rfc8841v4.txt   rfc8841.txt 
skipping to change at line 795 skipping to change at line 795
| usage of ICE has been negotiated. If ICE is not used, the | usage of ICE has been negotiated. If ICE is not used, the
| proto value MUST always reflect the transport protocol used at | proto value MUST always reflect the transport protocol used at
| any given time. | any given time.
13. Examples 13. Examples
13.1. Establishment of UDP/DTLS/SCTP Association 13.1. Establishment of UDP/DTLS/SCTP Association
SDP Offer: SDP Offer:
m=application 54111 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel m=application 54111 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel
c=IN IP6 2001:DB8::A8FD c=IN IP6 2001:DB8::A8FD
a=tls-id:abc3de65cddef001be82 a=tls-id:abc3de65cddef001be82
a=setup:actpass a=setup:actpass
a=sctp-port:5000 a=fingerprint:SHA-256 \
a=max-message-size:100000 12:DF:3E:5D:49:6B:19:E5:7C:AB:4A:AD:B9:B1:3F:82:18:3B:54:02:12:DF: \
* The offerer indicates that the usage of the UDP/DTLS/SCTP * The offerer indicates that the usage of the UDP/DTLS/SCTP
association will be as defined for the "webrtc-datachannel" format association will be as defined for the "webrtc-datachannel" format
value. value.
* The offerer UDP port value is 54111. * The offerer UDP port value is 54111.
* The offerer SCTP port value is 5000. * The offerer SCTP port value is 5000.
* The offerer indicates that it can take either the client or the * The offerer indicates that it can take either the client or the
server DTLS role. server DTLS role.
SDP Answer: SDP Answer:
m=application 64300 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel m=application 64300 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel
c=IN IP6 2001:DB8::001D c=IN IP6 2001:DB8::001D
a=tls-id:dbc8de77cddef001be90 a=tls-id:dbc8de77cddef001be90
a=setup:passive a=setup:passive
a=sctp-port:6000 a=fingerprint:SHA-256 \
a=max-message-size:100000 3F:82:18:3B:49:6B:19:E5:7C:AB:4A:AD:B9:B1:12:DF:3E:5D:12:DF:54:02: \
Note that due to RFC formatting conventions, this document splits SDP
across lines whose content would exceed 72 characters. A backslash
character marks where this line folding has taken place. This
backslash and its trailing CRLF and whitespace would not appear in
actual SDP content.
* The answerer UDP port value is 64300. * The answerer UDP port value is 64300.
* The answerer SCTP port value is 6000. * The answerer SCTP port value is 6000.
* The answerer takes the server DTLS role. * The answerer takes the server DTLS role.
14. Security Considerations 14. Security Considerations
[RFC4566] defines general SDP security considerations, while [RFC4566] defines general SDP security considerations, while
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
12 lines changed or deleted 24 lines changed or added

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