they receive are indeed from their
	relatives or friends and have not been tampered with, and d) the
	support for contextual caching in order to provide the right
	information to the right set of affected people in the most efficient
        <dt>Spreading Crucial Information to Citizens:</dt>
	<dd>State authorities want
	to be able to convey important information (e.g., warnings or
	information on where to go or how to behave) to citizens. These kinds
	of information shall reach as many citizens as possible, i.e., crucial
	content from legal authorities shall potentially reach all users in
	time. The technical requirements that can be derived from this use
	case are a) source authentication and content integrity, such that
	citizens can confirm the correctness and authenticity of messages sent
	by authorities, b) mechanisms that guarantee the timeliness and
	loss-free delivery of such information, which may include techniques
	for prioritizing certain messages in the network depending on who sent
	them, and c) DTN-like mechanisms for getting information from
	disconnected island to another disconnected island.</dd>
      <t>It can be observed that different key use cases for disaster
      scenarios imply overlapping and similar technical requirements for
      fulfilling them. As discussed in <xref target="howicncanhelp"
      format="default"/>, ICN approaches are envisioned to be very suitable
      for addressing these requirements with actual technical solutions. In
      <xref target="Robitzsch2015" format="default"/>, a more elaborate set of
      requirements is provided that addresses, among disaster scenarios, a
      communication infrastructure for communities facing several geographic,
      economic, and political challenges.</t>
    <section anchor="solutions" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>ICN-Based Research Approaches and Open Research Challenges</name>
      <t>This section outlines some ICN-based research approaches that aim at
      fulfilling the previously mentioned use cases and requirements (<xref
      target="suggested" format="default"/>). Most of these works provide
      proof-of-concept type solutions, addressing singular challenges. Thus,
      several open issues remain, which are summarized in <xref target="open"
      <section anchor="suggested" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Suggested ICN-Based Research Approaches</name>
        <t>The research community has investigated ICN-based solutions to
	address the aforementioned challenges in disaster scenarios. Overall,
	the focus is on delivery of messages and not real-time

        While most users would probably like to conduct real-time voice/video
        calls after a disaster, in the extreme scenario we consider (with
        users being scattered over different fragmented networks as can be the
        case in the scenarios described in <xref target="disaster"
        format="default"/>), somewhat delayed message delivery appears to be
        inevitable, and full-duplex real-time communication seems infeasible
        to achieve (unless users are in close proximity).

        Thus, the assumption is that -- for a certain amount of time at least
        (i.e., the initial period until the regular communication
        infrastructure has been repaired) -- users would need to live with
        message delivery and publish/subscribe services but without real-time
        communication. Note, however, that a) in principle, ICN can support
        Voice over IP (VoIP) calls; thus, if users are in close proximity,
        (duplex) voice communication via ICN is possible <xref
        target="Gusev2015" format="default"/>, and b) delayed message delivery
        can very well include (recorded) voice messages.</t>
        <dl newline="true" spacing="normal">
          <dt>ICN 'data mules':</dt>
	  <dd>To facilitate the exchange of messages between
	  different network fragments, mobile entities can act as ICN 'data
	  mules', which are equipped with storage space and move around the
	  disaster-stricken area gathering information to be disseminated. As
	  the mules move around, they deliver messages to other individuals or
	  points of attachment to different fragments of the network. These
	  'data mules' could have a predetermined path (an ambulance going to
	  and from a hospital), a fixed path (drone/robot assigned
	  specifically to do so), or a completely random path (doctors moving
	  from one camp to another). An example of a many-to-many
	  communication service for fragmented networks based on ICN data
	  mules has been proposed in <xref target="Tagami2016"
          <dt>Priority-dependent or popularity-dependent, name-based
	  <dd>By allowing spatial and temporal scoping of named
	  messages, priority-based replication depending on the scope of a
	  given message is possible. Clearly, spreading information in
	  disaster cases involves space and time factors that have to be taken
	  into account as messages spread. A concrete approach for such
	  scope-based prioritization of ICN messages in disasters, called
	  'NREP', has been proposed <xref target="Psaras2014"
	  format="default"/>, where ICN messages have attributes, such as
	  user-defined priority, space, and temporal validity. These
	  attributes are then taken into account when prioritizing
	  messages. In <xref target="Psaras2014" format="default"/>,
	  evaluations show how this approach can be applied to the use case
	  'Delivering Messages to Relatives/Friends' described in <xref
	  target="usecases" format="default"/>. In <xref target="Seedorf2016"
	  format="default"/>, a scheme is presented that enables estimating
	  the popularity of ICN interest messages in a completely
	  decentralized manner among data mules in a scenario with random,
	  unpredictable movements of ICN data mules. The approach exploits the
	  use of nonces associated with end user requests, common in most ICN
	  architectures. It enables for a given ICN data mule to estimate the
	  overall popularity (among end users) of a given ICN interest
	  message. This enables data mules to optimize content dissemination
	  with limited caching capabilities by prioritizing interests based on
	  their popularity.</dd>
          <dt>Information resilience through decentralized forwarding:</dt>
	  <dd>In a
	  dynamic or disruptive environment, such as the aftermath of a
	  disaster, both users and content servers may dynamically join and
	  leave the network (due to mobility or network fragmentation). Thus,
	  users might attach to the network and request content when the
	  network is fragmented and the corresponding content origin is not
	  reachable. In order to increase information resilience, content
	  cached both in in-network caches and in end-user devices should be
	  exploited. A concrete approach for the exploitation of content
	  cached in user devices is presented in <xref target="Sourlas2015"
	  format="default"/> . The proposal in <xref target="Sourlas2015"
	  format="default"/> includes enhancements to the Named Data
	  Networking (NDN) router design,
	  as well as an alternative Interest-forwarding scheme that enables
	  users to retrieve cached content when the network is fragmented and
	  the content origin is not reachable. Evaluations show that this
	  approach is a valid tool for the retrieval of cached content in
	  disruptive cases and can be applied to tackle the challenges
	  presented in <xref target="challenges" format="default"/> .</dd>

          <dt>Energy efficiency:</dt>

          A large-scale disaster can cause a large-scale blackout; thus, a
          number of base stations (BSs) will be operated by their batteries.

          Capacities of such batteries are not large enough to provide
          cellular communication for several days after the disaster. In order
          to prolong the batteries' life from one day to several days,
          different techniques need to be explored, including priority
          control, cell zooming, and collaborative upload. Cell zooming
          switches off some of the BSs because switching off is the only way
          to reduce power consumed at the idle time. In cell zooming, areas
          covered by such inactive BSs are covered by the active
          BSs. Collaborative communication is complementary to cell zooming
          and reduces power proportional to a load of a BS. The load
          represents cellular frequency resources. In collaborative
          communication, end devices delegate sending and receiving messages
          to and from a BS to a representative end device of which radio
          propagation quality is better. The design of an ICN-based
          publish/subscribe protocol that incorporates collaborative upload is
          ongoing work. In particular, the integration of collaborative upload
          techniques into the COPSS (Content Oriented Publish/Subscribe
          System) framework is envisioned <xref target="COPSS2011"
          <dt>Data-centric confidentiality and access control:</dt>
	  <dd>In ICN, the
	  requested content is no longer associated to a trusted server or
	  an endpoint location, but it can be retrieved from any network cache
	  or a replica server. This calls for 'data-centric' security, where
	  security relies on information exclusively contained in the message
	  itself, or if extra information provided by trusted entities is
	  needed, this should be gathered through offline, asynchronous, and
	  noninteractive communication, rather than from an explicit online
	  interactive handshake with trusted servers. The ability to guarantee
	  security without any online entities is particularly important in
	  disaster scenarios with fragmented networks. One concrete
	  cryptographic technique is 'Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based
	  Encryption (CP-ABE)', allowing a party to encrypt a content
	  specifying a policy that  consists in a Boolean expression over
	  attributes that must be satisfied by those who want to decrypt such
	  content. Such encryption schemes tie confidentiality and
	  access control to the transferred data, which can also be transmitted
	  in an unsecured channel. These schemes enable the source to
	  specify the set of nodes allowed to later on decrypt the content
	  during the encryption process.</dd>
          <dt>Decentralized authentication of messages:</dt>
	  <dd>Self-certifying names
	  provide the property that any entity in a distributed system can
	  verify the binding between a corresponding public key and the
	  self-certifying name without relying on a trusted third
	  party. Self-certifying names thus provide a decentralized form of
	  data origin authentication. However, self-certifying names lack a
	  binding with a corresponding real-world identity. Given the
	  decentralized nature of a disaster scenario, a PKI-based approach
	  for binding self-certifying names with real-world identities is not
	  feasible. Instead, a Web of Trust can be used to provide this
	  binding. Not only are the cryptographic signatures used within a
	  Web of Trust independent of any central authority, but there are also
	  technical means for making the inherent trust relationships of a
	  Web of Trust available to network entities in a decentralized,
	  'offline' fashion, such that information received can be assessed
	  based on these trust relationships. A concrete scheme for such an
	  approach has been published in <xref target="Seedorf2014"
	  format="default"/>, in which concrete examples for fulfilling the
	  use case 'Delivering Messages to Relatives/Friends' with this
	  approach are also given.</dd>
      <section anchor="open" numbered="true" toc="default">
        <name>Open Research Challenges</name>
        <t>The proposed solutions in <xref target="suggested"
	format="default"/> investigate how ICN approaches can, in principle,
	address some of the outlined challenges. However, several research
	challenges remain open and still need to be addressed. The following
	(incomplete) list summarizes some unanswered research questions and
	items that are being investigated by researchers:</t>
        <ul spacing="normal">
          <li>Evaluating the proposed mechanisms (and their scalability) in
	  realistic, large-scale testbeds with actual, mature implementations
	  (compared to simulations or emulations).</li>

          To specify, for each mechanism suggested, what would be the user
          equipment required or necessary before and after a disaster and to
          what extent ICN should be deployed in the network.

          <li>How can DTN and ICN approaches be best used for an optimal overall
	  combination of techniques?</li>
          <li>How do data-centric encryption schemes scale and perform in
	  large-scale, realistic evaluations?</li>
          <li>Building and testing real (i.e., not early-stage prototypes) ICN data
	  mules by means of implementation and integration with lower-layer
	  hardware; conducting evaluations of decentralized forwarding schemes in
	  real environments with these actual ICN data mules.</li>

         <li>How to derive concrete, name-based policies allowing prioritized
         spreading of information.

          <li>Further investigating, developing, and verifying of mechanisms that address
	  energy efficiency requirements for communication after a
          <li>How to properly disseminate authenticated object names to nodes
	  (for decentralized integrity verification and authentication) before
	  a disaster or how to retrieve new authenticated object names by
	  nodes during a disaster.</li>
    <section anchor="security" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>Security Considerations</name>
      <t>This document does not define a new protocol (or protocol extension)
      or a particular mechanism; therefore, it introduces no specific new
      security considerations. General security considerations for
      ICN, which also apply when using ICN
      techniques to communicate after a disaster, are discussed
      in <xref target="RFC7945" format="default"/>.</t>
      <t>The after-disaster communication scenario, which is the focus of this
      document, raises particular attention to decentralized authentication,
      content integrity, and trust as key research challenges (as outlined in
      <xref target="challenges" format="default"/>). The corresponding use
      cases and ICN-based research approaches discussed in this document thus
      imply certain security requirements. In particular, data origin
      authentication, data integrity, and access control are key requirements
      for many use cases in the aftermath of a disaster (see <xref
      target="usecases" format="default"/>).</t>
      <t>In principle, the kinds of disasters discussed in this document can
      happen as a result of a natural disaster, accident, or
      human error. However, intentional actions can also cause such a disaster
      (e.g., a terrorist attack, as mentioned in <xref target="disaster"
      format="default"/>). In this case (i.e., intentionally caused disasters
      by attackers), special attention needs to be paid when re-enabling
      communications as temporary, somewhat unreliable communications with
      potential limited security features may be anticipated and abused by
      attackers (e.g., to circulate false messages to cause further
      intentional chaos among the human population, to leverage this less
      secure infrastructure to refine targeting, or to track the responses of
      security/police forces). Potential solutions on how to cope with
      intentionally caused disasters by attackers and on how to enable a
      secure communications infrastructure after an intentionally caused
      disaster are out of scope of this document.</t>
      <t>The use of data-centric security schemes, such as 'Ciphertext-Policy
      Attribute Based Encryption' (as mentioned in <xref target="suggested"
      format="default"/>), which encrypt the data itself (and not the
      communication channel), in principle, allows for the transmission of such
      encrypted data over an unsecured channel. However, metadata about
      the encrypted data being retrieved still arises. Such metadata may disclose
      sensitive information to a network-based attacker, even if such an
      attacker cannot decrypt the content itself.</t>
      <t>This document has summarized research directions for addressing these
      challenges and requirements, such as efforts in data-centric
      confidentiality and access control, as well as recent works for
      decentralized authentication of messages in a disaster-struck networking
      infrastructure with nonfunctional routing links and limited
      communication capabilities (see <xref target="solutions"
    <section anchor="conclusion" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <t>This document has outlined some research directions for
      ICN with respect to applying ICN
      approaches for
      coping with natural or human-generated, large-scale disasters. The
      document has described high-level research challenges for enabling
      communication after a disaster has happened, as well as a general
      rationale why ICN approaches could be beneficial to address these
      challenges. Further, concrete use cases have been described and how
      these can be addressed with ICN-based approaches has been discussed.</t>
      <t>Finally, this document provides an overview of examples of existing
      ICN-based solutions that address the previously outlined research
      challenges. These concrete solutions demonstrate that indeed the
      communication challenges in the aftermath of a disaster can be addressed
      with techniques that have ICN paradigms at their base, validating our
      overall reasoning. However, further, more-detailed challenges exist, and
      more research is necessary in all areas discussed: efficient content
      distribution and routing in fragmented networks, traffic prioritization,
      security, and energy efficiency. An incomplete, high-level list of such
      open research challenges has concluded the document.</t>
      <t>In order to deploy ICN-based solutions for disaster-aftermath
      communication in actual mobile networks, standardized ICN baseline
      protocols are a must. It is unlikely to expect all user equipment in a
      large-scale mobile network to be from the same vendor. In this respect,
      the work being done in the IRTF ICNRG is very useful as it works toward
      standards for concrete ICN protocols that enable interoperability among
      solutions from different vendors.

      These protocols -- currently being developed in the IRTF ICNRG as
      Experimental specifications in the IRTF Stream -- provide a good
      foundation for deploying ICN-based, disaster-aftermath communication and
      thereby address key use cases that arise in such situations (as outlined
      in this document).</t>
    <section anchor="iana" numbered="true" toc="default">
      <name>IANA Considerations</name>
      <t>This document has no IANA actions.</t>
        <name>Normative References</name>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.6920.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.5050.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7476.xml"/>
        <xi:include href="https://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.7945.xml"/>
        <name>Informative References</name>
        <reference anchor="Psaras2014">
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            <author fullname="Ioannis Psaras" initials="I." surname="Psaras">
            <author fullname="Lorenzo Saino" initials="L." surname="Saino">
            <author fullname="Mayutan Arumaithurai" initials="M." surname="Arumaithurai">
            <author fullname="K.K. Ramakrishnan" initials="K." surname="Ramakrishnan">
            <author fullname="George Pavlou" initials="G." surname="Pavlou">
            <date month="April" year="2014"/>
	  <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/INFCOMW.2014.6849271"/>
            <refcontent>IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops</refcontent>
        <reference anchor="cellbroadcast" target="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cell_Broadcast&amp;oldid=972614007">
            <title>Cell Broadcast</title>
            <date month="August" year="2020"></date>

        <reference anchor="Seedorf2014">
            <title>Decentralised binding of self-certifying names to
	    real-world identities for assessment of third-party messages in
	    fragmented mobile networks</title>
            <author fullname="Jan Seedorf" initials="J." surname="Seedorf">
            <author fullname="Dirk Kutscher" initials="D." surname="Kutscher">
            <author fullname="Fabian Schneider" initials="F." surname="Schneider">
            <date month="April" year="2014"/>
	  <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/INFCOMW.2014.6849268"/>
          <refcontent>IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops</refcontent>
        <reference anchor="Seedorf2016">
            <title>Decentralised Interest Counter Aggregation for ICN in Disaster Scenarios
            <author fullname="Jan Seedorf" initials="J." surname="Seedorf">
            <author fullname="Dirk Kutscher" initials="D." surname="Kutscher">
            <author fullname="Bilal Gill" initials="B." surname="Gill">
            <date month="December" year="2016"/>
	  <seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.1109/GLOCOMW.2016.7848869"/>
            <refcontent>IEEE Globecom Workshops</refcontent>
        <reference anchor="COPSS2011">
            <title>COPSS: An Efficient Content Oriented Publish/Subscribe System
            <author fullname="Jiachen Chen" initials="J." surname="Chen">
            <author fullname="Mayutan Arumaithurai" initials="M." surname="Arumaithurai">
            <author fullname="Lei Jiao" initials="L." surname="Jiao">
            <author fullname="Xiaoming Fu" initials="X." surname="Fu">
            <author fullname="K.K. Ramakrishnan" initials="K." surname="Ramakrishnan">
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	  <refcontent>Seventh ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for
	  Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS)</refcontent>
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            <title>Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (dtn)
        <reference anchor="dtnrg" target="https://irtf.org/dtnrg">
            <title>Delay-Tolerant Networking Research Group (DTNRG)
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    <section numbered="false" toc="default">
      <t>The authors would like to thank <contact fullname="Ioannis Psaras"/>
      for useful comments. Also, the authors are grateful to <contact
      fullname="Christopher Wood"/> and <contact fullname="Daniel Corujo"/>
      for valuable feedback and suggestions on concrete text for
      improving the document. Further, the authors would like to thank
      <contact fullname="Joerg Ott"/> and <contact fullname="Dirk Trossen"/>
      for valuable comments and input, in particular,
      regarding existing work from the DTN community that is highly related
      to the ICN approaches suggested in this document. Also, <contact
      fullname="Akbar Rahman"/>
      provided useful comments and suggestions, in particular, regarding
      existing disaster warning mechanisms in today's mobile phone
      <t>This document has been supported by the GreenICN project (GreenICN:
      Architecture and Applications of Green Information-Centric Networking),
      a research project supported jointly by the European Commission under
      its 7th Framework Program (contract no. 608518) and the National
      Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Japan
      (contract no. 167). The views and conclusions contained herein are those
      of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing
      the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of
      the GreenICN project, the European Commission, or the NICT. More information
      is available at the project website: <eref
      target="http://www.greenicn.org/"/>. </t>
      <t>This document has also been supported by the Coordination Support
      Action entitled 'Supporting European Experts Presence in International
      Standardisation Activities in ICT' (<eref target="StandICT.eu"/>) funded by the
      European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme with Grant
      Agreement no. 780439. The views and conclusions contained herein are
      those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily
      representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or
      implied, of the European Commission.</t>
